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Wine Heir: Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 5

by Tawny Amaya

  But he would never know. I hadn’t told him then, and I wasn’t about to tell him now. Sighing, I rose from the toilet and cut on the shower, allowing the hot water to steam up the bathroom. Two days. I had two days.


  CHAPTER 13: Jackson

  I straightened the bow tie in the mirror and stepped back, adjusting my cuffs as I did. The sun was setting over the vineyard, and I could hear music and laughter drifting up from outside, indicating that the rehearsal party was well underway. Tomorrow, my parents would repeat their vows and pledge themselves to each other, until death this time. It was weird, but I was happy for them both.

  “Son? You have a second?”

  I looked up to see my dad in the doorway of my room, dressed in a seersucker suit that looked ridiculous on him. I had one on as well, the entire rehearsal dinner a throwback to the 1920’s. “Why do we put up with this?”

  My dad chuckled as he walked into the space, his straw hat cocked sideways. “Because we love your mother and she would chop off our heads if we didn’t comply.”

  “You have a point,” I grinned. “What’s up?”

  He drew in a breath, a serious look on his face. “I felt like I should be the one to tell you why your mom and I got divorced in the first place.”

  That was new to me. “I really don’t need to know.”

  My dad held up his hand, silencing me. “No, I think you do. The last thing I want you to do is to make the same mistake I did. It was a terribly stupid mistake, and I have paid for it for the last twelve years, separating this family and putting your mother through unnecessary hurt and pain.” He paused to wipe a hand over his face. “I cheated on your mother with a woman from our social circle. She had been having marital issues, and I comforted her.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest, seeing the hurt and anguish in my father’s expression. I had never cheated on anyone before, much preferring to be upfront with my partners and my girlfriends than going through the mess of attempting to sneak around. If I didn’t want to be with them, I just told them, and we made a clean break of it for the most part. “What did mom do?”

  “She divorced me,” he answered firmly. “No second chances, no understanding. I was living here one day and out the next.”

  I nodded, remembering the day that my mom had told me that my dad was gone and that they would be splitting up. It was the only time I had ever seen her cry like that.

  “I deserved it of course,” he continued, clasping his hands behind his back. “And I am grateful that she is willing to take me back after my transgression. I will spend the rest of our lives making it up to her.”

  Clearing my throat, I searched for the appropriate words to say. “Thanks for telling me.”

  “And now,” he said after a moment, a grin on his face. “I want you to be my best man tomorrow. You are a product of our love, and I can think of no better man to be by my side.”

  I grinned, clapping him on the shoulder. “I would be honored to do so.”

  He laughed and pulled me into a hug, slapping my back. “That’s my boy. You make me and your mother so proud with everything you have done with the company. I know you are going to take the New York division to the next level.”

  I continued to smile as he gave me one final wink before exiting the room, my smile fading as he disappeared from sight. I had never, not one time, thought about leaving New York or the division. I loved the city, loved everything that it had to offer and thought I would be spending the rest of my life there.

  But that was before last night.

  Shoving a hand through my hair, I turned back to the mirror. It was damn Bree that had me thinking of other things, like how she had felt next to me, my body curled around hers as she slumbered away. How I had woken this morning to her in my arms and thinking it was the best damn thing to happen to me in quite a while. No, we hadn’t had sex, but it felt right on so many levels.

  For the longest time, I had felt like I was walking in a fog, something missing in my life and no matter how much I worked to fill that void, it didn’t.

  Until last night.

  “Damn,” I muttered, pushing away from the mirror and walking out of the bedroom. I hadn’t expected this. I hadn’t expected to see Bree or have these feelings.

  Reaching the stairs, I stalked down them to the French doors that led to the patio, where the dinner was set up. I would see her tonight, and I had no idea what I was going to say or do. I pushed open the doors and scanned the crowd, my nervousness at an all time high. She would come. There was no way she would be able to turn this one down.

