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Fate's Song

Page 5

by Jessica Jarman

  Abagail almost laughed despite the orgasm building layer-upon-layer. He was worried he’d come and leave her unsatisfied. Her! Didn’t he realise she’d been a walking orgasm waiting to happen ever since she tripped over him? He’d already made her come long and hard and she was on the brink again.

  “Don’t fight it. Can’t you feel what you’re doing to me?” she cried out as her release pushed her over the edge. She slid, spiralled downward through hot honey. “Come with me, Kaelen.”

  He thrust into her again and again. With a roar, he spilled his seed deep inside her. His cock still pulsating, he cupped her face. “I belong to you. You belong to me. Our souls, our hearts are bound together. If one doesn’t exist, neither does the other. No longer two, but one for eternity.”

  Chapter Five

  Kaelen lay staring at the ceiling, his woman curled up next to him, her head pillowed on his chest. His woman. Stroking her hair, he thought of what he’d done. In the eyes of his people, he and Abagail were bonded. Mates. Essentially married.

  Damn it. He’d try to fight it, but the pull had been so strong. He remembered his father describing how it was between true mates. The need to complete the ceremony, to bond was overwhelming. Kaelen hadn’t understood.

  Until now.

  This certainly didn’t help his chances of returning to his kind. Obviously, Abagail was his true mate. The bond wouldn’t have worked otherwise, and it had worked. He could feel the melding of their souls. But the laws were clear about mating with humans. It was forbidden. Not that faeries had never slept with humans, but it was rare and the punishment was usually banishment. Kaelen chuckled humourlessly. Been there; done that.

  No, he wouldn’t be returning to his home. Even if he were accepted back despite what he’d done, he couldn’t be separated from Abagail now. Once the bond was sealed, mates needed the other’s presence, their touch often. Their souls were joined now. He wouldn’t leave her.

  Was Abagail the woman Maraana had prophesied? Wouldn’t she, or the Queen, have told him if it was a human? No, they would have seen that as interfering with Fate. Could Abagail be the one to end his banishment?

  Kaelen pushed the thought, the hope aside. It didn’t matter. He would spend his life with Abagail. Grow old with her and leave this life when she did.


  He jolted as he heard the voice in his head.

  “Kaelen, are you well?”


  “It is I. How fare you, my Prince?”

  He scowled. “I am no longer Prince. How is it you can speak with me? This line of communication was severed upon my banishment.”

  “I know not. I felt you, your pain and confusion, and reached out. Have you found a mate? Are you returning to us?”

  Kaelen closed his eyes, savouring the intimate contact with one of his own. By the Goddess, he missed this. “I have a mate, but I will not be returning.”

  “What foolishness do you speak? If you have found a mate, a true mate, then the banishment is lifted.”

  “She is my true mate, but she is human.”



  “I’m here. A human? I didn’t know a true bond was possible with a human, but even now I can feel her presence within you. You must come back and see the Queen immediately.”

  “You know very well how the Lady feels about mating with humans.”

  “For sex, for pleasure, yes. But this is a true bonding; surely she will not stand in the way.”

  “I will not risk it. I will stay with Abagail and live a human life.”

  “You are the Prince of the Fey! You are not human. You cannot do this to our people, Kaelen.”

  “It is already done, my friend. I must live with the consequences of my actions. My banishment led me to my mate. I cannot be sorry.”

  “There must be a way. I will consult with Leilen and Dermet. We will come to you.”

  “No!” Kaelen sat up, jostling Abagail. She opened her eyes and smiled sleepily at him.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m fine, sweetheart, just fine.”

  “You will not risk yourselves by coming to me. You must obey the Queen or you will suffer. You risk too much already, simply by communicating with me.”

  “We would all lay our lives down for you, Prince Kaelen. We will be in touch.”

  Kaelen swore as the connection was severed.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Abagail sat up and touched his arm.

  “Of course, I just…” He searched his mind for a plausible excuse for his agitation. “Had a nightmare.”

