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Flames of Chaos

Page 35

by Amelia Hutchins

  “Holy shit, that can’t be safe.”

  “Those are the flames of your chaos, Aria. You could set the entire world on fire if you chose to do so.”

  “Yeah, like I said, not safe at all.”

  Knox increased the pace of my hips, slamming against me until my body finally released him with a loud popping noise that made me blush. The moment he was free, he shed whatever humanity he had in him. He started battering into me until I exploded, milking him as his hands bit into my hips. One minute I was beneath him, and the next, he had ripped me up and slammed me down on his cock as my legs wrapped around him.

  “Welcome to the world, pretty girl,” he purred, staring into my eyes as I purred back at him, giving him approval for his words.

  “Thank you, now fucking move,” I hissed, grinding against him as I captured his mouth, devoured it while gripping his hair as he rocked my hips. He slammed my clit down against his flesh on every single stroke, in and out of my body, until I broke the kiss to throw back my head and roar. Fire filled my eyes and mouth, and I turned to stare at him as he smiled. My mouth crushed against his and steam filled the air as he rolled us over, staring up at me as I rocked above him while his body jerked, and he groaned his release inside me.

  “You’re on fire,” he chuckled huskily.

  “So are you.” I leaned down to run my fingers through the fire of his hair. “So is the bed.”

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  “Yeah, I’m not sure I want to add to your ego, but I’d totally do you, obviously.” Sitting up, I stretched my arms and arched my spine. “Thanks,” I stated, climbing off of him as I patted his chest.

  “Where the fuck you think you’re going?”

  I slipped my shirt over my head and turned to study him. I bent down, retrieving my panties, and shrugged. “Home. You know, my house, where I live. I didn’t bring shoes, did I? No, that’s right, I jumped from the balcony. I figured I’d be all broken and shit, but it was so terrifying, but cool,” I said, turning to look at him where he lay on the bed, his head resting in his hand with bedroom eyes watching me.

  “Get back into this bed. I’m not finished with you yet.”

  “Oh, but you are. My body aches, and I need sustenance.”

  I moved to the doors, throwing them open as he growled behind me. I made it to the elevator where Lore waited, watching me carefully before he finally spoke.

  “What the hell are you, Aria?”

  “I have no idea, and I honestly don’t care because I feel fucking great right now.” I fixed my hair as he pushed the code into the elevator. Knox exited the room, prowling toward us as he slipped in the elevator before the doors could close, placing his arm against the wall as I stared up at him. “Well, fancy meeting you here, big guy.”

  “I didn’t say you could leave yet.”

  “I didn’t ask your permission,” I said, smirking as I leaned up, claiming his lips softly before I ducked beneath his arm as the elevator doors opened. I skipped down the hallway, leaving him to follow behind me.

  “She straight-up booty called you, brother.”

  “She walked through the fucking door, asshole.”

  “Yeah, but then she just zoomed on up the stairs and was like, ‘I need that dick, Knox,’ and you were like, ‘slide on down it, Aria.’ Meanwhile, we were all like, ‘who made the popcorn, because they’re about to fuck right here,’ but then you got all defensive and shit, and hid that honey pot as you plowed it.”

  I smiled; listening to them reminded me of my sisters. I went down the stairs slowly, sensing he’d stopped at the top.

  “Aria,” he called down, and I turned, staring up at him. “Did you just fucking booty call me?”

  “No.” I scrunched up my face as I answered, “I mean, titles are so 90s, let’s not label this. I needed dick; you got laid. It’s a win for both of us. Take it, Knox. You don’t like me. I don’t like you, but our bodies like each other, and that works for me.” He glared angrily, and I tilted my head. “I guess if you want to consider it something, it’s more like a fuck and duck. I fucked you, now I’m ducking out of here.” He frowned, obviously not getting the terrible reference. “You know, I came in, rode your dick, now I’m ducking out after since I got my fill. Yeah, I may be waddling a little because it was some seriously good dick, and now I’m sore—look like a duck waddling home.” At his narrowed gaze and sinful smile, which revealed a dimple in one cheek, I gave up explaining and shrugged. “Catch you later, because I might feel cute and need some of that good dick again.” I blew him a kiss, turning on my heel to find Greer and Brander standing by the door. “Dude, cologne! You stink like death! How are you supposed to catch the ladies if you smell like a corpse?” I messed up his hair and smiled as he watched me with a stoic face.

