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slip away.” She clicked the intercom, disconnecting them before he could say anything, but he knew she was right. Eve was very special, but where he should go from here, he had no clue. In this little game of cat and mouse, she was most definitely the cat, playing by rules he didn’t understand . With a groan, he pushed himself out of the chair as he tried to push Eve from his mind. The biggest meeting of his life was about to go down. I f he wasn’t one-hundred percent in the game, Deacon and a whole lot of other people would be looking for new jobs by dinner time. A merger between the two biggest mortgage holding companies in the northeast, and he very well could fuck it all up if he wasn’t focused . Glad-handing the clients as they came up, he tried to be every bit the posh executive, but his head was in his pants because Eve was on his mind.
Bored. There was no other way to describe Eve’s mood the last couple of days. Just bored. The same people came into the lingerie shop everyday over and over. “ Can you fit this? ” “ Do I need to wax to wear this? ” “ Does this leather bustier make me look fat? ” “ No, Yes, and I don’t know, ask your husband. ” Since she’d had Deacon in the office and delighted in helping him explore a part of himself he’d always been ashamed of, nothing else seemed very exciting or even satisfying in comparison. Why she felt that way was a mystery. After all, he wasn’t her first, and while he was gorgeous, he wasn’t the most attractive man she’d ever been with . Still, something about Deacon drew her to him in a way she’d never experienced before. A clawing need to help him accept himself, and even more, to have him submit to her, to let her care for him the way he should be cared for, had taken up residence in her chest. It didn’t feel like it was just renting space short term. Hoping a few days without being around him would quash it, s he’d left him at Rissa’s old loft without so much as a goodbye. One and done, that’s all it should have been, but she was beginning to think this was far from done — if it ever would be. Her one offs never got a text message about self-pleasure, or anything for that matter, but when she’d woken up deliriously horny that morning, all she wanted was to be with him. The text message had been the next best thing. If she had to be teased by thoughts of him, he should have to endure the same torture. A passing thought that this must be the way Evan felt when he ’d first met Rissa made her heart skip a beat or twelve before she banished the idea. What Evan and Rissa had was what fairy tales were made of. It wasn’t for Eve . It never would be.
“Excuse me? Miss? Excuse me!” The impatient demanding resonance of the dark-haired-princess-mob-daughter-wanna-be at the counter brought her out of her thoughts as she stood up straight.
“Yes, can I help you, your highness?” Sarcasm lost on this girl, she set off on a long tirade about how wonderful her fiancé was and how fabulous their wedding was going to be. As Eve silently begged for her to wrap up the verbal novel, she finally got to the point of her visit to Leather and Lace.
“Anyway, none of that really matters it’s just my fiancé Dean is really special, and I just want to find something really, oh-my-god hot to wear on our wedding night. Since he loves me so much that he’s not going to a strip club for his bachelor party, I want something that’s like, trashy hot, kinda like a stripper, to reward him. Can you recommend anything like that?” Too bad Eve only heard the first few words because as soon as the “ D ea” sound came out of the girl’s mouth, Eve’s thoughts snapp ed to Deacon. For some completely asinine reason, the thought of him submitting to another, of being with someone else, made her feel nauseous and angry at the same time. If this was what jealous possessiveness felt like, one, it was a terrible feeling, and two, she shouldn’t be feeling it for someone she’d fucked once and not seen since. Her mind made up, she knew she needed to see him again, see if the same spark she’d felt that first day was real or if she’d just been unusually horny that day . Who was she kidding? She knew the answer to that question, that spark wasn’t just real, it was white hot and all-consuming, and she knew they were both going to get burned. Problem was they were also both going to like it.
