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Angel Faces Demon Minds

Page 6

by Jessica Rael

  Hannah made her way upstairs clutching a black leather briefcase under one arm. She burst excitedly into the bedroom. The slave was lying on her back on the bed just as Hannah had left her two hours ago. It was warm out in the July sun, and Hannah had deliberately left the Mercedes’ air-conditioning off. She struggled a little as she removed her damp, sweaty panties, sliding them down to her ankles and kicking them off.

  Then she pulled out the girl’s gag and sat heavily on her upturned face. As she was now trained to do, the girl immediately began licking her owner’s sweaty pussy, driving her tongue deep into the musky interior of the woman’s vagina, lapping like her life depended on it.

  Hannah entered the code into the briefcase lock and flipped the catches. She opened the case and pulled out the gleaming silver dildo. It was huge, at least ten inches long, and so thick she could hardly get her hand round it.

  She lifted her skirt so she could see the girl’s eyes peering up from behind the thick fuzz of her pubic hair, gave the defeated green eyes a little wave, and chuckled. ‘Hey,’ she said to the slave, ‘guess what. Tonight you get to meet Metal Mary’s big sister. And there’s an added surprise, just to make things even more fun.’

  That night Hannah positioned the girl over the back of a large chair in the house’s vast and opulent lounge. The slave’s ankles were tied to rings on the lower chair legs, but she was still standing barefoot on the thick pile carpet.

  Her arms were twisted uncomfortably behind her back and her wrist cuffs were securely attached to her neck collar. Hannah had attached a strong clip to the girl’s ponytail, and it was pulled forward and tied to the front of the chair so she couldn’t straighten up.

  Hanna slipped on her strap-on harness and inserted the new metal dildo into the ring, then spoke softly into her plaything’s ear. ‘Remember the surprise I told you about? Well, actually there are two. My, aren’t you a lucky girl?’ She giggled and laid a hand on the girl’s bare back, feeling the muscles tense.

  ‘First, this isn’t going in your cunt,’ she went on. ‘Nope, I’m going to stick this big beauty in your ass.’

  For the first time in many days the hapless girl resisted. She began to struggle against her bonds, but to no avail. She was held tight, and Hannah could hear her whimpering into the gag.

  ‘And second…’ the woman continued, ‘…is that this beauty is long enough to reach that magical little capsule in your ass. And as they’re both made of metal and one is electrically charged… well, I’ll leave you to figure it out. Oh, and don’t worry about me, it’s rubber at this end.’

  The girl thrashed and writhed, wailing into the gag as Hannah pressed the huge metal dildo deeper into her tight rectum, and when it had penetrated to nearly its full length Hannah began to fuck the girl with long, slow strokes.

  Then as the lubricant she’d been kind enough to use made the thick shaft slick enough, the woman plunged harder and further, sinking the dildo deep into the girl. As Hannah’s groin slapped against the girl’s buttocks the dildo penetrated far enough to touch the capsule, and a burst of low voltage flooded the girl’s insides with each stroke. Hannah thrust away, climaxing every few minutes as she felt the girl writhing involuntarily with the pulsing shockwaves.

  As the dawn light made the heavy curtains glow faintly, Hannah, soaked in a sheen of sweat, was still pumping away in a sexual frenzy while the girl’s exhausted body lay limp over the chair. But eventually Hannah withdrew, then wearily plucked a handful of delicate pink flowers from the ornate container on the oriental glass coffee table in the center of the room and inserted them, stalks first, into the girl’s anus. ‘Maybe I’ll just keep you as a novelty vase,’ she sighed.

  Hannah picked up the phone and dialed the special number she’d been given. ‘Hi, State Girl, anything new for me?’ she asked. ‘Really? Great. So can I expect delivery in the next few days? Fantastic. Oh, and can you send someone to collect poor little green eyes here. She’s pretty used up, but maybe you can still get someone to take her on the low end of the market.’ Hannah glanced over at the girl. She looked like a rag-doll that had been left in the yard during a rainstorm. ‘Doubt you’ll get more than twenty bucks for her now, but don’t worry; I’ll pay what you wanna bill me. After all, I had so much fun.’

