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Dreams Claimed (Warfield's Landing, #1)

Page 4

by Adeara Allyne

  Two days later in Old Town Alexandria, VA

  Of all the days!

  Nic was in a hurry. It was two days after meeting Daniel at Galley 22. She’d had to step in to replace another Basic Drawing teacher for a morning class. She didn’t mind covering for the other teacher, but the timing was less than perfect.

  Today was the day Daniel was supposed to stop by and see her studio. She’d tried to call him to say she might be late, but she’d been sent to voice mail. She’d left a message on his phone and a note on her studio door. Had he gotten them?

  She watched as the students filed out. Several of them stopped to ask her questions. As she answered, she made it a point to be gracious and unhurried. It wasn’t their fault today was a sort of date with the most handsome guy on the planet. As she finished with the last student, she noticed two of her night students standing in the doorway, grinning at her.

  Porter and Lynn were among of her regulars. She and the other teachers had noticed that there were always a handful of students who seemed more comfortable staying in the Basic Drawing courses. Usually, they’d stick with the same teacher, session after session. In fact, these were two of the four regulars signed up for her classes. She appreciated having familiar faces in her classes, and because they knew her methods, often they’d act as unofficial teaching assistants.

  An attractive doctor’s wife, Lynn had been a stay-at-home mom. Now that her kids were in high school, she was filling her time with art classes. She had a pleasant round face and a quick smile. She looked like the classic soccer mom.

  Porter was an engineer. He worked nearby and juggled his schedule to allow for daytime classes.

  Nic was surprised to see them together. They knew each other, of course, but she’d thought it was casual.

  With his usual cheeky grin, Porter spoke. “I thought I saw you this morning. I was here for my Printmaking class. Need any help getting stuff back to your studio?”

  Lynn smiled and said. “I was here to pick up some new supplies from the shop. I’ll take a suitcase for you.”

  Nic turned to gather up her supplies. “That would be great. I’m running late. I was supposed to meet someone ten minutes ago to give him a tour of my studio. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to reach him.”

  Porter smiled at her and answered smoothly, “In that case, let’s see how quickly we can get this stuff packed up.”

  Lynn stepped forward, “Here, let me help you.” She reached for the suitcase Nic was packing.

  Nic had three large suitcases on wheels. Her supplies were loaded up with no fuss and soon the three of them were rolling along the hall to the elevator.

  To her relief, Daniel was waiting patiently at her studio on the third floor. He gave her a big grin as she came hurrying around the corner.

  “I’m sorry I’m late, I had to cover a class for another teacher this morning. It was late notice. I tried to call, but...” She unlocked the door.

  He pulled out his phone. “Dammit. It’s my fault. My phone’s off, but I did see the note you left.” He clicked it back on and put it into his pocket without checking for missed calls. He shook his head with a smile. “I’ll be more careful about my phone. I’d hate to have you try to call me and not get through.”

  Nic gestured at her helpers. “These are two of my night students — Porter and Lynn. They saw me and offered to give me a hand... it meant I could bring everything back here in one trip.”

  She held open the studio door and Daniel grabbed the suitcase she’d been hauling. He, Porter, and Lynn wheeled the luggage in.

  “Do you want me to unpack and put things away for you?” Lynn asked. Nic smiled at her, but before she could answer, the two men drew her attention.

  Daniel took a step toward Porter, hand outstretched. “I’m Daniel Sterling. I’m a friend of Nic’s.”

  Porter took the proffered hand, introducing himself. “I’m Porter Ingram. I’m a friend and student of Nic’s.” He looked back over at Nic and echoed Lynn’s offer, “Want us to put this away for you, Nic?”

  Everything was polite and civilized but the intuitive artist in Nic felt the crackle of challenge. She looked carefully at the men, trying to gauge the situation.

