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Preacher Man (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 2)

Page 17

by V. Theia

  "You got it, Sir. Sorry, darling." He smiled all sweet as fuck at Ruby. Shithead. Preacher ought to thump him in the temple, let him have a nice long nap. The kid slid off his stool before he strode over to the table with the other two Souls prospects who were happily laughing their asses off at him.

  Good. Now he didn't have to disembowel the kid. He liked Dix after all. Good coffee maker and he did call him sir. He liked that. Maybe in a hundred years, he'd stop wanting to kill him.

  "You're a giant fucking man-asshole, do you know that? You don’t own me. And where do you get off doing that?" Ruby glared, her voice turned down in a dark hush so ears nearby couldn’t flap and listen in. There was a lot of gossips in Armado Springs. And it wasn’t always the chicks.

  Too late, since it seemed as if the entire bar was watching them now, watching as Preacher claimed her.

  "Yeah, Ruby. I got a lot of fucking nerve," he grinned unrepentant, using one arm to lean against the bar he cocked his head to the barman. "Bring me a bourbon and a vodka and coke for the spitting lady."

  "Fuck you and your drink. Don't bring me anything, Tom," she told the guy who bounced his gaze between him. Unless he was stone deaf he’d heard their exchange so far. "Where do you get off telling who can talk to me?"

  "We had a thing, Ruby, you gonna deny it or that you want more?"

  "Honestly, you're something else, a psycho comes to mind and I don't have time for psychos, thanks. Tom, I need a ride home, can you take me?"

  "Sure, babe, let me just tell the boss----"

  “What’s wrong with your car?” Interrupting, making sure to have her eyes by leaning in her space, drinking in the vanilla scent. Damn, he wanted in her, in her deep. One amazing night and they were here fighting when they could be doing something much more pleasurable with their time.

  “I forgot to fill the tank.” She scowled, turning away from him and faced Prince Charming. “Tom?”

  "Take a step from behind that bar, Tom, and I won't be happy at all, do you get me?" though he spoke to the barman, his gaze was on Ruby, who by this point was so fuming her chocolate stare was practically on fire.

  It only caused a predatory rattle in his chest. A dark deep rattle of need. He wanted to fuck her over and over until she couldn’t walk, until all she felt in her bones was him and his endless streams of come.

  His groin ached heavy demanding he fixed this tension between them so they could get to the good stuff again.

  Several male voices whistled and laughed, waiting for what came next.

  "Don't listen to him, Tom, you can see he's not all there in the head."

  “Baby. This is between you and me, don’t involve your friends who will get hurt. Is that what you want?” He spoke directly next to her ear, kissing the shell. She shivered but shoved him away. “Just pussy, remember?” she hissed, unable to keep the hurt from her voice. Preacher frowned and dipped his face into her eye line. “I’m a fucker, tiny dancer.”

  "Oh, absolutely, on this we agree." She completely blanked him after that, like she'd ghosted him to hell. “I’ll wait outside, Tom.”

  His hands slipped around her middle spanning her waist, gently stopping her from jumping off the stool, he pinned her body against the bar, a growl in his voice. “Don’t involve him, Ruby. I mean it. I have no patience in me to not hurt him for getting in between us.”

  "Listen, man." Tom began, nerves in his voice. He looked like a college kid, straight up nice kid, blonde hair, Hallmark movie of the week looks, the kind of boy Ruby would be bored with, but no way was he letting the blue eyed lanky piece of model piss take her home, Preacher had a point to make here.

  "I mean it, Tom. One step out from behind that bar, you’ll limp back. I don’t want to hurt you. This is between me and Ruby, she's safe with me, walk away and don’t get involved."

  He wavered for maybe ten seconds, darting his Hallmark pretty eyes over to Ruby and back again. "Sorry, Ruby. I don't wanna get dead." He laughed nervously and did as was told.

  Good kid. Preacher liked him. He really did. He’d buy him a glass of milk some time.

  Tension fell from his shoulder blades. He smiled wider and downright wicked, easier now he'd run off the baying pack.

  "I'll take you home." He offered.

  "Fuck you very much."

