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Claiming Abby [Club Isola 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 19

by Avery Gale

“Is that a fact? Well big brother, bring it. Because right now from where I stand it seems as if I own Park Place and it’s got a couple of nice hotels on it and you just landed there. So it might be in your best interest to play nice with me” Logan saw the mischief he’d always loved so much flash in her eyes just before she added, “Or I’ll tell mom.” She stood on her tip-toes, but still had to pull him down so she could kiss Jace on the cheek.

  Jace groaned. “You’re lucky I love you so much because you really are a pain in my ass.” Then Jace focused his attention over Abby’s shoulder to where he and Kalen stood. “I hope you two know what you’re getting in to.”

  Ian straightened from where he’d been leaning against his desk. “Well, if you two are finished with your little tiff, I’d like to hear just exactly how Wonder Woman here managed to elude my security team in order to go to a kink store.”

  * * * *

  Ian had called Mitch to sit in via video conference and by the time Abby had finished explaining how she’d managed to disrupt the tracking signal using common household items she had wondered if the man known as an unflappable businessman wasn’t going to blow a gasket. She’d gotten so caught up in the excitement of her “discovery” she’d forgotten that she was explaining to one of the richest men in the free world how she’d proven his latest invention to be defective. Oh yea, Abby…how to make friends and influence people. Dale Carnegie would be so proud…not.

  She just sat quietly and waited while Mitch and Ian both seemed to process the information she’d given them. Ian paced and Mitch drummed his pencil so fast it sounded like a woodpecker on speed. Ian finally stopped and spun to face her. “I don’t know whether to persuade your Masters to paddle your ass or to hire you. Damn.” His soft laughter let her know he wasn’t really angry with her and she really was grateful for that because she liked both Ian and Mitch.

  Mitch started laughing out loud, “Abby, don’t let Ian fool you. He’s thrilled that you have pointed out a flaw in the tracker that would have caused us untold embarrassment if we’d sent it out like this. You managed to uncover a flaw that our entire R & D team didn’t find after several months of testing. Personally I think he should hire you and I’m in your corner on this. Not to mention I’m impressed as hell.”

  Suddenly Abby felt like the whole room was studying her and she didn’t know why. Sure she’d been lost in thought for several seconds, but she was considering a fix for the tracker and she thought she had it too. But when she’d started to speak she realized she’d become the bug under the microscope. She looked around the room and then asked “What?” to no one in particular.

  “Un-fucking-believable. She just solved it in under a minute. Give the girl a gold star. And I swear if you guys lay a hand on her for this I’ll put Rissa on the next plane east and leave her there for a week.” Mitch’s teasing tone was in direct contrast to his words and Abby relaxed.

  “I’m going to see you soon Mitch and I’ll be happy to help more with the tracker when I’m there if you have time to brainstorm with me. And please tell Rissa and Kat that I am looking forward to a little girl time in the gardens. I’ll let Alex and Zach know my flight information and arrival time in a couple of days.” Suddenly Abby felt as if the weight of the entire world was resting on her shoulders and it was all because she would have to leave Kalen and Logan soon. The thought of being away from them tore at her heart, but with her job and the travel it required she knew this was going to be her new reality.

  Before he disconnected the call, Mitch said, “Sweetness, don’t worry forward.” Even though she understood what he was saying, she wasn’t convinced that his advice was applicable. She simply nodded her head so he’d know she understood what he’d been saying and then he was gone. Abby found herself staring at the blank screen for several seconds as she tried to focus on what she needed to do. The danger had passed…at least for the immediate future and it was time to get back to work.

  When she turned back to the men in the room she noticed both Logan and Kalen glaring at their phones. She set it to the back of her mind because obviously their everyday responsibilities were back as well. She turned to Jace and stepped into his arms. “I’m sorry, Indy.”

  She heard him groan, “Short Round, you know I can’t stay mad at you. I just worry about you, I want you safe. And your future niece or nephew is going to need you to balance out his mama’s creativity. You know how much I hated science. You’re gonna have to step-up little sister.” Abby laughed because it had been a running joke that her brother was a major adrenaline junkie and all things science bored him to distraction. During his deployments when she’d send him updates on what she was researching, she had started including totally left-of-center comments in the middle of the information just to see if he actually read it. And not once had he noticed until she’d resent the same e-mail with the sentence about the dancing pink elephants highlighted. God I’m going to miss him.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Logan followed Abby through the doors of the airport and silently fumed about the fact that he had done little to hide his presence and she still hadn’t noticed she was being followed. Damn it she needs a fucking keeper. He and Kalen had let her think she was leaving alone and the sadness that had surrounded her for the last thirty-six hours had been almost broken him several times. But he’d agreed with Kalen that she needed to understand how deeply she was affected by the thought of being separated from them or she wouldn’t truly understand the strength of their bond with her.

