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Page 30

by Zara Quentin


  Jade pushed herself into a crouch that mimicked the stance of Our Lady Taraqa who loomed over her head. For the briefest moment, it was as though Our Lady Taraqa was channelling Her energy directly into Jade. The ruby eyes flared overlooking the scene. Jade saw Zorman holding the Eigot, still pulsating with magical energy. His skin had lost some of its red glow, leaving it a sallow colour and his face was twisted into a grimace. He flicked his free hand at the dragonfly, tucking the Eigot protectively under his arm.

  This was her chance. She had to get that Eigot away from him. With it, Jade couldn’t win. But without it, Zorman was just another man. The odds would be, well, still not in her favour; Zorman was bigger and stronger. But the odds would be better, at least.

  Without another thought, Jade leapt through the air like a winged tiger, diving with outstretched arms towards the Eigot.

  “Watch out!” Kyssa screamed, but Jade barely heard her. Her focus was fixed completely on the glittering Eigot.

  But Zorman heard Kyssa. Just in time, Zorman looked up and clutched the Eigot more tightly, turning his body so that it became a shield between Jade and the Eigot.

  Jade barrelled into Zorman and they both went crashing to the floor. Jade got a hand onto the Eigot, but its surface was so smooth and hard, it was impossible to get any real purchase. Zorman pulled the Eigot closer to his side, while simultaneously getting a grip on Jade’s hair, wrenching her head backwards and sending sharp pains through her scalp. A cry escaped her lips.

  Lying side by side, Jade reached out with her other hand and pushed sharply up under his chin, forcing his head to snap back. Zorman let go of her hair to grab her wrist, and pull her hand away. Jade wriggled and struggled, kicking at Zorman’s legs and knees. Her foot connected with something and Zorman’s sharp cry told her that she’d found her target, but he didn’t let go of her.

  Zorman held her with one hand, while the other gripped the Eigot. Its smooth facade made it difficult to hold and his grip was tenuous. He struggled to pin her down with his legs as she wrestled against his iron grip on her wrist.

  Jade curled her legs up to her chest, then kicked out suddenly, aiming for his torso. Zorman grunted, but didn’t let go, and Jade felt like her shoulder was being wrenched from its socket. Zorman tried to get a knee to her chest again but he only managed to pin down one leg. With the other, Jade kicked out at where he was holding the Eigot under his arm, close to his chest.

  With the force of her kick, the Eigot slipped from Zorman’s grip and dropped to the floor. Jade gasped as the Eigot hit the floor, but it didn’t break. She remembered Namaje’s words: The only thing that can break an Eigot is the Dragon-God inside it.

  Zorman’s grip on Jade’s wrist loosened as he scrambled after the Eigot. Jade wrenched her wrist away and gripped onto the edge of his wing, dragging him back. She couldn’t let him get the Eigot back. The Eigot rolled in an arc across the stone floor.

  “Zorman!” Kyssa cried out, striding towards the rolling Eigot. Out of the corner of her eye, Scosse also took a few steps towards it.

  Jade used all her weight to pull back on Zorman’s wing, then used that force to propel herself forward towards the Eigot. All four of them scrambled towards where the Eigot was slowing to a stop. Before Jade could crawl more than half her length away, Zorman clutched another fistful of her hair. Pain jabbed at her scalp as Zorman wrenched her back.

  With one hand wound into her hair, Zorman pulled her over until Jade was on her back. He knelt on her chest, using his weight to trap her, pinning her arms underneath his knees.

  “You will never win against me, foolish girl.” Zorman’s face was red and a green vain pulsated at his forehead that she had never noticed before. Jade felt momentarily relieved as Zorman let go of her hair, but then he wrapped both hands around her throat and started to squeeze. This time, the force was not magical, nor imaginary. It was all too real.

  Zorman was strangling her.

  The edge of her vision flickered black again and her chest started to protest. Jade wriggled, trying to get her arms out from underneath Zorman’s body. She managed to get one arm free and used it to claw at the hands around her neck. But it made no difference. His fingers squeezed her throat shut. Her lungs burned. She couldn’t breathe. She was suddenly struck with a grim certainty.

  If she didn’t act soon, she would die.

