Three Thousand Miles - Forever, (book #3 of Three Thousand Miles, Series)

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Three Thousand Miles - Forever, (book #3 of Three Thousand Miles, Series) Page 9

by Deila Longford

  “Oh Alanna you are … breath-taking.” Sophie gushes as I glide over to her. She is still sitting at the dressing table and when I stand behind her I catch another glimpse of myself in the mirror. My dress is long, tight and has a mermaid tail. The fabric of the dress is made mostly from lace and the straps of my gown are jewel incrusted. My hair is flowing and the pop of colour from my lips and the red rose is absolutely stunning. Hanging from my neck is my AB necklace which Adrian gave me. I have paired it with square diamond studs and a simple diamond bracelet. My shoes are from the Jimmy Choo wedding collection and they are super gorgeous and comfortable. The more I stare at myself, the more I want it to be time for the wedding. This morning when I woke up, I was nervous and I dreaded this moment. But now that I am dressed, I feel as if I am now ready to get married. I can’t wait until I see Adrian and I can’t wait until he sees me. I hope that I don’t disappoint him.

  (Adrian) I am sitting on the sofa of my large room. I am dressed in my suit and Michael is currently changing into his. My foot is beginning to tap against the bottom of the sofa, as I count down the hours until I see her. My blackberry is lodged into my hand and I have to restrain myself or else I will cave in and call her. I desperately want to hear her voice so that I can besure that she is okay. I try to convince myself that everything is fine and if there was anything wrong I would have found out by now. I run my finger through my hair as I throw my phone down onto the floor. I can’t look at it any longer and I know that if I held it in my hand for another second, I would call Alanna. I stare down at the phone and I am glad when Michael rushes out of the bathroom – I need a distraction. He has changed into his suit for the wedding and I laugh as Michael has chosen the opposite from me. His suit is Armani, dark grey, white shirt and a grey bow tie. Mine on the other hand is, Tom Ford, black with silk lapels, white shirt with black buttons and black bow tie. I have chosen to have a white rose fitted to my lapel and Michael has opted for a red one. I stare at him and I wonder just how different things could have been if Michael hadn’t of backed off from Alanna when he did. I realise that I haven’t thanked him for that one yet and now seems like a good time.

  “Listen mate, I need to talk to you about… something.” Michael looks serious as he glides over and sits on the bed across from me. His eyes are wide as he awaits my next words. “I haven’t thanked you for what you did for Alanna.” Michael looks confused.

  “Adrian you have thanked me a million times over. Are you becoming, loopy?” I run my fingers through my hair again – as I always do when I am uncomfortable.

  “No mate, I need to thank you for letting Alanna… go.” Michael looks down at the ground as my words ring in the air.

  “She told you that one, then?”

  “That night on her birthday when I caught you two… kissing, Alanna explained everything to me.”

  “I see and why do you want to thank me?” “I want to thank you for letting her go and for letting her be happy with me. I know how hard it must have been for you. I have lost Alanna before and that feeling is paralyzing. I can relate to how you must be feeling.”

  “Listen Adrian, I am going to be honest with you, Icare deeply about Alanna and she will always be special to me. You and I both know that she came into our lives at time when things were collapsing. Alanna was literally our savour and you know that. Both of us needed her and neither one of us wanted to let her go. The reason I did, was because I knew that she felt guilty about coming in between us. She hated that you and I quarrelled over her and it tore her apart when she felt that she needed to choose between us. Brother, what I am trying to say is that Alanna loves you, she always has and she always will. I am just her friend and because I loved her, I let her go.” Michael’s honesty stings in the back of my throat.

  “Alanna was the savour of my life and you are right she did need to be set free. But from the moment that you saved her life, I drummed the thought of losing her to you in my mind. I almost came to terms with it, so it wouldn’t hurt so much when it happened. She may love me but she also loves you.”

  “No, that’s where you are wrong. Alanna doesn’t love me and she never has. The truth is that I have known that from the start, but because I loved her, I pushed her into thinking that she felt something for me. I knew that she cared about me, so I twisted her mind into thinking all sorts of things. I haven’t told you this and I am ashamed to my core, but I had a plan to mess with Alanna’s head. I wanted to harass her into loving me and I wanted to rip her from you.” Michael says smugly. I feel my body heat rising why was he telling me this and today of all days?

