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Arielle Rainbow (Familiar Blessed Chronicles Book 1)

Page 10

by Yumoyori Wilson

I hummed happily, my wings lighting due to my overflowing happiness. Celestia grinned, looking up at Magnor. "I think Arielle's really happy. Let's celebrate every year instead of five!"

  "Fine with me," Magnor agreed.

  "And you have to be home for it too!" Celestia huffed.

  "I don't know about that one," he chuckled.

  "Aww, just promise," Celestia whined.

  "Fine. I'll make sure to be home for Arielle's birthdays in the future. Just like I am yours. But that means you two can't slack in your training all of this week." He shot Celestia a firm look.

  "EASY!" Celestia replied.

  "Piece of Cake, Bru!" I replied.

  "Hehehe, cake. Get it?" Celestia teased and began to laugh. I couldn't help but laugh with her, the sound of her laughter contagious.

  "Having you two around makes me worried," Magnor groaned, which only made us laugh harder. He ended up joining in and we laughed the night away, eating cake, opening presents and enjoying our time together.

  It was the first of many birthday celebrations to come.


  "Just admit you’re mad already, Bru," I mumbled.

  "Magnor is annoying. We worked our asses off and he still wasn't pleased. Grr! Just wait till tomorrow, I'm gonna kick his ass in combat," Celestia huffed.

  We were both on the roof, relaxing after a hard day of training. Celestia and I had celebrated my day of birth yesterday instead of today, knowing we'd have to 'bust our asses' as Celestia liked to call it.

  Turning ten gave me another boost in strength and skills. Now I could change both into my larger phoenix form and my harpy form. I wasn't very comfortable in the harpy form since I was basically naked, which was a pretty uncomfortable state to be in--especially with Magnor around--so Celestia said we'd train my harpy form when Magnor wasn't there.

  In my phoenix form, however, I was in my element, and I loved the new changes. Our years of training benefited me in many aspects, and I'd grown smarter with all the reading and learning activities Celestia had focused on.

  Her birthday was before mine, and her primary goal was to get into a school called Aslan Academy. It was a school for Hunters and Huntresses, and people all over the dimensions would work hard for years in preparation of the entrance exam.

  I had no doubt about Celestia's level of knowledge since she was super smart. She didn't linger on the fact that she could memorize spells and information like that noisy vacuum she used to suck up all the dirt in the house.

  She acted like she hated studying and reading, but I knew she loved learning new things, especially magic spells. Celestia always snuck into Magnor's library when he was away and read multiple spells from the different dimensions Magnor had collected them from. There was also a bookshelf with some books from her parents and what they had used to become the strong individuals they were.

  I'd yet to meet either of them, but it left me curious as to what traits Celestia had taken from which parent. I did see their pictures on Magnor's desk a few times, and I could tell right away that Celestia looked like her mother the most. Her father had the same mismatched eyes, but still, Celestia’s appearance was similar to her Mother’s.

  A picture that always intrigued me was a group photo. Celestia's parents were there, as was Magnor, but the two other individuals piqued my interest. Some guy with pink eyes and another whose height had me wondering if he was a god of some sort. Either way, it made me curious of Magnor's past, but I figured he'd tell us one day.

  Celestia was 15 and hitting what Magnor called troubled teenage years. He described it as the no patience, tolerance, and 'I'm better than your wise ass' years all teenagers went through.

  Maybe because I was a familiar, I wouldn't experience those things that humans did, but it was interesting to watch their little fights. I knew Celestia didn't like to argue, but she did have a low patience level.

  Magnor also explained that since she was a unicorn shifter, she'd be hitting a few growth spurts. Her body would ache, and he'd have to make her shift more often to be used to the changes.

  That went well until Celestia got super upset and went on a 'let's destroy everything' rampage in the forest where we would train. I won't deny the fact Magnor was pissed, but Celestia was asleep for two days after that, and he'd lost his level of anger by the time she woke up.

  Overall, being a familiar was fun, but it was also nice to watch Celestia's growth. It amazed me how fast humans grew, and how much stronger Celestia was than she had been in her younger years.

