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Claiming Abby [Club Isola 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Avery Gale

“How? Both of my trackers were gone. How did you find me so fast?”

  Logan nodded once so she knew her question was understood and valid. “There is a third tracker. One Jace and Ian considered a sort of ‘panic alarm’. It is only used if the other two go off-line and then one of them has to personally authorize its activation. And before you ask – yes, Kalen and I both knew about it, but only after the fact so we weren’t in on the decision to use it.” When he saw the fire rage in her eyes he smiled, “Baby, we might not have been here when it happened, but we’d have backed them. And I know you aren’t happy, but stop for just a minute and think about how differently yesterday would have ended without their foresight.”

  Both of her eyes filled with tears and resignation. “Well horseshoes and hand-grenades. How am I supposed to be pissed about it now? This just plain sucks I tell ya. I really have every right to be mad at those two, I mean seriously this is huge. That’s why my leg got so warm isn’t it? Of course it is. And that’s why Ian was so involved in my medical care after my skiing accident, geez. I handed them the opportunity on a damned silver platter, boy that frosts my cookies. Damn I hate enabling their techno-stalking bullshit. Boy, my brother is in deep this time. I like Holly, but she may have to do with half the nookie for a while.”

  Logan let out a breath he hadn’t even known he was holding and smiled at her tirade. Her brother and Ian were going to get an earful, but it was obvious she’d already moved past the worst of the storm that had been clouding her thoughts. “Well, you will have to take that up with the two of them, but right now Kalen and I have other plans for you, baby. Before we start, let’s get a couple of things out of the way. First of all, are you on any sort of birth control?”

  “Yes.” Her eyes had gone wide and the heat was returning to their chocolate depths and that was all that mattered. When he simply raised a brow at her cryptic answer she added, “My periods were crazy intense and with my travel schedule…well, you get the idea.” He had three older sisters so he was pretty sure he knew exactly what she was talking about and it wasn’t all timing. “And I’m clean, I have a report in my pur….oh, well, I guess I don’t have a copy of it, but I haven’t had sex since my last check up.”

  Well, that was interesting. She’d been looking right at both of them until that last statement and then her eyes had dropped straight to the floor. Well, not directly to the floor, her gaze had locked on to both of their cocks for the briefest of moments before she realized they were watching her check them out. She hadn’t lied to them, he knew that much, but there was certainly something she wasn’t sharing. Decided to wait and see how things went before pushing her, he went on. “We are both clean and have reports if you’d like to see them. We don’t want anything between us, baby. When we slide into your sweet body we want to feel every glorious bit of wetness and each ripple of your channel as you rock our world.”

  Logan watched her eyes dilate and the pulse at the base of her neck speed up as her arousal regained its lost ground. As if they’d choreographed their movements, he and Kalen moved at the exact same moment. Logan quickly took his own shower while Kalen silenced Abby’s protests and soaped her from head to toe.

  * * * *

  The feel of Kalen’s callused hands gliding over every inch of her soapy body was so sensual she was worried she’d come from it alone. Abby hadn’t even realized she was moaning until she heard Kalen’s chuckle, “Do you like the feel of my hands mapping your perfect body, love?” Wonder what gave me away? The moaning or swooning?

  “Yes. It is like being massaged with living, breathing wet silk. The touch is electrical and magnetic, and the combination is almost too much to take in.” She wondered about her inability to accurately describe what she was feeling. Damn Abby, you get naked and wet and your brain turns to mush and your vocabulary reverts to fifth grade. What the hell is wrong with you?

  Abby knew Kalen was standing behind her and it struck her as odd because of the extreme differences in height and she couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her lips. Knowing her reaction had been totally inappropriate considering the fact she had just confessed to being over the top aroused by his touch, she leaned her head back. “I’m sorry, that was rude. It’s that you are both so tall and with you standing directly behind me like that…well, your cock is so hard and I can feel it against my back and…oh my God in heaven…” Kalen had stepped back and delivered two sharp swats to each of her ass cheeks and the pain had barely registered until it blossomed into lightning streaks of pure pleasure-driven desire.