  “What did you do?” I snap.

  “I lead Alanna to believe that she could have feelings for me. Every time that I saw her – alone I would say things that were totally out of order.”

  “What things,” I shout.

  “Adrian don’t get mad at me, you know what I am like so why are you acting surprised?”

  “These things that you did, did Alanna ever encourage you?” “No, she fought me back and she always told me that she loved you. Alanna hasn’t put a foot wrong. Everything that has happened has been my fault. She loves you and in a matter of hours she is going tobe your wife. I am happy for her and I have moved on, Emma is my life now and Alanna is yours.” Michael’s words ring in my ears and I would love to rush overand punch him for the way that he has behaved, but, I resist as he is right.Alanna is going to be my wife and Michael does seem happy with my sister. I need to act in a way that would make Alanna proud, I need to accept what has happened and I need to forgive and move on. Michael is my brother, my best man and my best mate. Alanna is my world and without her I would die.

  (Alanna) I take a deep breath as I clutch my bouquet. Guestsare starting to pile in and my heart is now pounding. The wedding is less than twenty minutes away and I can’t help but wonder if Adrian is here yet. I don’t want to think of the altarnative, so I begin to hum as I try to clear away my negative thoughts. My mom walks over to me and she stands behind me as I glare out of the window at the garden below. I feel my mom’s hand gently brush against my shoulder and I turn to face her. She is beautiful in her custom lavender, Vera Wang dress. Her hair is pushed back from her face in a large swooping bun. Her eyes are stunning behind her thick mascara. She smiles at me as a gentle tear falls from her eye. I quickly caress her cheek as I wipe away her tears. My mom places her hand on mine.

  “Sweetie, I can’t believe that you are getting married. How did you get so grown up?” I laugh at my mom’s words.

  “I am asking myself, that very question.”

  I am alone in the room as I wait for the last ten minutes to count down. I gently pace around the room until I hear a soft knock at the door. “Come in,” I shout. The door pushes open and my dad enters the room. He looks smart in his black, Armani tux and I can’t help but smile as he glides over to me. My dad kisses me on the cheek and then he hands me the bouquet of white roses from the dressing table. I clutch his arm as he leads me out the room and down the staircase. The house is breath taking, as we glide through the wide hallways. White rose petals guide us to the back door of the house. I can see through the glass that everyone is seated and awaiting my arrival. I ask my dad for a minute, as I take in the view from inside the house. The aisle and the archway are now completely covered in flowers. White and black drapes loop over the skyline of the aisle and our guests are seated comfortably on white leather chairs. The music from the band begins to play softly and the sound alerts us to get ready.

  (Adrian) I am standing at the altar waiting for her. The scenery is stunning and I can’t believe what a wonderful job Alanna and her mother has done. I couldn’t have imagined a better setting for our wedding. The music begins to play and this alerts me that it’s time for the wedding to start. I turn and gaze out at the aisle and as I look out at our guests, I spot my family members. Charles and Tabatha are seated at the front and few rows back is Alice and her husband. On the other side sits Alanna’s mother an
d her grandma. The music plays louder and then Penelope glides down the aisle sprinkling rose petals as she walks. She is a beautiful little girl and she reminds me of Alanna in so many ways. She has the same huge brown eyes and the same curly blonde hair. Penelope reaches the altar and she runs over to me. She catches my hand and places a rose petal into it. She smiles up at me and then she takes her seat next to her mother. I turn my attention to the aisle again and one by one, the bridesmaids begin to walk down the aisle. Katharine leads, followed by Emma and then Sophie. They reach the altar and they quickly take their places at the side. There is a brief pause and then the music plays the wedding song and the guests stand as the bride is about to walk down the aisle.

