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by Secret Desire [MF] (epub)

  “It’s not exhausting when you’ve found the right person.” Rissa was lucky to have found Evan, or rather have him find her; she would never take him for granted. Every day she fell more in love with that man, and she knew he felt the same way. They were living this life together. She really hoped Eve found someone who could be that for her. “O k. I’ll be right back. Try not to let him hurt himself. Deacon …behave, or it won’t be Karma’s ball blender you have to worry about because I’ll be flambéing those nuts. Capisce ?” At his tired nod, she headed to the back room and down the stairs to the club. Evan’s office was behind the bar at the end of the hallway. She took a steadying breath before knocking. With no idea what she was going to tell him or how she was going to ask him to help her ex, she pushed open the door and closed it behind her, locking the situation upstairs behind her.

  Chapter Three

  When the door in the back of the storeroom closed, Eve grinned wickedly before hopping up on the counter next to where Deacon was leaning. She sat close enough that he could smell her signature scent — Kenneth Cole’s “Black”— mixed with her body chemistry for a smell that was seductively sweet and dark. She crossed her legs, leaning down next to his head, to whisper in his ear.

  “So, you’re the one who thinks we’re all freaks who need to be leashed, huh? Looks more like you need to be on a leash.” She winked at him, but she wasn’t teasing . Despite his sickly appearance, he was attractive, his bone structure and muscle tone suggested that he was incredibly well-built. He might be Rissa’s leftovers, but something about him resonated with Eve, intriguing her. She ran her finger down his bicep then further down his forearm just to see what kind of reaction she could get. Not much. But when she ran the heel of her stilettoed, thigh-high boot down his side hard enough that there’d be a red streak down his ribs, she noticed his breath hitch and his cock start to harden through the thin scrubs. Smirking to herself, she hopped down off the counter to slowly sashay around him, dragging her nails across his body as she rounded him. “Seems to me Rissa’s not the only one who appreciates a little pain with her pleasure. Got a secret desire buried deep inside, do you, Deacon? We always fight hardest against that which we’re most ashamed of in ourselves, you know.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, there’s nothing sexy about pain. You people are out of your fucking minds, messing with whips and chains and shit.” She’d almost believe him by his tone , except his posture and his line of sight told a different story. He shifted one leg to hide his slight erection. H e couldn’t or wouldn’t look her in the eye . His vision stayed trained on the pattern he was tracing with his finger on the countertop.

  “Whips, chains, cuffs, paddles, floggers…we’re very versatile . S omething tells me you’ll be experiencing our range sooner than you think.” With a laugh, she stomped in slow, measured, determined steps across the store to tend to a customer that walked in when the door chimed. She put an extra sway in her hips as she walked, not once looking back at him. By his body ’s reaction to a hint of pain, there was no way he could deny that his most secret desire was to be dominated, even if he would never verbalize it. Still, Eve was going to try to get him to own his darkest fantasies, and then she was going to be the one to fulfill them. That was not up for discussion.


  “Down boy , before I tape you to the inside of my thigh ,” Deacon muttered toward the floor, trying to convince the little deekster to go incognito. But the woman affected him like none other. The tiny bit of discomfort from her boot running down the ridges of his rib cage had given him the same feeling being restrained to the hospital bed had. He wanted it, and his body had made sure to let his head know that that was what it craved. The scent of her perfume lingered in his senses, the sound of her voice echoed somewhere else, and he knew he would never forget either. That woman was everything he needed, yet nothing he wanted. Or at least, nothing he wanted to want. However, the situation happening in his britches wasn’t slowing down . With every step she took, her ass bounced; the power she put behind each step while not over the top made his cock grow harder, and if he didn’t do something about it soon, he was going to be in big trouble.

  “You have a bathroom or something?” He had to cross his legs like an embarrassed teenager to hide his erection when he asked, but a bathroom meant privacy, and privacy meant he could rub one out real quick to take care of the throbbing problem.

  “Sure do, but you can’t use it.” She hadn’t bothered to even look at him.

  “Um, what do you mean, I can’t use it? You got man-hating, man-eating piranhas in there or something?” Doubtful. The only man-eating anything around here was this tall blonde with the pixie haircut, green eyes, and fuck-me boots.

  “No, you can’t use it b ecause I know what you want it for, and I’m not going to let you. So, yes, we have one, but you can’t use it.”

  What the fuck was happening? His need grew more each time she told him no. W hen she’d said she wasn’t going to let him take care of himself, he pitched a serious tent. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been that hard for a woman. The fact that he was so ridiculously aroused by her denying him permission to go jerk off was frighteningly erotic.

  “Wow . Bossy much? Chill out woman, I just need to piss. Unless you’d like me to piss all over your nice floor.” A piss was the last thing on his mind, but apparently, he wasn’t getting out of her e to do what he needed to do, so he didn’t really have many other options .

