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Three Thousand Miles - Forever, (book #3 of Three Thousand Miles, Series)

Page 21

by Deila Longford

  “You are glowing and your bump is so cute.” Sophiegently pats her stomach and then she takes the glass of water from my hand.

  “Speaking of my bump, what’s for dinner? Something smells good.” I laugh and then I fill her in on what we are having for dinner. “Chicken parmesan,” I say proudly as I know that it is her ultimate favourite meal. Sophie smiles at me whilst she licks her lipsat the sound of the food. I glide over to the arm chair and I sit down as I quiz Sophie on her pregnancy. “So have you found out the sex of your baby?” James makes a smooth look towards Sophie and she smiles back at him. I look at them in amazement as I feel that I am missing something.

  “We have found out, but we haven’t told anyone yet.” Sophie gushes. I nod at her as I understand that she might want to keep that information to herself. So I don’t press her for an answer instead I smile and nod politely. However, inside I am dying to know. I still can’t believe that Sophie is going to be a mom and for the past few months I haven’t really believed that it was real. I know it’s stupid, but I was kind of in denial about the whole thing. It just seems so grown up and even though I am married and I live in London I still feel that we are kids. Living in New York and hanging out at the mall, those days still seem real and relevant. Whenever I am sad or when life becomes tough, I look back on those days and I am comforted. I guess that I am sad because I know that when Sophie has her baby those amazing days will be gone.

  “That’s great that you have found out. At least you know what colour to buy.” Sophie laughs and then she narrows her eyes at me.

  “Aren’t you going to ask what the sex is?” “Well no, I asked and you said that you knew but you haven’t told anyone. Don’t worry I won’t pressure you into telling me, I understand how private a thing like that can be.” James stares at me again and this time I have to ask him what wrong. “James, are you okay?” He laughs at my question.

  “Yes why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You just seem a little… nervous, perhaps?” Sophie makes a darting look towards him and when he locks his eyes on hers he quickly composes himself. “I’m a little jet lagged,” he says as he sips his water. I smile at him and then I jump as I hear the front door open. Sophie looks atme and she senses my anxiety.

  “You seem nervous, are you alright?” I nod at her and then I turn to face the door as I hear footsteps. I watch the doorway untilAdrian glides into the room. I stand up as he enters and then I rush over to him.

  “Hello, it’s been a while,” he says smoothly to our guests. James stands up and then he makes his way over as he firmly shakes Adrian’s hand. Sophie attempts to stand, but Adrian stops her as he glides over and gently kisses her on the cheek. She blushes from his affection but at the time, she is beaming that he has kissed her. “How was your flight?” Adrian says as he strides back over to my side. He slides his arm around my waist and I grip onto him as I need him. I have missed him so much today and I wish that I could snuggle into him and never leave. I want to feel his arms holding me as I tell him about my terrible day. I want him to tell me that everything will be alright, but I know that I will have to hold back as I remind myself that we have guests.

  “The flight was awesome we can’t thank you enough for your generosity.” Sophie thanks Adrian and he simply nods at her words. “Can you please excuse us for a minute?” Adrian says tenderly as he leads me into the hallway. He pushes me against the wall and I am stunned by his actions. I stare at him as he grabs onto my face. His lips are quivering as he leans down and kisses me. I melt into his touch and then I am angry when he pulls his lips away from me. I frown at him and he smirks at my gesture. I slide my hand onto his back and Adrian kisses me again. He gently pulls back and then he alerts me that he needs to ask me something.

  “Baby, I need you to do something for me.” I stare at him as I think that I would do anything for him.

  “Yes,” Adrian laughs. “My father is in the car and I would like it if he could have dinner with us.” I sigh as I think back on the last time that I saw Edward. He was angry and he called me names. He seemed as if he hated me and Ican’t forget the extent of his temper. When Adrian arrived home that night and after he explained why he had lied to me about meeting with his father I told him about my worries. I explained that I didn’t feel that he was a genuineperson. I felt that Edward was selfish and that he knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted Adrian in his life and I fear for the wrong reasons. Adrian hasshowed him kindness and he has provided him with a nice lifestyle. He has bought him a new car, new house and he has given him a job at the company and I worry that it’s Adrian’s money and not him which Edward pulls to his heart. However, Adrian is happy that Edward is back in his life and as I am his wife I need to stand by him and I need to make an effort with Edward.