  "If you insist, but I gotta tell you, sweetheart, I’m hard up for you, so it might not last long.” Snickers nearby reached them.

  "You think this is funny, Jensen?" Ruby pinned the offender and didn't you know the guy shut up. “I can soon tell your wife who was sat on your lap last Saturday, how about that!?”

  Oh, fuck, he liked her, she wasn't afraid of confrontation, didn't back down. His Ruby was a scrappy little thing in and out of bed, but he was mostly thinking about beds and floors and shower walls right now, all of which starred a very naked and beautiful tiny dancer.

  "Come on, baby, have a drink with me so I can grovel and apologize properly, then I'll take you home."

  "I'd rather drink bleach."

  "Fuck, you are adorable."

  "What are you going to do, run off every man I date? Get over it, Preacher. We had one night, the end." Her eyes glowered, but he saw the rise and fall of her chest, the rapid way she was breathing. The way her small tits poked out of her shirt like the plump mounds were so damn happy he was here. Sweet girls loved him. He'd kiss them real softly soon.

  She might be hell mad but Ruby was also turned on. Leaning down, he ran his nose against the length of her neck, smelling her.

  "Only if you're thinking of dating someone else."

  She shoved him away. "You might control your prospects, you don't control every man in Armado Springs." Rolling her pretty eyes at him she turned her back clutching the big ass purse to her chest. What was she carrying, the kitchen sink in that thing? Women always needing all their shit with them. Just in case.

  Fuck it. He thought, he was already down that rabbit hole, even Preacher admitted he didn't know exactly what the fuck he was doing, only that he hadn't liked seeing Dix all over her with the flirting and Ruby allowing it giving Dix smiles and giggles that belonged to him.

  He rose to his fullest-height, gave a sharp short whistle to the entire bar.

  Ruby spun around and glared as if to ask what the hell was he doing now.

  He cocked his head her way "Listen up, you see this woman?----“

  “----Don’t you fucking dare, Preacher-----“

  “----Anyone asks her out on a date, or offer to buy her a drink, a bag of chips, even flirt with her, I'm gonna hear about it and I won't be happy. Are you understanding me? In fact, I can guarantee I’ll be furious and broken bones will happen."

  People laughed and applauded.

  Drunk people loved a show.

  “Oh, you, giant assbasket!” She huffed, flying off the stool he watched her storm out of the bar, dragging the big ass bag along with her like it was a tiny purse under her armpit. God, she was beautiful.

  He whistled to the prospects table, all eyes came at him. He pointed at one and called him over, pulling out a hundred bucks. “I need a can of gas for her car, asap. That means now, prospect.” The kid was up off his seat immediately. Preacher was outside after her a second later, catching her by the arm before she could climb into the car that wouldn’t start. Pinning her up against the door, he got in her face right away, drunk on her scent, wanting more than anything to kiss her, he started as he meant to go on. “I didn’t mean it, baby. I was being a pig in front of my buddy. Didn’t mean a word of it. I loved last night, I wanted more if you’d stayed in my bed where I wanted you. You were soft and warm and I wanted more of you. Will you forgive me?”

  She was breathing rapidly, her tits pressing into his chest. Preacher was breathing harder. The air passed between them, he sucked in her sweet exhale and shared his back with her. It was an intimacy he'd never had before or wanted to share with anyone else. Take my air, baby.

  “You’re the biggest fucking pig.�
� She huffed but didn’t try to escape his body, he took it as a good sign and smiled flashing white teeth in the dark parking lot. “And you were just a fuck.”

  He got it. She needed to put herself back in control. He got it but didn’t like her saying it in that way. It might have started out as a one night stand, but the minute his mouth was on her, in her, his cock pushed down to heaven, things changed, she had felt it, he’d bet his house on it. She’d reacted so raw to him, that was not just a fuck.


  “Move, Preacher. I don’t have time for this drama. It was sex. I believe you didn’t mean what you said, your giant assholeness is forgiven, but let’s leave it where it should stay in the past. It was fun. That was all.“

  “What are you doing for the next couple of days?” He derailed her tangent as her mouth fell open and closed. She got the cutest little frown in between her eyes, he leaned in and kissed that place. His cock hardened between them squashed into her belly. He ground dirtily to hear her fast inhale.