“Trashy hot stripper. Got it. Check the back wall. There are some pieces there that might be what you’re looking for, but if you’re looking for something extra special for him, call this guy, he does custom pieces — very, very expensive. I’d suggest a piercing or three if you really want to surprise him.” Squealing and clicking heels pierced the usually quiet ambience of the store as the gaggle of females took the number from Eve before taking off. With Evan and Rissa out of town on an impromptu trip, Eve locked up the store, knowing she needed to be back before the club’s regulars started coming in for the night. But Deacon was more important. The ever-present need to see him riding her hard. What would Evan do? He’d do exactly like he ’d done —he’d chase his heart. Eve needed to do the same, even if it meant risking it for someone she didn’t know, but couldn’t deny her need
Chapter Six
Deacon was nearly to the elevator when the building’s elderly, but the refined doorman, Randall, stopped him.
“Mr . Cain! Wait! I have a message for you. A lovely blonde woman came in earlier and asked that when you return that you please join her. There’s a car service outside waiting to take you to her , and she said to tell you not to be late.”
Eve. His heart stopped, and his cock lurched at the thought of being with her again. Turning on his heel, he tugged his tie loose before heading out to the dark town car waiting for him. Opening the door, he slid into the supple leather interior, but instead of finding an empty seat next to him, she was there, completely naked. Everything inside of him screamed to touch her, but he resisted, instead letting his eyes drink in the look of her body. He didn’t say a word, just looked , waiting for her to take the lead. After the day he’d had, he needed someone to take over for the night. He needed her.
“Clothes . Off.”
Nothing else needed to be said. He scrambled like a frantic teenager trying to get untangled from his suit and tie, kicking off shoes, his pants, and ripping the buttons off his shirt, listening to them ping against the glass windows. Naked, just as she was, his erection stood like a tree trunk, resting against his belly. It took everything he had not to reach down and stroke it. Not that it mattered, before he had time to stroke once, she’d draped her leg over him, straddling his lap, rubbing his thick length against her slick center; the silver piercing rubbing the sensitive skin at the base of his head. Large, bouncing breasts were just in front of his face, and he bit his tongue to keep from tasting them. It wasn’t until she gripped his cock , positioning him below her entrance that he even realized they were still in the car. When she slid down his bare cock, his head fell back, and he groaned at the sweet, wet heat encasing him in a vise.
Slender fingers tangled in his hair, yanking his head back up to her breast. Her free hand skimmed, dragging her nails down his chest as she pulled his head forward, rubbing her pierced nipple against his lips. He took a chance and opened his mouth, flicking his tongue out against her beaded nipple. W hen she didn’t do anything but moan, he took it into his mouth, sucking hard, bombarding the piercing with his tongue. When she started to move up and down his cock, his eyes rolled back into his head. The overwhelming flavor of her against his tongue, the feel of her gripping him tight, riding him, drove him full speed ahead toward the very edge of sanity. The furthest thing from his mind was work, the cars passing them by, his father … all of it faded away, leaving nothing but her and the way he felt. With her, he couldn’t think, he could b arely speak; all he could do was feel. That was all he wanted to do, all he needed to do.
The way he filled her was unparalleled by anything she’d ever felt before. Rolling her hips as she lifted herself onto her knees, she lowered herself, riding him hard, fast, and furiously. It wasn’t until she was impaled on his length that she’d realized how much she’d missed him the past few days; how much she needed him, to feel him, to guide him. She needed the balance he provided her with wh
ere she could be in control, give him discipline, and in return, he could give her his unconditional trust. Deacon was a breath of fresh air for her. His gift to her was more than she could have asked from anybody. Despite his deep seated hatred for his own need to be dominated, he was willing to give himself to her, even though they didn’t know anything about each other .