  They were of a height... about 6’2”, she judged. Porter was casually but nicely dressed, his blond hair well cut, his face more pleasant than attractive. Daniel was classically handsome, with the dimples that Nic loved. His blue eyes were clear and bright. Both were well built and moved with the graceful ease of athletes. While it seemed they had more in common than they had differences, there was something dangerous in the air.

  What was causing her instincts to go on alert? She focused back on the conversation between the two men. They’d each identified what they did, engineer for Porter, financial analyst for Daniel, where they’d gone to school—MIT and Harvard, and where they lived... Daniel had a condo in Alexandria near the King Street Metro stop and Porter lived in Arlington.

  Everything was congenial, but her senses were still tingling. At her side, Lynn moved and caught her eye. Lynn gave an expressive eyeroll that said it all. Men!

  Nic broke in, “Thanks, Porter, but I can take care of it. I need everything for your class in a few days, so I may just leave it packed. Thanks for your help, though. I’ll see you in class.”

  With that, she ushered him and Lynn to the door. Lynn winked at her and turned to leave. Porter gave a final smile down at her, then looked back at Daniel, saying, “Nice to meet you. I’m sure we’ll see each other another time.”

  She left the door open behind them. It was Saturday and a busy day for tourists at the Torpedo Factory.

  “I’m sorry, but I need to be here this afternoon. I’m running behind in my open hours this week. I’d planned to make them up this morning but ended up covering for another drawing teacher.” She was disappointed, figuring that he’d look around her studio and leave.

  “Well, how about you give me the nickel tour and then I’ll run out and get us lunch. You don’t mind if I spend the afternoon here with you?”

  Surprised, she shook her head, “No. I mean yes, I mean...” She laughed and tried again. “I’d be happy to show you around, lunch would be welcome, and I’d love to have you here for the afternoon. I hadn’t planned to work this afternoon anyway.”

  He dimpled, “I’m glad to know that I won’t be keeping you from work.”

  Dimples. She loved dimples.

  Nic felt herself blush and laughed with him. “That did sound pretty awkward, didn’t it.”

  “No problem... May I see what you’re working on now?”

  Grateful, she took his lead. “I’m going to be continuing with the ballet series a bit longer, then I’ll probably take a break and head in a different direction. I have a few ideas. I haven’t worked in landscapes much and for the first time, I am feeling the urge...”


  Daniel stood by while Nic locked the door to her studio. As far as he was concerned, Plan A was back on track. He’d fed her lunch and then spent the afternoon in her studio, talking about her work, his work, her childhood, and his childhood. With every sentence, he felt more drawn to his little artist.

  He looked forward to introducing her to CeeCee and Luke. He knew they’d enjoy her as much as he did, for once... which was not something that could be said about most of the women he’d dated in the past. For the first time, he’d fallen for someone who’d be a good match for their improvised family. And... she liked Thai food.

  “Do you mind if I stop by my apartment before we go to dinner?” she asked him. “I’m expecting a package. It’s just a book, but the mail carrier will leave it leaning against the wall in the hall. We try to keep the outside door locked, but you know how that goes.”

  He laughed. “That’s one of the perks of my condo... we have a concierge who deals with that for us.”

  “That would be nice. Although, I have to say that I haven’t lost anything...” she paused for effect, then added, “th
at I know of.”

  They laughed together. They walked down the stairs, toward the first floor.

  “How do you want to handle this?” She asked. “Did you drive here?”

  “I parked in the lot across the street. Is there parking near your apartment?”

  “Yes, if we’re lucky. I’m a bit further down on King Street. There’s a small lot across the street. My building is a store front and has apartments on the second and third floors. I have the second floor rear.”

  “I’m willing to gamble if you are? How about we pick up my car and drive to your apartment? I have a feeling we’ll be lucky. If we have my car, we’ll have our choice of restaurants, and won’t be limited by walking distance.”

  “That sounds like a good plan.” They’d reached the lobby. Daniel held the door and placed a hand at the small of her back as they left. Nic glanced up and smiled at him.