  “Ah, they must be catching.” She grinned. “Well, you helped me get over mine, so I’ll return the favour. On your stomach and I’ll give you a back rub. You can tell me about this nightmare.”

  “I’ll take the back rub, but you tell me about your bad dream.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Is this one of those macho men things? Can’t talk about a nightmare ‘cause it might make you look like a weenie?”

  He quirked a brow at her. “Maybe it’s because I can’t put together a coherent sentence when your hands are on me.”

  She burst out laughing. The sound slid over his body and his cock hardened.

  “Okay, okay, roll over and let’s get started.”

  He shifted until he was comfortable and groaned as her warm hands began to knead the muscles in his back.

  “So,” he drawled, relaxing into her touch. “Tell me about this nightmare.”

  “Going to beat up the boogie man for me?”

  “Of course.” He allowed his eyes to drift shut. “It’s my duty to see to your happiness.”

  “Oh, well that’s nice.” She chuckled. “Well, you’re going to have to beat yourself up, I guess.”

  He popped one eye open and looked at her over his shoulder. “I was the boogie man in your dream?”

  She pushed his head back down on the pillow with a laugh. “Don’t sound so offended. It was a dream. Actually, there were two dreams. The first one was on a cliff, and you came to me. We kissed, and, well, you did some incredible things, let me tell you.”

  Memories of the dream they shared had his cock swelling and aching. He shifted his hips. The knowledge that they’d shared the dream didn’t surprise him. It only confirmed what he’d already concluded. Abagail was his true mate. True mates often dreamt together.

  “And this was a nightmare?”

  “No, not that part. It was after that. Suddenly you were away from me and fighting some man. You killed him. You broke his neck. It was horrible. Then there was the woman and children.”

  “A woman and children?” No, no, she couldn’t be seeing what he did those years ago.

  “You went to them. They were all battered and bloody and you looked so angry, so full of rage.”

  “What happened then?”

  “I woke up.” She began to stroke his lower back. “Then when I was on the couch I dreamt I was back on the cliff and you came to me, but it wasn’t you.”

  Her hands stilled and she sat back on her heels. Kaelen rolled over on his side and studied her. Her mouth was turned down and her face was pale.

  “This dream bothers you greatly. What do you mean it wasn’t me?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. It was so odd. You came to me and kissed me, but it felt wrong. I pushed you away and then, boom, you were someone else.”

  “Who? Someone you know?”

  “No, I’d never seen him before. I asked his name, and he simply told me that he was a friend. That he came to warn me.” She met his gaze. “About you.”

  A chill swept through his body. “What about me?”

  “He said you were dangerous and that I needed to get you out of my house. Then you were on the cliff, killing that man again and going towards the others. I couldn’t watch. He told me that you killed them like you did the man. I realised it was a dream. I mean, you’re not a murderer. I know that. I feel that.”

; His stomach clenched as she leaned forward and kissed his forehead, his cheeks, his mouth. Love for her and guilt over her unwavering confidence swept over him.

  “What did the man look like?”

  “Does it matter? He was just part of a dream.”

  “Just curious. Did he look like me?”

  “He had a similar height and build, but he had dark blond hair. It was long, past his shoulders. He had light brown eyes—almost golden really.” She shrugged. “I supposed some women would find him extremely handsome.”

  Kaelen grinned despite the cold knot forming in his gut. “But not you?”

  “Nah. I find myself more attracted to dark-haired, silver-eyed men with fantastic bodies.” She ran her hands over his chest. “A man who knows how to drive a woman delirious with just a kiss.”

  Kaelen grabbed her around the waist and pulled her on top of him. He nipped her lip and swept his tongue over the ache. “I wonder where you can find a man like that.”

  “Oh, I’ve found him.” She straddled his hips and pressed herself against him. “It’s a matter of keeping him now.”

