Angel Faces Demon Minds
Page 20
The Seventh Day
XTC sat semi-naked on the thick black carpet, feeling the soft pile tickling her butt. She was wearing nothing but a small pink strappy top, with the words Fuck You in silver across her small bosom. Her left hand toyed playfully with one end of a leather leash, while her right rubbed gently at her moistening pussy. The Indian woman on the other end of the leash knelt before the Korean, head bowed. Angelica padded barefoot into the room and sat cross-legged next to the Asian girl.
‘So when do I get to see it?’ XTC yanked the leash, pulling the blindfolded slave girl a little closer.
‘Not really up to me, poco falta, you know only she can allow that; ángel oscuro, she will say if it can be so, yes?’
‘You think she let XTC have a go?’ The Korean began to draw in the leash, hand over hand like a fisherman pulling in a large net.
The woman shrugged. ‘Who can say? It seems you are in favor, but tread carefully, little one. Pisada cuidadosamente… tread always with care.’
‘Wanna see her do her trick?’ XTC slid her index finger into her wet vagina and wriggled it around.
‘Sí, why not?’
The Korean girl giggled, removed her wet finger and dabbed little patches of her own juices on her body, one just above her navel, one on her left breast, then leaning forward, one on her left ankle. ‘Shadow lady says she keep her blindfold so little princess get good taste and smell. It’s like she only dream of pussy now, all time. Watch.’
The Korean girl pulled the slave between her parted legs, and the Indian woman sat on her haunches sniffing the air, then she bent down, smelling the Korean girl’s body. The slave moved her head slowly to XTC’s hand and began to suck her finger. ‘Hey, easy bitch, you gotta do better than that.’ The slave suddenly twisted her body, hesitated for a moment, then began to lick the Asian girl’s ankle, then moved to her belly button, and finally her breast.
‘Okay,’ said the Korean whore, mildly impressed, ‘guess you get your prize now.’ XTC shoved the slave’s face between her thighs and clamped her ankles behind her back, pulling her in.
Angelica laughed. ‘Perhaps it is my imagination, little one, but you have been here three days and this one…’ the artist reached out and slapped the Indian slave on the buttocks, ‘has been between your legs the whole time.’
Angelica had placed the chair – a near perfect copy of her original inspiration – in front of the living bed. The new work was draped in a blood-red silk sheet ready for the unveiling ceremony. Of course, Angelica had known all along that the Korean girl would be needed to complete the bed, just as the Indian slave had been needed for the chair. Materials were in short supply but she felt no guilt; she did not decide these things. But then, the little whore had been very interested in this new creation; perhaps it was interesting then that she now found herself a part of it.
Shalyn swept into the room, her billowing black bathrobe giving the grace and sinister intent of a vampire. The assassin sat in the living chair, wriggling down onto the two upturned faces and lashing out twice with the crop when the dormant tongues did not immediately set to work. Shalyn smiled, leaning into the girls’ soft flesh, feeling the warm tingle as the now active tongues probed her lower orifices.
Angelica did not care much for over elaborate ceremonies, so she grabbed a corner of the silk sheet and whisked it away in one move. The beautiful curved lines of the bed’s frame snaked away in every direction like the twisted legs of a giant metallic spider, and in the middle of the divine chaos lay a recognizable mattress, covered in sympathetic silver fabric. A single strand of titanium tubing wound in a spiral to form the head of the bed and the support for its living components. Three girls lay side by side, their legs raised over the coil, secured behind it at the ankles, their knees, kept slightly apart, forming a living balustrade above the metal. The girl’s buttocks rested on the mattress, where pillows would normally be placed, three shaven vaginas smiling back at any onlooker. Their torsos disappeared abruptly into the mattress as if it were quicksand, the lithe bodies tightly strapped to the underside of the structure. The slave’s heads reappeared halfway down the mattress, sticking up out of holes in the silver fabric, making them look as if they had been laid in a mold and set in lead. Angelica took a deep, respectful bow, apologizing to her employer, the dark angel, for the use of gags on two of the girls.