  “We are going to have to talk to our friends who have intelligent subs and learn some of their tricks for silencing their minds, Boomer.” Even though Kalen’s words had been directed at Logan, Abby had no doubt they were really for her ears. She wanted to tell them both she wished them luck because she’d been trying for years to figure out how to do that very thing, because quite frankly, it was exhausting. Her mind had a loud voice and was rarely quiet for any reason. The closest she ever came to what she called mind-silence was that point in a workout when you are just minutes away from collapsing in exhaustion. But invariably by the time she undressed for a shower the chatter was back on and it usually seemed like it was trying to make up for lost time. Sighing inwardly, Abby couldn’t help but wonder if there really was a way to set it all aside.

  * * * *

  Kalen wasn’t sure he’d ever met anyone who could check in and out so easily. Hell, if he didn’t already know Abby as well as he did he might not even realize she was slipping in and out of the moment. She’d obviously learned some pretty effective coping skills, but they’d teach her more. When he looked up at Logan, his friend was shaking his head in obvious amusement and wonder. “Unbelievable. If I didn’t know how fucking brilliant she is I’d be pissed that we aren’t holding her interest. Christ, I’ve heard Alex and Zach mention this and I know it is an ongoing challenge for Ian but I had no idea…” Kalen wanted to laugh at Logan’s blunt assessment, but couldn’t find a single flaw in his view.

  Kalen moved Abby to where Logan was waiting with a large towel. He quickly finished up his own shower and then joined them. When she seemed to be looking for something he inquired about it and then quickly helped her smooth on the body lotion she’d asked for. Logan combed through her tangled hair as Abby watched him curiously. When Abby had thanked him and asked him where he’d acquired that particular skill, Kalen saw the vulnerability of a woman worrying about her predecessors reflected in her pretty eyes. As an experienced Dom, Logan hadn’t missed the look either. “I have three older sisters, baby and they all had very long hair that I often helped them with in exchange for them making me all my favorite treats. And contrary to Mr. Healthy over there,” he nodded to Kalen, “I will do most anything for a plate of warm snickerdoodle cookies.”

  Abby’s expression immediately cleared and her eyes danced, “I’ll keep that in mind and make you some should you ever need your smoke detector checked out.” Kalen snorted a laugh because he remembered Jace telling them several Abby vs “The Kitchen” tales, including one that had her parents begging the owners of the apartment building she lived in during grad school to not evict her after she’d had several late night visits from the local fire department. From what Jace had told them, Abby was much to “distracted” to even be trusted to boil water. And evidently the time she’d tried to hard boil eggs for Easter had become something of a family legend. The night they’d heard that particular story they’d all been sitting around the fire in her parents’ backyard when Jace had told them the details with great embellishment most likely. Abby had simply shrugged and said she’d been “set-up” because her mother had secretly wanted to remodel the kitchen.

  Chapter Nine

  Logan spun Abby around in his arms and easily lifted her up onto the bathroom’s long vanity and stepped between her legs. He smiled at her small gasp when her warm, bare ass connected with the cool marble. “Baby, we aren’t the least bit interested in your cooking abi
lity, I assure you. We’ll happily cook for you so you don’t cause any major disasters. My guess is Ian and Jace are already drawing up some memo that forbids you from even trying.” He pressed his finger against her lips when he saw her open her mouth to respond. “And before you say anything, remember this apartment is wired for sight and sound. For privacy reasons, most of the rooms require a certain code for access, but there are several people with those codes. And the kitchen is fair game for any of the security staff to view. He fought back the smile that threatened to surface as he heard her thinking that if they had “hot kitchen sex” people might be able to see. Well, well, seems our little subbie might be a bit of an exhibitionist. How interesting.

