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Arielle Rainbow (Familiar Blessed Chronicles Book 1)

Page 20

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Celestia?! Celestia?

  Nothing. No response or even a hint of connection hit me, and my fear was slowly becoming a reality.

  "Arielle, look at me," Faelia demanded.

  I turned to her and tears pooled in my eyes. "I can't...I can't sense Celestia. Something's wrong." I choked on my tears and began to tremble.

  I needed to go to her and help her. She needed me, yet I was still injured, and there was no way I could fly to her in my phoenix or harpy form. I was stuck while my Mistress was out somewhere alone and on the verge of giving up.

  No, she did give up, which made me wonder what had caused Celestia, my mistress who never gave up on what she believed in, to feel so defeated.

  Faelia frowned, and I noticed the curtain that surrounded my medical bed opening slightly to reveal Rainer.

  His emerald eyes landed on me and immediately went from confused to concerned. "What's wrong, Arielle?" he asked, making his way to my bedside. I couldn't even answer as I began to sob in fear, my mind focused on attempting to get a hold of Celestia, but it was no use.

  "She can't sense Celestia," Faelia declared, pulling out her phone. Her fingers tapped away on the screen, and I heard a 'whoosh' sound.

  "I just texted Finn. I know the others are busy and may not have their phones on them, but Finn should be resting so he'd get my text the fastest," she confirmed.

  Even though her actions were helpful, it wasn't calming my nerves or worries. "How about if he doesn't see it. What if it's too late? I...I can't go help Celestia. She's in danger, I know it," I cried.

  Rainer glanced over to Faelia, both of them exchanging looks before Rainer took a deep breath. "Seeing as I'm Finn's temporary familiar, maybe I can do something?" he suggested.

  He closed his eyes and concentrated as he furrowed his brow and squeezed his eyes. I tried to control my sobs and continued my wasteful attempts to connect with Celestia, but my eyes caught the grin that formed on Rainer's lips.

  "Finn's on his way. He got the text too. He said something felt off, so he's looking for Celestia now with Magnor."

  Faelia sighed in relief, and I lifted my uninjured hand to wipe my tears. Rainer moved to sit next to me, carefully pulling me into his arms and allowing me to cry into his light green shirt.

  "Hey, it's going to be okay," he whispered in my ear.

  "I should be there. I'm her familiar and swore to protect her. What if she's seriously hurt? Celestia's been going through so much, and I feel like I haven't been there to support her as I should," I vented, feeling horrible.

  I'd been so caught up being a human and enjoying how it felt, instead of focusing on poor Celestia who'd been dealing with problem after problem.

  I knew she was trying to hide it, but I had felt her growing anxiety, fears, and exhaustion with everything going on. I wondered if the dream I had just had was happening right now.

  Was she all alone in the rain? She said she was going to see Orlando? Did he say something that made her feel hopeless? He promised to be a good Father. We gave him a chance. Did she not see him?

  I wished to know what was going on with my Mistress, yet there was no way I could acquire that information, and it was killing me.

  "I understand, Arielle. However, you need to recover. You won’t be any help to Celestia if you can barely move let alone fly with your left wing as it is. Celestia will be okay."

  "No, she won't, Rain! You didn't see what I saw. She looked so defeated and that never happens. She's been bullied and treated poorly, but she always fights back and tries to be the stronger individual. But in my dream, she looked helpless. Like she'd completely given up. She stood in the rain in the forest. There was a dark mist, and it was wrapping around her, and she didn't even care. What if Finn doesn't get to her in time and just like that, she's gone? What kind of familiar am I to let my wounds stop me from helping her?" I sobbed.

  Rain tightened his hold around me, rubbing my back as he whispered for me to calm down. "I get it, Arielle, but I have faith in Finn. He's the best person to find Celestia. Pixies like to claim what is theirs, which makes it really easy for Finn to find Celestia."

  "Huh? Finn hasn't claimed Celestia," Faelia pointed out.

  I looked up to see Rain with a grin on his lips. "Finn told me he always has a backup plan in place when he's worried about losing something he adores. He loves Celestia, and that necklace she wears was created by him. I can guarantee that necklace is more than just a dream catcher. He'll find her."