‘I did not want to spoil the effect by allowing these ungrateful wretches to voice their simpering complaints,’ she explained to her employer. ‘I have not had time to train either the Asian girl or the blonde you brought me a few days ago, but then, perhaps it is something you would enjoy, madam.’ The artist bowed again, noting the approving smile spreading across the face of the dark angel as the woman gazed upon the glory that was now her bed.
That night Shalyn used her bed, unable to suppress a contented smile as she peered within the intricate framework at the three bumps beneath the black sheet. The bed was a marvel, but sadly incomplete. Twists and turns in the frame indicated where another living monument to Shalyn’s power should have been placed, but she had used all the slaves she had… but her artist, the strange, twisted genius, was not the only one to have visions; the assassin had been granted one of her own. An entire skulking ship, full of human modeling clay, and she knew where that clay was currently being stored.
Shalyn pulled back the sheet and smiled coldly at the three faces, and sliding her naked body onto the cool mattress she chose the middle face, the little Korean whore. She leaned down and removed the girl’s gag, clamping her thighs about the complaining head, muffling the noise. The design was perfect, even allowing for suitable encouragement, and the assassin rolled onto her belly, sliding back to push the Korean’s nose between her buttocks. Spread out in front of her the Asian girl’s vagina invited retribution. Suitable tools hung from the coiled metal frame like bizarre wind chimes. All she had to do was select one… or perhaps several. A pair of hand crafted clamps almost begged to be used, the sharp teeth held closed by strong springs. Shalyn removed them and attached one to each of the Asian girl’s labia, feeling the head jerk between her legs as the teeth bit into soft flesh. The assassin wrapped the attached chains around the girl’s thighs, pulling her open, then she reached for a large dildo, far too large for the girl’s tiny frame, a thing that would dwarf anything the sad bastards who had used her before would have been able to muster. Shalyn smiled as she twisted the thick shaft into the slut’s cunt, pressing it when the tiny pussy refused to swallow the monster whole. The head between her legs had not gone quiet, but it was no longer complaining… pleading perhaps, pouring promises of unbelievable pleasure into Shalyn’s pussy as the wriggling tongue tried to deliver. The assassin laughed, enjoying her first night in the bed as she looked along the dangling implements, carefully selecting her next toy.
The handle of the large dildo protruded from the Korean’s vagina, chains from the clamps wound round the girl’s thighs, and a bulbous hand inflator dangled on its tube from the butt plug buried deep in the slave’s anus.
Feeling satisfied, the assassin moved on. Molly, the Greek gangster’s slut, had been blended along the left side of the bed. Shalyn pulled away from the sucking, licking mouth of the Korean slave and reached down to remove Molly’s gag. The assassin waited a few moments, enjoying the whimpering sobs the girl made. For some reason she knew the slut had to suffer. Even though she appeared more than willing to attend to any needs her captor may have, she’d already decided this was not going to be a pleasant night for little Molly. The crude but wonderfully crafted piercing implements glinted enticingly as Shalyn removed them from their hooks. She pushed against the top of the bed, jamming herself down onto the sobbing face between her legs, discovering with pleasure that there was a support plate behind the girl’s head to facilitate just this kind of treatment, until she was satisfied that any noises the blonde would make would be muffled enough not to be irritating.
Molly had a cute pussy, and Shalyn had to use pliers to pull the slender labia out far enough to get sufficient access for the task in hand. She eased the sharp needle through the skin, then carefully inserted a polished ring, and once again an act of training was met with promises of delights, frantic pleading and damp sobbing, delivered in their slobbering glory directly to her pussy… which was, after all, the real mistress of these unfortunate girls.
Angelica waited respectfully for her employer to leave the small house that was to be the home of her creations before returning to work. The artist stripped off the black sheet, smiling at the three miserable faces. Angelica sat at the top of the bed with her bag of equipment, the thoroughness of the preparation a result of her two years in prison, but first she had to remove the results of her employer’s play session. Once the girls were cleaned up she inserted a catheter into each slave’s urethra, linking the three bladders so they drained into a single container. Then she inserted a tube into the slave’s bowels to remove feces, the beauty of the design being the valve system, which meant that the tubes could be yanked out at a moment’s notice if the bed’s owner felt the urge to play.