  (Alanna) This is it the moment that I have waited for all day - I am about to walk down the aisle. I clutch my dad’s arm tightly as he begins to lead me in the direction of the aisle. My heart is beating when I am faced with the long walk towards the altar. We step out into the garden and now my dad is gliding me towards Adrian. The walk is slow and I can’t catch my breath as everyone stares at me. I shyly smile at the faces I know and then when I am halfway there, I see him. He waits for me as I slowly make my way to him. I have never seen him look so good. I love his choice of suit and I hope that he likes my dress. As I get closer, I can really appreciate his looks. His suit is tailored to fit his muscular body and I love his slicked back hair. His deep green eyes are piercing through me as I finally reach him. Adrian holds out his and I gently kiss my dad on the cheek as I grip my fingers through Adrian’s. The music slows down as Adrian leads me to the altar. I can hear the crowd settle down as the reverent begins to talk.

  “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the sign of God – and in the face of this company – to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honourable among all men; and therefore – is not by any – to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly – but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”

  My heart races as the crowd is silent. I turn to look at Michael who stares back at me. He gently winks and then he turns his attention back to the reverend. “Through marriage, Adrian Mathew Black and Alanna Louise Hart make a commitment together to face their disappointments – embrace their dreams – realize their hopes – and accept each other’s failures. Adrian Mathew Black and Alanna Louise Hart will promise one another to aspire to these ideals throughout their lives together – through mutual understanding – openness – and sensitivity to each other.”

  “We are here today – before God – because marriage is one of His most sacred wishes – to witness the joining in marriage of Adrian Mathew Black and Alanna Louise Hart. This occasion marks the celebration oflove and commitment with which this man and this woman begin their life together. And now – through me – He joins you together in one of the holiest bonds.”

  “Who gives this woman in marriage to this man?”

  My dad stands and gives his answer.

  “Her family and friends gathered here today do.”

  Adrian smiles at me and I feel my heart melt. We are actually doing this Adrian and I, are getting married.

  (Adrian) As I stand with my hand clasped onto hers my life feels complete. She almost took my breath away when she walked down the aisle,in that gorgeous dress. I have never seen such beauty and I can’t believe how I lucky I am to have her. As Alanna smiles at me my fears from earlier disappear. By standing in front of me, she is proving her love and my worries are slightly beginning to ease off. My body temperature is perfect and my head is clear. I remember this morning when I couldn’t think straight because I had not seen her, but now with her perfect smile beaming at me, my head is straight and my heart is open to her. I love Alanna with all my heart and she is my – forever.

  (Alanna) The reverend rambles on for a life time and I can’t wait any longer to say my vows. I want to pledge my love to Adrian and I need it to happen right now. It’s almost as if god has heard my wish as the reverend asks us to make our vows.

  “Exchange of Vows” “Do you Adrian Mathew Black take Alanna Louise Hart to be your wife – to live together after God’s ordinance – in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sicknessand in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her as long as you both shall live?”

  “I will,”

  “Do you Alanna Louise Hart take Adrian Mathew Black to be your husband – to live together after God’s ordinance – in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?”

  “I will,”

  “Would you place the rings in my hand?” Michael steps forward and places the rings into the reverend hand. Adrian looks at me and then he mouths. “I love you,” I smile at him and I want the ring on my finger. I can’t wait any longer, I need to kiss him.

  Adrian Mathew Black, in placing this ring on Alanna Louise Hart’s finger, repeat after me: Alanna Louise Hart, you are now consecrated to me as my wife from this day forward and I give you this ring as the pledge of my love and as the symbol of our unity and with this ring, I thee wed.”

  Adrian lifts my hand as he gently places the ring onto my finger. His voice is strong as he says his vows. “Alanna Louise Hart, you are now consecrated to me as my wife from this day forward and I give you this ring as the pledge of my love and as the symbol of our unity and with this ring, I thee wed.”

  He smirks as he sees the ring on my finger; I grip his hand - it’s my turn now. “Alanna Louise Hart, in placing this ring on Adrian Mathew Black’s finger, repeat after me: Adrian Mathew Black, you are now consecrate to me as my husband from this day forward and I give you this ring as the pledge of my love and as the symbol of our unity and with this ring,I thee wed.”