  “Didn’t you just hear me?”

  “I have to go away for a couple of nights. Come with me.”

  No argument came from Ruby. If anything, she deflated against him, leaning back into her car. Underneath her temper he saw something finally, she was fatigued. He cupped her cheek, tipping her face up to catch the moon’s light that hit her angles, casting her lovelier than he’d ever seen. Moving his thumb, he stroked her jaw. The relief that she hadn't stormed off, and was still caught in the confines of his body didn't go unnoticed by his lungs taking a swift chop of air.

  “I can’t do this with you, Preacher. It was sex, and look what it’s turned into.”

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  She laughed and gave him a ‘are you shitting me’ look. He grinned back. He was surprised too. This was not his scene. He didn’t do scenes. He was a fuck and go kind of man so he got her confusion, he really did. “I know, beautiful. I’m fixing this though, right? Look at me correcting my mistake. What else is wrong?”

  “Well, first I was called just a pussy.” Her scowl was so sexy as she turned her nose up at him. He chuckled. “And it went downhill from there. Just a shitty day.”

  “All the more reason to come away with me. We’ll drink and fuck for two days. I want back inside your softness.”

  When she groaned, Preacher tasted her temptation and he pounced on it, like a lion sensing a kill. By kissing the hell out of her, prying her mouth wide he dove in deep licking like he was fucking her mouth, in… out… in… around. He didn’t let her up for air, his lower half, grinding into her belly, grew harder, more insistent, the ache was strong, and it took all his will not to direct her hands to his zipper and beg for her to stroke him off, to come all over her skinny fingers like he had last night. She’d been a sticky mess until she’d let him watch her lick them clean. Jesus, the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. Until she’d sucked his cock down, then that had been the sexiest sight.

  He was rock solid.

  “Come with me.”

  “I can’t. I need to work.”

  “You can. You just won’t take the leap. Don’t you have any vacation days to take? It’ll only be two nights. A straight ride to Lincoln, I’ll do my business and back again. And in the meantime, we get two full nights so I can taste every inch of your screams, Ruby. Say yes.” He nibbled her mouth, but before he could take a deeper bite she’d pushed him away, looking up, unblinking.

  “You’re going to Nebraska again?”

  “Yeah, just----”

  “Okay. I’ll go with you. Let me talk to my boss, he owes me so many days when I’ve worked holidays.”

  Huh. What had just happened there? Ruby had given him whiplash. Not that he wasn’t pleased she’d agreed. He hadn’t realized until that moment when she slipped out from under him to go inside to speak to her boss that he’d been holding his breath. It emptied his lungs, resting both arms on the top of her car. It was an odd emotion rattling around his head. Not the usual gambit of memories he tried on a daily basis to suppress, this was different. Fuck, he really wanted Ruby with him. Not just for the sex, either. Though the sex was high on his list. One night and he was already jonesing for her taste and her screams. They’d been magic together.

  No, he wanted her with him; because her presence gave his itchy scalp a sense of calm from within, even that dark scowl of hers and the way she fought him on every little thing though her eyes told him a different story. She wanted him back.

  “Preacher. I got the gas.” The prospect holding a red can. He knocked on the roof of the car. “Fill her up, kid.”

  Clack-clack-clack. The rhythmic noise reared up his head. Goddamn, the way Ruby swished her hips, like she was spelling out the word N A U G H T Y in Morse code to his dick. Eyes all over her, from top to bottom and back again. When she was in reaching distance, Preacher grabbed gently onto her wrist, yanking her into his chest, noticing how she sucked in a breath and melted against him. It wasn’t the first time he clocked how she liked the rougher dominant actions. She wasn’t submissive, Nah, he’d had a few of those over the years, not really by choice but when a man had his pants around his ankles and a chick was saying she wanted daddy to dominate her, he wasn’t gonna stop because it didn’t appeal to him. While his dick was getting wet he’d be anything a woman wanted, it was the nature of his beast, he liked orgasms in swift supply and most times his own hand, though skilled, just didn’t cut it.