Angelica then slid under the bed and inserted a needle into each girl’s arm to provide fluid and nutrients. Finally, and most carefully thought out, were the small electric pads, adapted from home exercise kits, which she attached to all the main muscle groups, connecting them to the sequencer device that would work the girls’ muscles at appropriate intervals. Angelica stood back to admire the start of her experiment; she had calculated a girl could be safely left in the furniture for several months at a time. The artist then ran her slender fingers around the external frame, feeling where the living bodies would go. It excited her so much she felt the sudden need come upon her, and climbing onto the bed she chose the Korean girl, sliding down onto the slave. She laughed at the look on the girl’s face as her moist pussy lips pressed onto the slave’s mouth. She winked and smiled at the angry eyes that peered up from her pubic mound, then the artist felt a surge of pleasure as the slave’s tongue probed inside her.
Between Beasts and Angels
Amber leaned casually against Rebecca’s office door. The older woman put down her ornate platinum pen, glanced at her wristwatch and smiled.
‘If I’m not mistaken, my little Ice Angel, you have a riding session booked this afternoon.’
‘It can wait. I thought we were going to check out the merchandise in the storage pens.’
‘I think I can handle it, unless you think I’m not up to a basic inventory check.’
Amber smiled. ‘Well, I guess you’ll manage. Now I have to go tell my saddle that she’s not getting the night off after all.’
‘Oh, I’m sure she’ll be delighted,’ Rebecca smiled sarcastically. ‘Why don’t you meet me in the main lounge when I get back for a couple of drinks before bed?’
‘Sure, see you there.’
The stable girls had lifted the slave onto the horse, laying her on her back, carefully placing her neck in the shaped groove in the adapted saddle before strapping her head in place. They then pulled her arms under the horse, connecting her wrists with a leather strap. Then they looped her legs around the beasts neck, tying them at the knees, leaving the girl’s exposed vagina halfway up the powerful mount’s neck, perfectly placed for the rider’s crop.
Amber arrived a few moments later, wearing her crotchless riding britches. She placed her boot in the stirrup, which was attached to the slave’s breast, and heaved herself up, sitting heavily on the girl’s mouth and feeling the instantaneous response of a trained saddle girl as her tongue slid into her rider’s anus. Amber pressed down on the stirrups, stretching the slave’s breasts, then pulled the beast away from the stable and out of the gate. She soon got into her rhythm, moving the horse to a canter and bouncing pleasurably on the restrained face under her. The redhead had been riding this saddle girl for six months and her experience was beginning to show, for despite the uneven bouncing of the ass on her face she managed to slip her tongue deftly into the rider’s anus each time the firm buttocks landed heavily on her mouth, giving it a swift lick and suck before the horse’s momentum pulled it away from her again. The last time Amber rode the girl she had even managed to maintain an almost perfect ass-licking score while the redhead lashed at her pussy with the stinging crop, so this time out Amber had the stable girls place clamps on the saddle’s labia, using thin leather strips to spread the slave’s vagina so the pink inner flesh was visible. Amber tested the girl’s resolve, a skilled flick of the wrist bringing the crop down to smack the inner lips of her cunt, and to her delight the slave missed her stride and Amber’s ass slapped down on her mouth stifling a yelp rather than meeting a willing tongue.
Amber rode for at least an hour, training her saddle to perform under the new conditions that had been set her, and when after twenty minutes the slave had still not mastered the new distraction, her rider stood up in the stirrups, bringing her full weight to bear on the girl’s breasts while delivering six lashes to the girl’s exposed genitals.
Amber sat back onto the slave’s face and felt her begin to sob. The wet tongue slithered into her anus and she pressed her weight down to meet it, and it was then that she noticed the strap that held the slave’s pelvis to the beast’s neck had come loose, causing her buttocks to slap against the horse’s neck, so she turned sharply and headed back to the stable, an amusing idea forming in her mind.