  According to Taste

  Several links in Juana’s chain had now been removed, and though the girl had become used to the constant pain in her clitoris, the sight of what should be a little pink nub, protruding like a tiny penis, shocked her. Juana’s life seemed all about lessons, and her captors were teaching her more through the total and complete way in which she was now owned. Juana, the pretty, clever girl who would do well one day had become… well, it appeared she no longer had a name, but she was something to be played with, to be enjoyed by others, something to be bought and sold and tailored for the perverse pleasure of a woman she had never met.

  Juana, like all the other pathetic slave girls here, was forced to carry objects of her own humiliation wherever she went. A rubber gag was clipped to her belt at all times in case it was needed. Anyone wishing to abuse her would remove it and stuff it in her mouth, silencing any annoying sounds she might make during the ordeal. Carrying the gag was an exercise in humiliation, though Juana could not understand why she needed one. Pain, humiliation and degradation were now the only words she would use to describe her life, but how could she describe anything when she wasn’t even allowed to speak without permission.

  In addition to the gag, slaves were also required to carry a flexible cane also attached to the belt. Should any of the many mistresses in the household get the need – or the whim – to discipline their property, a tool was always to hand. It was not considered polite for a girl to make her owner search for something to strike her with should the need arise.

  While Juana had been on house servant duties, she would often be wandering the long hallways of the house, fetching and carrying for the paid servants. Once she passed a tall blonde who looked her over as she approached carrying an empty tray in her manacled hands. As Juana passed the blonde suddenly reached out, grabbing her collar, and she immediately stopped on the spot. The blonde then pushed open a door, and finding a cupboard filled with shelves of cleaning equipment and bundles of dirty laundry on the floor, pushed the slave inside. Juana cringed as she heard the door shut behind them, and felt claustrophobic with wild thoughts racing through her mind. She could die in here. The woman could kill her just for fun and no one would care. They would just make her pay what they thought Juana was worth – which probably wasn’t very much.

  The blonde unclipped the gag from the belt, feeding it gently into the naked Latina’s mouth, and Juana’s head jerked as the woman tightened it. Then, with equal assuredness, the blonde also unclipped the cane. Juana was always aware of the cane; she could feel it brushing against her leg constantly, it would tap against her naked thigh as she walked. So far no one had ever used it on her, but now a blonde she’d never seen before had her trapped in a storage closet and she was holding the cane, rubbing it on her palm and smiling at her.

  They seemed to stand like that for an eternity. Juana felt like a tiny rabbit in the presence of a hungry coyote, hoping, in that state of desperation only the truly helpless ever know, that if she didn’t move, didn’t twitch a muscle, the woman would leave her alone. But those malicious blue eyes told a different story. Without warning the woman grabbed Juana by the hair, forcing her head down to her knees. The cane cracked across the Latina’s buttocks and she yelped hopelessly into the taught rubber gag. The blonde began to thrash the slave, caning the backs of her thighs and her calves, the blows falling in rapid succession.

  Then with as little warning as she’d begun the attack, the woman stopped. Juana had been sobbing into the gag but now she fell silent, again hoping she would become invisible to her cruel and powerful enemy if she could just stay quiet enough. But a foot locked around her ankle
and with a quick move the blonde tripped the slave, twisting her so she landed on her back in a heap of old linen. The blonde stood over her prey, looking impossibly tall. A sheen of sweat covered her taught, muscled body, accentuating her tanned skin. The piercing blue eyes gazed down upon the doomed creature at her feet, impossibly bright blue eyes full of hunger. Not a coyote, the slave thought, a wolf.

  The blonde swept the cane down on the slave’s belly, causing the girl to double up in a protective reflex. As Juana’s knees moved instinctively to her breasts the woman snatched the ankle cuffs and clipped them together in a swift movement. Then she pulled a length of flex from a cable drum on a shelf, looped one end around the upright beam on the storage rack, and the other she threaded through the ankle restraints, raising the olive-skinned girl’s legs with amazing ease that let her helpless victim glimpse a hidden and dangerous strength. Juana now hung from the shelving, suspended by her ankles so that only her shoulders were touching the floor.