  I slide Adrian’s white gold wedding band onto his slim finger as I say my vows. “Adrian Mathew Black, you are now consecrate to me as my husband from this day forward and I give you this ring as the pledge of my love and as the symbol of our unity and with this ring, I thee wed.”

  I glance down at my finger and I gently stroke my ring with my thumb. It feels strange, but in a good way. It feels like the missing piece that’s finally been found. My smile is beaming and I can’t believe that we have actually made it to the wedding. For months now I have been rushed and pulled into decisions about flowers and cakes, wedding bands and food. Now that everything has come together and now that Adrian and I are here saying our vows and getting married, I can honestly say that it’s been worth every inch of the torment.

  “You have pronounced yourselves husband and wife but remember to always be each other’s best friend.”

  “What – therefore – God has joined together – let no man put asunder.” “And so, by the power vested in me by the State of New York and Almighty God, I now pronounce you man and wife – and may your days be good and long upon the earth.”

  “You may now kiss the bride.” Adrian pulls me gently towards him as he places his lips on mine for the first time in our marriage. Our guests cheer and I begin to lose my breath from Adrian’s kiss. He loosens his hands from around my face and then he reluctantly pulls away from me. My bridesmaids quickly greet me with a kiss on each cheek as they congratulate us. Michael swiftly shakes Adrian’s hand as he makes his way over to me. I smile up at him as he leans down and kisses me on my forehead.

  “Be happy, Alanna,” he says as he takes Emma by the hand. I watch as he leads her over to
his family. I don’t have time to think or breathe for that matter, when my parents rush over to me.

  “Alanna,” they chant as they both grab onto me at the same time. I begin to sweat under their affection and I kindly push themaway, so that I can breathe once again. Adrian is now back by my side and he instantly greets his in-laws.

  “Mr and Mrs Hart I want to thank you for everything and epically you, Belle. You have done a marvellous job in planning this outstanding wedding. I really cannot thank you enough for helping Alanna and I.”My mom has to hold back her tears as she takes in Adrian’s words. Adrian surprises me - and everyone around us when he reaches out and gives my mom a hug. He pulls back from her and now he is by my side once again. I grip onto him as he spins me around to face him. My parents have disappeared along with every other guest and I am ecstatic that I am finally alone with Adrian. He pulls me closer to him with one swift embrace. His hair gently flops onto his forehead and he quickly pushes it back into place. His hands are sliding down my back as he leans in towards me. His deep green eyes are staring into mine and I melt at his touch. He wickedly smiles at me and then his lips are on mine. I grip him harder as his kisses become firmer. Soft music is playing in the back ground and I can hear cheers coming from inside of the marquee. I know that we should be in there celebrating, but I can’t drag myself away from him. I love him and I am in heaven. After everything that we have been through and after months spent apart, Adrian and I have weathered every storm and now we have to enjoy our

  – forever.


  4 months later

  Dam its cold, I think as I step out the building and into the bitter street of London. The air is freezing and my fingers are numb as I quickly push the unlock button of my car keys. I jump into the car and I instantly switch on the engine. My body begins to shake from the icy temperature and I quickly make my adjustments with car heater. The front window of the car is frozen solid and I need to wait as it thaws out. As I wait – freezing my ass off, I switch on the radio to listen to my favourite breakfast show. I smile as today the topic of discussion is the new reality show that I have become addicted to - Made in Chelsea. The show is set in London’s Chelsea area – hence the name of the show. Anyway, it’s about a group of friends who are from high society. It showcases every inch of their lives, from their recent dates to their vacations and parties. I only discovered the show when I was left alone in our house whilst Adrian was away on a business trip. I was instantly drawn to show and after I watched the first episode, I ran out and bought the complete series on DVD. I stayed cooped up in my pyjamas for 24 hours, watching their lives unfold. I adore the show and I absolutely love the characters especially, Ollie. He is my favourite in so many ways. I love his sense of humour and his brutal honesty. I turn the volume up high as I listen into the talk-show host’s thoughts on my Chelsea friends. I laugh as they are talking about the recent love triangle involving Spencer and Louise.


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