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Tangerine Carnal Dreams

Page 3

by Savanna Kougar

  “Got a different name when you’re shifted to stallion?” Leaning forward, she brought her knees higher on his withers.

  Ziocese is my stallion name. Zio, prettiest.

  “Ziocese.” She tasted his name. “A spirited gallop along the starlit beach.”

  Happy to pleasure, my woman.

  “Not your woman, reprobate womanizer. You must have sex-ridden half the women in the galaxy by now!”

  Katta gripped more tightly with her legs once the bad stallion stretched into a slow gallop toward the sultry lapping sea. Exhilarated, she felt his spirited power between her thighs, beneath her. In harmony with him as he ran faster on the hard wet sand, she relaxed. His scent filled her nostrils, raw-potent and untamed.

  Looking like it was sprinkled with pale orange diamonds, the dark water filled her with its splendor. She spread her senses, searching for her prey. Finding nothing, she listened to the roaring whispers of the waves, and smelled the pungent sensuality of the ancient ocean.

  The skitter of small night animals thrilled her. On her planet the buildings of civilization had so encroached on all the wildernesses, no one was allowed access to them for fear of ruining what natural animal and plant life remained.

  “How long can you run like this, Ziocese?”

  For as long as you remain pleased, prettiest. For as long as your thighs hold me.

  “Why are you here? Beyond the carnal obvious.”

  Your sister is often here.

  “She would bare her bottom, bend over swiftly for your mounting and take your most superior thrusts. Help me rescue my father and I’ll arrange it.”

  For your bare haunches every morning. I promise the rescue of your father.

  Tempted, she whispered to his mind, knowing he commanded the resources to help her. She knew because of her covert investigation, started when he’d begun chasing her through the cosmos to possess her. The winds wonderfully caressed her face, boldly stroked her body and streamed her hair back. She felt fantastically free, her blood wild and primal. Nimbly, he leapt over lovers locked and rolling in the surf. Beneath her, his jump was soaring grace. He landed smooth and strong, perfectly on stride.

  “Goddess! That was fun!”

  He answered with a small spirited buck then magically carried her forward.

  “Yes!” Katta shouted her own untamed spirit.

  Still want to corral me. Castrate me?

  “You still deserve it, bad boy stud. But I might be tempted to spare you. You are a savage, incredible ride.” Katta undulated suggestively.

  He leapt into a suspended flying stride. It left her breathless, enchanted, and made her blood more wild. She leaned down, her face beside his neck, urging him to longer swifter strides.

  Learn anything at the Outlander, my Kattalonia?

  “Other than the carnal nature of males further exhibited?”

  If you hadn’t run.told me.

  “You’d have stud-taken me against the wall, I would have lost the wormhole before a word.

  Submit to your carnal dreams of me, my woman.

  Suddenly a drift of smoke-acrid scent reached Katta’s nostrils. Then the metallic smoke scent was streaking toward them. “Halt!” Straightening swiftly, she jerked back on his mane as if she had reins in her hands. “Attack! Attack!”

  Zio plunged his front hooves into the sand, his Katta’s warning ripping through him, his rear end braking, sand sprayed everywhere. Smelling the ancient odor of gunpowder, he spun on his back hooves. Lunging forward powerfully, he raced away. His precious woman clung with the strength of her thighs, flowed with him. She urged him faster and faster, her face pressed against the side of his neck.

  Sirens blasted around them. Zio realized someone had stolen the antique guns used for enjoyment targets. And that someone had just shot at them.

  Ruled by instinct, Zio carried his Katta toward the safety of his starship. With his neck stretched and his heart pounding fiercely, he sprinted, tearing into the wind. He was prepared to challenge anything, everything. Anyone. She was all to him. Even she could not command him differently now.

  Instantly, Katta felt their mind and spirit connection intensify. Beneath her, he was a runaway stallion, driven to protect her. As they sped over the wet sand, her investigator’s training took over, her thoughts racing with who and why. Had the attack come from the wormhole enemy she chased, or from one of the many enemies she’d gathered throughout the cosmos? She was star-burn positive Dred, Zio, had his devoted enemies too. How many of his ferociously jealous past lovers were out there merely waiting for their revenge-perfect opportunity?