  If she didn’t, I would be going to get her. I wanted to spend the rest of the evening and the night with her, soak her up just a little bit longer.

  Finally, I spotted her on the fringes of the patio and felt my heart drop to my stomach. God, she was gorgeous, dressed in one of those gold flapper dresses to go with the theme, a feather in her hair and dramatic makeup on her face.

  But it was the way her eyes were sparkling with excitement that had me, so tongue tied, my feet rooted to the spot I was standing in. I felt like a truck had hit me.


  A familiar voice floated by my ear, and I turned to see Monica there, a wide smile on her face. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I asked in a low voice. Her lips formed a pout, and she laid a hand on my sleeve, her red fingernails tracing the stripes. “I’m sorry Jackson. I just, I heard about your parents’ wedding and knew that it would be a good time to talk to you. You haven’t returned any of my calls or texts.”

  I didn’t need this now. “We are through Monica,” I growled, shaking off her touch.

  “Monica? Well, this is a surprise.”

  Groaning inwardly, I turned to see my mom standing a few feet away, surprise on her face. Hell, I was surprised to see her.

  “Mrs. Temple,” Monica said sweetly, leaning down to kiss her cheeks. “I am so unbelievably happy to hear you were getting married.”

  “Thank you,” she replied, shooting a glance at me. “Jackson told me you broke up last week. I confess I’m surprised to see you here.”

  Monica laughed lightly, laying a hand on my arm. “Oh, that! It was just a silly squabble. I could never live without your son.”


  CHAPTER 14: Bree

  I saw him the moment I walked up to the patio, my heart nearly beating out of my chest with anxiety and excitement. He looked like he was searching for someone too and I waited for our eyes to meet, for that sexy grin of his to spread over his face as he walked toward me. We would smile and laugh about something, and then I would allow myself to be swept away by Jackson and whatever the night brought about.

  But then a striking blonde had stepped in his path, and the longer I waited, the more involved he seemed to be with her. Second, by second, I felt the possibilities to start to drain away, and when he had swept her out on the dance floor, I knew the truth.

  Wetting my lips nervously, I avoided the bar and walked over to where my dad was standing, keeping the smile on my face though I was dying inside. “Having fun?”

  He frowned, looking at the well-dressed crowd, his fedora covering up most of his features. “Not really. When do they serve dinner?”

  I laughed through my unshed tears, knowing this was why I had chosen to stay close to home. Forget Jackson for now. He would be gone in two days anyway.

  “Walter, Bree. I am so glad you could come tonight.”

  I turned to find Jackson’s mother standing next to me, dressed in a rose colored version of my own dress. “Mrs. Temple.”

  “Evelyn, please,” the older woman admonished with a laugh, reaching over to squeeze my father’s arm. “I just wanted to let you know that Walter and I think of you as family and we are honored that you are celebrating this moment with us.”

  “We are honored as well,” my dad replied, giving his employer a smile. “I know Bree is real excited that you have chosen her venue for your nuptia

  “I would have it no other way,” Evelyn smiled, squeezing my arm. “Bree, darling, can we take a walk?”

  “Sure,” I said. Evelyn gave my father another smile, and we turned away, walking along the perimeter of the dance floor. “Is there something you need for tomorrow?”

  She turned and gave me a gentle smile. “Dear Bree. You look so much like your mother the older you get. She was a wonderful woman, and I greatly miss her.”

  “I, thank you,” I said, tears clogging my throat. First Jackson and now his mother was giving me wonderful compliments. I wasn’t going to last much longer.

  She reached out and patted my hand, her diamond engagement ring twinkling in the dim lighting. “And I want you to know, I have always held high regard for you. You and Jackson were always thick as thieves growing up, and I know if it hadn’t been for you, he would have been miserable.”

  I nodded, unable to form the words on my tongue. Yes, we had been like that, but now, well, I had thought things were the same.

  She leaned in, her voice barely above a whisper. “And I know you are in love with him.”