  Zorman would win.

  Jade used her free hand to grope at her belt for something she could use as a weapon. Her knife and blow-piece had been discarded, but her hand brushed a little sack again before it found the dock for the dragonfly. The dragonfly was gone but Jade wrenched the dock from her belt and hurled it at Zorman’s face. It struck him just above the jaw line, bouncing off. It left a red mark but Zorman made little more than a grunt. His fingers did not budge from her throat.

  Her vision blurred and the darkness threatened to overtake her.

  She grasped desperately at her belt but there was nothing there but the small sack of Mortisberries.

  Jade froze, as an idea came to her. Her heart raced as she reached an unprotected hand into the sack and grabbed a handful of the poisonous berries.

  With all the strength she had left, she jammed a fistful of berries into Zorman’s mouth.

  He coughed and spluttered, blinking in surprise. His grip on her throat lessened slightly, but he did not let go. Instinctively, he tried to jerk his head away from her, but Jade kept cramming her hand into his mouth, forcing the berries further in. Red juice ran down his chin.

  Jade’s fingers tingled as Zorman gagged. Several droplets splashed onto her face. Too late, she tried to turn her head aside, but some of the juice splashed straight into her mouth. Almost immediately, her mouth started tingling and the tip of her tongue went numb. Zorman, gagging and coughing where Jade held most of the berries in his mouth, let go of her throat with one hand, and used his superior strength and position to push her arm away.

  He spat the squashed berries out, many of them landing on Jade’s face and cheeks. She pressed her lips closed to stop any more from entering her mouth, but she wasn’t sure if the damage had been done.

  Zorman’s eyes widened and the hand around her throat tightened like a clamp. Zorman gagged again, his whole body going stiff. He stopped moving, before his body slowly tilted over, coming to land on top of her with a heavy thud.


  Jade wrenched Zorman’s stiff fingers from her throat and gasped for air, letting her head rest back against the cool stone floor. Her strength was sapped and she shook all over as she coughed and spluttered, wiping the berries from her face with her numbed fingers. Her chest heaved, sucking in air. She closed her eyes, summoning the strength to fight the dead weight still pinning her to the ground.

  With an effort, she rolled Zorman off of her and, with a thud, his body landed on the stones next to her. She rolled onto her knees and stuck her fingers down her throat, forcing herself to retch up any poison that had dripped into her mouth. When she was finished, she curled into a ball on the stone floor.

  Distantly, she heard voices. She turned her head to the side and forced herself to open her heavy eyelids. The glittering light from the red Eigot made her squint. Jade blinked a few times before she saw the Eigot was being cradled protectively against Kyssa’s chest as she stared at Scosse. He had his hands outstretched, reaching for it, his expression stern.

  Jade turned her head to look at Zorman and dry-retched at the sight of his bulging eyes and the red juice dribbling down his chin like blood. This time her stomach had no more to give.

  Unsteady, Jade got to her feet. She shook her red-stained arm, numb to the elbow, and tried to ignore the throbbing in her head. She swayed as she took a couple of steps towards Kyssa and Scosse.

  “Kytha!” she said. The numbness in her lips, cheek and tongue gave her a lisp. Her voice cracked and she cleared her throat. Neither Kyssa nor Scosse turned towards her, locked in what seemed to be a battle of wills, a struggle over the Eigot.
“Thtop, thith ith wong.” Jade spoke again, managing more force this time.

  Kyssa flicked a quick glance in her direction and seemed shocked to see Jade standing. Then her eyes widened at the sight of Zorman’s lifeless body on the floor and Kyssa froze. Slowly, Kyssa’s expression became fearful and she looked up at Scosse, who had also taken in the scene, his expression becoming outraged as he straightened his shoulders and lifted his chin. Kyssa pushed the Eigot toward his outstretched hands and backed away, eyes on the ground.

  “I’m sorry, sir,” she said. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  Scosse clutched the Eigot, cradling it next to his chest. “This is mine.” His voice boomed, echoing around the chapel. He glared at Kyssa with barely veiled outrage. “Leave now and say nothing, Flying Officer Harris. If you’re lucky I might forget that you disobeyed a direct order. Maybe.”

