Flames of Chaos

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Flames of Chaos Page 39

by Amelia Hutchins

  “Aria,” she smirked triumphantly.

  My stomach rolled, flipping until I thought I would be sick again as she smiled cruelly at me. “What are you doing here?”

  “I live here, this is my home. Here, I am treated like the queen I am and don’t have to compete with you or the others anymore.” She neared the bars, touching my hands as she smiled at me coldly. “Oh my, you thought they had taken me, didn’t you? You stupid, naïve little bitch,” she chuckled as the male next to her studied me, letting his lewd gaze linger on my top a little too long. “I thought my letters were pretty convincing, but you didn’t bite. You just went about your day, didn’t you? This would have been so much easier had you just followed my instructions and met me at the old oak tree. Now I have to make certain you hurt so much more.”

  “What the hell do you mean, Amara? You’re my sister.”

  “What the hell do I mean? You are a selfish little bitch, Aria. You’re miserable and insufferable to be around, and I hated every moment of being forced to endure your pathetic crying. You were everyone’s favorite, and why? Because poor Aria was promised to the darkness, but you weren’t, were you? No, you were just some miserable fucking bitch who acted terrified so that everyone would feel sorry for you. I am the darkness and was all along. I had it inside of me, hidden from everyone. I watched our mother try to murder you over and over again, but she couldn’t. I held the darkness, and you held the light. But then you got stronger, more powerful than I was.

  “You hid it from everyone at first, but I exposed you to Aurora. Everyone babied poor Aria, and no one paid any attention to me or my needs. Not until I started coming here, and they worshipped me. I searched for our father at first, and discovered so much more about our mother, and who could potentially be our father, but that doesn’t matter now, does it? You took everything from me, and I know you ended up with something inside of you, but you can’t access it, can you? You’re too weak to control your own emotions, let alone what lives within you. It’s okay, sister mine, you won’t live long enough to worry about it here.”

  “You brought me here, why? Because you’re fucking jealous? You had everything, Amara. You took everything from me, right down to the boys I liked. I never complained, never begrudged you what you did. I hid and protected your secrets. I did it because I am your sister, your twin sister.”

  “No, you didn’t. You were the selfish one. Always poor Aria this, or poor Aria that. We moved away from my home because of you! We left everyone because you couldn’t get over, almost being murdered. I lost my mother because of you, you selfish whore. I thought I was weak because we were the last twins born to Freya, but then I heard Aurora arguing with our mother, telling her what would happen to you if she brought us back here together. You took everything, Aria. You stole the power that should have been mine. I was born weak, without magic rushing through my veins because of you. I had to fight to wield it because, for me, it wasn’t easy. I was a Hecate bloodline born witch with no fucking magic because of you!” Spittle sprinkled my hands, and I pulled them back, glaring at her.

  “In every birth one is born weaker than the other. It is a failsafe to protect the bloodline in case one goes insane or makes a move against the coven. You could cast magic, Amara, but you never fucking cared to study it. Just because you’re born with it doesn’t make it yours. I earned it through learning and mastering my magic, which you refused to even try to do. I begged you to learn, but you couldn’t be bothered to even crack open a grimoire. I did all of your homework for you. I warned you that if you didn’t learn, you wouldn’t grow stronger. Just because you carry the last name doesn’t make you powerful. You have to learn to use magic and how to control it. You refused because you were lazy and thought everything should be handed to you. No one owed you anything, and neither does the realms. It gives you what you earn as everything in life does.”

  “I shouldn’t have to learn it. I am Hecate’s granddaughter. It is in my blood to be powerful,” she shouted, causing the other people in the cells to groan louder. “It matters little, considering your fate.”

  “Amara, I am your sister. You cannot gift me to anyone. That isn’t how it works. If you do this, they will send you to the Void of Nothingness once they capture you.”

  “They’ll never find my beautiful bride,” the male crooned, touching her midnight-colored curls while still eye-fucking me.

  “You’re so strong and handsome,” she whispered, bringing his hand to her breast with the invitation.