  She still had a lot of energy, but there were days she'd just want to sleep in and rest, which Magnor stated was normal for a unicorn shifter.

  I didn't know how he knew so much about the magical creatures when we couldn't find much of anything about my Mistress' heritage. There weren’t unicorn shifters in Versa, so we had no hope of finding any relevant information about Celestia's kind.

  Magnor had been super busy lately, and his primary focus was training us whenever he could before he'd be summoned to help take down another Forsaken that had randomly popped out of nowhere.

  Their appearances had increased recently, which I had to admit was annoying for Celestia and me. We'd missed Magnor a lot lately, and wished it was as it had been back when we were younger and had time to spend with him just relaxing in the living room or baking sweets or creating milkshakes.

  I knew, because of my growth in knowledge and understanding, that we might not get those opportunities the older we got, but that didn't stop the fact that we both yearned for more family time.

  At least we had each other to ward off the loneliness, and even with Celestia's puberty stages, she'd always been kind to me. Magnor liked to tease us and say it was only because Celestia thought of me more as her daughter than a familiar, which at times I felt that was true, but we did have little disagreements here and there.

  "We still have a few more years till Aslan. You don't need to go hardcore all the time, Bru," I pointed out.

  Celestia didn't say anything, and I peeked open an eye to see that hers were closed and her hands were crossed behind her head.

  Don't tell me you're ignoring me?

  "I'm not ignoring you; I'm meditating to control my impatience."

  At least you’re honest with yourself.


  We were silent after that, lost in our thoughts. Even after all these years, I enjoyed our mental talks. Neither of us intruded unless we had something we wanted to talk about and didn't wish for Magnor to overhear it.

  It also helped when we were unsure about what we wanted to do in the future. Aslan was Celestia's goal, but at the same time, she was unsure what her back up would be. Versa wouldn't be the place for us to stay permanently, and we didn't have enough knowledge about the other dimensions to make a decision either.

  I felt like the uncertainty of it all was what was bothering Celestia the most and was the reason she worked hard every day like it could be the last. Not to forgot proving herself to all the bully shifters that had tormented her when she was young, especially that Vincent guy.

  I'd seen him a few times, and I wouldn't deny my growing hate for him, just like my Mistress. To say he had a cocky attitude was an understatement, and I knew the first time I saw his vampire ass he was the typical boy who got what he wanted, not because of power or hard work, but because of connections; or I should say his father's connections.

  What's really bothering you, Celestia?


  I'm your familiar. I can tell when you’re lying. Celestia didn't reply for a long time but let out a sigh. I opened my eyes to see her focused gaze on the stars that twinkled above us.

  "What if I'm not good enough, Arielle?" Celestia whispered out loud. "Every day I wake up with a positive attitude and pray to be able to get one step closer at being a Huntress one day. Yet, after we work hard all day long and I lay down to relax, I can't."

  She took another deep breath and sat up, resting her han
ds on her knees but keeping her eyes on the dark, starry sky.

  "I don't want to fail, Arielle. I'm scared of failing. So many people are watching for me to screw up. For Magnor to throw in the towel and state he doesn't want to train me anymore. I don't want to disappoint you either," she whispered the last part and turned her gaze to me.

  "No matter what I do in this world, I know you'll follow me. Whether I end up doing a human job like being a seller in a market, or I one day do something epic like saving all the dimensions. You'll never abandon me, which is really comforting, but there's also the lingering fear that you won't be able to reach your full potential as well. That's my responsibility, and I don't want to screw that up either," she confessed.

  "Celestia, Bru," I spoke, feeling bad for my Mistress. On the outside, people would think she was just acting out or frustrated at all the work she has had to do, yet here she was worrying about my future and potential as well as her own future, which we honestly were unsure of where it would go.

  We had goals, but nothing set in stone that would provide us some reassurance of the path our future would hold.