  I rested my head back against Rain's chest. "Are you sure?"

  "I'm positiv-" Rainer began and flinched.

  I leaned back to give him a confused look, and he appeared deep in thought for a moment before he sighed in relief.

  "Finn found her," he announced.

  "Is she okay?!" I asked.

  "She's not hurt, right?" Faelia asked.

  Rainer raised his hand up for us to give him a moment, and he closed his eyes. He must have been communicating with Finn, and I was rather impressed that they had bonded so quickly when they were only temporary familiar and Master.

  "She's okay. Finn can't give me all the details, but Celestia wasn't feeling well and went for help. I think she went to see her Dad and it didn't go well," Rainer explained.

  "I'm gonna kill him!" I snapped.

  "Orlando refused to help her?" Faelia sounded appalled.

  "I don't know everything. Finn said she tried to tell him how she felt, and he just brushed her off. Finn explained that how he found Celestia was similar to Arielle's description. The darkness tried to attack, but Finn had placed a protective spell on the necklace. He got there in time. Magnor is with them too, comforting Celestia. That's all I got. He said once they're out of the rain and Celestia's calm, he'll explain everything in detail to me," Rainer summarized.

  He used his free hand to wipe a tear that escaped my left eye. "She'll be fine, Arielle. Finn told me to tell you, he'll stay with her until the other guys arrive so not to worry. He wants you to focus on resting so you can heal faster."

  "But..." I trailed off and lowered my head. How can I rest when my Mistress is in pain?

  "Arielle," Faelia whispered.

  I lifted my head to look at her, and she had a small smile on her face. "Trust in Finn and the others. I know you feel like you have to be with Celestia all the time because you're her familiar, but situations like these are perfect for her men to step up. Celestia knows you'll never abandon her. You proved yourself long ago, and she knows you’re recovering or you'd be right there with her." She took a deep breath and continued, her eyes set on Rainer and me.

  "There are times when your Master or Mistress will need support, but some issues can't be solved by having your familiar there. In Celestia's current case and my understanding of what Rainer explained, Celestia confronted her father about him dismissing her multiple visits. When someone who is supposed to love and care for you, especially someone like your parents, dismisses your concerns and worries, it makes you wonder if the people around you are going to do the same. Finn's presence will help her realize that he and the guys won't leave Celestia hanging. She needs that reassurance so that she doesn't doubt them. I know it's hard to sit back and watch your Mistress be in pain, Arielle. But trust me, it will work out, especially now that she's with Finn."

  "Okay," I replied, and Rainer nodded in understanding.

  "Thanks for the advice, Faelia."

  "I'll always be there for you guys. I'll give an update to Orion and the others. Now that Rainer's here, I'll check and make sure my men didn't kill each other." She sighed, and I smiled.

  She was probably imagining what chaos was going on in their dorm without her watchful eyes on her boyfriends who seemed to cause more trouble altogether.

  Faelia walked over to kiss me on my forehead, and she reached out to stroke Rainer's gold locks.

  "I'll see you two later. I'll have my phone on me all night, so if you need anything, just call."

  "Okay," Rainer
and I said together.

  She grinned and walked to the small space in the curtains. "Oh, and there's no one in this section of the medical center, so you guys can be as loud as you want." She paused, looking over her shoulder to wink at us.

  We gawked at her, and my face grew hot. "Faelia!' I exclaimed. She laughed and moved to the other side of the curtain.

  "Have fun," she hummed and closed the curtain.

  I heard her footsteps fade and Rainer sighed. "That's Faelia for you."

  "How is she so confident?” I asked, looking at Rainer who grinned at my disbelief.

  "Faelia has gone through her share of chaos and growth. She just got wiser and more confident when she and her boyfriends arrived here in Aslan. The others and I have seen her ups and downs, but even with everything she's been through, she's learned to pick herself up and continue forward. Now she's a lot more confident in what she wants and who she keeps around her. I think that's what helps her be so calm in situations where I'd probably freak out and not know what to do," Rainer explained.

