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Arielle Rainbow (Familiar Blessed Chronicles Book 1)

Page 3

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Mommy. Daddy," I cried, wishing to go back to sleep and not deal with what was going on. I was so cold, and I didn't want to move.

  "Arielle, please. I dont...have much time. You need to get away from here." The sound of Aaron's voice had me trying to open my eyes, not liking how low and raspy it was. It made me wonder if he was sick.

  "Aaron," I whimpered, opening my heavy eyes that didn't help my blurry vision. It took me a few attempts to focus before it cleared and revealed Aaron, who gave me a weak smile.

  "Thank the heavens. You're okay," He chirped.

  "Pain," I cried.

  "I know, Ari. Just...hold on. I'll help," Aaron reassured me.

  A small gold light formed beneath us as Aaron closed his eyes in concentration. A ball of light lifted between us, beginning to spin around me.

  The ball of light gave off a nice wave of warmth, and as it moved up my body, the pain reduced drastically.

  I wiggled my body cautiously and was pleased to be able to move with only a pinch of pain. "Brother, Bru! I can move." I hummed, my vision clear enough to look down at him. My excitement and joy soon morphed into dread.

  "Aaron?" I asked, noticing a large amount of red liquid beneath him. Blood?

  "Ari, don't look at the ground, just stare into my eyes. See? I'm okay," Aaron tried to reassure me, but his voice sounded so weak. His feathers were drenched with the red liquid, and even though the rain was pounding on us both, it wasn't enough to wash it away. Instead, more pooled out like a running faucet.

  "Brother? You're hurt! I have to get Mother and Father!" I exclaimed, readying my wings to fly. It hurt to flap them, but I didn't care about the little pain. Brother needed help fast.

  "Ari, wait."

  I stalled in my movement and moved closer to Aaron before I lowered my head to hear him properly. "Brother, I have to get help!" I reminded.

  He nodded, pressing his forehead against mine. "Listen. Before you go, I just want to say...I love you. You're a ball of fresh energy, and no matter what any familiar says, you're beautiful beyond words. I'm so happy to have a strong, brave, little proud," Aaron praised, his eyes filled with tears.

  "Aaron...why are you saying that? You can tell me you love me later. I won't be long. I'll come back with Mother and Father! Even the Elder can help. Just hold on," I encouraged.

  Aaron let out a weak chirp, lifting his wing that dripped with blood. He wrapped it around me, holding me close.

  "Aaron?" I asked, feeling something warm leave his body and enter mine. He slid his wing off of me, dropping it to the wet ground, and his eyes lifted to meet mine. "That should keep you going for a while. At least you'll always have a part of my magic in you. Your flame will never be put out, Ari," Aaron vowed.

  "Aaron, I don't understand," I whimpered, tears forming in my eyes. He chuckled weakly, the chirp sounds barely audible compared to the rich humming sound he usually made.

  "It's okay, Arielle. You don't have to understand. If you can't find the others, I want you to come back here and wait for the storm to end. Then fly to the next village. They' you. Make keep your button safe," he explained, struggling to finish his words.

  I looked back at the button that was still strapped to my back, blood staining a good portion of it. "I'll be back! Just hold on. Please, Aaron...and I love you! I love you, big brother. Just be strong like you always tell me to be. I'll be good. I'll always listen to you and Alec. Just...don't close your eyes. I'll be back!" I declared, rubbing my cheek against his before I moved back and shot into the air.

  I reached a fair height and soared towards the nest, but as I approached, my dread grew as my hope began to diminish.

  My home, the place I'd been born and raised up to this moment in flames. My eyes scanned around, looking for any sign of life. I immediately noticed the familiar red and orange feathers on a broken branch that had fallen into another tree.


  I soared down as quickly as I could, landing on the branch that had the same thick red liquid all over it which continued to drip down to the ground 10 feet below us. "Mommy? Mom!" I exclaimed, nudging her head with my own.

  I moved back to see her eyes open slightly and meet my gaze. "Arie...lle. My baby, you're okay," she choked, her voice so low I had to move my head close to her mouth.

  "Mom! Aaron’s hurt. The nest is burning. I can't see Dad or Alec. I can't find help. I need help for you and Aaron," I cried.

