Three Thousand Miles - Forever, (book #3 of Three Thousand Miles, Series)

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Three Thousand Miles - Forever, (book #3 of Three Thousand Miles, Series) Page 8

by Deila Longford

  “You called about William.” I choke out. Adrian bites his lip as he replies.

  “Yes, I called about the boy.” I move my hand back onto his knee as I try to stop his nervous movement. “Is there any progress?” Adrian shakes his head.

  “No, none, let’s not talk about this anymore, okay?” There it is again, the wall. I need to break through it. I need him to tell me how he is feeling and I won’t stop until he does.

  “Adrian, I know that you must be hurting, please talk to me.” Adrian sighs as he places his hand onto mine. His eyes are full of sadness and I have to hold back my tears at the sight of him. I can’t understand why Zara would want to punish him in this way. Hasn’t he been through enough?

  “I want to be honest with you, so if you really want to talk about this with me then I would like that.” I smile as I alert him to continue- with a kiss. Adrian pulls back from me. “She is still refusing the DNA test but, she has agreed to think about it if I spend some time with the boy.” I narrow my eyes at him.

  “How can she ask that of you? Has she no heart?”

  “Alanna, please you said that you wanted to talk about this. Why are you acting like a child?” “I’m not acting like a child I am merely stating the truth. How could she be so cruel to let you meet William, let you become attached to him and then rip him away again. It’s not fair on you and it’s not fair on the child. Zara is playing games with you and if you don’t realise that then I can’t help you.” Adrian looks angry at my words and I can feel my body temperature rising as I await his reply and I am surprised at his reaction.

  “You know what, you’re right. Zara is playing games with me. She wants me to bond the boy so that she can hold it against me. Thank you baby, for making me see clearly.” Adrian lunges forward and kisses my forehead.

  “Adrian, we will get to the bottom of this, trust me.” Adrian kisses me again but this time on the lips. He leans back into the sofa and he pulls me across his body. I huddle into his chest as I press play on the DVD. Adrian laughs when he sees my random choice of movie.

  “Bridget Jones? Really?” We both laugh and then we settle down as we watch Bridget’s life unfold before our eyes. By the time we arrive back at my parents’ house, it’s almost eight o’ clock and I begin to realise that Adrian is going to leave me –again. He has decided to stay the night at a local B&B as he doesn’t want to ruin the tradition of not seeing the bride before the wedding. He quickly rushes into the house and greets my parents and his. But when the ‘hellos’ are over Adrian makes his way back to his car. I follow behind him as I want to make every second count. He is breathtaking as he leans against the black Mercedes. He reaches out his arms for me to climb into them and when I grip onto him, I never want to let go. I inhale the scent of his cologne as I make a memory that will have to last me until tomorrow. His strong arms are wrapped around me and can’t help but cry when he pulls them away from me.

  “What are the tears for?” Adrian whispers as he gently caresses my cheek. I feel stupid as I gaze into his eyes. “I just don’t want you to leave.” Adrian places both his hands onto my face and my tears flow again. He gently smirks as he positions his lips onto mine. He kisses me tenderly until we are disturbed.

  “Oh come on mate, let her go. You are marrying her in the morning, you know?” I pull back from Adrian as I see Michael striding towards us. “I know, now are you ready?” Adrian quickly says. Michael walks over to me and gently kisses me on the cheek and then he climbs into the passenger seat of Adrian’s car. I smile at him as he rolls down the window and pokes his head out.

  “Come on then,” he urges Adrian and I can’t help but wonder why he is so anxious to leave.

  “Am I missing something?” I say sarcastically. Adrian frowns as Michael answers.

  “Your boy here is late to his own bachelor party.”I gasp as I take in Michael’s words.

  “Adrian, you told me that you weren’t having a bachelor party?” Adrian sighs at my question.

  “I wasn’t going to have to one but the guys forced me into it.” I frown at him. As if anyone could force him into doing something that he didn’t want to do. “So I guess that you are in for a pretty wild night then?” Michael laughs. “Oh don’t get jealous there’s no girls allowed. Well expect for the odd stripper of course.” My face falls and almost hits the floor. Adrian notices my reaction and instantly tries to reassure me otherwise.