  ‘Before I leave this closet,’ said the blonde with chilling calmness, ‘you will beg me to allow you to…’ without warning she sliced the cane across the soles of the bound slave’s feet and Juana howled through the gag, ‘…to use that filthy tongue of yours…’ she struck again, ‘…to make me orgasm.’ Another blow slashed across the reddened soles of the sobbing slave’s feet.

  The woman released the knot in the flex and the slave dropped to the floor, lying amongst the dirty linen like a broken doll. The blonde then grabbed the slave’s ponytail, and Juana was hauled to her knees. All slaves wore ponytails; the mistresses used them like handles on a sex toy, to position the girl’s head just so for maximum pleasure when receiving tongue worship. The woman loosened the straps on Juana’s gag and pulled it free. It fell onto the sheets, saliva and tears soaking into the soiled cloth.

  ‘Beg,’ the woman commanded as she stared down at the naked girl.

  ‘Please, mistress…’ Juana fought to keep the pain in the tortured soles of her feet from overwhelming her. ‘Please allow my filthy tongue into your glorious sex. Please, allow me to lick your divine sex until you orgasm in my mouth.’

  The blonde laughed delightedly. ‘Do you even have the faintest idea what you’re asking?’ she asked, and Juana shook her head. ‘I am everything you will never be, slut.’ The woman spat the words venomously. ‘I am wealthy, while you don’t even own your own body. I am free, while you can’t even take a piss without permission. I am in control, while you are controlled. I am respected and valued, while you are passed around and used like a cheap plastic dildo at a high school slumber party.

  ‘And the best part is, I will grow more beautiful with every birthday and slip gracefully into elegance as I grow older, while you…’ the wolf smiled down at the trapped rabbit waiting to have its throat torn out, ‘…will be used, fucked and beaten, and passed around to any bitch with enough dollars to pay. While I am a classic first edition on a collector’s bookshelf, taken down lovingly and handled like the rarest, most precious thing in the world, you are like a cheap paperback in a public library, taken out every day and retuned dog-eared and grimy. And the best thing is, as you wear out the price goes down, and as the price goes down the owners of the cunts you get to stick your disgusting tongue in move further along the food chain, till you find yourself strapped on your back in one of our five-bucks-a-cum booths, while some druggie sits on your face grinding her unwashed cunt into your mouth.’

  The blonde lashed out with the cane, catching the slave on her left breast. Juana yelped, earning another stinging swipe to her right breast.

  ‘So, perhaps now you understand the honor I am bestowing upon you. You are going to taste my pussy juice. You are going to put your tongue in my perfect cunt. You are going to get to lick my heavenly ass. And while you do it, you’re going to hear every word I’ve said echoing in that empty head of yours. Oh, and if you want to leave this delightful little room with any flesh on that scrawny body of yours, you’ll make sure I enjoy plentiful orgasms.’

  The blonde laughed gaily, then she slipped off her expensive red silk knickers, grabbed the Latina girl’s ponytail and pulled the slave’s tearstained face between her toned thighs.

  The blonde used Juana in the utility closet for a few hours, grinding her pussy onto the slave’s mouth as the Latina pushed her face against her abuser’s vagina with all her strength, driving her tongue deep into the woman. The cane spurred the slave on, lashing her across the back and buttocks. Juices flooded the slave’s mouth. She swallowed, drinking the blonde’s flood. Her tongue wormed deeper into the clinging wetness. The woman held the back of Juana’s head and pressed the slave’s face tight between her legs, sniggering at the spluttering sounds the Latina made. The blonde shuffled her sandaled feet further apart and using the leverage rubbed her pussy up and down the slave’s face, masturbating on the pathetic wretch like a horny pubescent teenager with a pillow jammed between her thighs. Hands pressed down on the slave’s head, sliding the poor girl’s face against sopping sex lips, locating the Latina’s mouth directly over her abuser’s anus. Juana’s smeared face slid into place between the blonde’s buttocks, lubricating the woman’s anus with her own juices. The slave’s tongue burrowed into the blonde’s anus. She obediently pushed hard and her tongue slid into the waiting passage. The blonde grunted with delight, and moaning with pleasure she squatted lower on the slave’s head. She grabbed the young Latino’s ears and held her tight while a powerful orgasm rippled through her slender body. Juana summoned all her remaining strength, and drove her tongue deep into the woman’s ass, wriggling it desperately. The blonde shuddered and let out a long groan as another orgasm pushed up from the pit of her stomach to surge through her body in waves of raw pleasure. The blonde held the Latino between her legs while her quivering body shivered and the last few spasms of ecstasy subsided.