  Mother looked so sad, but I knew she couldn't move. She wouldn't be able to help me. I had to find someone who could help Aaron and Mommy now.

  "Ari. Come closer," Mother instructed. I did as she asked, nestling right next to her as I began to whimper and cry. "Mom...are you going to leave me?"

  "No...I'll fight as long as I can, but let me do this," she whispered, struggling to lift her broken wing, bones poking out of her skin.

  She hugged me as tightly as she could and again, I felt something warm leave her body and enter mine. "I bless my only daughter, Arielle with all the power I've been privileged to carry. May she hold the power to lightning and water. Let her shine brightly in this world. May she meet someone...who will cherish...her. Just like I cherish and love my sweet daughter," Mother vowed, choking on her tears.

  "Mommy...why are you crying. Don't leave. Are you dying?" I asked, unsure what death really was. Aaron and Alec had said death meant a phoenix flame went out and they faded away to be free in the sky. Was Mommy going to leave me? I have to find more flame to give her!

  "Mommy hold on! I'll find Daddy and Alec! I'll be back I swear...I love you. I love you very very much, Mommy." I pressed my face against hers.

  She weakly chirped, and I could hear her happiness. "I love you, sweet Arielle. Don't let the world beat you. You carry a little of us with you now. I'll always be proud of you. Always."

  "I'll be back. I promise." I moved away and looked at Mother, who gave me the best happy expression she could muster.

  "Okay, Arielle. Do your best. Mommy will always love you," Mother acknowledged. I took one last look at Mother before I flew off the branch, soaring to try to find Father and Alec. They fell earlier, so maybe they're lower to the ground?

  It took five minutes to go through the nest, and it was a gruesome sight. Our people, both adult and children, laid on the ground. Many were covered in blood, the metallic scent so strong it made me want to vomit.

  Some were completely still, while others had branches sticking out of them or their bodies twitched with their eyes wide open. It was scary to look at, and I tried my best not to linger on the sight too long. I turned around to head back to Mother and ask what I should do when my eyes locked on to Alec.

  "ALEC!" I screamed, flying towards his body.

  His eyes lifted to see my approach, and he looked relieved. "Ari. You're okay."

  "You're NOT okay," I hopped up and down, frustrated to see blood around his body and pooled beneath him. "I can't find help! Where's Daddy? Aaron and Mommy are really hurt. They need help. You do too!" I stressed.

  Alec blinked his eyes, tears rolling down his cheek. "Daddy...he's there."

  "There? Where?" I asked, trying my best to pick out Father's familiar feathers. All that was before me was Alec and a pile of branches and sticks.

  "Behind me, Ari...he's....gone," Alec whispered.

  "Gone? Gone where? Why did he leave when you guys need help?" I asked, looking around as to what he meant. There was nothing behind the large pile of branches, their sharp edges freaking me out.

  "No, Ari. Dad..." he trailed off.

  "Daddy? Where is he, Alec?" I asked, moving closer to my brother and lowering my head to wipe his tears.

  "We...we were running away from the Dark birds. Father caught me, and he was flying me to get help from the Elder, but suddenly the trees collapsed and...fell on us," Alec cried, sobbing quietly as he spoke.

  "Daddy's hurt then! I need to find help for him too?!" I exclaimed, but Alec shook his head.
r />   "No Ari. Daddy's flame is gone. He gave me what was left of his powers while he was holding the branches up from falling on us. I moved out of the way...and Daddy couldn't hold it anymore," Alec explained.

  "Daddy is....under...there?" I asked, lifting my head at the tower of branches.

  "Yes. I'm sorry Ari. He's gone. I'm so sorry," Alec sobbed. I began to cry too, unable to hold back the tears and sobs that rattled me.

  "I have to heal everyone then! I'll go get Aaron! I'll heal him, and then we can go heal Mommy together, and we'll come back and heal you, Alec. Yes! Ari will do good and heal everyone and then we can go to the hybrid nest together...we'll take Daddy with us. Maybe they can heal him?" I suggested.

  Alec's eyes softened. "Ari, come here," he instructed. I did as he asked, snuggling close to him, and he lifted his wing and wrapped it around me. Again, I felt a warm ball leave his body, but there were two, one feeling stronger than the other.