  “Baby, there will be no strippers, I promise you.” Michael laughs again from inside the car and I feel so angry with him. Why would he tease me like this? I feel like rushing over and giving him a slap. He knows how insecure I am about Adrian and other women so why must he annoy me in this way. His eyes are ice blue as he maintains his annoying laughter, but then my feelings are reversed when he notices my anxiety.

  “Listen babe, I am only joking with you. Adrian is a good boy and he wouldn’t let us have any strippers. So please there is no need to worry, I will look after your boy for you.” I can’t contain my smile as I rush over to Michael – I kiss him on the cheek instead of slapping him. Adrian makes his way over to me as he kisses me again. I close my eyes as his lips collide with mine and I lose my breath when he pulls away from me. His eyes pierce through me and I take a deep breath as he walks away. He reaches his car and then he stops to look at me, one last time.

  “Until next time baby,”


  The wedding

  Sunday 8thSeptember – 2013

  (Alanna) I wake early the next morning as Sophie and my mom rush into my room. One of them pulls back the curtains to reveal blinding sunshine. I quickly close my eyes to shield them from the light and that’s when it hits me, today is my wedding day. Today I will become Mrs Black and today is my last day in New York.

  (Adrian) I couldn’t sleep at all last night as I waited for morning to arrive. The hours rambled on and I couldn’t escape my thoughts of her. Alanna, my darling Alanna is never out of my mind and I am still shocked that she has agreed to marry me. The time that we spent apart, has left me permanently scarred and I never want that feeling to return. She is my ray of sunshine and I anxiously wait for the moment that she becomes my wife. Until that moment, I won’t eat, I won’t sleep and I will not stop worrying that she could have a change of heart. My pure and beautiful Alanna could have any bloke that she wanted and to my horror she has chosen me. My heart races every time that I look into her massive brown eyes and within their darkness lies my soul. She gazes through me and I feel as if I can share anything with her. Alanna has woven her way into my heart and with her kiss she has stolen my soul. I belong to her and she is my reason for breathing. I hate that I put her in danger and I cripple every time that I have a new rule for her to obey. She deserves so much better than me, but I cannot deny that for some strange reason, Alanna does love me. I never thought that I was capable of love- until I met her. She completes me and today she will be mine – forever.

  (Alanna) My mom and Sophie rush me out of my room and into one of the spare bedrooms. I enter and I can see that the room has been transformed into a dressing area. There are long, white dressing tables lined across the back wall and each one of them has a fitted mirror. The surface of the tables is filled with cases of make-up, hair dryers, curling tongs, flatirons and more hair spray than I have ever seen. The dresses hang from the free standing wardrobe at the back of the room, whilst a small lady guards them. Sophie, urges me to take a seat and I choose the seat in the middle. As soon as my butt my hits the seat my mom lunges a mimosa into my hand. This feels so unreal and I need to take a sip of the drink. I glug down the beverage and my mom notices my urgency.

  “Are you okay, Alanna?” She asks as she begins to pick through the different bottles of foundation. I smile at her as I try to hide my nerves.

  “Yes, I am fine. I think I better take a shower.” I say as I jump from the seat and make my way over to the door.

  “Are you sure that you’re okay? You seem a little… edgy.” My mom
shouts after me. I take a deep breath as I flash a wide smile in her direction. “I’m fine,” my mom reluctantly smiles back at me.

  “Sweetie, don’t take forever in the shower you need to start getting ready, soon.” I walk rapidly along the hallway passing many strangers as I do. I have never seen the house so full of people and it hits me rather hard when I realise that they are all here to witness Adrian and I getting married. My head begins to race in a million directions and then a sudden flash of me walking down the aisle hits me. I quickly close my eyes as I try to shake off my vision. I stumble against the wall and one of the girls that is attending to the flowers notices my actions.