Panting as she bounced on his dick, she felt herself begin to ripple, losing the one thing she held onto more than anything — control. She felt his cock jump, his glazed-over eyes tipping her off as he rasped his tongue across her sensitive nipple. She reached back to cradle his sac. Finding the skin tight and his balls drawn up, she knew he was close. Bouncing faster, she popped her nipple from his mouth then pulled herself off his cock. She’d barely yanked herself from his length when her own orgasm overtook her. His seed jetted out in long spurts, coating the soft, bare skin of her lips and running down the inside of her thigh. One hand moved between her legs, stroking her clit through her orgasm. As she lowered herself quickly between his legs, the other hand stroked him with a firm grip. Her mouth closed around his throbbing head, and she swallowed the rest of his orgasm. Every last drop, stroking them both, pulling every ounce of divine pleasure from him, and fueling her own. When he’d finally stopped leaking into the sweet cavern of her mouth, she dipped her tongue into the tiny slit at the top of his head for one last taste before raising herself up. On her knees, she pushed his shoulders down, shoving him until he was eye to slit with her pussy. Coated in a mixture of his cream and hers, she gripped his head then dragged him to her.
“Good boys do their chores . Lick it clean.”
A greedy, eager tongue darted out, to lick every drop of their combined juices from her body, blazing across her clit, her sensitive entrance, and down her thighs. Her swollen, hypersensitive clit reveled in every caress of his tongue, her muscles spasming each time he touched her. Resisting the urge to make him lick her until she climaxed again, she finally sat down on the seat next to him as the car slowed to a stop just outside Leather and Lace.
“I know what made me the way that I am— why I need to dominate, why I get pleasure from giving pain, why disciplining and having someone obey, trusting me unwaveringly makes me happy. But why are you the way you are?” Her question was direct, but everything about Eve was blunt and to the point. She didn’t mince words , and she didn’t was te time dancing around what she wanted.
“I don’t know . For as long as I can remember, everything has been heavy. Pressure to win, to be the best, to be the boss, to make my father proud; it was always a win or don’t come home atmosphere . I guess over the years, I just grew to crave someone I could share that burden with, or better yet … give it to altogether, even if just for a little while so that I could breathe. And feel. I can do that with you. I can feel again. I can live again. I can be me and not have to be ‘ on ’ and the boss all the time. I can just be. T hat’s an incredibly liberating , exhilarating feeling, and completely unlike anything I ever imagined possible. I can’t explain it ; I’m not sure I want to . I just know I want to be right here, with you. W hen I’m not…well, I feel like I’m suffocating.” His words were genuine, nothing candy-coated, no sales pitch, just Deacon.
“Well, I guess we’ve both got daddy issues, huh? Deacon, I don’t know why, but I want you — all the time. But you shouldn’t want me . I’m damaged goods. Broken since childhood. I can’t give you romance and hearts and all that crap. I’m not wired that way.” She turned to look out the window, ready to bolt.
“What are you talking about, Eve?”
“I am the way I am because I don’t know how to be anything else . You know Evan is my brother, and he said the other day that he couldn’t protect me when we were kids. Well, he was right. Our father only wanted a boy, so when our mother delivered me, he took Evan and left us. My mother went from one man’s bed to the next, earning our rent on her back . Every night she went to bed used and trampled by the next man, and every morning she woke up hating and resenting me because of it. The last thing she said to me was that I was the reason she never got to live. I was the reason she was never anything more than a doormat. I went to a very dark place after that — drugs, alcohol, even suicide. When Evan found me, I had a needle sticking out of my arm and enough smack to kill even Keith Richards in my veins. Evan saved my life. He gave me a purpose, and he introduced me to BDSM, gave me back some control over my life. I made a promise to myself that I would never let myself be used by a man, that I would never let a man get close enough to hurt me the way our father hurt our mother. But you — you walked into that store broken, just like I was and traipsed a path right to me. I don’t want to want you, but I do . I haven’t been able to think about anything else. When I thought about you submitting to someone else, when I thought about you just being with someone else, letting them help you carry the weight of your world…I wanted to break something . I don’t know why I feel that way, but I do. I have a feeling Evan would tell me it’s because we’re soul mates, but I’m not meant to have a happily-ever-after and prince charming bullshit.” Her tone never wavered. Every word from her mouth was saturated in raw honesty.
