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Fate's Song

Page 2

by Jessica Jarman

  Abagail dropped to her knees beside him and immediately felt for a pulse. Her shoulders slumped in relief when she felt it beat strong beneath her fingers. Though how it was so strong was beyond her. The man was like ice. He wore only jeans and a sweater—they were soaked and plastered to his body. Wet socks and tennis shoes covered his feet. His wet skin lacked any heat at all. How long had he been here? How had he gotten out here?

  She shook her head to dislodge the questions swarming her mind and ran her gaze over the man. Myriad colourful bruises and scratches painted his face and a large gash underscored one of his eyes. He needed medical attention; that much was certain.

  God, how was she going to get him to help? He was huge. Her hands shook as she unbuttoned her coat and wrapped it around him. She tucked it under his chin and gasped. Silver-grey eyes peered at her. He struggled to push off the coat, grasping at her hands.

  “Shh,” she soothed. “You’re okay now. Please leave the coat on. You’ll be warm soon, I promise.”

  His cold fingers trailed down one of her cheeks. “It’s you. I’ve found you.” His eyes slid shut.

  Abagail tucked the coat more tightly around him and, after much manoeuvring of dead weight, wrapped her scarf around his middle to hold it in place. She straightened and stood near his head. It was too much of a risk to run to the cabin to call for help. Leaving him exposed any longer than he’d already been wasn’t an option. She’d have to pull him there. She could call an ambulance or something from the cabin. She squatted, looped her arms under his and pulled with all her strength. Damn, the man weighed a ton. They’d barely moved a foot.

  “I can walk.” His voice floated to her, thin and raspy.

  “No offence, mister, but you don’t look like you could lift a finger, let alone stand.”

  She gasped as he pushed himself into a sitting position.

  He remained still for a moment and then began to stand. He wavered and braced himself with his hands on the cold earth.

  Abagail went to his side and wrapped her arms around his waist. With her help, he stood.

  “Lean on me,” she instructed. “Let me know if you need to stop or if you feel dizzy or anything, okay?”


  His breath was ragged as they walked at a sluggish pace. He leaned into her, his arm heavy around her shoulders. Sweat trickled down her back as they made their way through the woods. The slight wind caused it to cool, chilling her. Gritting her teeth, she pushed it out of her mind. A little chill was nothing compared to what this poor man was dealing with.

  Good God, if she hadn’t stumbled over him, he’d have frozen to death. Nobody else would have wandered by. The deciding factor in moving to the cabin had been the rarity of people wandering around. For whatever reason, most stayed clear of her little section of the woods. Lucky for him, she’d gone for a walk after arguing with her idiot sister-in-law.

  The cottage was in sight when he stumbled, and they both went down hard on their knees. She lost her grip on him, and he slid face down onto the snow sprinkled ground. She quickly rolled him onto his back.

  “Guess I’m pulling you the rest of the way, huh?”

  Again, she looped her arms under his and began the difficult task of pulling the man the remaining way to the cabin. Outside the back door, she stopped and braced her hands on her knees to draw in several deep breaths. Okay, now all she had to do was get him inside. Piece of cake. She unlocked the door and pushed it open. She pulled him over the threshold and into the small house, down the short hallway into the spare bedroom. Her arms and legs shook with exertion as she laid him on the floor next to the bed.

  Ignoring the fatigue building within her, Abagail dashed into the bathroom to grab an armful of towels and the first aid kit. Back in the room, she pulled the comforter and blankets back and spread two large towels over the bottom sheet. Stepping back, she stared down at the large man. How on earth was she going to get him on the bed? She knelt down and pulled her coat off him. Maybe he was with it enough to help her.

  “Excuse me, mister,” she said, gently patting his cheeks. “We need to get you into bed and warmed up. Can you sit up? Maybe stand again with my help?”

  The man groaned and moved his head from side to side. He opened his eyes and looked around the room. A perplexed frown touched his lips as he surveyed his surroundings.

  She watched at him sympathetically. The guy clearly didn’t have a clue where he was or what was going on.