  "I just want to be sure I'll become someone. I want to know that one day I won't need to rely on Magnor. If I were to become a Huntress, that career would help me have a roof over my head and food to eat for the both of us. I'd be able to live independently and not feel like a burden to Magnor who's done more than enough for me. He didn't need to take me in. It's not like it was his responsibility, but he did, and I'm forever grateful to have him in our lives. He's kinda like the father I wish my Dad could have been, yet I don't blame Father for having to focus on his career."

  She laid back down and sighed. "It's just a lot to think about, and it leaves me feeling frustrated and unsure with where I want to go in life. I'm sorry that it may come off as me being a bitch or teenage hormones that Magnor likes to complain about, but that's what always bothers me."

  "Why don't we just make it a non-negotiable goal to get into Aslan, Bru?" I asked.

  "Non-negotiable?" Celestia raised a brow and looked over at me.

  I flew off the little pole platform that Magnor had placed in the room for our stargazing nights and landed next to her left cheek.

  "Yes, Bru! Doesn't matter the odds, we vow that we're going to Aslan Academy for Hunters and Huntresses!"


  "No buts! You want this, Celestia. You've wanted to be a Huntress even before you found me. If that's what you want to become one day, then we'll aim for it. No excuses, ifs or buts, Bru," I declared.

  Celestia stared into my amber eyes for a long moment before a smile formed on her lips. "My familiar is so knowledgeable." She hummed happily, reaching out to stroke my head.

  I sat there proudly, accepting her praise and enjoying the slow strokes of her hand. "My Mistress taught me lots of things," I beamed.

  Celestia giggled and turned to rest on her left side, her hand still stroking me gently.

  "You think we'll make it?" she asked in a hushed tone.

  "I know we'll make it. You'll prove everyone wrong, Celestia, and I'll be there to support you every step of the way, Bru," I replied.

  "I have the best familiar ever. Thanks, Arielle." I hopped over to rub my head against her nose, which caused her to giggle.

  "I love you more, Celestia," I replied, snuggling next to her face. She grinned and closed her eyes, both of us staying quiet as we once again returned to our own thoughts.

  I opened my eyes again and noticed I wasn't next to Celestia's cheek but in her hand. She was sitting in a yoga pose with her legs crossed and her hand that held me resting in the space in the middle.

  Stretching my wings out a bit, I relaxed, pondering if I should go back to sleep, but I took a quick glance at Celestia and felt the difference in her aura. Oh.

  "Sia?" I asked.

  Celestia had another half to herself who we called Sia Rainbow. Magnor had explained to me in private when it had first occurred, stating that Celestia was experiencing something called D.E.M. which stood for Dual-Essence-Mortality.

  He explained that Celestia had way too much power for her age. Part of that was due to her being a unicorn shifter with powerful light magic, and part of that was due to the strength of the other elements that were starting to build within her body but had no outlet.

  It could cause pressure on the brain due to the pooling of energy, and the second personality was created as the body’s way of finding an input source for the excess magic. It helped the individual become balanced, at least until the shifter grew strong enough to handle all of their energy.

  He didn't explain anything else, but it was enough information for me to be able to interact with Sia. She had similar qualities to Celestia, reminding me of a twin.

  One of the major differences that told me Sia took control, was her hair would shift to a purple pink, the color always reminded me of when Celestia used her unicorn powers.

  Her eyes also changed in appearance, some days taking on a pink hue like while in training and other days a purple color when she was more relaxed.

  Seeing as we didn't have a unicorn handbook, we had no idea what to expect, but Magnor said as long as it didn't have any adverse effects on Celestia or Sia, we didn't need to concern ourselves.

  Sia lowered her head to meet my curious gaze. "Morning, Arielle." Sia smiled as her purple eyes glimmered in the moonlight.

  "It's morning?" I asked. It was around nine at night when we decided to relax and stargaze. I must have fallen asleep.

  "Yes, it’s two in the morning. I didn't want to wake you up when I took over, so I decided to enjoy the moonlight and pretty stars," Sia explained.

  "No training for you, Bru?" I asked.