  “So, of course, CeeCee, Luke, and I ended up in detention... and rightly so. We certainly deserved it. It was the first time for poor CeeCee, but I assure you... it was not the last! And... best of all, no one messed with us for the rest of the year.”

  Daniel finished the story and was gratified when Nic laughed until her eyes watered.

  She was wiping them carefully, saving her eye makeup when her phone rang and she froze. Daniel watched her reaction.

  They had just finished their dinner and were waiting for dessert. Obviously reluctant, she pulled her phone out slowly, looked at the caller ID and held it to her ear. As he had seen her do previously, she pulled out a small notebook and noted the time, date, and their location. Interesting.

  He raised an eyebrow in question and she flushed. She hurriedly put the notebook back.

  “It’s no big deal, but I’d prefer not to talk about it.”

  He let the silence stretch, then said, “I’ll go along with your wishes for now, but it seems to me you have a problem?”

  She seemed to consider, than answered quietly. “I don’t know for sure... let’s ignore it for now. I don’t want to spoil things tonight.”

  At that moment their desserts were delivered.

  “Alright, for now.” He acquiesced. “Here we go, let’s enjoy our crispy bananas.”


  Nic lay back in the Jaguar’s luxurious leather seat and took a moment to revel in how wonderful the date had been so far. True, she hadn’t dated for a while, but the evening had been perfect. She and Daniel had a lot in common and their discussions had been intriguing.

  Now, they were heading back to her apartment. She felt like Cinderella. She didn’t want the night to end, but... she wasn’t ready to invite him upstairs.

  Daniel insisted on parking the car and walking her to her front door. He held the door open for her and slung an arm around her as they crossed the street.

  The glass street door needed a key. He smiled and bargained, “I’ll wait down here until I see you safe at the top of the stairs, but I’d like a kiss in return?”

  She was lost—seeing his dimples and having him ask in such a charming way.

  He wrapped one arm around her and pulled her close, lowering his lips to hers, their height difference making her feel safe and cherished.

  His breath was warm and his taste slightly spicy. He nibbled on her closed lips until she opened them. He slid his tongue in and pulled her even closer.

  She opened wider, seduced by his masterful gentleness. The kiss was a long one, and she thought she heard a car horn from King Street. Maybe.

  Daniel stopped reluctantly, and still lips to lips, he chuckled. “I’d better let you go now.”

  He set her down on her feet and held her while she came out of her sensual stupor. She blinked at him and he laughed, pulling her back for a hug.

  She fumbled with her keys, got the door opened and relocked, waved at him on the other side of the glass and ran up the stairs. She opened her apartment door, stepped into the long narrow hall, locked the door and leaned back for a moment. That kiss. It was the perfect ending to a perfect first date.

  And they had their next date already scheduled. They were going to play hooky on Wednesday and go for a long ride. He’d teased her by saying he wanted to keep their destination a surprise.

  She was looking forward to seeing him again. Now she had several days to wait... that was going to be tough!


  On the date with Daniel and Bentley

  Four days later, to Daniel’s relief, the parking gods were smiling down from above when he reached Nic’s block on King Street. He pulled into a parking place directly across from her building and called her, as they’d arranged. He leaned against the hood of his several year old Jag and waited. She came hurrying out the door. He was amused to note that she had on her usual bright hand painted tennis shoes and her black shorts but this morning she was sporting a large black tee shirt, with no paint in sight. She had her messenger bag strapped across her chest and was carrying a knapsack. He’d told her to bring sketching supplies and her camera.

  She stopped at the curb, waited for a break in traffic and darted across to meet him. On impulse, he held out his arms and she flew into them. He twirled her once, set her on her feet and placing a hand at her elbow, led her to the passenger door with a gallant flourish.

  She giggled as he opened the door, then paused as she saw the passenger in the back seat. That earned a squeal.

  Excited, she asked, “Who is this handsome guy? Is this Bentley? What a handsome guy.” She was crooning at his dog and he found himself charmed by her focus on the dog and the fact that she’d remembered Bentley’s name.