  I nearly let out a squeak as I stared at her, wondering how she had even come to that conclusion. Heck, I had just figured it out for myself.

  “I can see I caught you off guard. Well, it’s no matter. I suspected it for years you know and had thought it would die once he left for college.” She then smiled a secret smile. “But I can see it now and with Jackson as well. You were always so good for him.”

  “W-why are you telling me this?” I asked, my head feeling suddenly light.

  “Because,” she answered, directing my attention to the dancing couple on the floor. “He dumped her last week, and she had the gall to show up here. I would have her thrown out, but I don’t want to make a scene, and by the looks of it, Jackson is fixing to take care of it anyway.”

  Sure enough, Jackson’s expression was stormy, his movements jerky as they moved about the dance floor. The blonde was attempting to explain something to him, but he was cutting her off, his eyes flashing angrily. It was a far different view that I had planned on seeing.

  Evelyn Temple patted my arm. “Don’t give up on him yet. I have faith and you should as well, my darling.”

  I turned to retort, but she was already walking off, greeting her guests. What was I supposed to do? Storm the dance floor, demand that the blonde get her filthy hands off my man so I could have my way with him? Did Evelyn know something I didn’t?

  Blowing out a breath, I looked back at the couple, who were now exiting the dance floor, Jackson’s hand a firm grip on the woman’s elbow. He had saved me so many times. Maybe it was my turn to save him.

  Drumming up my courage, I walked over to them, seeing his look of surprise as I reached their sides. “There you are. I have been looking everywhere for you,” I breathed, taking his arm and pulling him to my side. “I was wondering if we are ever going to dance tonight.”

  “W-who is this?” the blonde asked, her blue eyes flashing angrily at me as she sized me up.

  I let out a little giggle, my hand resting on Jackson’s chest. “Oh, he didn’t tell you? We are seeing each other. Isn’t it funny how time doesn’t really play a factor in one’s former feelings?” she looked outraged, and I could barely keep a straight face as I stuck out my hand. “I’m Bree. Jackson and I have known each other forever.”

  The blonde looked from me to Jackson, her face red with embarrassment. “I-Is this true Jackson?”

  He shrugged, wrapping an arm around my waist. “I tried to tell you, Monica.”

  She let out a little scream and stormed off, pushing her way through the crowd. I watched her go, keeping my laughter in for now. It had worked.

  “You’ve made an enemy Bree.”

  I looked up, giving him a grin. “I doubt you care very much.”

  He grinned back, swinging me around until I was fully in his arms. “No, I could care less. I can’t believe she made the trek here.”

  The music slowed, and my breath caught as he pulled me close, my hand tucked in his. “Thank you for coming over tonight. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with her. What do you want? Another pineapple and mushroom pizza?”

  I drew in a breath, knowing my next words were going to be a shock to us both. “No, I want you.”


  CHAPTER 15: Jackson

  My ears buzzed as I heard her words, the rest of the night falling away as I focused on her face. “What did you say?”

  She bit her lower lip, looking undecided. “I-I want you, Jackson. Tonight. However, I can have you.”

  Shit. Of all the things, I would have anticipated Bree saying, that was certainly not it. Instantly I was hard as a rock and the way her eyes were widening, she could feel it too. Licking my suddenly dry lips, I looked directly into her eyes. “Are you sure?” There was no going back from this.

  She nodded, a dull flush spreading over her cheek. “I-I am.”

  Well hell, I wasn’t going to make us wait any longer. My damn hands literally shook as I pulled her off the dance floor and toward the house, each step pounding in my head. I was going to fuck Bree Wilkinson.

  And it was her damn idea.

  Somehow, I made it into the house and up the stairs to my bedroom, not stopping until we had walked into the room and I had shut the door, turning around to face her. “You don’t know what you do to me,” I growled, yanking at the sports coat.

  “I think I have a pretty good idea,” she answered with a little laugh, stepping out of her shoes. “It’s the same thing you do to me.”