  "I hope I can be confident like that one day," I mumbled. Rainer looked at me and very tenderly pressed his lips to my forehead.

  He pulled back to see my stunned expression and grinned. "You have your own level of confidence Arielle. I like the way you are, but there's always room for growth in all of us. When you fell into the pool of Forgotten Familiars and Gabe pulled you out, I realized I cared and want a relationship with you. I'm not very good at being romantic like Gabriel or Noah, but I want to try. I know you’re still getting used to the idea of us sharing you, but I just wanted you to know that," Rainer confessed.

  "Rain..." I whispered and smiled softly at him. "You want a relationship with me, someone who has an obsession with sweets and shiny buttons?"

  "Yes, and your obsession isn't that bad. Better than Griffin's obsession with pens, and Asher's love for paperclips." He winked, and I giggled.

  "How are you feeling?" I asked.

  "Hmm? From?" Rainer asked.

  "Noah said you were sick for a few days," I revealed.

  "Ah. Ya. Finn's feeling a bit better, so that's helped a lot. I've been keeping a close eye on him for a few days but seeing as he's with Celestia, I guess I'll leave him alone today."

  "Can you stay? I know you don't like sleeping in your human form, but it's more painful when I'm in my familiar form at the moment. Miona said it would take a few days for the herbal remedies she and Othello made to kick in, but once the final Trials are done, I should be good," I explained.

  "I'll survive one night of being a human. I guess I should learn to get used to it." He smirked, giving me another tender kiss but this time on the cheek. "Plus, it's nice to be able to kiss you."

  I blushed, feeling a little shy. "So direct, Bru," I mumbled.

  "I like your phoenix accent too," he whispered, kissing me yet again on the other cheek.

  "Are you going to compliment me all night to get the chance to kiss me?" I questioned when we broke the kiss to stare into each other's eyes.

  His emerald orbs glittered with a hint of mischief. "I could. As long as I get to hold you in my arms and enjoy that lovely rosemary scent of yours."

  "Hold me as long as you want, sweet talker," I giggled.

  "Totally not a sweet talker. That's Noah's and Gabe's job. I'm the reason talker," he suggested, making me laugh.

  "Sure," I murmured and this time took the initiative to kiss him. He grinned against my lips, and it wasn't long till his hand lifted and stroked my cheek as we deepened the passionate exchange.

  "I don’t think we should go too far. I can't do what my body wants me to do when you're not fully healed," he admitted, his cheeks a bit red from the confession.

  I understood what he was referring to, which made me grin with satisfaction.

  "When I'm healed, do I get to go on a date with you?" I asked.

  "Definitely," he confirmed.

  "Okay, then I'll be extra good and sleep." A yawn escaped me. I was feeling tired after being so worked up before.

  "Sounds like a plan. I'll be right here," Rainer reassured me.

  I nodded, letting out another yawn before I rested my head back on his chest and closed my heavy eyes.

  He snapped his fingers and the lights of the room dimmed. I felt the covers move upward to cover the both of us, and I snuggled closer to him, enjoying the beat of his heart that was somewhat faster than normal.

  "Your heart sound is fast, Rainer," I pointed out.

  "It's always fast when I'm around you," he mumbled. I smiled, unable to think of anything else to say as my mind began to drift.

  I would take Faelia's advice and focus on recovering. I would be of no use to Celestia if I didn’t get better. Just needed a few days and, once the herbs settled in my wing, I would be as good as new. Once the last trial was done, I would be strong and help Celestia get through the challenges ahead.

  For now, I'll rest in the arms of Rainer.


  "FOUND IT!" Faelia exclaimed.

  "Faelia, are you sure that secretary isn't going to wake up? Also, isn't this...I don't know, illegal?" I asked.

  We were currently in Orlando's office, Faelia stating she had to check something before we headed down to the meeting room where we knew everyone was waiting.

  Celestia and Orion were currently doing their trial, but something felt off, and I immediately told Faelia and Gabriel, who were with me.

  I was in my human form and on the lookout for Orlando to show up while Faelia was searching in every file cabinet for some files. I had no clue what she was trying to find or why, but I wanted to tag along rather than stay out of whatever was brewing.