  Logan used his hands to tilt her head slightly before pressing his lips to hers. Tracing the line where her lips met with his tongue he surged through as soon as she opened to him. The kiss went straight to plundering in seconds. Logan moved his hands to her breasts and pinched both nipples hard enough to cause her to gasp. “When I clamp these, you’re going to feel the pleasure/pain wash over you in crashing waves of ecstasy, baby.” Lowering his right hand he rotated his wrist and slid a finger just inside her and stilled.

  He and Kalen had known that it was likely Abby was inexperienced, but he certainly hadn’t expected this. The barrier his finger came up against was both a thrilling gift and a terrifying responsibility. When he didn’t move he didn’t hear but did feel the wave of panic that filled Abby. Removing his hand he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her small frame into his arms. Christ, he could wrap his arms around her and still touch his fingertips to his opposing shoulders. He and Kalen were going to have to be careful that they didn’t injure her in the course of regular BDSM play just because of their size. The idea that they might hurt Abby in any way brought him up short and he nearly shuddered at the thought. When Logan looked up Kalen was looking at him with concern etching itself in the fine lines bracketing his friend’s eyes. Making sure Abby couldn’t see him in the mirror, he mouthed the word virgin and saw Kalen’s eyes go from shock to blazing in a heartbeat.

  “Abby this is the most incredible gift you could ever give us. To be your first and know that we have the opportunity to make the memory perfect for you—well, baby, there just aren’t any words to tell you how honored we are by this gift. I can feel the tension in your body and I know you misread my reaction to what I found. Now, enough talking, Kalen and I want to play with you before we claim you as our own.” Logan was grateful he’d dropped his towel in the hamper before picking Abby up when she wrapped her legs around him and pressed her wet heat against the spongy head of his erect cock. Just the feeling of her slick folds rolling over the hypersensitive tip caused his breath to hitch. “Fuck me, baby. Your pussy is so wet and hot, I can’t wait to slide inside of you.”

  Logan and Kalen had shared women for years and had known almost from the beginning that they wanted a polyamorous marriage. But never in all of those years had Logan ever been more grateful for their team efforts, because right now his desire for Abby was so great that he wasn’t sure he’d be able to properly prepare her for his penetration without Kalen’s help. Every instinct in him was screaming take, possess, claim, and fighting off the burning need that was pulsing through him to push as deep as he could was going to be an epic battle. But making tonight a memory Abby would cherish for the next fifty or sixty years had to take precedence.

  Chapter Ten

  Kalen had been momentarily stunned by Logan’s discovery but his next breath was accompanied by a flash of desire so hot and strong that it had blindsided him. Jace had warned him that Abby was probably inexperienced, but Kalen sincerely doubted that Jace had seriously expected this. Something in the back of Kalen’s mind questioned how a brilliant and beautiful woman had flown below the radar of the entire male population, but he’d never been one to question the fates so he let the question slide from his mind.

  Settling alongside Abby on the huge bed they’d had built for the master bedroom, Kalen bent his elbow so he could prop up his head and look at the beautiful woman laying out between him and Logan. They’d waited for her for so long that the moment felt a bit surreal. Having her naked and spread out so gloriously between them was a dream come true.

  There wasn’t any question about who would take her first. Logan was a bit longer than Kalen, but Kalen’s cock was broader. Both of them had heard from numerous subs they’d done scenes with over the years that their sizes had worried them at first. He’d always been grateful for the women who had talked openly during their aftercare, because he and Logan had made changes in the way they worked together on several occasions based on feedback they’d gotten from those open-minded submissives.

  “You are a wonder, love. There is an echo of your Native American heritage in every breath you take and the spirits of your ancestors dance around you. It’s in the energy that surrounds you and it is an amazing feeling just to be near you.” Kalen meant each and every word he spoke to her. He had always been drawn to the mystical spirit inside Abigail Garrett, he’d felt it call to him from the first moment he’d met her and it hadn’t mattered that she was just a young girl at the time, because that immediate pull had been purely spiritual rather than physical. Kalen had always thought Abby was an old soul and as she’d matured it had become obvious he’d been right. Abby’s ability to see a better future and learn from the mistakes of those who had passed before her had always been one of the things he found the most intriguing about her.