  I groaned aloud, my hands finding my bow tie next. “This is going to be fast and furious.”

  “We have all night.”

  She was right. We had all night, and I was going to take advantage of every second. Reaching for her, I pulled her close and crushed my lips against hers, feeling the instant electric shock as she melted against me. My thoughts were scattered, my body rearing to go and when she moaned under my kiss, I nearly lost it then and there.

  Our next few moments were a flurry of activity, her hands grabbing for my shirt and pulling it over my head, my hands sliding up under her dress and forcing it up her lithe body, exposing Bree inch by inch. With a groan, I broke the kiss and watched the action, seeing a pair of black panties appear before her flat stomach, followed by a lace bra before the dress was over her head and on the floor. “Damn you’re gorgeous,” I whispered, taking her in.

  “No fair,” she said softly, a glint in her eyes as she reached for my belt buckle. I stopped her hands, taking in a few deep breaths to will down my raging cock. “I, we need to take it slow.”

  She laughed, her hands swatting mine away. “First of all, I’ve waited ten years for this. Second, I’m not a virgin, just a frustrated woman who really wants to have sex with you.”

  I laughed, unable to help myself. “Really now?”

  She eyed me. “Really.”

  I released her hands, holding them up. “By all means do your worst.”

  Her grin was feral as she grabbed my belt once more, working on the clasp until she got it undone. My pants were next, and before I knew it, I was stepping out of them, adding to the growing pile of discarded clothes on the floor.

  She gasped, and I grinned. “You’re not wearing underwear.”

  I looked down, my cock jutting out from my body. “Well how about that. I’m not.”

  She uttered a curse. “You’re too much Jackson Temple.”

  I reached for her, pulling her against my body. “And you have too much on, Bree Wilkinson.”

  She sighed and bit my shoulder lightly as I undid her clasp on her bra, sliding it down her slim arms before throwing it on the floor as well. Her breasts were magnificent, and I reached out, cupping one of them with my hands. “That feels good,” she groaned, her eyes fluttering closed.

  Rolling her nipple with my fingers, I leaned down and took it into my mouth, feeling her buck against me. Even h
er damn skin tasted like vanilla.

  Her hands went into my hair and held me there as I feasted on her nipple, moving to the other with the same attention. She was making little sounds above me as I dropped to one knee, my tongue trailing down her stomach and to the top of her panties.

  “Jackson,” she breathed as I dipped lower, tracing her with my tongue and feeling the wetness already gathered there. She hadn’t been lying about wanting me. The thought nearly made me lose it again, and I pulled her panties aside, delving into her wetness. Her hands tightened on my head as I teased her clit with my tongue, swirling around the hard nub as she trembled against it. She was close, and I was going to push her over the edge. I wanted Bree to let go, to lose control and it be all because of me.

  It didn’t take long. Bree started shaking above me and then cried out as her orgasm hit her, the self-satisfaction of what I did causing me to grin, resting my forehead against her stomach.

  “Wow,” she finally said a moment later, her hands relaxing on my hair.

  I pressed a kiss to her stomach before rising from the floor, grabbing her hand and pulled her toward the bed. “I’m not done yet.”

  “I hope not,” she laughed as I pulled her down on top of me, kissing her soundly on the lips. She moaned into my mouth, her hands roaming over my body as I kissed her neck and then her shoulder, my cock pressing hard against her stomach. I wasn’t going to last much longer.

  “Do you have something?” she murmured against my lips, her hands dipping lower on my stomach.

  “Hell yes,” I said, turning her over until she was lying under me. “And if I didn’t, I would be running to the store in a damn hurry.”

  “They are all closed,” Bree giggled as I reached for my pants, pulling out the condom I kept in my wallet like a damn teenager. Tonight, I was glad I had. I held it up like a prized possession, tearing it open with my teeth and pulling out the rubber.

  She reached for it, and I allowed her to do so, gritting my teeth as she slid it over my aching cock. “God, you kill me.”


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