  “Hi,” she said quietly, touching his face again. “I’m Abagail Guthrie. I found you in the woods, nearly frozen. We need to get you dry and warm and into bed. Can you get up if I help?”

  “Yes,” he responded.

  His raspy voice sent shivers up her back. Her stomach tightened as she stared into his mercurial eyes. Focus, she thought. Grasping his upper arm, she helped him into a sitting position. He breathed heavily from the effort and dropped his head forward to rest on his bent knees.

  “You just need to stand long enough to get on the bed. Use me for support.”

  Abagail wrapped an arm around his waist as he reached up to use the mattress as leverage. After a couple of false starts, they managed to get him sitting on the edge of the bed. She grabbed a towel off the stack she’d dropped on the floor and used it to wipe the moisture from his face, careful not to rub too hard on the numerous cuts.

  “Before you lay down, let’s get this wet shirt off.” She grasped the hem of the sweater. “Arms up.”

  A weak chuckle escaped his lips as he complied. “You must be a great mother. Very good at giving orders.”

  Her lips curved into a smile at his attempt at humour. “I don’t have kids. I’m just naturally bossy.”

  A small cry welled up her throat at the sight of his battered body. What had happened to him? She carefully rubbed a towel over his shoulder length black hair, removing as much moisture as she could, before moving to his sculpted chest. She bit her lip as her hands ran over his taut muscles. Bruises blossomed across his midsection. Blood trickled from several abrasions. Those would need some attention, but first she had to remove his wet clothes.

  “Go ahead and lay down now. I’ll help you take the rest of these clothes off so you can rest and get warm.” She gave him a slight nudge until he lowered his head onto the pillow with a sigh.

  She went to work on his jeans. Peeling the wet, clinging fabric from his lower body was no easy task. Nor was it a boring one. She drank in the sight of hard dark legs, and his assets were clearly displayed despite the white briefs. Yep, he was one impressive specimen, Abagail decided as she went to work on drying his legs. Get a grip, she scolded herself. The man’s seriously hurt and you’re ready to lick his body.

  “Sorry, but the briefs will have to go,” she informed him apologetically. “They’re soaked. Could you, ah, lift your hips?”

  At first she thought he’d fallen asleep. His eyes were closed and he didn’t respond right away. Just as she was about to make do, he lifted his tush.


  At the sound of his voice, she stopped and glanced up at his face. “What?”

  “My name is Kaelen. I figured if you were going to get in my shorts, you should at least know my name.”

  Abagail laughed. God, she loved a guy with a sense of humour. “Well, nice to meet you, Kaelen.”

  She finished pulling off the briefs and struggled not to stare. Lordy, the man had done something good in a previous life, because he’d certainly been well rewarded in the physical department in this one. She patted his hips quickly with the towel before yanking the covers up to his waist. Heat crept up her neck and seeped into her face. “Uh, I’m just going to tend to these injuries. It shouldn’t take long and then you’ll be able to rest.”

  She opened the first aid kit and removed the antiseptic. Soaking a cotton ball with it, she attended to the first gash on his chest.

  His breath hissed between his teeth and his muscles stiffened beneath her hand.

; “I’m so sorry. I know that stings. It’ll be over soon. Promise.”

  He didn’t make another sound or move again as she finished cleaning the abrasions. She glanced up and found his silver eyes staring at her. He studied her with such intensity heat snaked up her neck and into her face. Who was this man? What was going on in his head? She cleared her throat and smiled.

  “There now, all done. I’m not going to bandage them. The bleeding has stopped, and I think being exposed to air will help them heal more.” She pulled the covers up and laid them gently over him. “After you’ve had a chance to rest, I’ll warm something for you to eat. The bathroom is through the other door in the hall. If you need any help getting up or anything else, just call out. It’s a small place. I’ll hear you.”

  She straightened to leave, stopping when he grasped her hand. It was already warm—a good sign, she thought.

  “Thank you, Abagail. For your hospitality and care.”