  Kalen was standing to the side of the gate where they were scheduled to board. Even with his mirrored sunglasses and cap he was easy to spot and Logan was twice as far from him as Abby was. When Abby settled into a chair and pulled out her phone, Logan saw her shoulders slump when she checked her messages. No baby, there are no messages from your men because they are both standing in the room with you.

  Pushing off the wall, Kalen ambled over and said, “She still hasn’t made you?”

  “Nope. And there were only a few people between us going through security. Damn, she needs a full-time bodyguard.”

  “Yea, or a nanny.” Kalen shook his head but Logan knew neither of them was actually angry with her. They’d had a long conversation with Jace and their future brother-in-law had reminded them that people with Abby’s level of intelligence are often intensely focused on their current task and that everyday things can often be totally overlooked.

  Jace told them stories about Abby working on projects with such focused intensity that his parents had finally had to intervene so she would eat. Her dads had forbidden her from riding her horse alone after they’d searched for her until after midnight when she was twelve. The whole ranch had been in a panic, and when they found her she was sitting along a creek frantically typing notes into a handheld computer she’d taken on the pleasure ride. She’d claimed immunity from punishment because her mom had forced her to go hoping the little bookworm would get some fresh air.

  Logan and Kalen had both assured Jace that that they understood that Abby’s distraction was just a part of the whole package and they didn’t want to change her, but they did plan to protect her. Watching her absentmindedly fingering their collar around her neck warmed Logan’s heart. She might not recognize that gesture as significant, but it was. Logan understood her need to touch and connect with them and was grateful to see that she shared the need he felt burning so deeply inside his soul.

  When their flight was called and the first-class passengers were boarding they followed her onto the plane and smiled as she seemed to become uncomfortable as people began crowding in her personal space. Once they were on the plane she seemed to finally take note that they might actually be a threat. When she turned and reached up to get a pillow from the open bin above her seat he decided it was time to play with her a bit. He trapped her small hands in his much larger one and slid the palm of his free hand over the exposed flesh between her barely there tee shirt and low-riding jeans. He felt her start to
react but she stilled completely when he whispered against the shell of her ear. “Hey, baby. Need some help with that?”

  Before she could respond he slid his hand past the waistband of her jeans and into her panties. “Abby? Did your Masters give you permission to wear panties today?” He heard Kalen’s growl behind him and had to bite back a chuckle. Kalen had very specifically forbidden their wayward sub from wearing panties unless one of them had personally handed them to her. His friend had never cared about them with any other sub they’d shared, but with Abby he’d become down right militant about the subject.


  Logan pulled the lobe of her ear between his teeth and applied just enough pressure to get her attention. “Want to try that answer again, baby? Or shall I just paddle your bare little ass right here before we take off?” He felt her entire body shudder and her pussy was instantly slick with her cream.

  “No, Sir. They did not give me permission to wear them. You aren’t going to tell either of them are you? I might be willing to trade services for your silence.” Logan was glad she couldn’t see the smile he hadn’t been able to hold back. Damn I love everything about her. Her willingness to play along is going to be fun and God knows it is going to take both of us to keep up with her. “But be forewarned, my Masters are a couple of kick-ass warriors who don’t share well.”

  Another growl from behind him from Kalen let him know that he and Abby were testing his friend’s patience. Logan began circling her rapidly swelling clit and savored how responsive she was to his touch. Her panties were drenched, serves the little wench right for wearing them, and her breathing was rapid and shallow. With his cheek pressed against her pulse point he could feel it pounding faster and faster.

  In the back of Logan’s mind he registered that Kalen was assuring the flight attendant that there wasn’t a problem and that his brother had surprised his fiancé on the flight and was now teasing her about not noticing him on the concourse.

  Logan began fucking her with his fingers and barely recognized his own voice as he spoke to her. “Look at me, Abby.” When she turned her head to look into his eyes his breath caught at the dueling looks of relief and lust shining there. “Did you really think we were going to let you just walk away from us? That we would be willing to stay in D.C. while you traveled alone?” When the first tear breached her lower lid and rolled down her cheek he felt the emotion pouring from her. Her heart had broken when they’d let her walk away and now he understood why she’d seemed so distant the past few days.

  He knew time was running out and he wanted her sated and pliant in his arms so be began applying direct pressure to her clit. “Kiss me, baby. And then I want you to come for me. I want to feel your pussy squeeze my fingers as your honey runs between them.” He sealed his lips over hers and pinched her clit firmly before plunging his fingers deep and curving them to press against her g-spot. Her entire body shook and even though he’d caught her scream in their kiss, he was sure anyone near would know exactly what had just happened.

  When he felt her relax in his arms he pulled his fingers from her and shamelessly sucked them into his mouth and licked them clean. He released her wrists and massaged her cold fingers as he turned her into the circle of his arms and hugged her tight. When they were told to take their seats he turned her to Kalen before settling her between them. Watching Kalen fasten her lap belt and kiss away the tear tracks on her cheeks as he spoke to her in soothing tones, Logan suddenly realized that for the first time since the first time he’d seen a teammate die on a mission he felt whole again.