  I exhaled and shook my head as bile stung the back of my throat. If this was a nightmare, it was currently in the running for the most fucked-up dream in history. Her husband’s eyes never moved from me, which was freaking me out, and creepy as fuck. He breathed heavily through a nose that looked as if it had taken a sword to it at one time or another.

  “She is exquisite.” He let his eyes move to the saturated joggers I wore and then up further to my breasts as he smashed hers in his hand.

  “If you like plain bitches that can’t suck cock.” She glared at me as if it was my fault he was staring. “Aria wouldn’t know how to please anyone but herself.”

  “She isn’t plain. She will look so good tied up and mutilated.”

  I stared at him, noting the thick tattoos that covered his arms and the discoloration of his fingertips. He wasn’t ugly, far from it. He had deep sea-green eyes, midnight-colored hair, and he wore a gold crown encrusted with fingertip-sized diamonds. The only visible deformity was his nose, which held an angry scar across it.

  I exhaled a shaky breath, realizing where I was. I was finally in the Nine Realms, and I just wanted to go home.

  “She just needs to be cleaned and in less clothing, and my father will ruin her so brutally.”

  “Hold up,” I said, glaring at Amara. “You’re pissed off about something you assume happened in the womb. So you’re willing to trade me for what exactly? Marriage? I’m not interested.”

  “Marriage? As if I would allow you to stand above me ever again. No, Gerald enjoys hurting pretty things. He’s rather…Oh, what is the word I am looking for, baby?” she fluttered her lashes, and I snorted.

  “Brutal,” he supplied.

  I shook my head in horror, watching Amara as her smile spread over her lips. It was nauseating knowing that I’d finally found her, only to discover that she was the one hunting me, trying to bring me here. My sister was the one who had been trying to find me so that she could murder me. Wasn’t that freaking peachy?

  Chapter 52

  Amara and her husband stood in front of me, watching as I processed the horror of what they planned to do to me. Like I hadn’t been having a bad enough week already? No, the world seemed to be fucking me every which way it could, and this was the cherry-flavored syrup on the top, right beneath the cherry.

  “You can’t do this, Amara. I have been going out of my mind searching for you. I have given you everything you have ever asked for, and now you will hand me over to be hurt because you think I stole your powers? I was an infant, you selfish bitch.”

  I was pulled through the bars until I feared I would be torn apart as her husband held me there, staring into my eyes while his other hand lifted up, grabbing my breast painfully hard until I screamed from the pressure he applied. He smiled coldly, enjoying the pain that threatened to make me pass out as he watched me, breathing hard against my face with rancid breath. He smashed my breast until I was afraid it would break open, and a scream tore from my lips as he chuckled, licking the side of my face as I cried.

  “That is my wife and future queen you are speaking to. You will show her the respect her position gives her, whore.” He didn’t stop, as if my screams turned him on. His left hand held me by the hair as the other one released my breast to push into my pants. His finger entered me hard and painfully. He watched me closely, forcing himself into my body until it burned from fullness as he inhaled deeply. He breathed heavily in my face, panting with the scent of rotting flesh. “
She’s perfect, but I wish I could smell her cunt over the rotting corpses.”

  “Stop, baby. She’s a virgin,” she offered, patting his arm as she watched me being violated without any emotion whatsoever in her eyes. “She’s a gift for your father, Garrett.”

  “I want to break her in, and ruin her tight little cunt, baby.” His fingers stretched apart, and I screamed, fighting his hold on my hair as nausea rushed through me, causing me to dry-heave as he watched me.

  “Hold still, Aria, or you won’t make it to the morning without being fucked by my husband. You attention seeking bitch, you’re making him crazed with your struggles.”

  I was making him crazed? I held my breath, not daring to make a move again to incite more violence as my sister stood silently, watching her husband as he continued defiling me until he was moving his hips, mimicking the movement with his finger.

  “Your father is expecting a virgin tomorrow night, my love. If you breach her hymen, he will know, and will be disappointed with me.”