  Slivers of heat coursed through her body at the intimate tone of his voice. “You’re welcome. Now rest.”

  She pulled away and rushed out of the room before she gave into the urge to lie down next to him and wrap her arms around a man whom she knew nothing about.

  * * * *

  Kaelen stared at the door. He didn’t like this, not one bit. Not that the woman hadn’t been extremely kind, but he couldn’t stay here. Especially after having her touch him. He groaned and closed his eyes. Damn, it’d been too long since he’d made love. The Fey were very sexual creatures, and Kaelen was no exception. Though never once had he been with a human, only others of his kind.

  Hell, he’d never been attracted to a human woman, not in the twenty-six years since his banishment and certainly not before. Until now. Something about this woman called to him and, damn it, it wasn’t going to get him back home. If anything it’d only get him into more trouble.

  Of course, he’d about given up on the idea of finding the mate that Maraana had prophesised. Since leaving his home world, the only glimpses of his kind were fleeting. Once he was seen, the Fey in question would disappear like he had a huge neon “banished” sign on his forehead. Unless one of the females was brave enough to defy their Queen, his chances of going back were nil.

  He shifted and winced as pain shot through his torso. He’d forgotten about that. He lifted his heavy head and pulled the blankets back to examine his chest and belly. Nice and colourful. No wonder Abagail had cried out. He looked like he’d fallen off a cliff. No such luck. No, he’d had the pleasure of having six grown humans pound on him for sport.

  With his powers, he could’ve flicked them off like flies, but they were gone. Hell, he hadn’t even fought back. He hadn’t cared. Just the thought of escaping the loneliness and the yearning for home had been reason enough to take what the brutes had dealt out. The beating would have killed a human, but he still had two of his Fey gifts, longevity and fast healing. Even now, the bruises were fading.

  Lucky him.

  Lying back, he thought about what happened after the attack. It was a blur. The men had thrown him in the back of one of their trucks and hauled him out into the woods. After they dumped him on the cold ground, he’d just rolled over and allowed himself to fall into the deep sleep of the Fey. Dreams of home had swirled through his head, making more than his body ache. He’d dreamt of the bonding ceremony between mates; its music had echoed through his mind. The next thing he knew, he was in this cottage being tended to by a human. A very sexy human.

  Exhaustion rolled over Kaelen in tremendous, heavy waves. He struggled to stay awake, to watch for the woman’s return. Just before he lost the battle, his last thought was he had to get away. Away from Abagail. Away from the temptation.

  Chapter Two

  Good lord, what had she been thinking?

  Abagail stood in the doorway and stared at the large man sprawled on the bed. A stranger. A stranger she dragged home without a second thought. What was wrong with her? She didn’t do things like this. Ever. She was sensible and cautious. Pretty much dull.

  Kaelen. His name whispered through her mind. She couldn’t explain it. Something drew her to this man. It was as though his soul had reached out and touched hers. Some void in her filled when she had found him. The void that had eaten away at her constantly. She’d always thought it was loneliness, but it gnawed even when she spent time with family, friends, lovers. Now it was filled. Filled with the presence of this strange man.

  She groaned. Yep, something was seriously wrong with her. Squaring her shoulders, she went into the room to check his injuries. That had been her intention in the first place. Instead she stood there mooning over the mysterious silver-eyed stranger.

  Practical matters, she repeated in her head. First she had to make sure the abrasions weren’t bleeding again. Gently pulling the sheet back, she leaned forward to see his upper body in the dim light from the hall. She didn’t want to turn on the overhead light and disturb him unless absolutely necessary.

  Wait a minute. She squinted at where earlier a large gash had marred his abdomen. It wasn’t there. Oh, there was a mark—a puckered red line trailed across his skin. The smaller abrasions had disappeared completely. How was that possible? Closing her eyes, she decided she must be more tired than she thought. Now she was seeing things. After a quick mental shake, she opened her eyes and leaned down further until her nose nearly touched his skin. Nope, no gash. Just the scar.