  Ruby though... She’d liked it rough, really rough, last night, the harder he’d gone at her the wilder she’d become, and Preacher liked the way she’d writhed and clawed shit out of his skin.

  Now he had two full days to dig into her fantasies and he intended to uncover all her naughtiness. “Did you square it away with the boss?” His nose nuzzled against her ear. She smelled incredible. He wanted to lick her from top to bottom.

  “Yeah, he owed me. Look…. We should set some ground rules, Preacher.” Though she leaned into his chest, and arched up for his affectionate nuzzle her tone was serious. Preacher grinned. Rules. This was gonna be a first.

  The prospect finished with the gas, Preacher sent him back inside.

  “You filled up my car?” Her eyes turned up to him and went soft. She smiled at the edges of her lips. “Thank you. What do I owe you?”

  “You’re always wanting to pay me. It’s going to give me a gigolo complex. I mean I know I’m good, real good, if your screaming was anything to go by, but … no money necessary, beautiful.”

  “Har har.” She pushed his chest. He kept her placed right there, more than tempted to inch up her skirt. Maybe she could read minds because she scowled “Don’t even try it. We’re not having sex against my car, save it for your waitresses. As I said; rules.”

  Preacher sighed damn loudly and dropped a kiss on the corner of her soft lips and let her put distance between them, folding his arms he leaned up against the hood of her car. “Okay, fire away with these rules, beautiful.”

  “It’s more than obvious we want each other.”

  “Clearly. And?”

  “So, we burn it out.”

  Narrowing his eyes, he wasn’t too sure what she meant but if she thought she could walk away from this he really would hike up that tiny skirt and fuck her pussy with his tongue until he showed her just how wrong she was----”

  “We’ll have sex.”

  Thank god. He reached out for her, only to have her put up the road blocks again.

  “As often as we want, but that’s it, Preacher man. I don’t have time for a relationship. We fuck.” His cock throbbed and agreed so hard Preacher groaned loud enough to vibrate his teeth. He wanted her to say fuck over and over.

  Ruby was handing him the fork to an all you can eat buffet and telling him to gorge until he was fat. He saw no problem in that. “And we don’t get in each other’s business.”

  As he saw it, he had no problem agreeing, not entirely sure what business of hers was assumed he’d get into, though it g
ave him pause because it wasn’t just sex. He liked Ruby, a lot. But with his cock ruling all the blood supply he was inclined to agree to most anything just to get his filthy hands back on that perfect body. Experiencing sudden numbness in his brain he lunged forward, pressing her fully into the passenger side door while he fed on her lips, forcing them open to get his tongue inside her sweetness. He swept from left to right, tasting her gasp, swallowing it and making the noise his own.

  “I agree to your terms. You can fuck me as much as you need, wear me out, use me hard. “ Sweet baby moaned. “But Ruby. Screw how mad you get with me. I always want a kiss hello and goodbye. I will give the same. Agree? This is non-negotiable for me.”

  She’s mine. His body roared in triumph, every nerve ending pulsing. Preacher had had a lot of sex over the years, some was out of this world, most of it forgettable after the orgasms, Ruby, though? She’d crept under his skin in a natural way, as if she was always there. This kissing hello shit? that wasn't Preacher, but he'd felt compelled to get her to agree to intimacy outside of the bedroom.

  He’d use these two days away wisely by getting her so damn addicted to his body, to having it inside her that she couldn’t do without him for an hour, she’d be calling him around the clock to booty bang her, or whatever the term was for a sex only hook up and he intended to answer every call.

  “Mmmm. You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off.” Sweet air brushed his lips.

  This time he laughed. “That movie I know. I think you like my kisses, tiny dancer. Did I make you sound all dreamy? ‘Cause I like it. Will you come home with me? I want inside you. It’s been too long already.”

  “Yes. I’ll go home with you.”

  Taking her hand, he ground her palm over his denim covered cock, shamelessly pumping his hips for the friction. And what do you know, her hand began to rub and stroke and torment him, skinny fingers molding the shape of his length, until growls emitted from Preacher’s throat like a dog, his head coming down unable to sustain the weight under all the pleasure flooding between his ears. “Oh, god. Beautiful. Do it harder.”


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