  Kyssa nodded as she backed out of the door, her face pale, without looking at either Jade or Scosse, and studiously avoiding Zorman’s body on the floor. She fled and the heavy door shut behind her.

  Scosse turned towards Jade. “You will stand down, Airwoman.” Scosse looked down his nose at her as he gave the order, emphasising her rank. He was in control now.

  Jade felt the pressure to submit to the order of her superior. Her parents had drilled it into her, this respect for authority. And Scosse was one of Papa’s friends, someone he had believed in.

  But when Jade had petitioned him for justice, he had revealed himself as corrupt. Corrupted perhaps by Zorman. Or perhaps by power. Perhaps by the lure of the Eigot. Whatever it was, Scosse was not the man Papa had thought. She could not leave the Eigot in his care.

  Jade shook her head and took a step towards him.

  “You are an Airwoman in my Traveller Force. You will obey my orders.” His voice was low and dangerous. “Or you will be hauled before a judge for insubordination.”

  Jade heard a sudden thumping noise and took a quick look around. She saw Axel tied up and gagged, curled in the corner and banging his feet against the wall. Relieved that Axel seemed all right, although detained, Jade turned her attention back to Scosse

  “The Eigot mutht be returned to Premye, thir.” Jade stood her ground. “Pleathe.”

  “The Eigot is not your concern. You will stand down.” Scosse’s hands tightened around the Eigot.

  Jade’s stomach tightened as her instincts warred with each other. Scosse was the Air Marshall of the Traveller Force and the Lord Protector of Taraqa. But the man in front of her, was no longer the man she thought. She could not trust him to do the right thing. Not anymore.

  Jade took a careful step forward. “I can’t let you keep it, thir.”

  “I am your Lord Protector. I command you to stand down!” Scosse’s face turned red and she saw the spittle flying from his mouth as he yelled at her.

  Jade took another step forward. “Air Marthall, thir, I cannot leave the Eigot with you. I mutht return it. Pleathe, give it to me.” Jade wished he would not make her choose. She wanted to believe there was good in him. That he had not, would not, lead Taraqa and the Traveller Force down this path. She stepped forwards again and Scosse shifted the Eigot into his right arm and held out the left towards her, palm facing her—a warning to stay away. Jade noticed how he winced as his right arm took the weight of the Eigot. Was he injured?

  Then she remembered—Vance had told her about the Yrax bite Scosse had suffered years ago. Vance had said the Yrax bite would never heal and no medication would cure it.

  Jade held her breath. She had no weapon now. The Mortisberries were gone. One of her arms was numb to the elbow. Jade shook it again, wishing the feeling would come back.

  “Pleathe give me the Eigot, thir.” Jade gave Scosse one last chance. She didn’t want to fight him, but she couldn’t leave the Eigot in his care.

  Scosse drew his lips back in a snarl and his shoulders hunched over the egg, protecting it. “I’ll kill you if you come even one step closer. I saw what you did to Zorman. I won’t hesitate to use this magic to kill you, believe me.”

  Jade hesitated. His skin wasn’t glowing and the Eigot wasn’t pulsating like it had when Zorman wielded it. If Scosse was going to use it, he hadn’t drawn on its power yet. Or he didn’t know how. Either way, Jade had only a moment to move.

  She leapt at him, arms outstretched, using her wings to propel her forward with more force. Scosse curled his body around the Eigot, but Jade wasn’t aiming for the Eigot.

  Instead, she punched him. Hard. Slamming her fist into his right shoulder.

  Jade’s feet touched the ground lightly, ready to lunge again, if necessary. She saw Scosse’s face go pale and he arched his back, his mouth agape. His good arm reached up to clutch his injured shoulder, putting pressure on it, as his face contorted in pain.

  As Scosse dropped to his knees, he screamed. His injured arm stiffened and the Eigot clattered to the floor.

  Scosse’s scream echoed around the stone room. She ground her teeth, wanting to clap her hands over her ears, but instead she darted towards him again. Scosse flinched as she approached, and Jade felt a pang of pity, but did not stop. As she approached Scosse, she knelt down to scoop up the red Eigot from where it rested on the stone floor.