  Sia usually came out to train at night while Celestia was asleep. It helped to expel some of the excess energy within her, and Sia loved combat.

  Celestia was like the brains and loved magic casting, but Sia was the best at fighting and hard elemental spells. They balanced each other out, just like Sia's reason for being created suggested, but Sia normally only came out at night or when Celestia was super exhausted.

  I wondered if Sia was okay with coming out only at night, versus Celestia who could be in control whenever.

  "No. I think I'll take today off. It seems Celestia's a little anxious," Sia replied.

  "We talked about her worries regarding the future, Bru," I explained.

  "Yes. That's one of her many worries," Sia mumbled.

  "There's more?" I asked.

  Sia grinned and lowered her gaze to mine. "Lots of things go through our mind. It's just hard to prioritize which ones are most important. You did help solve her anxiety regarding Aslan, so thank you, Arielle."

  "I want to help Celestia with all her problems, Bru!" I countered, hopping on her hand. Sia giggled quietly and lifted me up to eye level.

  "Arielle, some problems you alone can't fix."

  "Like what, Bru?" I argued.

  "Are you gonna find Celestia a boyfriend?" Sia asked. I opened my mouth to respond but paused, taking in her question.

  "How do I find Celestia a boyfriend?" I asked in confusion.

  Sia laughed, the soft sound flowing on the warm breeze as it passed.

  "You can't, silly. That's someone Celestia has to meet on her own. She just worries about it from time to time."

  "But she has me?"

  "Yes. She's not lonely thanks to you, but she worries if she'll find someone to love, Arielle. Just like how one day you'll find someone to love," Sia explained.

  "Me? Love someone? I don't see that happening. I vowed to stay by Celestia's side as her familiar, Bru," I huffed, proudly.

  Sia just smiled. "You can be her loyal familiar, Arielle, but there will come a time when you will find someone you love and want to do other things with."

  "I doubt it and other things like what?" I asked.

  Sia blushed and glanced away, looking deep in thought. "You see those shows Celestia watches when Magnor
's away?"

  "You mean the ones she likes to watch alone or when I'm asleep, Bru?" I asked as I glanced toward the sky. I didn't mind admitting that I sometimes pretended to sleep to see what those shows Celestia watched were about, but the point of them eluded me. All the voices seemed to do was emit weird noises that made me wonder if they were mating or something.

  Sia snickered and sighed. "I'll make sure Celestia doesn't know that, but yes. Hmm, how do I explain this?"

  "If Celestia gets a boyfriend, where does that leave me?" I asked.

  "You're still her familiar, Arielle," Sia repeated and lifted her hand to stroke my head. "Having a boyfriend is like a companion that you can be more intimate with. Like...your Mom and Dad were boyfriend and girlfriend and dated before they got engaged and married," Sia elaborated.

  "So, a boyfriend isn't just a boy who's a friend?" I asked in bewilderment.

  I'd always thought that was the reason for the term. Even when I was super young, and my brothers said I couldn't have a boyfriend, I assumed it meant I couldn't have a phoenix friend who was male.

  "No, it's more than that. A boyfriend is a person you can be more intimate with. Someone you not only hug but who you also hold hands with and kiss. Eventually, when the both of you are comfortable in the relationship, it can lead to sex," Sia elaborated.

  "Sex as in..." I trailed off.

  "Mating, in familiar language," Sia replied.

  "Hmmm. I guess that kinda makes sense. How about if the person's a girl?" I asked.

  "They can too, it's just a bit more complicated and needs a bit of helping hand," Sia acknowledged.

  "So...Celestia can have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" I asked.

  "Yes, but for Celestia, she's only interested in a boyfriend," Sia confirmed.

  "Can I have a boyfriend one day too? Celestia will let me, right?" I asked. Sia grinned and nodded in agreement.

  "Of course she will. You just have to be older. Probably when you turn twenty."

  "TWENTY! That's like...ten years from now, BRUUUUU," I whined.

  "Celestia's not letting you have a boyfriend younger than that." Sia lifted an eyebrow at me.


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