  "Daddy said if I met you or Aaron, I should give this to you. I bestow my power and Father's power upon you, Arielle. May you be able to use nature to guide and protect you and may you be stronger than any known phoenix familiar. You' great. You're our little sister...our last hope. You'll achieve what we could not. I swear it...let the heavens ensure you live," Alec vowed as he began to struggle to breathe.

  "Alec...don't...why did you do that? What does it mean? Aaron and Mommy did the same. Why?" I asked.

  He stroked my head with his wing. "It means we're blessing you, Arielle. We want you to live and do great things," Alec explained.

  "Live? But you're gonna live too. Why me?" I asked, not comprehending anything.

  "Arielle. One day you'll understand. Listen, go try to find the Elder. If you can't...I want you to run away," he commanded.

  "No running away! I'll go to Aaron and Mommy! I'll bring them here to help you and Daddy, and then we'll find the Elder together," I stressed.

  "Okay, Ari...I'll try to stay awake till you get back, okay? I love you, baby sis. You always helped me to be more confident and strong. I hope you know how amazing you are," he praised.

  "I'm not amazing. Not when I can't help my family. Just hold on and wait for me, Alec. Promise, you'll wait."

  "I'll wait, my Ari. I...promise," he breathed. I nodded, pressing my head against his and he lowered his wing. I soared up into the air, looking down to see his limp body. I have to hurry! Aaron will know how to fix Alec and Mommy! Then we’ll rescue Daddy and run away.

  I flew as fast as I could back to where Aaron was. It took me three minutes this time which surprised me, but the faster I got to Aaron the sooner I'd be able to help Mommy, Alec, and Daddy.

  "Aaron!" I called out, landing next to him. I quickly nudged his head. "Aaron, I'm back. I can't find anyone! You have to tell me how to heal you. Aaron?"

  I continued to nudge my head against his, waiting for him to open his eyes, but he didn't. "Aaron? Aaron, wake up. You're not supposed to sleep. Mommy, Alec, and Daddy are in danger. We need to help them. Aaron?" I continued to nudge him, pressing my body against him.

  It was then I realized how cold he was, and I couldn't hear the rapid beat of his heart. "A..aron? Brother? Wake up!" I panicked, nudging his body over and over before listening for his heart, the sound still absent after my continued attempts.

  "Aaron...are you teasing me? You're just playing with me, right? Hehe...see I'm laughing, I get it. The joke is on me. You can wake up now."

  He remained still, and that's when the tears began to fall as the rain continued to hit us. "," I croaked, lowering my head to his. "Come back. Why did you leave? I said I'd be back...I kept my button safe, see? Where's my good job hug? Brother? Aaron...don't go...don't die. Aaron...I love you," I cried.

  I sobbed against his body, rubbing my head against his. "Aaron."

  My body trembled with sobs as I cried for my brother. My older brother who'd do anything to protect me. He'd never leave me when I had bad dreams and always brought me the best buttons. Now he was gone because I couldn't get here on time.

  I moved back to stare at his lifeless body. "I'll...I will get Mommy. She'll know what to do. We'll be back Aaron. Just...stay here," I encouraged. Mommy can do something. Mommy solves everything. She can help. I'll heal Mommy. She'll teach me how, and then we'll get Alec and Daddy and come back for Aaron. Yes.

  I quickly moved the nearest branches, making a little hut so the rain wouldn't bother Aaron anymore. At least the shelter would hide him, and no Dark birds would see him.

  With that thought, I launched into the air. It took me even less time to reach Mother, and I landed next to her body. "Mommy! Aaron...he can't come help. His heart...isn't making sounds anymore," I cried, nudging Mother's head.

  The simple touch made me freeze, the similar cold sensation making my heart drop as more tears rolled down my cheeks. "Mommy?"

  I continued to nudge her head over and over before I lowered my ear to her chest. "No...heart sound., no, no. Mommy! Not you too? Mommy! MOMMY!" I screamed, nudging her over and over like it would wake her up.

  "I promised I'd be back! I PROMISED! Mommy! Don't leave me. Alec and I will be lonely. Aaron already left us. You can't go too. Mommy!" I wailed, snuggling up to her. I sobbed and wept as the rain fell on us; the chilled droplets were just as cold as Mother's body.