“What do you want, Eve?” His dark brown eyes never left her as he waited for her answer.
“You . On your knees. Submitting to me every night for the rest of our lives.” Her green eyes widened as if she couldn’t believe the words that had just jumped out of her mouth.
“Then that’s your happily ever after, and you can call me Prince Charming, or pet. Whatever you choose, because I’ve been in your presence twice, and I’ve found more happiness and contentment in those two encounters than I’ve found in my entire life . I’m not going to que stion it. I’m just going to go with it .” He waited for what felt like an eternity for her to say something, anything, but she didn’t . She just pulled her signature silk robe from the pocket of the door then opened it.
“Deacon, trust me . You don’t want to be with me . You don’t even know me.” Wrapping the thin silk around herself, she looked at him for what should have been the last time.
“My favorite color is green, like your eyes . My favorite food is pizza, and there’s a little lady at work who makes my favorite coo kies; oatmeal chocolate chip. I love baseball, I hate soccer. I can’t bowl for shit, but I golf like a champ. My dad was a bastard, my mother died when I was young. I have no siblings, and I’ve never felt with anybody th e way I feel when I’m with you . If that means that I have to stop fighting what my body craves so desperately and accept that darker part of myself; the part that wants to be disciplined and dominated or whatever you call it, then that’s what I’m willing to do . Please, don’t walk away now. Not when I’m ready to be who I really am. N ot when I’m ready to be the man you showed me I could be without being someone I hate.”
After a painfully long pause, she finally turned to face him. “Red, pizza, oatmeal raisin . Football — American, not European, and
I suck at tennis. The rest you know. Now out.”
Confused, he reached to pull his pants up, but she smacked his hand. “I didn’t say you could put your clothes back on . I like the view. But
you’re going to have to get out of the car if you expect to come inside with me.” She opened the door and stepped out. He moved behind her, unnerved by being on the sidewalk in nothing but a smile, and more than a little uncomfortable by the biting temperature.
“Um, won’t Rissa be pissed if we defile the store again?” When she opened the door, and let him in, he moved quickly to get
out of the cold, following her toward the back of the small building to a locked door.
“Rissa’s not here . Evan whisked her away to a fantastic club in Paris. He’s surprising her by proposing both a conventional marriage and a collaring.” His look of confusion spurred her to explain as she unlocked the door then led him down the stairs. “A collaring is like a marriage. In our world, if a sub wears a collar, it’s like being married . It means that the s
ub belongs to her Dom. She promises to give him her unwavering obedience and trust, and in return, he promises her his life — to protect her, love her, and care for her every need.” Stopping at the bottom of the stairs, she studied his face as he looked around, clearly uncomfortable with his surroundings. “This place is The Devil’ s Boudoir. It’s a BDSM club . Evan owns it. It’s for committed couples only, but he gives me some leeway. You say you want to be with me, but this is me. This lifestyle is mine. Are you willing to see how far the rabbit hole goes? With me? ”
He swallowed hard, and she could tell he wasn’t sure, but he closed his eyes, took a deep breath then finally answered her.
“If this is your world, if this is your life, I want to be a part of it . I want to learn you, and I want you to learn me. T his…this spark between us, I want it to grow. So yes, take me down the rabbit hole. I’m yours to do with as you wish.”
She grinned at him wickedly, taking him by the hand, practically dragging him to her private room. Once inside, she lit the candles that littered the red and black baroque-themed room then hit play on the stereo, filling the silence with dark instrumental music. When she returned to him, she held a thick, adjustable cock ring and a set of cuffs.
“Alright then, pet . No more words. Tonight, you feel. You learn me, I learn you, and we’ll experience this spark together . More importantly, we both get a second chance at really living. Now, get on your knees, and if you’re a good boy, you’ll get a treat that I promise you, you will never forget.”