  He stared me in the eye, and then his gaze lowered to my lips. “Her mouth wouldn’t be missed; it speaks ugly lies about you, my love.”

  “No, Garrett. I forbid you to fuck that worthless bitch. You’re mine, remember? Tell her what your father enjoys doing to pretty little things like her.”

  “He enjoys hurting pretty girls. You will like it and everything he does to your tight holes. He makes you think you’re precious, and then he breaks you in front of the guests. You will give them a good show. He’ll start with your virgin cunt, ripping it open with his hugely knotted cock until it’s bleeding, as all of your innocence is shattered. You will be fucked to death until he removes that pretty head of yours for his trophy case. I do hope he leaves your corpse out as he did the last one, even dead, we enjoyed fucking it until she started to fall apart with decay. She was too skinny to eat after we’d played with her for months, so we just continued to fuck her holes until she fell apart.”

  “That’s not fucking nasty or anything,” I uttered, staring at Amara, who had begun stroking his inhuman, grossly knotted cock as she watched me. “How can you do this to me?”

  “It’s not only you Gerald will get. They’re a little medieval here, and I had no dowry to offer him. What I did have was an endless amount of Hecate bloodline witches to trade. I needed something to give him in order to marry the love of my life.”

  “You traded us? Your family?” I snapped. “To be slaughtered?”

  “No, you see, they will only be fucked when it pleases Gerald to use them. You, my sweet twin, were my greatest gift to offer. You will be decapitated, and then they’ll just be used whenever his monstrous cock needs to be fucked. I assure you, it is perfect for your first time. I hope he fucking destroys you. I can’t wait to hear your screams of absolute pain, Aria. You deserve it for what you did to me, and everything you took from me. Fuck me while she watches you take me, lover,” she urged, and he smiled, jumping at the invitation.

  I stepped back, shaking my head at their depravity, playing out before me. He pushed her thick dress from her hips as he bent her over, and Amara held onto the bars as she smiled back over her shoulder at him. He freed his cock, stroking it as he stared at me. It was huge and deformed with knots that made bile push against the back of my throat.

  “She’s so pretty,” he growled, moving closer. The sound of his feet made me peer down, finding hooves that clicked over the stone floor. “I wish I could fuck her too, but we promised him a virgin to torture.”

  He slammed into Amara as she lifted her head, expelling a scream from deep within her throat. Garrett never looked away from me, watching my breasts as he fucked her slowly, yet hard enough that she winced in pain as she held on to the bars. His hand lifted, and he sucked his finger that had been buried inside of me as I shook my head in horror.

  I fought against the tears choking me as Amara watched, smiling as she opened her mouth to scream her orgasm. He withdrew his cock, watching me as he walked around her prone body and pushed her down to her knees. Shoving his cock into her throat, he turned, smiling coldly.

  “I wonder if you suck cock as exquisitely as your sister does or if they’ll have to rip your mouth open to fuck it.”

  I lowered my gaze to where Amara struggled to get past the head of his bulbous, mangled cock. Her hands worked it eagerly, and I rolled my eyes. Creatures started howling around us as he snarled his release, coming thickly into her mouth, snorting and making horrid noises as if he were half-bull, half-man.


  Howls erupted, baying sounded, and females screamed hysterically as I slid down the wall, covering my ears while his orgasm continued until Amara turned, dripping come from her mouth gluttonously. Her eyes held madness and pure hatred that shook me until I wanted to scream in denial.

  “You’ll like them in that virgin cunt, Aria. They will rip you apart the first time, but afterward, it isn’t so bad as you adjust to the pain. The first time he took me, I bled so badly, and he licked it up, praising me for how tight and perfect it was as he leaked out of me. I doubt Gerald will help you, though, and my terms were you had to be in immense pain through it all. He will do such horrid things to your body. I can’t wait to watch him with you, dear sister. It will be a treat for them to taste his thick cum mixed with your blood as it oozes out of you, and it will. I do so hope you bleed well.”

  I vomited everything left in my stomach at her words. I’d thought I couldn’t possibly throw up anything else, but I was wrong.