  Alec. I have to tell Alec. He'll think of something. He said he'd wait. He promised. I looked around and moved to gather as many big leaves as I could. I laid them on Mother and gave her a peck on her cheek.

  "Don't worry Mommy. I'll get Alec, and maybe I'll find the Elder. He'll help us. Together we’ll save you guys. Just stay here. The leaves will make sure you don't get wet anymore...I love you."

  I jumped into the air, flapping my wings that felt heavier than before. It was getting harder and harder to fly, but I needed to for the sake of my family. Alec's body came into view, and I landed in front of him.

  His eyes opened slightly to see me alone. "Mommy and Aaron?” he asked.

  "Their hearts...don't make the sound, Alec. I tried to wake them up, but they won't wake up. They're cold. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to heal them," I cried.

  " can't heal them," Alec whispered.

  "WHY NOT! Ms. Free said we could do anything we put our minds to! I WANNA HEAL MY FAMILY! I don't...want to lose everyone! Alec...I can't lose you too. Mommy and Aaron left...Daddy...too. He's gone too, right?!" I snapped.

  Alec lifted his wing. "Come here, Ari."

  I did what he asked, hopping over to get a hug from Alec. I nestled right against his body, noticing how cold he was too. "’re cold."

  "I know, Ari. You're really warm though. It's nice," Alec complimented.

  "Are you leaving too, Alec?" I asked.

  "I don't want to Ari...but...they're waiting for me."

  "Who?" I asked, turning my head to stare into his eyes. He gazed into my amber ones, tears rolling down his drenched feathered cheeks.

  "Everyone. The nest is all there. Mommy, Daddy, Aaron too. Ms. Free is there as well. They say I have to go...but I can't leave my little sister," he cried.

  "Alec...are they warm?" I asked.

  "Yes. It looks pretty there. It's like our nest, but prettier. The sun is setting like how we watched sunsets together. There's lots...lots of shiny...things. It's peaceful, Ari," he confessed, appearing like he was having a hard time breathing.

  "Alec..." I whispered. I could see the struggle he was having in his eyes that looked far away. I can't hold him back...he needs to leave too.

  "Alec," I said again, and his eyes met mine again.

  "Yes, Ari."

  "You can go."

  "Ari...I can't," he argued.

  "No. It's warm there, and everyone is there and having fun. You'll be warm...and not in pain...and, everyone is there. Mommy, Daddy, Aaron. Ms. Free can teach you some awesome things. I' okay. I' strong," I cried.

  "Arielle..." Alec leaned slowl
y to press his forehead against mine. "I love you so much, Ari. My brave...little sister. I love you. Mommy and Daddy say they love you. Aaron says he loves you and he's sorry. They're sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry...Ari...I wish...I could stay. I want to...but I'm so tired," Alec sobbed.

  "It's okay, Alec. I'll be just fine. I'll find help, and they'll bring you guys back. I'll fly to the next nest, and they'll help me. Just wait with Mommy and the others. You can play with Aaron while you all wait for me?" I suggested through whimpers.

  "Ari," he choked, and I looked back to see his struggle to get the next words out. "Arielle. Our...little rainbow in our lives. you. Bye Ari. Love..." Alec trailed off, taking a deep breath to finish, but he didn't.


  His eyes remained open as I heard the last heart sound from his chest. I stared at his body, realizing he too, was gone.

  "Alec...I love you too. Have fun. I'll be strong. Don't worry about me. I...I'll try not to be lonely," I whispered, moving out from beneath his wing that fell to the ground with a thump.

  I moved to gather leaves for Alec, and then I began to find leaves for the tower of branches to hopefully shield Father.

  I'll cover it for now and, once I find help, we can move them and get Daddy out. I'll just have to heal them all. Yes. I'll go to the other nest, and someone will help me.

  I took one more glance at Alec's covered body and held back a sob. No need to cry, Ari. You're a big girl now, and when you find help, everyone will be back.

  I turned and walked away, deciding to rest my aching wings. I would reach the next nest soon, and then everything would be back to normal.

  That was my motivation to keep moving, even though somewhere in my heart I knew, all my hope would be in vain.

  "Child, what brings you here? The hybrid nest is another day of flying from this point."

  I frowned with tired eyes, lowering my head at the harpy woman before me. Her name was Mary the Harpy, and she was on her way to the same nest as me.


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