  Gliding above the surface of the ocean, a tetrahedron starship moved toward them. Untouched by the orange atmosphere, the starship was a shimmer of silvery whiteness. Caught off guard, Katta stared in amazement as they raced to meet it. This wasn’t the ship she’d seen before when he’d chased her from spaceports and to every landing spot during her galactic duties as Corporal.

  “Hang onto my mane, Katta. Tight.” Beneath her, he slid to a rough halt.

  She gripped harder as he reared. He neighed fiercely, the sound blasting through the heavy Yemisque atmosphere. Knowing he signaled the ship, Katta wasn’t surprised when they were suddenly onboard.

  She blinked and gazed at the luminous array of instrumentation gently humming around her. Mesmerized, she let go of his mane. Quickly, he plopped his rear down. She slid off and landed on her feet. Before she could leap on his back, he transformed to humanoid. He spun and approached. Naked and savagely aroused. As entranced by his intense dark gold eyes, as by his handsome gallant physique, she swallowed painfully, backing away. He towered over her; his lithe ruthless muscle covered by golden brown skin. His cock pointed directly at her. Shaped like a lance, it was deep red-brown in color.

  She knew the bold feel of his cock. He had tricked her once into stroking him. Loopy from a gas malfunction on her ship, she’d stumbled into the space station’s entertainment lounge. He’d swooped her up and carried her inside his private booth. He soothed her, subtly encouraging her belief that their encounter was mere hallucination, and only her vivid imagination. Then, he’d offered as proof his body, his cock. All she had to was rub with her hands.

  Believing it was a feverish hallucination, she'd played her hands over him, over his entire body, stroking and swirling her hands up over his cock, while naively enjoying his strength. As if she indulged in a fantasy holodome. His lance had become stunning hard heat, waking her up.

  Stopped by his control consol, Katta lasered the memory out her mind. She put up the flat of her palm in warning. “I’ll fire.”

  “I believe you, Kattalonia.”

  “How do you know we’re safe here?” She watched his eyes consume her carnal-whole.

  “Protect status,” he barked.

  “Operative.” The ship’s female voice sang on seductively. “We are in no danger. Waiting for your orders, darling.”

  “Oh, my goddess. That is too disgusting! And a bad imitation of my voice!”

  Zio smiled with an upturn of his carved, sensuous lips.

  “I should blast you.” Katta scowled, and aimed at his heart.

  “Let me help you save your father.” His gaze appealed, tripping her heart. “At least, we should discover who shot that antique weapon at us.”

  “Probably one of your over-jealous lovers.”

  “I doubt one of my past lovers would know how to operate such an ancient weapon.” He raised a dark mahogany brow.

  “Do you have to be naked? Pointing at me? Damn the unholy stars, put that rutting weapon away. We’ll talk.”

  “We’ll talk after.” His dark golden eyes seared her.

  “After?” she dared. She summoned fire to her palm. Ready to scorch his gorgeous hide. Her heart thumped rapidly. She raged pants of breath.

  “After I have your enchanting oily body. After I take you, Kattalonia.”

  Frantically, she swallowed. Her betraying knees threatened to gel. S
he blinked rapidly, her eyes turning as dry as fine dust.

  “Don’t you dare,” she hoarsely struck. “I don’t want to be your millionth stud conquest.”

  “You belong to me.” His gaze trapped her with his, dark gold hypnotic. “I have successfully chased you.”

  “What does that mean?” Heartbeats shook her whole body.

  “Have I ever chased after another woman? You investigated me, my Kattalonia.”

  “How would I know for certain how many women you’ve chased? You’ve certainly chased them in fantasy stud games before.”

  His lips curved in another smile and amusement glistened his eyes. Relentless desire took over, darkening his eyes to a gold radiant smoke.

  “The men of my race only chase after one woman, Kattalonia.”

  “The one who runs the fastest.” Panicked, she backed harder against the consol, her back bent. He took another step toward her. “Don’t!”

  Sparks popped, jumped from her palm.

  “The one woman.” He launched toward her.