  * * *

  Scosse’s screams echoed throughout the stone room as Jade backed away. He was crumpled on the floor, writhing as he sobbed. He didn’t look up at her. In fact, he seemed to have forgotten her entirely. Jade kept going until she bumped into something and heard a metallic ting.

  The imposing statue of Our Lady Taraqa peered down at her with flashing eyes, and extracted a promise from her.

  “I’m going to take the Eigot back to Premye,” Jade said, aloud. Thankfully, the numbness in her mouth was receding and she could enunciate her words clearly again. “I promise.”

  The candlelight flickered in Our Lady’s mouth and for a moment, Jade thought she saw it move—blink at her. Jade shook her head, wondering if she was going crazy. A trick of the light, that was all.

  Turning her back to Scosse’s whimpering, Jade ran to Axel. The whites around his eyes showed as he strained against his bindings. She put a hand on his cheek, then groped to untie the material at his mouth, and removed the ropes around his wrists and ankles.

  He reached out to pull her towards him, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. She breathed in his mint and cedarwood scent and relaxed into the warmth of his chest, the strength of his arms clutching at her. Axel brushed her hair with a kiss, but too soon, he pulled away.

  “Let’s go. Before anyone wonders what’s happening in here.”

  “Who did this to you?” Jade asked.

  “Scosse. He hit me over the head. The next thing I knew I was here and you were pushing those death berries into Zorman’s mouth.” Axel looked sideways at her as she stood. “Good thinking, by the way.”

  Jade winced, and glanced at Zorman’s body, lying in the middle of the floor.

  “It was self-defence—he was trying to kill you.” Axel squeezed her hand.

  Jade sighed. “We’d better go.” Jade clutched the Eigot to her chest and made her way to the only door out of the room. Then she paused. She couldn’t just carry the Eigot out of the Temple. Someone would notice. Someone would challenge her.

  Jade turned. Scosse lay face down on the cold stone floor, still whimpering. Across from him, Zorman’s stiff body lay, eyes open, as though he was watching her with those unblinking eyes. It gave her the creeps.

  “Is he dead?” Axel asked.

  “I’m not sure. The Mortisberries cause paralysis, but a large enough dose might kill, I suppose.”

  “Let’s get out of here before we find out.”

  “I just need something…” Jade glanced around the room before she saw Zorman’s bag lying in a heap on the floor. She picked it up, tugged it over her shoulder and slipped the Eigot inside. “All right, let’s go.”

  Jade pressed on the heavy door and peered out through t
he crack. She didn’t see anyone, although there was a strange thudding and dragging in the corridor. She pushed the door a little further open, holding up a finger over her lips as Axel followed a step behind.

  They had only taken a step outside of the door, when there was a blood-curdling yell. Jade spun around to see Lazy Eye charging towards her. Farther down the hall, Broken Nose groaned, struggling to his feet.

  “Traitors! Need backup!” Lazy Eye’s yell reverberated down the hallway. He ran towards Jade at full pace. Jade took a sharp breath and turned towards the stairwell, grabbing Axel’s hand. Heavy footsteps pounded on the stairs.

  Lazy Eye yelled out at the sounds of reinforcement.

  They wouldn’t make it out that way. Jade looked back to Axel.

  Two black clad figures appeared in the doorway from the stairwell. Jade gasped as the first figure immediately drew his bow, aiming for her.

  He loosed the arrow.

  Jade dived back inside the heavy door that Axel had been propping open with his body. The arrow buried itself into the wood but they closed the door just as Lazy Eye threw his body at it.

  Jade and Axel both pressed their weight against the door to keep it closed.

  “What now?” Axel looked at her. A moment later, the pressure against the other side of the door increased, followed by heavy thumping and demands to open up. “Is there any other way out?”

  Jade shook her head. She swallowed. “I don’t know. I don’t think so.”

  She and Axel looked at each other. Jade’s shoulders drooped. They were trapped. After all this, they would be caught before she returned the Eigot.

  She looked out of the huge glass window at the pillar of clouds above the open top of the Temple.

  They were so close.

  A smile crept over her face. She looked at Axel.

  “There is another way out,” she said.


  Jade shook her head, unable to put words to her crazy plan. “Just keep this door closed.”


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