  His last mission as a SEAL had left him in a very dark place. He would always credit Callie McGregor with setting his healing into motion. There was a pure sense of goodness in her that had reached into the darkness and started coaxing him back into the light. But Abby was the reason he willingly stepped back into the open meadow of life. Having her between him and Kalen made everything right.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Two weeks later

  Laying back in the lounge chair listening to the surf gently lapping at the shore, Abby thought back on the past couple of months and marveled at how much her life had changed. From the moment they realized the global significance of her research results her entire world had seemed to start spinning faster and faster out of control. And that feeling of being caught in a snowball that someone had pushed down a mountain hadn’t stopped until she’d leapt into Kalen’s arms from her cold and dark hiding place on a mountainside in western Virginia. The moment his arms wrapped around her and Logan stepped up alongside her they had stilled the chaos that always seemed to play inside her head.

  When she’d been about ten, one of her gifted teachers had asked her what it was like inside her head. Abby had spent several minutes gathering laptops, televisions, and radios. Then she’d placed them all around the room and turned them all on, making sure none were on the same station. As the teacher stood in the middle with her hands over her ears, Abby had stepped up and started talking to the woman as if nothing was wrong. When the young woman’s shoulders had finally sagged in defeat, Abby had turned everything off and explained that that was exactly what it was like in her head, except that each of those broadcasts were a line of thought that Abby was creating and following herself.

  Not surprisingly, the woman had tendered her resignation as Abby’s teacher and tutor the next day. Miss Jewel had told her parents that they needed to stop fooling themselves that she could continue in a mainstream classroom. She remembered her fathers had called her into their office at home and patiently explained that perhaps she should stick with verbal descriptions in the future.

  Kalen’s inner sense of peace had always seemed to wrap itself around her psyche and pull her into a more settled place. The only way she could describe it was that he took all the electrical energy that was bouncing around in her and acted as a ground. He funneled it into an organized flow that made sense and was more purposeful. He balanced her.

  Logan was her wild heart’s other half. He made it okay to be silly and he helped her not take herself so seriously. Logan was the gas to her fire. With him she could be silly and flirty. He seemed to understand women in a way that only a man with three older sisters would. His easy acceptance of all things “girly” made him fun and easy to be around.

  The day they’d flown to Colorado they’d had two layovers and hadn’t arrived at the Lamonts’ and Matthews’ ShadowDance Mountain home until early evening. Abby had been shocked to see her family and friends spilling out the front door. And knowing they were all there to quickly pull together a spectacular wedding and commitment ceremony had brought her to tears more than once.

  Meeting Kalen’s and Jace’s families had been a study in contrasts. She’d never known them to talk much about their families so she’d been surprised to find out that both came from wealthy backgrounds and what her parents had always referred to as “old money.” But she’d quickly discovered that even though they were polar opposites in some ways, they were all outgoing and accepting of the unconventional lifestyle their respective sons had chosen.

  The dress Callie and Holly had picked out for her had literally taken her breath away. The elegance and classic lines were perfect and its faceted embellishments reflected the fairy lights in the garden so that it sparkled as if it was electrified. The Lamonts’ toddler daughter, Mary Catherine had called her a Tinkerella. Kat had explained that Mary Kate as the family called her was well known for meshing the characters from her storybooks together. Abby was sure the child was smart as a whip and likely going to give her fathers a real run for their money. Abby had thanked the little doll and assured her that she did indeed feel just like a fairy princess.

  Abby was startled from her thoughts by the feel of Kalen’s fingers blazing a trail of fire along her exposed abdomen just above her bikini bottom. “What has that lovely smile gracing your lips my love?”

  When she cautiously opened her eyes expecting to be blinded by the sun,
she was surprised to find Logan standing at her other side so that her face was shaded. “I was thinking about how incredibly lucky I am. So many wonderful things have happened to me in the past few months and I think it’s important to recognize and appreciate the blessings we’re given.” She grinned at them both before adding, “And I think Mary Kate said it best, because I really do feel like Tinkerella.”



  For years, I was accused of living in “Fantasy Land” so I decided to put it to use and started writing. I enjoy creating characters who are loveable but never perfect, who live in and visit all the places I’d love to go, and who overcome obstacles to find the sexy happily ever after I believe we all deserve. I fall in love with the characters I create and enjoy making them each wacky and wonderful in their own way.

  The only consistent trait in my heroines is their inability to cook and that is the only trait they each have “inherited” from me. When I’m not working at my very ordinary job, I am either writing or reading. And even though my family professes to support my writing efforts, I’m fairly certain they are merely glad to see I’ve finally found an outlet for what they considered an over-the-top imagination.

  For all titles by Avery Gale, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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