  “I am dead, or more to the point, undead. And don’t touch me, peasant.”

  “You don’t smell undead to me. You smell dead-dead. You want pussy, you need to smell good enough to eat, and right now you smell like the dead ass meat Knox dropped into my cell, which I hope wasn’t related to you, because that could be awkward. Brander!” I lifted on my tiptoes, kissing his cheek before I walked out the door, smiling at the sun as I moved toward the house. Twirling as the sun heated my flesh, closing my eyes, letting it warm my face.

  I paused, twirling, staring at the glass on the ground as it crunched beneath my feet, then peered up at the house and flinched. Ouch, that was going to cost him a pretty penny to replace all those windows. I watched him walk out on the veranda with his men who observed my dancing as I made my way through the gate and down the block.

  I opened the door to my house, and everyone turned, looking at me strangely. I smiled brightly, like a fucking idiot.

  “You have major fuck-me hair,” Sabine pointed out. “Are you okay? The last time you woke up with him, you weren’t.”

  “I’m great! I just rocked his fucking world, and then I walked out, leaving his mouth wide open. That’s a win, or at least I’m taking it as one.”

  “Good God, happy Aria is almost as bad as stoic Aria. I’m kind of afraid here, you guys,” Tamryn laughed, standing to fix my hair.

  “Stop that, I like my hair after riding Knox.” I stopped cold as Luna stepped into my path.

  “I’m so sorry, Aria.”

  “I imagine so,” I stated, watching her carefully as my body tensed and braced for a fight.

  “Brander explained that I was in shock, and my body was septic. I had a fever that I knew wasn’t right, but I didn’t let anyone get close enough to check it. My wolf was in control, and she was in grief as well, which is a terrible combination. I wanted to go with my children.”

  “That’s unacceptable.”

  “I know, I should never have attacked you.”

  “No, Luna. You don’t get to leave us, ever. We’re in this together. You’re my sister, and I love you even if you tried to murder me.”

  “I love you too,” she said, hugging me tightly as a sob rocked through her body.

  “We will be okay,” I promised. “Everything is going to be okay now. We have each other, and that is all we need.”

  Chapter 47


  Aria was the lace.

  The creature was the leather.

  Together, they were everything soft and erotic and needy as fuck.

  They were polar fucking opposites that I could not wait to see melded together. Aria fought me, the creature ignited beneath me. I fucking growled, and she roared. It was supposed to be easy: deflower the little witch, fuck her out of my system, and be done with her for good. Not fucking happening. She looked at me, and shit got messy. Those beautiful, expressive eyes tore me apart, and the fire within them heated me, unlike any woman in the last thousand years had ever hoped to achieve. And that alone pissed me off.

  She’d come alive on my cock, burning with a flame that danced right in tune to her pleasure. Aria was a beast in the sheets, spreading her body for me and demand
ing I fuck her harder, faster—and fuck if I didn’t listen. It should have been fucking simple, fuck her, and toss her out. Instead, she rocked my world and shook shit up. She fucking purred, and I melted, needing to answer her call.

  No one had ever fucking purred for me, but she had. Fuck if I didn’t crave to hear it every time I walked into a room, only to remember she wasn’t mine and couldn’t be. Fuck Aria out of my system? It couldn’t be done. It was, however, a challenge I was willing to accept.

  Instead, I was an addict, and she was my drug. Her eyes revealed more than just a soul, and I wanted to explore the workings of her mind. Aria was brilliant and beautiful. She was a rare combination of woman, one I wanted to get lost within.

  I’d watched her moving through my library, exploring parts of it that a lesser being would have passed over, but not Aria. She’d touched every part of it that I’d been in love with, as if she sensed it was part of my soul, exposed and opened for her fingers to trace over.