  Katta fired the split second he caught her arm and shoved it upwards. Her flame grazed the top of his shoulder. He uttered no sound of pain. Seizing her wrists, he held her gaze, his eyes seeming to fire sparks into her. His mouth lowered to hers, slowly, tantalizingly. His lips feather-touched hers, then pressed. Katta melted, as she had once before. Every inch of her flesh furiously yearned for him. She kissed him, lust fever possessing her blood.

  Swiftly their lips tangled in fierce kisses. He swept his hands up her arms then swept down her oil slickened back. On tiptoe, Katta threw her arms around his neck. His hands flowed, slid possessively over her back, over her ripe soft curves. Rampaging. Taking.

  Never had she felt so perfectly owned by the caresses of a man. Not this quickly. Not ever. He claimed her behind, boldly, outrageously handling her. Stroking over her thighs, he slid long ecstatic caresses.

  “Kattalonia.” He whispered against her lips, whispered as if she were his universe. Blatantly he fondled her body, burning her passion-delirious. His hands slid over her hips, stroking and stroking. He caressed up to her waist possessively. Their lips fused, then stilled. Katta ached, her loins nova-hot for his taking. As his hands slid up her ribcage he slowly ravished her breasts with caresses. She decided the oil wasn’t so icky after all. Not when he shaped her breasts with his hands. She thrust her swollen desperate breasts against his hands. “Please,” she begged against his mouth. He fondled her lips with his kisses. Cupping her breasts, he molded them with caresses making her entire body melt and blaze at the same time. Higher and wilder, she flamed. His thumbs grazed her rigid wanton nipples in a leisurely rhythm. She moaned against his lips. Moaned for more, wanted him.

  Zio lifted his precious Katta up on the consol and seized her thighs. Sinking his fingers into her wet, voluptuous flesh, he lunged inside her with a deep long, powerful thrust. Slowly pulling back, he lunged again. Deeper, longer, harder. She whimpered from the untamed pleasure he gave her, and yielded to his taking. Throwing her head back, she widened her thighs for him. He knew she yielded, not because she believed she belonged to him. No, she yielded to their star-savage pleasure.

  Taking his fingers out of her he lunged fiercely into her with his cock, Zio took her, his one woman.

  It was as before. Their one time together. He belonged. He belonged inside her. Forever inside her.

  Stallion-rutting into her with every molecule of his body, he mounted her loins powerfully, taking her as vigorously as she could endure. From their connection, he knew what she fantasy-craved.

  Until his comscreen opened. His cock buried deep inside his woman, Zio halted and gazed up.

  “I have full visual that you are both safe.” The Master of Security’s lips hinted at a grin while his features remained stoically official. Unofficially, it was obvious he enjoyed, and approved.

  “Status?” Hoarsely growling the question, Zio placed the flat of his hand on his Katta’s belly, keeping her still.

  “I trust you will keep our Corporal protected, happy for the night. We will speak at your first opportunity in the morning. Corporal, I have not captured your thief. Nor do I have any useful intel for you. Yet.” The Master of Security blipped off.

  “He has direct access to you?” Zio watched her focus, fight the haze of her wilding lust.

  “He was concerned about you. I gave him instant access.” Zio caressed her soft belly and felt her excruciating bliss frenzy for him.

  “Your eyes.they’re like black-gold suns.” She whimpered in distress, and he felt her struggle to regain her warrioress strength. “Father. I have to rescue.” Before her eyes closed, he witnessed how desperately she wanted to flee him, nearly as much as she wanted his most stallion-bold thrusts.

  Squeezing her eyelids shut, his Katta whimpered keenly. She opened her thighs wider and offered herself.

  Zio grabbed her mouth with his, grateful for her impassioned surrender. He kissed her hard, claiming her spirit with his own stallion dominance. With their lips fused together, he forcefully thrust. Mounting her faster and harder, he plundered her, his blood and loins euphoric, harsh, boiling with his need of her.

  She screamed against his mouth. Mind lost, she exploded into paralyzing rapture, into a whiteness of being. She raged with bliss, everywhere in her being. He could feel it everywhere in his being. Rejoicing, Zio forced her flat on his consol and lunged hard to her feminine core. His loins leapt to brutal rapture, and stung him to ecstasy. Paralyzed with her, he held her beneath him.

  Zio touched her lips with tiny kisses, before his woman emerged from her rapture. She would have to learn to love him. He wasn’t freeing her.