  “Of course, bring him in.” Adrian smiles at me and then he kisses me again. I watch as he glides along the wide hallway to the front door. He pushes it open and then he steps out into the cold. I make my way back into the lounge as I inform Sophie and James that we have another dinner guest.

  “Adrian’s father is going to be joining us for dinner.” Sophie stares at me. “Charles?” She quizzes. I shake my head. “No, Edward, Adrian’s biological father.” Sophie is silent and James looks awkward. I try to reassure them that everything will be fine. “Don’t worry he is actually rather nice and you might end up liking him.” I almost choke as those words pass from my lips.

  I sit back down on the arm chair as I wait for Adrian to waltz back into the room with Edward by his side. I hear the front door open and again I hear footsteps making their way closer to me. Adrian slides into the room, followed by Edward. I look at Adrian and he looks amazing, he is dressed in a black pinstriped suit with a white shirt underneath. His hair is slicked back and his smile is devilish. He quickly introduces his father to Sophie and James and then he walks over and stands by my chair. He places his hand onto my shoulder as he waits for Edward to greet me. Edward nods and smiles at Sophie and James and then he turns to me. He is dressed in a blue suit and I can’t deny how much he looks like Adrian and seeing them together is startling. They have the same presence and the same manner. Adrian is a little taller than Edward, but when they stand side by side their eyes glow continuously and I can’t help but feel mesmerised at the sight of them.

  Edward glides over to me and he reaches out for myhand. I make a daggering look towards him, but with Adrian standing so closeand his eyes burning through me, I reluctantly reach out and place my hand in his. He smiles at me and then he gently kisses my skin. I roll my eyes at his touch and then I politely excuse myself as I need to check on dinner.

  “Sophie would you like to help me with dinner?” I say as I flash Sophie a desperate look. She senses my urgency but she accepts my question with poise.

  “Of course I will, Alanna.”

  Sophie and I head out of the lounge and as we walk along the hallway and into the kitchen Sophie lets me know how she feels.

  “That was so intense,” we enter the kitchen and I alert Sophie to take a seat at the breakfast bar as I begin to take the food out of the oven.

  “So how is everything going with you and James?” I ask as I plate up the food. Sophie exhales and then she fills me in on her new life with Dr James. “Things are good, we have moved into a bigger apartment. The view is amazing it looks out over central park and every morning we wake up and have breakfast as we look out at the city. For the first time in my life I am actually happy.” I smile at her as I am happy for her. “We are having a boy,” Sophie confesses. I can’t contain my smile as I leap forward and hug Sophie.

  “Wow a little boy, that’s wonderful. Have you thought of a name yet?” Sophie loosens my grip on her as she reaches over and lifts a piece of bread from the platter. I laugh at her and then I focus as she explains about her baby’s name.

  “I was thinking about calling him Brooklyn, but James is on the fence about it. He wants to call him Spencer.”

  “They are b
oth great names, but I agree with you I like Brooklyn.” Sophie bites into the bread as she nods in agreement.

  “I still can’t believe that you are married.” Sophie gushes.

  “I know it’s crazy, right?” I agree with Sophie. “Do you like living in London?” Sophie’s words catch me by surprise as I have never had to answer that question before. I take amoment to think before I answer – do I like the city of London? I know thatI adore its beauty and the culture of the city, but do I wake up every morning loving the fact that I live in London? I smile as I absolutely adore it.

  “Yes I love living here.” Sophie places what’s left of the bread down onto the counter and she sighs – deeply. I look at her and I feel that she has something on her mind. I stop dishing out the food as I ask her if she is okay.