The stable girls worked quickly, and had soon rigged up a large dildo that was held in place by a strap around the horse’s neck. They inserted the black shaft deep into the saddle girl’s ass, but on Amber’s instructions did not replace the restraining strap that had come loose earlier. Amber climbed back on the girl’s face and rode out of the compound once more, and now each bounce of the mighty beast drove the dildo in and out of the saddle girl’s ass, in perfect time with the slave’s tongue as it dipped in and out of her rider’s anus, though the redhead imagined the two sensations would have been quite different.
Amber rode the beast hard, whipping the girl’s spread vagina and watching the thrilling sight of the large dildo ass-fucking the hapless slave at the same time. It took another hour for Amber to break the girl completely, reducing her to a sobbing wretch, the redhead stopped the horse and masturbated herself to a powerful climax on the saddle girl’s face, allowing the slave a few minutes to lick the cum from her pussy before trotting the horse back to the stable as the whimpering slave lay exhausted, slobbering into her rider’s ass.
Perpetual Motion
Shalyn looked up at the slowly spinning tangle of flesh that hung above dusky gray fronds of the bed.
‘This was my first one,’ Angelica said as she walked over and gave the thing a gentle shove, setting it slowly spinning. Sparkling slithers of sharp metal dangled from the structure like primitive arrowheads, glittering in the sunlight streaming through the slatted blinds, the living sculpture another mark of Angelica Ramirez’s art and a testimony to her twisted genius and their shared vision. The creation was strangely soothing, like a sparkling, pretty mobile gently spinning above a child’s bed. The decoration had been made from two naked slaves, early morning joggers in the nearby park. Shalyn had watched them closely for weeks before making her move; the swift strike of a practiced hunter.
To produce her latest work Angelica had tied the girls’ ankles to their thighs, in Japanese style, before they were laid together in a sixty-nine position and tightly bound together. A living ball of flesh, the carefully placed limbs forming a near mechanical synergy, Angelica also decorated the slaves’ bodies, intricate patterns, Celtic swirls, hieroglyphs and phallic images adorning the supple young flesh in body paint. The whole bizarre sculpture had been hung on a sturdy chain above the titanium bed, and Angelica smiled in satisfaction as her employer marveled at the surrealistic object, its obvious aesthetic appeal electrifyingly enhanced by the casua
lly arrogant cruelty of forcing two girls to dedicate themselves so completely to becoming an object of ornamentation.
‘Please, ángel oscuro, watch,’ Angelica said, pressing a button beside the bed, lowering the organic sculpture so it hung a few inches from the silk sheets, ‘it is the ultimate in recycling, very fashionable, no? It was why you left me in that place.’ The artist’s eyes became distant as she gazed into her own memories. ‘At the time I didn’t understand, but now it is obvious, ángel oscuro, you had no choice.’
This close up Shalyn could see the intricate system the artist had designed and fabricated, each girl fitted with a rubber hose in the shape of a Y. An end of the hollow tube at the fork of the Y had been fed into each girls’ anus, the other into her vagina, and near where the vaginal tube disappeared inside the slave’s body a small thin feeder tube led off the main section, inserted into the girl’s urethra, draining her bladder. The stalk of the Y section disappeared into the other girl’s mouth and was held firmly in place by a rubber gag arrangement. It was a short journey for the interchange of bodily wastes as each unwitting participant in the work of art had her head tied between the other’s thighs. The various sections of the Y-tube were only a couple of inches long, and disappeared almost immediately into an anus, a vagina or a mouth, depending which section you were looking at.
‘It is like we have created a new form of life ángel oscuro. I call the work Intimacy. I imagine you can see why. There are closeable valves where nutrients and additional water can be added, but I believe they can remain undisturbed for many days.’ Angelica paused, not looking directly at her employer. ‘Thank you,’ she said quietly. ‘Thank you for my gift, and for the chance to express it. The Earth bound, they do not understand.’
‘You indeed have a gift, Miss Ramirez, as do I. The only crime would be not to exercise them. Fortunately we have found considerable freedom of expression.’