  “Miss, are you okay?” She asks as she stops in front of me. She is small, dark haired and she is carrying a massive vase of white roses. “Yes I’m fine,” I say as I smile at her politely and then I quickly excuse myself and make my along the hallway towards my room. I push open the door and I immediately rush over to my night stand. I grab my phone from its charge and then I franticly begin to look through my messages. I frown when I see that I don’t have any from Adrian. I know that its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, but surly he could have sent me a text? Icompose a text and then I pause before I hit send. Perhaps I shouldn’t I texthim, if he wanted to speak with me then he would have called. I don’t want toseem desperate and I really shouldn’t worry about why he hasn’t contacted me. I am sure that he’s fine and that he is getting ready for our wedding as we speak. I need to hold back my urge to text him as perhaps he needs some space, before we get married. I throw my phone down onto the bed and I rush into the bathroom. I run the shower and I slowly climb in. As the water ripples down my body, my mind begins to rush with images of him. His eyes, his smile, his strong hands and his full, soft lips float around in my head. I smile- wickedly as I conclude that after today he is mine- forever.

  (Adrian) I open the curtains of the room as I try to wake Michael. He barely flinches at the sunlight that beams through the room. I walk over to him and I gently slap him on his jaw. He doesn’t wake so I hit him harder. With my stronger force he jumps awake and he doesn’t look happy.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” He shouts. I laugh at his reaction. “Calm down mate, it was only a slap.” Michael frowns at me as he lunges from the bed. His dark hair is messy and his eyes are red. To be honest he still looks drunk from the night before. I did warn him to not drink so much alcohol, but he did it anyway. Now his head is pounding and he is shattered- such a great look for a wedding. Michael looks furious as he shakes his head at me.

  “You expect me to calm down when my head is busting?” I laugh at him again as I open the bathroom door. “I did warn you, mate.” I say sarcastically. Michael frowns at me and I laugh again. I walk into the bathroom and I close the door behind me. I switch on the light as I take out my razor from my wash bag. I apply my shaving foam and then I begin to shave off my stubble. I break into a smile as I remember that time in London when Alanna watched me shave. She stood in the doorway mesmerised by my every movement. I thought that shewas acting strange, but I did feel flattered that she wanted to watch. I rinse off the excess foam from my jaws as I enter the shower. The water pelts downfrom the shower and onto my skin. My stomach is in knots and my heart is racing, I want to speak to her and I want to make sure that she is alright, but I know that I can’t. I don’t want to disturb her in anyway and I don’t want to seem needy. For all I know, Alanna could be having second thoughts and if I were to call her it could mess with her head and alter her feelings. I must resist with all my energy and I need to think positive. I would say that I am 80% sure that Alanna is happy with me. The other 20% eats away at me. I know that she is a strong minded girl and I fear that she may realise that I am not good for her. I boss her around and she is a saint for putting up with my anger. But I never stop thinking, what if she becomes tired of me and what if she realises that the hurt and worry that I put her through, isn’t worth the love that I give her. I rest my hand against the cool tiles of the shower as my mind rushes. Her beautiful smile is flashing in my head and I wish that she were here with me. I wish that she could be by my side to reassure me that she loves me.

  I switch off the water as I climb out into the large bathroom. I gently wrap a towel around my waist and then I walk back into the room. Michael is on his phone as he lies back on the bed. I begin to wonder who he is talking to, could it be Alanna. I make eye contact with Michael as he speaks fluidly on his phone. He stares at me but he doesn’t say a word in my direction. I can’t look at his expressions as he listens to whatever he is being told. So I head over to my bed where my suit is resting -waiting for me to put it on. I grab it and then I head back into the bathroom. I don’t close the door fully as I want to hear what Michael is saying. His voice isn’t clear at first but I quickly realise who he is talking to, Emma. I wrinkle my nose when he begins to tell her how beautiful she is and how much he loves her. I don’t want to hear Michael, dirty talk with my sister so I bang the door shut. I dry the water from my body and then I unzip my suit. I pull the threads onto my body and then I can’t resist taking a look in the mirror. I sigh as I take in my reflection. I wear suits almost every day, so one would think that I would be comfortable in them, but if am honest, the trousers are a little snug and the shirt is slightly choking me. I start to sweat under the harsh light of the bathroom and mybreath begins to cut away. I run the water tap and I take a large glug of water. My body temperature decreases and instantly my clothes begin to slacken. I stare at myself again and I realise that my uncomfortable body heat was down to my nerves. My hands are shaking and my stomach remains in a knot. Why am I feeling this way? I soon conclude that I am nervous and shocked because I haven’t seen or spoken to my Alanna.