  It wasn’t just about fucking her anymore. It was more; it was deeper. I wanted to take her apart and see what made her mind work. I wanted to show her my realm just to watch her pretty eyes ignite with wonder, just like she had when she came undone on my cock for the first time.

  Those pretty eyes had grown wide with amazement, her body trembling uncontrollably as I added width and length until I’d filled every inch of that tight, delicious cunt. Her head had dropped back, and her cries had awoken something within me that I’d never thought could be awoken. It had pissed me off and excited me. Those muscles had clamped around me, sucking me off as she cried my name like I was some god she worshipped, and fuck if I didn’t crave more.

  Aria fought me, but she gave as good as she got. I pissed her off, shoving her away the moment I’d felt my heart begin to flutter in sync with hers. I’d wanted to curl her sleek, tight body against mine and cradle her, holding her close as the sweat dried, and our bodies cooled. Even worse than that, I’d craved her the moment after I’d left her body. I’d pushed her away, needing to hurt her because it had hurt me. That need to comfort, the need to pull the little bitch against me, and take her again was a betrayal to my dead mate.

  I’d never felt that way with my mate, and that had ripped open wounds. Aria had torn them wide open and poked at them without even trying. I’d wanted her to hate me so she stayed away, but the moment I couldn’t reach her when she’d locked herself in that house, I’d wanted in. I’d sat with the Hecate matriarch trying to flirt my way in, but Aria wasn’t available. I could smell her within the house, knew my scent was the only one on her, and yet I couldn’t see her and that pissed me off. She vanished into her room and was unreachable. Un-fucking-acceptable.

  I’d wanted her to hate me because hate was easier to deal with. Fucking was an emotionless act, one that I did well and often. I hadn’t fucked Aria. I’d gone slowly, teaching her what it meant to be with me as she rode my cock until my balls had ached, and then she’d taken control, shocking the hell out of me.

  I didn’t give anyone control, and yet I’d watched and let it happen. She’d shown me what it was to be with her, and fuck if I didn’t want it all. Her smile had fucked me harder than her body ever could physically. I craved her smile more than I craved her cunt, and that couldn’t happen. I’d made her feel insignificant, worthless, and made sure she thought I found her body lacking, and what the fuck did she go and do? She got blown the fuck up.

  That had almost taken me to my knees, but I’d watched her in the flames as she pushed off the concrete, and everything within me had tensed. She’d stared at the car and then at her sisters, noting her injuries. She’d walked out of the fire stark-ass naked and stared at me, uncaring that everyone was freaked out that she wore her flames. She’d been fucking hot, and it had little to do with the fire raging on her flesh.

  Her eyes had changed, pupils blown, and she’d tilted her pretty silver head before lunging at the shooter. Aria was fierce, her mouth wrapped around her victim’s throat, and those razor-sharp teeth had made me ache. The noises she made? They fucking hit me with the force of a hurricane. I’d never wanted to purr for any woman, but for Aria, I purred uncontrollably because something inside of me had demanded I return her call, giving the beautiful creature praise.

  Then she’d tried to fucking dominate me, and it was the cutest shit I had ever seen in my life. Naked, sex oozing her pheromones, and that little bitch smirked, hunting me down. I’d never been so fucking turned on in my entire fucking life as when she’d walked me in a circle, fully intending to fight me so she could fuck me.

  Instead, I’d claimed her, and she’d made me come unhinged with the scent of her body secreting pheromones to draw in a mate. I’d bent her over the porch and fucked her hard and fast just to ensure she reeked of my scent. Fuck her out of my system? It wasn’t fucking possible with her. I couldn’t even stay away from her. It was like she was connected to me in some way that either of us had yet to grasp, but it was fucking there.

  When she needed to fuck, she didn’t just go find some random cock to ride; she searched me out. She was a fucking hunter, and I was her prey. Soon, I would begin hunting her down, so she knew what it was like to be hunted and claimed by a predator.