  “ First of all, my name is Eve, not Woman. Do it again, and you’ll wish you hadn’t . I’m bossy because I happen to be the boss . If you piss on that floor, you’ll be mopping it up with your hair, so I suggest you don’t.” Sauntering over, she winked at the young red-headed woman behind the counter before leaning in close to his ear. “Besides, if you can practice a little patience, I promise, I’ll give you a hand with your…situation . So long as you behave yourself and do as you’re told.” She nipped at his ear with the corner of her teeth, giving herself a satisfied smile when the whisper of pain made his pants twitch before she stepped around the counter to help the customer. Their little verbal tango in front of the clientele made the customer blush furiously and look everywhere but at the two of them. That seemed to amuse Eve. It only made Deacon that much more aware of the fact that Eve was in control, that he was quickly becoming a play thing to her.

  “Good choice, the weighted nipple clamps . And the leather-ware you’ve chosen is perfect! Going home to a lucky man, I’d say.” He watched the way Eve’s encouragement made the woman more comfortable and admired her for it. Intrapersonal relations never were his strong suit.

  “Thanks . We’ve been married five years, and things are getting …w ell dull. I’m hoping this will spice things up for us.” The blush that crept up her pale skin, and the way she tucked her red tendrils behind her ear before looking away made her seem much younger than she probably was. “Of course, I could just take a lesson from the way you two tempt and tease. That might liven things up a bit for us.” She glanced in Deacon’s direction then gasped. The raging boner fighting to get out of his pants was obviously difficult to ignore.

  “Aw, gingersnap, sometimes men just need to be reminded who’s really in charge, that’s all.” Eve winked at her and finished the transaction.

  For as much as he protested, his body was screaming to be restrained and disciplined. S he couldn’t be more enti ced to be the one tying him down, giving him the punishment he so richly deserved. Handing over the customer’s receipt, she figured there was no time like the present to see how deep his hidden desires went — maybe have a little fun for herself.

  “Let’s go.” She walked past him, heading for the store office, her tone letting him know that it wasn’t a request . When he stepped in, she closed the door with the heel of her boot then sat on the desk, her legs crossed and dangling. Her posture was impeccable, no slouch, just strong, and stern. She picked up a riding crop from her desk, gripping it
firmly in one hand before dropping the end into her free hand, savoring the satisfying smack. “Get on your knees.” She didn’t seem surprised by his incredulous expression. It was almost as if it was something she ’d expected, but she repeated the command slower and lower. “On . Your. Knees. If I repeat it, I walk out of here, and you go home nursing blue balls.”

  Reluctantly, he slowly dropped to his knees in front of her, his arms hanging at his sides, fists clenched and muscles flexed. I t was clear he didn’t know what to do with himself in this situation. She stepped down off the desk, closing the short distance between them. Her riding crop dragged up his arm slowly, across the back of his shoulders, and down the other arm. When she stopped in front of him, his head only reached as high as her sex. She put one foot up on his shoulder, placing him squarely between her legs just a breath away from her pussy. His tongue flicked out against the leather hot shorts she wore with her corset as she dropped the riding crop down hard on his shoulder. When he yelped, she looked down to admire how tall and thick his cock had grown in the last few minutes.

  “What th e fuck was that for? You put it right in front of me. How the hell did you expect me not to take a taste?” Righteous indignation poured from his lips before she brought the crop down again.

  “You don’t take from me, I give to you . Around here, we don’t try to top from the bottom. You may have what I say you can have only when I say so and not before. Out there in the big bad world of whatever it is you do, you might be in charge, but in here, I’m in charge . Your job is to keep quiet, trust me to give you what you desire, and do as you’re told . No more, no less. ” She didn’t bother to move . His face was still inches from her pussy, and he was starting to have a hard time concentrating on anything but the ache in his groin as well as the sweet damp heat taunting him.

  “I don’t need to be told what to do . Sex is sex.” Too bad his body wasn’t in agreement with his mouth.

  “Your head may think you don’t need to be told what to do, but the way your body reacts, speaks volumes about your carnal desires. The tiny hint of discomfort that made your cock stand up and take notice. The way your breath hitched and your erection twitched at being told what you can and cannot do as far as your masturbatory habits. The impossibly hard length you’re now rocking , and the way your eyes glazed over at being told to kneel at my feet, all say that deep inside, even though you’ re currently ashamed of it, you want to be dominated. Go on, try and convince me that the way you tensed then relaxed when my crop landed on your shoulder doesn’t confirm that little theory of mine . Out there, you’re in charge, but there is no discipline in your life, no order. And there never will be until you accept who you truly are. Many submissives lead successful lives at the top of the food chain out there, but they crave the discipline in their sex lives that they dish out to people in their professional ones. Carrying the weight of the business world on your shoulders can be exhausting. Submission allows someone the opportunity to release all of it, hand everything over to someone else for a while. You think you’ve known pleasure before? Render control to someone else for a change, and see how much you’ve been missing out . You’ll never go back again.”

  “No, I am not a submi…a whatever you said . I don’t need some woman telling me what to do, especially with sex. I do just fine on my own, and if I want to rub one out, I can do that without yours , or anyone else’s permission. ” Interestingly enough, he still didn’t bother to move from his position on his knees at her feet.