  “Is everything, okay?” Sophie shakes her head and now I am worried, I hope that everything is okay with the baby. “Is it the baby?”

  “No I’m fine. It’s just I am a little sad that my two best friends live so far away.”

  “Speaking of Katharine, have you heard from her lately?” Sophie looks awkward at the sound of my question. “She calls me every day,” Sophie looks guilty as she confesses. I roll my eyes as I think of all the lies and spiteful things that Katharine has obviously said about me. “I don’t understand why you two have fallen out, what happened?”

  “I don’t know, after the wedding she just completely avoided me. At first I didn’t know what I did to offend her, but I saw her this morning and she told me.”

  “And?” “Come on Sophie you know why she has a problem with me.” Sophie looks guilty again and her emotions alert me that my theories about Katharine slating me are correct.

  “She doesn’t like Adrian,” Sophie finally confesses.

  “That’s ridiculous, but it’s true. Katharine hates Adrian and she has gone out of her way to make him suffer.”

  “What did she do?” “Katharine has manipulated Jeff into quitting his job. Not only has Adrian lost his right hand man, but now Jeff is threating to sue Adrian for millions . He is devastated, Jeff was his best friend and now he has lost him and it’s all because of Katharine.”

  “I had no idea that things were so bad, it’s so unlike her to do a thing like this. I don’t understand who she has become.”

  “The girl I saw this morning wasn’t the girl that we know. She has changed in so many ways and I can honestly say that I wish that I never see her again. Katharine disgusts me and I will never forgive her for what she has done.”

  Our dinner has now started and once everyone is sitting down at their seats Adrian makes a toast. “I would just like to say welcome to our home and thanks to my stunning wife for this delicious food.” Adrian holds up his glass of champagne and I am stunned that he is drinking again. I don’t want to quiz him about it in front of our guests so I hold my tongue as he sips the alcohol.

  We eat in peace – at least for a while. Everyone has complimented my food and I am flattered by their kind words. We are dining in candlelight with small vases of white roses running up the centre of the table. We have Michael Bublé playing in the background and the moon is shining in through our large glass windows. Sophie is glowing as she talks about becoming a mother and James is quietly content as he adds his thoughts about being a dad to the conversation. Adrian is listening intently as he understands their worries about parenting. Edward is leaning back in his chair –smugly as he sips at champagne. I have to hold back my anger as I have had to watch him refilling Adrian’s empty glass with champagne -all night long. It’s clear to see that Adrian’s new taste for alcohol is influenced by Edward. In the past I tried to encourage Adrian into indulging in alcohol as I felt that he could control himself, but now that Adrian has started to drink, I am not sure if like it.

  Once everyone has finished eating, I leap from my seat as I begin to clear away the plates. As I lift Adrian’s plate, James rises up from his seat and he starts to help clear up. I smile at him and then I make my way into the kitchen. I sit the dirty plates down onto the counter and then I glideover to the fridge and I take out a vanilla cheesecake. As I begin to slicethe dessert into equal pieces, James walks into the kitchen – carrying the plateswhich he cleared from the table. I smile at him again and then I thank him for his help.

  “Thanks, Sophie is a lucky girl; Adrian would neverclear away dirty dishes.” James laughs and then he places the plate down ontothe counter. I continue to plate up our dessert as James glides over and takes a seat at the breakfast bar. I politely smile at him, but inside I am thinking of how strange he is acting. He seems nervous as he stares at me and my cheeks begin to flush when he maintains his stare. I haven’t seen him as jumpy as this before and I feel that he wants to talk to me about something. So I stop slicing the cheesecake as I lock my eyes on his. I smile at him again and then I ask him if he is okay.

  “Is everything, okay?” James slides his hand through his hair as he thinks of his reply. His dark eyes are glistening in the soft lighting and I can’t help but wonder what’s wrong with him.

  “I’m good; it’s you who I am worried about.” My heart begins to race – why is James worried about me?

  “Why are you worried about me?” James looks seriousas he stares deep into my eyes.