  Without a word the blonde straightened up, allowing the body of her victim to flop to the floor. The woman smiled dreamily. ‘Not bad, slut,’ she said dismissively, then picked up the red silk knickers and pushed them into the exhausted Latina’s mouth. ‘Something to remember me by,’ she laughed, as she walked calmly out of the closet, straightening her tight dress.

  Juana heard the click of the door as it shut behind her tormentor, and lay sobbing on the dirty sheets.

  The Golden Girl

  ‘Mrs Levis,’ Rebecca smiled as she spoke into the phone, even though the woman couldn’t see her. The billionaire had turned out to be the perfect client – appreciative, loyal, very discreet and punctual at paying her bills. Also, the woman never quibbled about paying for breakages or for any unexpected cleaning bills the organization incurred. In fact she was very unusual; Rebecca was used to dealing with the super wealthy, and they were usually a total pain in the ass. But Mrs Levis was different. The Cruza even supplied Mrs Levis’ fulltime security needs, allocating her round the clock bodyguards. Of course, it also suited Rebecca to have one of her people around to protect her assets. It wouldn’t do anyone much good if the woman got careless and attracted attention, but then Mrs Levis was not stupid and she genuinely seemed to appreciate Rebecca’s people keeping an eye on her. Perhaps she could relax a little more and enjoy her games without worrying. Either way, the woman never quibbled about paying for security provisions.

  ‘Please, Rebecca, call me Hannah. No need for formalities, we both know I have no family, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to leave my money to anyone after what I had to go through to get it. So I’m going to spend every cent, and from what I’ve seen so far you’re going to be the main recipient.’

  Rebecca smiled; whether it was new or old money, she liked the woman’s style.

  ‘So what can we do for you today, Hannah?’

  ‘Well, firstly I would like three entertainment packages for tonight.’

  ‘Aha.’ Rebecca scribbled the order onto a yellow notepad on her desk. ‘Anything particular?’

p; ‘Surprise me,’ replied the woman.

  ‘We’ll try our best, Hannah. Anything else I can do for you?’

  ‘Well, I’m going to Aspen for the weekend and I’d like something to take along with me so I don’t get bored.’

  ‘Just send us the details of where you’re staying and I’ll have it waiting for you when you arrive.’

  ‘Oh yes, and I’d like something for the journey up. I hate to fly but I get so bored in the car.’

  ‘I see,’ Rebecca said. ‘How about I send over one of our limos to take you? Ours are, well, specially equipped, and there will be something to keep you entertained on the long drive.’

  ‘That sounds fantastic, sweetie,’ gushed the woman. ‘Lets do it.’

  Rebecca replaced the handset and smiled to herself. What a good way to end a day.

  The Inquisitor made her way to the private gym and bathroom that led off from her large, light-oak paneled office, with its huge tropical fish tank, plants and ornamental fountain. She closed the door behind her and began to strip off her clothes, slipping off her sandals then wriggling out of her tight electric-blue dress like a gilded snake shedding its skin. She slipped off her bra, and then rolled her panties down her thighs, kicking them off her bare feet. The white tiles of the air-conditioned gym felt cool on the soles of her feet as she padded into the equipment area. She sat on a low bench that ran along one wall, and slipped on her white socks and tennis shoes. The Inquisitor stood for a moment, looking at herself in the wall-to-wall mirrors; she had the breasts of a teenager, small and pert, a trim waste and long tanned legs.


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