  Gabriel went to tell the others that there was something fishy going on and for them to meet us outside the building once our meeting was done.

  I was scared for Celestia, but I knew she was with Orion, so what harm could come to her?

  "That secretary not waking up until we’re long gone. I don't like her anyways. As for breaking into Orlando's office, I've done it before. He'll forgive me one day. Centaurs are natural beings, they can't hold grudges for too long." Faelia shrugged before she stood up.

  "The confidence in your voice makes me wonder what trouble you've caused in the past," I commented.

  "I'm an immaculate Fae who wants nothing more than peace and harmony," Faelia sang.

  "If it weren’t for your singing voice, I'd call you out on your bullshit." I sighed, and Faelia giggled.

  "I'm glad you’re back to normal," Faelia whispered. I met her pleased gaze and smiled.

  "Thanks, Faelia, for helping me recover. I know it wasn't your problem, but I really appreciate it."

  "You're my friend, Arielle and also a familiar of Aslan. I take care of all my familiars and that includes you. I'm always here for you, just like Celestia, Othello, Miona, and Magnor," Faelia hummed.

  She looked at the file and frowned. "We need to present this to the others and get going. I won't be following because of what's going on over here, but my best guess is Magnor and Finn will go on their search."

  "Search?" I asked.

  "I'll explain on the way down, but I need you to return to your phoenix form," Faelia instructed.

  "Why?" I asked, hesitantly. I didn't want to admit I was afraid of going back to my familiar form. I was scared that when I shifted back the pain would resurface and cripple me, preventing me from being able to do what I could to help with everything that was going on both on and off campus.

  I knew by the look in Faeila's eyes that she understood why I didn't want to shift back. She closed the cabinet drawer where she'd retrieved the file and walked towards me.

  When she stood before me, she lifted her hand to stroke my cheek. "Arielle. We may not have known each other for long, but I've studied your recent behavior to know you're afraid of shifting back. Are you scared of the pain?" she asked.

  I slowly nodded, hanging my head low in defeat. "Terrified. Wha
t if I switch back and I can't even fly? I rested as much as I could, but what if it was all in vain and I have to stay behind?" I confessed, lifting my worried gaze to meet Faelia's teal eyes.

  "Arielle, you'll be fine. I'll still bandage your left wing to make sure it stays in a good alignment when you need it to fly, but the pain will be a little pinch compared to before. I promise. You just have to trust me."

  I bit my lip in worry, but I slowly nodded. "Okay. I trust you, Faelia."

  She nodded. "Shift back. I'll be right here," she assured me.

  I closed my eyes and held the stone that hung from the gold necklace on my neck, the amber stone warming in my hand. Switch.

  My body grew hot, and I felt myself shrink back to my familiar size. I braced myself for the pain, but it was only a small pulsing pain which made me sigh in relief.

  "Are you in pain at all, Arielle?" Faelia asked.

  "A little, Bru. Pulsing pain on my wing," I chirped. She nodded in understanding and offered her hand to me.

  I hopped onto it, and she lifted me up and walked over to Orlando's desk. "Let's quickly bandage you up and go see the others."

  "You're the best, Faelia Bru," I replied, excited to be able to be in my phoenix form again.

  "I'm okay. Nothing extraordinary, but thank you." She winked. "Let's get rolling and reveal my discovery. For now, let me explain why I need that file," Faelia stated with a confident smirk.

  "BRU-REE, BRU-REE, BRU-REE!!!" I sang as I hopped up and down on Finn's shoulder.

  "You're excited to be up and moving again, huh," Finn commented, lifting his hand to rub my head.

  "YES, Bru!" I replied.

  "I'm assuming that's a yes," Finn replied. "Rainer has been trying to communicate with me more through speech. It's difficult, but not impossible to learn."

  "You'll get the hang of it once you've all fully bonded with your familiars. Celestia was one of the rare ones. When she met Arielle, she could understand her with little problem, even before they finalized their familiar oath. Once everything settles down, you guys can do a combined oath ceremony, if you wish to keep your familiars," Magnor explained.


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