  Katta listened to her breaths, half frightened to open her eyes, to return from rapture’s mindlessness. She felt his kisses, felt the partial weight of his body, male-splendid against hers. Goddess, but he was lunging magnificent, his body, as well as his taking of her. He was more incredible than the last time, the only time. Before she had learned about his stud-fucking reputation. Woman after woman. Across the wide, wide galaxy.

  “Kattalonia.” It was in his gentle whisper, he invited his mate back to him. “I want the mist aqua of your eyes again as I remember them, as I daydream about. I want to see our joining pleasure in your eyes.”

  Katta blinked, knowing she had to open her eyes sometime. She gazed into his golden flamed eyes and knew his stallion-pleasure with her. His stallion-pleasure still inside her.

  “Woman.” Slowly he brought her up to him and held her against his chest, his hands tender on her back.

  Katta wrapped her arms around his neck. Since his cock still possessed her, she wrapped her legs around him. Cupping her butt with his hands, he carried her. “Where?”

  “Oil removal.” His voice teased her ear. “Isn’t that what you want?”

  “Lust pleasurable, the oil,” she admitted, feeling shy with him. Great big galaxy, it was too late to be shy, she reminded herself catching glimpses of his sterling ship.

  “Every pleasure awaits us.” His voice promised as he carried her inside a bathing chamber.

  Laser daggers of realization hit her. He did mean to keep her. Really keep her.

  Don’t panic. She forced herself to be calm and slowed her quickened breaths. I’ll just play-sex along then escape. She remembered as the rapture fog lifted from her brain; he could help her. All she had to do was agree to bare her bottom and let him stallion-plunder her. Unless, he expected more now. His prior offer sounded in her head. “For your bare haunches every morning. I promise the rescue of your father.”

  “Stop,” he gently commanded. Lifting her from his cock, he lowered her before him. “Stop over-thinking, Kattalonia.”

  “Difficult to do around you,” she softly defied him, thrusting out her chin.

  “Heat preference?” he inquired.

  Staring at his carved, magnificent chest as he leaned over her, Katta spoke her preference. Fragrant water instantly sluiced over them. T
he altered, ion-charged water refreshed, without requiring bathing chemicals.

  Raising her face, Katta savored the rare luxury. The waters of her world had been brutalized by centuries of contamination. The refusal of aid from other worlds had also contributed. Only the dedication to shamanic healing practices had salvaged their oceans and waterways.

  Sweeps of warm air dried them. “Any spare garments?” she asked as nonchalantly as she could, attempting to ignore her intoxication with him, having never denied his prowess or attraction.

  He reached out, inviting her hand to his. Katta sighed inwardly, placing her hand inside his. The texture of his skin was thicker, more satiny than the men of her race. His hand was also shaped differently, longer in his palm and fingers.

  He led her to a large curved panel that quietly parted at their approach. Katta dug her heels in momentarily. Gently, he tugged her into his bed domain, a resplendent demonstration in the overbold design, in the red and gold lavish furnishings, in the pleasure furniture of his world, of what he was, a stallion human.

  “I can’t shapeshift to filly.” Goddess, please…let him realize this can’t work.

  “My grandmother cannot either, my Kattalonia. She and my grandfather are blissfully mated.”

  “Blissfully mated.” She repeated his words under her breath, her shock renewed, enhanced by all she saw, all she imagined. She bit back her impulsive tongue, not asking him about certain couch contraptions, only allowing her eyes to widen. Why carnal fuel him?

  “When did you get a new ship?” Far star better to satisfy her curiosity this way.

  “In here.” He gently pulled her through a tall narrow opening. Mirrors, shining, lit panels formed a circle around them. He touched one of the panels. Silently it slid open, revealing diaphanous gowns in delectable colors.

  “Didn’t care for my lust babe look?” She arched a brow and stared at the flow of gowns.

  Releasing her hand, he touched open another panel. Katta gawked, stopped her mouth from hanging open. Lust babe extraordinaire.

  “All right by the cosmos,” she drawled, “gown it is.” Turning back, she quickly reached for a luscious pinky lilac. Might as well enjoy where she could. Slipping it over her head, the delicious feel of the gown slid down over her body. Her femininity celebrated the delicate silkiness.


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