  His cock slid along the warm silkiness of her pussy until he was positioned to enter her. He buried his face in her hair, breathing in the sweet, tantalising essence. Her scent slid through him, wrapping around every cell in his body. His erection throbbed against her wet folds, growing harder as she squirmed against him.

  “I think you’re doing a fairly good job of that. Are you ready for me, Abagail?”

  Her fingers delved into his hair, fisting in the length of it. “Always.”

  He surged into her, groaning as her wet heat enveloped him. They met each other, stroke for frantic stroke. Hands running across sweat-dampened skin. Lips trailing across faces. Whispers floating through the room.

  Kaelen clenched his teeth and struggled to hold on to what little control he had left. Her pussy milked his cock with each stroke, coaxing it towards release.

  “I meant this time to be slow,” he ground out.

  Gripping his hair again, she pulled his face to his until their noses touched. “You slow down, you die.”

  He chuckled and thanked the Goddess. Despite his good intentions, he couldn’t stop now. Abagail had him on the edge, but he was taking her with him. He slid his hand between their bodies and found her hot, pulsating pleasure spot, circling it with his finger. That was all it took. She moaned softly, deep in the back of her throat. The sound alone nearly set him off, and then her muscles clenched his cock as she found her release. Spilling his seed deep within her, he threw his head back and shouted her name.

  * * * *

  Kaelen eased away from the sleeping Abagail and pulled the sheet off the floor. Wrapping it around his hips again, he moved quickly through the small house and found the laundry room off the kitchen with no problem. His clothes sat folded on top of the dryer. Donning them quickly, he walked into the living room. He paced the length of the floor and processed all Abagail had told him of her dreams.

  Damn it. She had described Darrick perfectly. What the hell was his cousin doing? Manipulating the dreams of humans was strictly forbidden. Then again, why was he surprised? Darrick manipulated everything as long as it served his best interests. Laws and rules be damned. So how did it benefit him to discourage Abagail from being with him? Was it simply denying Kaelen happiness?

  For the love of the Goddess, he’d even given Abagail the vision of Kaelen’s crime. May he burn for that alone. And telling her that he’d killed the woman and children! He gave up everything to save them, to give them life.

  Perhaps Abagail was the one. If she could end his banishment, Darrick’s hope for the throne was squashed. That would make him daring. And dangerous.

  “Kaelen. We are here. May we enter?”

  “Yes, my mate sleeps.”

  Light shimmered through the room. Green and gold bursts radiated and combined until three men materialised in front of Kaelen.

  His eyes burned as he saw his friends kneeling before him.

  “Stand, please.” His voice broke slightly. “I am not Prince any longer. You are dear friends, not subjects.”

  Rhys stood first. “You are always our Prince, and we respect that first and foremost. But friends we are.” He stepped forward and the two men embraced. “You look well.”

  Kaelen welcomed each man in turn, thrilled to be with those long lost to him.

  “Rhys tells us you are true mated. We are overjoyed and swear allegiance and protection to your mate,” Leilen declared.

  “Her name is Abagail. The Goddess has blessed me with a beautiful and intelligent mate.”

  Dermet grinned. “Then we are all blessed, my Prince.”

  “Would you stop the Prince nonsense?” Kaelen scowled at his friends. “I’m not Prince, and even when I was, you never stood on such ceremony before.”

  “Forgive us,” Rhys said. “We are a bit overwhelmed that you are returned to us. And don’t protest that, Kaelen. When you find your true mate, I’m suddenly able to communicate with you. This isn’t coincidence. She has to be the one the Queen spoke of.”

  “Perhaps,” Kaelen conceded. “I’ve been giving it some thought, and I think she may be. Some of my other powers are returning. Though not with the finesse and ease I’d like. It’s like I’m a youth just coming into my power, headaches and all.”

  The three men grimaced in sympathy, obviously remembering their own beginning experiences with magical power.

  “There is another matter, one that troubles me. Darrick has been meddling in Abagail’s dreams.” He related to them what he’d been told.

  Dermet’s face reddened. “Damn him. He’s a fool. Kaelen, you must go to the Queen, present your mate, and put an end to this.”