  “Have you been sick recently?” I clear my throat as I reply. “Yeah, I have.” I stare at the doctor as I think back on how crappy I have been feeling. My head pounds all the time and I am always nauseous, I always feel light headed and my appetite is weird. Holy cow, is there something wrong with me?

  “Explain your symptoms to me?”

  “Nausea and I feel dizzy, a lot.” James considers my words and then he smiles at me.

  “Alanna, you need to make an appointment with your GP.” I frown at him. “Is there something wrong with me?” I snap. James laughs again and then he rises up from his chair. He glides over to my side and he lifts two of the dessert plates. I stare up at him as I begin to worry.

  “You will be fine, but promise me that you will goand see your doctor? Just for a check-up, you look a little … pale.” It’s now 10:30pm, Edward has left and Sophie and James have gone to bed. I have just finished clearing up and now I am going to join Adrian in the lounge. I walk into the room and Adrian is sitting on the sofa as he talks on his phone. I slip off my Jimmy Choos as I make my way over to him. I sit down next him and when my ass hit’s the cushions Adrian wraps his arm around me as he pulls me closer to him. I rest my head on his chest as he continues to talk on his BlackBerry. I inhale his scent as I take in his sexy voice.

  “Ah mate it was only a bad dream, go back sleep and I will see you in the morning.” I smile as I realise that Adrian is talking to William. I grip him tighter as I find him irresistible when he is talking so softly. Adrian is always so serious so I love it when I get to witness his tender side. I look up at him and he gently puckers his lips as if he were going to kiss me.

  “Please tell William that I say goodnight,” I say smoothly as Adrian stares down at me. “Alanna says goodnight, now mate it’s time for youto go to bed. I will see you first thing in the morning, okay?” Adrian smiles and then he hangs up the phone after William says his goodbyes. Adrian drops his phone down onto the sofa and then he slides his hand onto my face as he leans down and gently places his lips on mine. I firmly clutch his jaw as his melt into his kisses. Adrian gently pushes me down onto the sofa, but I remember that I need to talk to him about my job, so I push him back.

  “What’s wrong?” He says firmly. I smile at him as I loosen myself from his grip. I nervously push my hair away from my face as I begin to explain today’s events to Adrian.

  “I had a terrible day,” Adrian narrows his green eyes at me. “Tell me what happened?” He says firmly. I explain to him about the car and about Janet’s phone call. I leave out the part about the note as I fear that news of it could send Adrian over the edge. As Adrian takes in my words, his eyes begin to bolt and his hands are beginning to tre
mble. I try to reach over and take his hand in mine, but he pulls his hand back.I stare at him as I await his reaction.

  “We need to get away; it isn’t safe for you here.” I scowl at him as I remind him that we have guests.

  “What about Sophie and James? We can’t just abandon them.” Adrian nods and then he talks. “We will take them with us,”

  “But where will we go?” Adrian slides his fingers through his hair as he thinks.

  “St. Tropez?” I consider his suggestion and then I shake my head as I think of his business. Adrian is being sued over the last time he took a break, so I hate to think what will happen if he takes another one.

  “We can’t just up and leave. What about your company and William, we can’t just leave him.” Adrian nervously squeezes his lipsas he thinks again.

  “Fuck the business and we can take William with us. I am sure that Zara wouldn’t mind.”

  “I’m pretty sure that she would and don’t be so vulgar, it’s not cool.” Adrian clenches his fists at my words.

  “Don’t get smart with me,” he snaps as he points his long finger in my face. I roll my eyes at him and then I grab his finger as I snarl my reply. “Don’t point your finger in my face,” Adrian’s eyes intensify and I can see the rage building in them. I let go of his hand as I try to explain my answer in a more polite tone. “I know it’s hard, but we can’t just run away from this and you know that your company needs you right now.”

  “I can’t risk you getting hurt –again. Please don’t fight me on this.” Adrian reaches out and he slides me along the sofa and into his arms. He clutches my face as he presses a soft kiss onto my neck. I close my eyes at his touch and then I sigh as I agree with his commands.


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