  “I will get out of here, and when I do, I’m going to take your fucking head with me.” I gagged as my stomach rebelled at the images she was painting in my mind.

  “How? There is no magic here, none. You’re in the land of the beasts, and they forbid the use of magic. There are protection runes over each inch of this palace and the entire kingdom to prevent it from being used. Oh, I guess you haven’t heard, have you? There’s a war brewing, and the witches? They’re on the wrong side of it. They will die for their treason. I guess I should have told you that when I came home the first time, but what would be the fun in that? The witches will pay for trying to hurt my sweet and gentle lover when he tried to court me at the age of twelve. They said I was too young, but he’d already fucked me, and I was addicted to him.”

  “Wipe the cum from your mouth, sister. We rule the witches, they wouldn’t dare commit treason. They do nothing without our permission, or what we permit them to do, Amara.”

  “Ruled by us, meaning me too.” She smiled maddeningly, her eyes sparkling with it. “I may have helped move them in the right direction since they’ve felt neglected by our family, making it so damn easy. You know nothing, Aria. This realm is beautiful chaos, and so fucking angry. They’re so mad at us for leaving, but when I told them I shared their views, they rejoiced, gifting me with jewels and showing me their realm. Every time I came back, they ate up everything I told them, all the lies about you guys never wanting to return, and how it was such a task for everyone but me to come back, which is why it was only me going to the Witches Realm, wasn’t it? They started to hate you guys more and more with every lie I told. I gave them permission to do bad things, and so they told me everything they had done without the consent of the royal bloodline.

  “Did you know for the past five hundred years the witches accumulated an entire army to take over the Nine Realms? They murdered royals and have sacrificed lives to sever the connection to the Hecate bloodline. Soon, they will have everything they need, and once they do, they will weaken and cease to exist as will all magic. Garrett found me on my first summer here and wrecked me, but then he healed me and told me what I meant to him. I fell in love, but the witches thought I was too young to understand the beast that I fucked. I wasn’t, and so we murdered them first.

  “Garrett asked me if I was powerful, and while I wasn’t powerful, I did have enough pull to help him. I came back each time to ensure our plans moved forward. Garrett told me exactly what he needed the
witches to do to remove the magic from the realm, giving it back to the monsters, to which it originally belonged, before Hecate fucked them all and made them unable to wield their own magic. Now I will rule the portals, and Garrett’s father will be free to hunt new victims for his trophy wall with all the magic he can ever use at my fingertips. Now all I have to do is sit back and wait for our other bitch sisters to come after you. Once they’re here and discover magic doesn’t work, I will give them to Garrett’s father and take control of everything for myself.”

  “You’re insane, aren’t you, Amara? It is forbidden for all the bloodlines to enter the Nine Realms, leaving the House of Magic open to attack.”

  “You think you blessed it? You didn’t. I took the stapes bone from our grandfather’s ear, rendering his corpse unable to bless the house. I moved a few others, so you’d think it wasn’t done maliciously, but I assure you it was.” She moved her hand up, pushing the leftover cum dripping down her chin into her mouth, then smiled coldly around her finger. “Try to get some sleep. You will need it to give us a brilliant show tomorrow.”

  She slipped her hand through Garrett’s and leaned up, kissing him. He smiled down at her proudly, licking his cum from her lips, cleaning her mouth. It was official; Amara was fucking a bull, or horse, or whatever the fuck he was, and they were straight-up nasty as it got. She murmured about his prowess and how he’d felt so good in her throat. Throat? Hell, she hadn’t even managed the head. They left, and I shivered, repulsed at what my sister had become. He yelled down the hallway about how well she sucked his cock, and I rolled my eyes as he praised her for being the best.

  Amateur hour, Amara. These two needed couple therapy for psychopaths.

  I hugged my knees, watching as the woman across from me moved to the cell bars and peered across the hall, or she would have been if she had eyes in her head. She was young; her immortality hadn’t yet healed the wounds she’d received. I stood up slowly, moving to her as blood dropped from her wrists where it appeared she had been restrained at one time.


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