  She inhaled sharply and his scent assaulted her, the natural, earthiness causing a tug deep in her belly. Heat radiated from his skin. Concerned, she only hesitated a moment before laying a hand on his chest. Her breath escaped in a relieved hiss. Thank goodness, he didn’t feel feverish. She was about to straighten when his hand grasped the back of her neck, tangling in her curls. A small sound of surprise burst through her lips. Oh God, how embarrassing.


  Just her name. That was all. Just her name in a husky whisper. The sound caressed her, awakening all her nerve endings. Heat swept through her and centred in her belly. She turned her head to look across his chest at his face. Her hair spilled over her shoulder onto his belly. He groaned and flexed his fingers lightly.

  “I’m fine.”

  “I can see that. What is going on? You’re healed already. How can—”

  Quickly he released her neck and grasped her shoulders, hauling her up his body until her face was right above his.

  “Do you really want to talk?”

  He pulled her head down and captured her mouth. A small voice in her head told her to stop. That it was ridiculous to let man she had no knowledge of kiss her, touch her. But the voice faded and all thoughts fled. Everything in her pulled towards him. Every cell in her body celebrated and delighted in his touch.

  Abagail lost herself in the feel of his warm, hard body beneath her and his mouth, oh God, his mouth travelled from hers to nibble to her neck and back up again.

  “Open your mouth for me, sweetheart.” He ran his slick tongue along her bottom lip and growled deep in his throat when she complied. “That’s a girl.”

  Pulling her hands from between them, Abagail ran her fingers through his thick black mane and gripped it tightly as she sank further into the kiss, further into him. Man, he was good. Hell, better than good. She’d never felt like this. Certainly not from just a kiss! She was falling, spiralling down. Colours burst behind her eyelids, and music danced in her head.

  Kaelen shifted and ran a hand around her to cup her breast. Her nipple pebbled under his thumb, begging for more through the thin cotton, aching for more. The music increased. Notes swelled as she pressed against his hand.

  Suddenly she was on her back with Kaelen over her pulling up her T-shirt.

  “Oh God,” she moaned as his hot mouth clamped over the tight nub and suckled. A sweep of tongue, the scrape of teeth had Abagail pressing frantically against the leg Kaelen had shoved between hers.

  She released his hair and ran her hands down the hard tight muscles
of his back. Pressing her lips to his neck, she tasted the saltiness that clung to his skin. Her tongue darted out, ran up to his jaw. He pulled back slightly, and his hands came up to cup her face. Heat drenched her pussy as he stared into her eyes. She leaned up and kissed him gently, then nipped his bottom lip with her teeth before pulling him in to mate deeper, more thoroughly with his delicious mouth. His hot tongue slid in to dance with hers.

  Yes, yes, yes, she thought when he ran his hand down her stomach to slip into her pants. She tensed in anticipation of his touch between her thighs.

  He lifted his head and his hand stilled under the waistband. A frown marred his lips and furrowed his brow.

  “Kaelen?” Abagail wiggled her hips, desperate to relieve the mounting ache deep within her.

  “Did you hear that?”


  “The music. The damned music.”

  He straightened and knelt between her thighs, oblivious to his nakedness.

  Abagail had to force her gaze away from the sight of his arousal nestled against the dark whorl of curls. Eyes on his face, she responded, “Of course I hear it. It’s always like this—just sprouts up in my head. Wait a sec. You can hear it too? That doesn’t make sense. It’s in my head.”

  “Not this time. It’s…” He paused. “It’s gone.”

  The room was silent except for the sound of their breathing

  “What is going on here? How can you possibly hear…” she trailed off.

  What was she doing? Lying with a man between her thighs with her shirt around her armpits? Bending her knees, she scooted back to sit up. She pulled her shirt down and studied his face. Jaw clenched and eyes narrowed, he looked ready to brawl.


  He climbed out of bed and began pacing. Lord, he was magnificent, she thought before catching herself.

  “I don’t know what the hell she’s doing. Messing with that of all things. I told her. Told her there was no way.”


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