  Bentley, usually more politely aloof than most Goldens, greeted Nic with great enthusiasm. Just like Daniel, he’d obviously fallen head over heels in love — at first sight. Daniel took this as a further sign that Nic was the one for them.

  Like owner, like dog.

  Nic had one knee on the seat and was reaching around the headrest with both hands so she could scratch Bentley behind the ears. Bentley was pushed as close as he could get, head on top of the headrest and his butt on the back seat. For safety’s sake, the dog wasn’t allowed to ride in front, and being the smart dog he was, he was aware of the restriction. But that didn’t stop him from doing everything he could to get close to his new love, while following the letter of the law.

  Eventually, Daniel was able to get Nic safely into the front passenger seat and her seatbelt fastened. With a large dog head pushed between the two front seats, Daniel pulled out into traffic and Nic continued to scratch Bentley.

  “He is so beautiful.” Nic was actually gushing. Looking into the rearview mirror, Daniel exchanged glances with his wingman... and, he was pretty sure the dog winked.

  When Daniel pulled onto I-95 heading north, Nic looked around for the first time. “Where are we headed?”

  “We’re going up to Maryland, near the Delaware state line. Have you ever been to Port Deposit or Havre de Grace?”

  “I’ve heard of Havre de Grace, but I’ve never been there. As for Port Deposit... I’m not even sure where it is.”

  “We just go straight up I-95. Both towns are on the Susquehanna River. Port Deposit is perched on the cliffs over the river. The town consists of just a couple of streets, due to the topography. It’s on the north side of the river and Havre de Grace is on the south bank. The interstate runs between them, crossing the river.”

  She nodded, concentrating on what he was saying.

  “Port Deposit is much smaller, since it is so geographically challenged. I thought we’d go there first. We can eat at a restaurant overlooking the Susquehanna, and then walk Bentley through town. If we have time, we can explore some of Havre de Grace. It’s larger. I confess that I find Port Deposit fascinating because it is so small.”

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  “Did you bring your sketch pad and camera?” He asked. “You mentioned you wanted to try some landscapes, and the Susquehanna River is beautifu
l. You might see something you want to paint.”

  “That sounds great.” She bounced a bit in her seat and he melted at her enthusiasm. He looked back at the highway and smiled.


  Nic looked around with interest. Daniel had just exited I-95 and they were winding into the tiny town of Port Deposit. They made a final curve around to the right and there it was, the small main street. There were houses on both sides, many of them dating back to the early 20th century and before. The river followed the street on the left. There was a condo complex on the river side that had been designed for boaters. It provided water access and ran parallel to the road for several blocks. After that were more of the older homes.

  “This is beautiful, Daniel!” Rummaging around for her camera, her knapsack at her feet, she turned her head and looked up at him as she spoke.

  He grinned. “I thought we’d eat lunch on the water, then we’ll take Bentley for a stroll through town.”

  She beamed at him. “Great plan!”

  She found the unusual little town entrancing, and the river... well, it was primal. The artist in her was inspired. This was just what she needed. How amazing that Daniel seemed to know that and had offered her this experience.

  Daniel drove down the street for less than a mile. As the tiny town faded away, he turned the car and drove back. There was a charming stone church, Catholic, Nic noted. It was pressed back against a steep rise of land. There seemed to be two more streets climbing and following the rough terrain.

  As they made their way east, Daniel took a right into a restaurant parking lot. It was located on the river side of the main drag and Nic could see a patio with tables overlooking the river.

  Daniel pulled into a parking spot under a large shady tree. He lowered the convertible roof on the Jag. Efficiently he pulled a bowl and water jug out of the trunk and, with Bentley on a leash, he gave the dog a drink. Putting the dog back in the car and signaling for him to stay earned them a long mournful look. Bentley settled down to nap in the back seat in the shade. Nic was sure she heard an editorial hurrumph from the dog as they walked away. She shared a smile with Daniel over the Golden Retriever’s antics.


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