  Every member of their team that had visited the Garrett Ranch had commented on how Abby’s mind was never still. More than once he and the others had deliberately engaged her in several different conversations about totally unrelated topics simultaneously just to see how long she could keep up and she’d never missed a beat. Hell, several of them had become so confused the whole thing had ended up sounding like an Abbott and Costello routine. Abby’s fathers had been standing just outside the ring of seats surrounding the outdoor fire pit and just shook their heads and laughed. The oldest of the family patriarchs, William Garrett had told Kalen later that they’d gotten wind of the plan and had come down deliberately—just to watch Abby talk circles around the Special Forces hotshots his son regularly brought home with him. “You boys are playin’ outta your league. She’s not just gifted intellectually you know. The angels love her, they danced the day she was born. I swear I saw them in her mama’s room. Wes and I have always known how special she is and I don’t want you or Logan to ever forget that we know—get my drift?”

  Kalen had indeed known exactly what the man was telling him, but he’d been blown away that they’d recognized his and Logan’s attraction to their daughter even before they had allowed it to fully gel in their own minds. When he’d nodded and assured her father that she would always be safe with them, the man had nodded and replied, “I believe she will be at that.” He’d turned to his brother and smiled. “Our work here is done. Let’s go find Pilar and let her remind us why we both worship the ground she walks on.” The two had laughed and walked back to the house and Kalen had seen himself and Logan in them for just a moment before the image faded.

  Shaking off the memory, Kalen watched Logan move into position between Abby’s toned legs. When Logan smiled up at her and told her not to come until one of them gave her permission, Kalen heard her sharp intake of breath. “If you will put yourself in our care and follow our instructions we’ll send you into orbit several times before we take you so that your body is as ready as it can be, love.”

  Abby turned to look at him and her smile lit a fire deep in his soul. “I trust you. I trust you both and I want you so much it scares me. Because it has been my experience that if I want something desperately, fate likes to play hide and seek with it.” Kalen had never heard it stated in exactly that way, but her words rang with truth for him as well. But this time he and Logan would see to it they delivered on their promises and fate would just have to catch a ride on the next train.
/>   “Not this time, love. This is a moment in time that we have all been waiting for. Now, not another word unless you are frightened or hurting. You won’t need a safe word tonight because that isn’t what this about. In the future we’ll expect you to say yellow if you are getting close to being overwhelmed and need to take a break or ask a question. And if you say red then everything stops.” He brushed the dark silk strands of her hair back from her face and smiled at her. “Tonight is about us introducing you to pleasure, so no more words unless we ask you a question or you are struggling, do you understand?” He’d laced his last sentence with just enough of his Dom tone that he knew she would instinctively understand that it had been more of an order than a question. And he knew she had indeed understood when she merely nodded her understanding.

  In his peripheral vision, Kalen saw Logan lower his mouth to her waxed sex. Watching Abby’s eyes widen and then dilate fully as pleasure played over her face like a beautiful marquee for lust and arousal. The visual had him shifting uncomfortably trying to relieve some of the pressure threatening to have him spilling before he’d even really gotten to touch her.

  * * * *

  Logan licked Abby from her rear rosette all the way up until he could circle her clit and coax it out from under its hood. Abby was so responsive. She was almost a fine musical instrument that was a siren’s call to the artistry of a well-trained Dom. He and Kalen had been Doms most of their adult lives so they were certainly attuned to each and every one of her responses—no matter how subtle. Feeling the muscles in her thighs twitch as he took her higher and higher up the mountain, he knew she was quickly coming upon the point of no return so he backed off just a bit and was rewarded by a soft moan of protest. “Soon, baby. I want you to soar over the moon so let me make sure you are well prepared for the trip.” Refocusing his attention on her sex he slid his arms under her knees and lifted them up and out so that she was completely exposed to him. “You are so beautiful. Your pussy is a rich, dark rose color and the folds are engorged with blood so they look like a rose in full bloom.”


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