  “Fine . You want to have a wank? Be my guest. But I’m going to watch.” She stepped back to sit on the desk to observe.

  “Fine.” He reached into his pants and stroked down his length once, but she stopped him with the tip of her crop on the hand wrapped around his cock. He stiffened, gripping his cock tighter, but his eyes flickered, and every drop of blood in his body settled in his crotch.

  “No . I’m going to watch everything. That means clothes off.” He removed the shirt, tossing it aside. He hesitated with the pants,

  but not because he didn’t want to be seen, more because he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do. She’d told him to kneel, but if he stood to remove the clothes, he didn’t know what she’d do, so he just pushed them as far down as he could. His impressive length sprang forth to tap his belly. He fixed his eyes on her body and gripped his cock in a firm hand at the base, slowly stroking to the tip where a shiny bead waited there. His hand slicked the pre-come back, making the head of his cock glisten. He stroked up and down, slowly at first then faster. His muscles twitched and bunched as he reached down with his free hand to cup and tug on his balls. Both the sight of her body before him combined with the approving look she gave him, turned him on more than he’d been before , and they hadn’t even touched each other.

  He knew there was truth in what she said, but he could never admit it. The way he’d been raised, that behavior was evil, deviant, and beyond shameful. Sex was taboo in and of itself, but to add things like pain and bondage, made it disgusting, sinful. He’d repressed that side of himself so long, and so vehemently, that he’d demonized Rissa for wanting someone to submit to. But he wouldn’t be able to deny the fact that he wanted the same thing for himself. He’d have to stop fighting sometime . Right now, on his knees in front of a woman unlike any h e’d ever met, his cock in his hand , her eyes roaming his body, he couldn’t fight anything at all . His head fell back, immediately snapping up to look at her, almost as if taking his eyes off of her would offend her. That was the last thing he wanted. He stroked his cock faster, smoothing his palm over the tip and back down again, tugging on his balls, cupping them, rolling them in his hand. His muscles were tense, but he felt relaxed. His breathing turning into more of a pant, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold off his release. He didn’t want to look like a chump, but he hadn’t felt this turned on before , and the slightest spark would set him off.

  The women he’d known before her had always told him that h is body was magnificent. Decadent, even. The way his muscles rippled, paired with the light dusting of hair across his pecs, added to the masculinity that attracted them to him. Now, none of that mattered. This woman put his self esteem in jeopardy. At that moment, he hoped she found him as desirable as he found her, if that were even possible. His submissiveness was more deeply seated; a part of his psyche. He was struggling with it, but hoped she knew with time and encouragement, she could help him embrace it. He stroked until his body tensed further, his balls pulling up close to his body. His teeth clenched, his jaw ticked, and through his glazed eyes, he knew she could see that he was close. She reached out with the crop, flicking it at first one nipple and then the other. The stinging smack of leather against skin rang out. Judging by the sly smile on her face, he responded the way she’d obviously intended. His breath caught on the first slap, and he moaned loudly. On the second, he came. Streams of come spurted from his cock, running over his hands, dripping to the floor. A drop landed on her boot, and she grinned. His body convulsed as he came. For a brief moment, he stopped breathing, riding out his orgasm. The way his body undulated uncontrollably seemed to make her body move from amusement to high alert; the scent of her arousal as her slicked folds permeated the air, and the tightening of her nipples had him nearly begging for a taste.

  He hadn’t come that hard since his first time . Still stinging, his nipples were sensitive, but in a good way. The crop had been a spark, setting him on fire and releasing everything he’d kept pent up inside . Cathartic orgasm? If submitting, even a tiny bit, by obeying her few commands and taking the little pain she ’d given him in that moment had made him come that powerfully, she was right. He was never going back. But how do you stop running from the part of yourself you ’ve hated for so long and embrace it? He didn’t have any idea how to do that, but he knew that this wo man he’d just met would guide him through it . When his body stopped convulsing he slouched, but his cock didn’t . Never once had he been able to come twice. If that fi
rst orgasm was any indication, the second would be even better — if she allowed him a second.

  “I hope you don’t think you’re finished.” Despite the rasp of desire that was thick in her voice, she was steady and firm. Leaning down, she wiped the drop of his seed that had fallen on her boot with her finger, bringing it to her lips to taste. “Come here.”

  Chapter Four

  As he moved toward her, she reached behind her to unlace her corseted top, letting it fall away, exposing her naked body from the waist up. Her breasts were large, heavy, and perfectly rounded. Through each of her taut, deep wine-colored nipples were thick metal rings with weighted balls on them. His mouth watered, desperate to latch onto one and suck hard, but he waited for her to direct him. Whatever this was, it wasn’t just sex, and it wasn’t like anything he’d ever experienced before . It was better. Given everything he’d been through in the past few weeks, he wasn’t about to walk away from something this good, no matter how out of his element he felt.


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