  I can’t fuck her enough, and that was a fucking problem.

  Her body was built for mine perfectly. I fucking hated her, and yet I felt the need to protect her. It was a visceral emotion that I couldn’t turn off. I forced her to fight, knowing she wouldn’t lose. I baited her beast, and it let Aria fight her own battles. Her beast sensed me trying to bring her to the surface and refused me.

  Whatever dwelled inside of Aria Primrose was strong and intelligent, even if she assumed I wasn’t mate material. That straight-up pissed me off because she damn well couldn’t find better. I wouldn’t let her find better, not with how much I craved her. Call it selfish; call it whatever, but that girl was mine.

  I didn’t save people, and yet I fucking paid the House of Alphas millions of dollars per pussy, just to send Fallon’s bitches back to the Nine Realms. Why? Because I didn’t want Aria to feel that pain if she entered Dimitri’s domain, and found them fighting over scraps, stretched apart from those fucking mutts tearing their bodies to pieces to breed them. Aria was soft, her heart was on her fucking sleeve, and she needed to shove it back into her chest. I sent my brother to protect her sister, Luna, to heal the little wolf before Aria felt the pain of her death. Why? I was sent here to drive the little witches back into the Nine Realms, and instead, I fucking saved one.

  Aria kissed Dimitri, and it took everything I had inside of me not to rip his head off with his spine still attached. The way she danced, it fucked me inside. She taunted me, moving with her eyes on me. Aria fucked me on that dancefloor, and I felt it in my balls.

  My date, if you could call her that, assumed my dick got hard for her. It didn’t. I didn’t even catch the little bitch’s name because I didn’t care. I wanted her jealous, to see me with another woman, and what did Aria do? She found an alpha and kissed the fucking mutt. He put his hands on my property, and I had every right to end his life, but I didn’t. Why? Because she’d fucking feel it, and the only thing I wanted Aria to feel was me fucking her.

  I’d followed her out of that mansion and watched her swan dive into that creek. She’d come up screaming. The pain in her cries tugged at me viscerally, and fucking killed me as they exploded from her. I don’t care if women cry. I don’t care if they hurt, and yet her screams bothered me. It made my insides twist, and fuck if I didn’t want to pull her close and promise everything would be okay. It wouldn’t, of course, because I was about to destroy her fucking world, and yet I still wanted to promise her that everything would be okay? No. Absolutely not fucking happening.

  I was the bad guy in her story, the man who was about to destroy her kind. I had spent hundreds of years planning their fall from grace, and then she walked right in, looked me in the eye, and my insides ignited from the flames that burned wit
hin her gaze.

  “You ready?” Killian asked, and I turned, staring at my brothers and the men who had helped me plan their fall.

  “I’ve been fucking ready,” I growled, standing from the couch I’d almost fucked Aria on. Her scent was everywhere here. It was on my bed, in my fucking library, and it was all over my dick—and no amount of washing it had removed her claiming scent.

  Chapter 48


  * * *

  My men had noticed her scent on me, and yet they’d remained silent. They weren’t stupid and had watched how she acted, and worse, how I fucking acted. I’d been locked in my library or inside the Nine Realms, looking for clues as to who her father might be. If I’m not searching for answers about her, I’m watching from the shadows for her. She was being hunted by more than just the creatures we’d been handling; she had fuckers coming out of the woodworks to hunt her, either by scent or someone powerful was pursuing my little monster.

  “You need to wake the fuck up and realize what is at stake here,” Brander snapped, his eyes filling with the embers of his inner fire as he stared me down. He was lucky he was my brother and not someone else.

  They’d been silent until right fucking now…assholes.

  “Excuse me?” I asked, watching Brander as he scrubbed his hand over his face.

  “She’s your enemy, our enemy.”

  “I know who the fuck she is, asshole. I also know that, while she may rock my cock, she is my enemy still. The plan hasn’t changed.”

  “Hasn’t it? You were supposed to see what the fuck she is, but she keeps slipping and ending up on that dick of yours.”


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