  (Alanna) “Now, have you decided what you want to do with your hair?” Stacey, my hairdresser says as she loosens the towel from my head. My wet hair collides with the back of my neck and I see that as a sign.

  “I want to wear my hair loose.” Stacey frowns at me.

  “Are you sure? I have a book here on up-dos, don’t you want to take a look?” I stare at myself in the mirror and I shake my head at her suggestion. “Thanks, but I need to wear my hair loose. Adrian likes it better that way.” She frowns again but then she smiles quietly to herself. I take another deep breath as his name passes from my lips. I am brought back to the conversation as Katharine interrupts my thought bubble.

  “What do you think?” She says as she twirls around in her dress. A gentle smile comes to my face as I look at her. She is stunning and her hair and make-up is immaculate, Jeff is a lucky a man.

  “You look amazing,” I gush. Katharine agrees with me and then she excuses herself from the room. I look after her as she leaves and then I turn to Sophie, who is just about to slip on her dress.

  “Are you okay?” I ask as I watch her struggle to pull up her dress. “I can’t believe this, but I think that the dress is too small.” As soon as those words leave Sophie’s mouth the small lady from earlier is by her side. She begins to measure the dress and then she gestures for Sophie to remove the dress. The lady snaps the dress from Sophie, I laugh at her forwardness and then in a matter of seconds she is back at Sophie’s side.

  “Try the dress now,” she urges in a Chinese accent. Sophie looks worried as she begins to slip the dress up her legs once again. A big smile comes to Sophie’s face as she pulls the dress onto her body. The small woman spins Sophie around and in a flash the dress is zipped fully onto Sophie’s body. Sophie looks delighted and I can’t hold back my giggles.

  Stacey finishes styling my hair by spraying a light mist of hairspray over my roots. Then, she gently teases my curls with her fingers until she positions my hair – just right. She steps back and looks at me, frowning slightly. I stare at her as she considers her options. Stacey sighs as she glides over to the large display of red roses that my mom has just brought in. Stacey leans in and picks off one of the large rose heads. She makes her way back ove
r to me and she spins my seat around, so now that I am facing her. I smile at her, as I have a feeling I know what she will do next. Stacey pushes my hair behind my ear and then she fashions the rose head into my hair with a bobbing pin. She turns me back around to face the mirror as she awaits my reaction. I lightly touch the petals as I smile at Stacey.

  “Sweetie your hair looks amazing, Sam you may start on her make-up now.” My mom urges. Stacey moves swiftly along the line of girls waiting to have their hair done - she starts with Sophie. Sam, the make-up artist is now standing behind me and she is eager to get started.

  “So what are we doing, make-up wise?” She asks as she chews on her gum. I politely smile at her, but I can’t help but notice her thick eye-liner. “I want light, subtle make-up.” She rolls her eyes at me and then she begins to apply my foundation. Sam takes around a half-hour to apply my make-up and when she is done, I smile as I like what I see. My eyes are lightly lined, with just a few strokes of mascara. My cheeks are rosy and my eyelids are a light shade of gold. My lips however are bold in solid red lip-stick and Sam finished by lightly spraying me with Chanel No5.

  “What do you think?” Sam asks smugly. I smile at her as I complement her work. “You did an amazing job, thanks.”

  My hair is done, my make-up is done and all I have to do now is change into my dress. I rise from the seat and I make my way over to the wardrobe and I reach up and grab the Vera Wang dress - bag. I carry my dress into the bathroom and then I begin to slide the dress onto my body. Once my dress is fitted I quickly position my hair again – in the same way that Stacey did it the last time. I stare at myself in the mirror and I can’t believe that’s me staring back. I switch off the light and I take a deep breath as I make my way back into the room. When I step out of the bathroom, everyone in the room stops what they are doing and stares at me. I begin to blush as my mom wipes away her tears.


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