  Kaelen shook his head. “It isn’t so easy. First, if Abagail is truly the one, there is still another step required to break the banishment. I have to tell her who and what I am. And even if she accepts that, Darrick is still a danger. He will not be accommodating, and I fear what he will try to do to her.”

  “The hell with him. We’ll intercede and stop him.” Leilen pounded a fist in his open palm.

  “I still believe informing the Queen is the path to take,” Dermet insisted. “She was willing to banish you, the heir to the throne, for saving human lives. She’ll not tolerate another nephew manipulating—”

  “Kaelen is right,” Rhys interrupted. “Darrick is a danger. We’ve seen what he’ll do to get the throne. He was willing to manipulate his own cousin into a death sentence; he’s not going to hesitate to harm his woman. But at this point, we have no solid proof to present to the Queen. We have to proceed carefully.”

  “We?” Kaelen raised a brow.

  “Please.” Leilen frowned. “If you think we are going to sit around and do nothing, you’re crazed.”

  “Don’t think of arguing,” Rhys warned. “We’re in this together. Like always.”

  Kaelen conceded with a nod of his head. By the Goddess, it felt great to have his friends at his side again.


  He turned to see Abagail standing just within the room. His heart ached and his stomach clenched as he took in his mate’s sleep tousled appearance.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. Did we wake you?” He stepped towards her with a hand outstretched.

  She came forward, looking at the men curiously, and clasped his hand. “No, I was just surprised to hear other voices when I woke up.

  “These are friends of mine. Rhys, Leilen and Dermet. Gentlemen, this is Abagail.” He shook his head slightly as he saw the men make move to kneel.

  Rhys recovered first. “Abagail, we were grateful to hear that Kaelen found you; we worried for him.”

  “Nice to meet you. Though I’d say I found him,” she corrected with a smile. “Did he tell you how badly he’d been hurt?”

  “No,” Rhys drawled. “But I’m sure he’ll fill us in. Right now, we should be off and out of your way.”

  Abagail loo
ked startled. “Don’t be in a hurry on my account. Do you have a place to stay or do you live nearby?”

  “We live a ways from here,” informed Leilen. “Though we could stay for a little while.”

  Kaelen nodded at his questioning gaze. He’d enjoy spending more time with his old friends.

  “Good, good.” She looked at Kaelen with a frown. “You must be starving. We slept most of the day away and didn’t eat much.”

  He kissed her down-turned lips, whispering against them, “I had other, more enjoyable things on my mind,”

  A flush crept across her face, and she smiled slightly. “Be that as it may, you still need to eat. Sit and visit while I see what I have in the kitchen.”

  Kaelen hummed in appreciation as he watched the hurrying sway of her ass disappear into the other room. His body tightened with desire. It took all his willpower to push those tantalising thoughts from his head and return his focus to his friends. He found the three men staring at him with wide grins creasing their faces.

  “It’s refreshing to see you so taken with a woman, Kaelen. Though truth be told, I’m somewhat glad that no true mate awaits me in this life,” Rhys admitted.

  “That is what the Waters foretold for me as well, my friend. If they were wrong about me, they could be about you.”

  Rhys snorted. “What are the odds of that? No, I’ll not have a true mate in this life, and I’m quite content with that. It’ll be a joy to watch you and your woman though. She is quite beautiful and intriguing.”

  “Thank you. Now I’m going to see if she needs help. Make yourself useful.” He nodded to the fireplace. “Start a fire. Without magic.”

  He chuckled as a collective groan rose from the men and left the trio kneeling before the fireplace, arguing about the best way to proceed. He stopped in the doorway and watched her. She stood on a chair on tiptoes, pulling wineglasses out of the cupboard. He drank in the sight of her, from the top of her mussed head to her bare feet.

  “I’d have gotten those for you.”

  She smiled over her shoulder. “You have guests.”

  “I’ll help.” He crossed the room.


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