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Preacher Man (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 2)

Page 46

by V. Theia

  "Not quite, bro-in-law." He smiled tightly and Ruby threw him an accusatory look over her shoulder that made him wink. "What? he might want to get us an expensive gift, beautiful. We should register at Harley Davidson, I could do with another Fat Boy."


  "Yes, I got married. But that's not why I came, Jamie." Preacher had taken a step back to allow the siblings their moment but hearing her voice crack he shifted from the doorway and took the two steps to stand behind her, his hand laying against the base of her back. She inhaled deep enough he felt her ribs lifting. "It's okay, Rube."

  "What is it?" Jamie narrowed his eyes and the roughness of his voice became serious.

  "It's... eh…" Struggling to find the words, his sweet old lady turned her gaze on Preacher silently imploring him for help. He moved in closer, slid an arm around her waist and met Jamie's eyes. "Rita died last week. Ruby wanted to come and tell you herself. She knows you guys weren't close, but you're both Ruby's family."

  "Fuck. Princess." Whatever mask the president had put in place it dropped and he stepped up to Ruby, whose eyes were filled with tears, he cupped her cheek. "I'm sorry. What happened?"

  "Drugs. A fire. All very Rita. You can say it, you told me so, right?"

  "Cops got an investigation ongoing, looks to be foul play by her dickhead man." interjected Preacher by filling in the blanks, rubbing circles on Ruby's back."

  "I had no love for the girl, you know that, but I never wished death on her, just wanted you to stop letting her walk the fuck over you, Ruby. You deserved better than being a caregiver to a junkie, you did enough for your mom."

  It was the first thing Jamie had said Preacher agreed with.

  "Didn't she have a boy?"

  She relayed him the situation currently with the kid, leaving out she'd only married him to help her case. He liked to think she was starting to see it differently, that she might want to stay married to him. He wasn't above crossing his fingers and hoping for miracles.

  "I suppose I can give you this now," he said striding across his office. Jamie moved a painting on the wall, very Austin Powers, and opened a safe, grabbing something from inside he locked up and covered the safe again. A piece of rectangle paper in his hand. "What's this?" A suspicious sounding Ruby asked not taking it when it was offered.

  "Dad put money into an account for you before he got sent away again, this is all the info to it. Should be fifty G in there and whatever interest its accumulated by now."

  "Five years ago?"

  Jamie nodded. "I knew if I gave it to you then it would go only one place and it wouldn't have been to help to save your tattoo place or to buy something practical. You would have handed the whole lot over to Rita."

  Batting two for two Preacher silently agreed once more.

  Ruby bristled. Oh, he knew that little growl in her throat. she was going to-----

  "That wasn't your decision to make! I wouldn't have given it to anyone, you saw me struggling, I lost my job, Jamie! you don't think any time around there it would have been a good idea to tell me this? Not that I want his money, but the choice was mine to make."

  "No offense, but that's a buncha bullshit. You know fine well where that money would have gone. I wasn't gonna let you waste it on her to stick more tracks in her fucking arms."

  "Excuse me for caring about someone else. We all can't be emotion-lacking machines like you, your fucking highness. You can take that back." She gestured to the paper he still held out. "I don't want it, let Wyatt know his hush money is not needed, he’s too fucking late to play daddy."

  The tick in Jamie's jaw went mental again. Now he was getting a little more of the picture that was Ruby's life he was seeing for himself just where Jamie fit into the puzzle. Big brother cared only he wasn't showing it. He sighed and threw the paper down on his desk before he rested on the edge, legs spread, his hands going to his thighs he looked over at Ruby as though Preacher wasn't large and living in his office as well. "You know it's not like that, he wanted you to have it, you were always his princess, even though he fucked up at every turn."

  "You would say that now you've taken his seat. You could have walked away, Jamie, got your own life, and not stepped into Wyatt's shoes, now look at you, King of his roost." Her tone like a bullet.

  "People don’t always have fucking choices, Ruby. One day you might understand. Until then, the money is here for whenever you want it."

  "I don't want it. Burn it, donate it to charity."

  Jamie sighed a hard noise. "Ruby."

  "Jamie." Her voice equally stubborn. Preacher moved finally and brought their attention from each other to him.

  "Now kids, let's not argue, not before I get my brand-new Fat Boy in brushed silver. Feel free to spoil me, bro-in-law, I don't mind at all." He winked at her and she smiled reluctantly her hunched shoulders drifting down, her tension fading.

  Jamie snorted but turned his accusing eyes on Preacher. "Married to a fucking Renegade Souls," he said it with a smirk. "What was it, Ruby, Michael Myers not available?" Funny fucker.

  Even Ruby laughed.

  "Says the perpetual single dude. There's talk you don't have a pee-pee, Jamie. I mean I'm not saying I started that rumor or anything."

  "Fuck you." He fired back with a smirk. "Why don't you go round up some drinks, Ruby, and let me talk to this big bastard a minute."

  Oh, here we go.

  Preacher grinned and rounded his neck. Did brothers in law throw down? He wouldn't mind the brother-in-law talk, he supposed, a man had to do what a man had to do and if Preacher had a sister ... Nah, he wouldn't let any sister of his marry a man like him, fact. Jamie had a right to do this, he reckoned, but he was staying married so deal with it.

  Cocking a brow to Ruby, Preacher flashed a grin at her rolling eyes. "Really? Are you going to play big brother now? Much too late. But I want a coffee anyway. I'd say play nice." This she directed to him and he wanted to chuckle being chastised by the little Mrs, he fucking loved it, his arms folded against his chest. "But I know you can't. Don't hurt my brother, Preacher Man."

  "I'll do my best not to let him run into my fist, beautiful." She slipped out. Only then once he'd watched her gorgeous ass leave did he turn back to the Kingsman president and lift a brow expectantly.

  He didn't have to wait long.

  "You married my sister."

  "Yep, looks that way."

  "How long have you known her?"

  "Long enough," and then. "Is this going to be a problem for you, Jamie?"

  "My sister married to a Renegade Souls or married to you specifically?"

  "Either, both." He wasn't looking for his blessing, but knowing the lay of the land would be interesting.

  "Don't dick her around." He warned, his expression heavily shadowed.

  "I wasn't planning to, but speaking of. She says you haven't been in her life for a while. I gotta say and don't take this personally or get offended feelings over it, but if you hurt my old lady, if you make her cry like her sister has this past however long, if you even give her a moment of stress, I will have to break my promise to her and remove your intestines very badly and then the fun really begins." Preacher was nice about it, he couldn’t say fairer than that, but where Ruby was concerned he had zero fucking chill if someone was gonna upset her.

  Maybe it wasn't his finest moment threatening an MC president in his own club his feelings toward Ruby made him drop-kick all the fucking rules out of the door.

  Their stares held.

  And held.

  Neither man, looking away to give the other one dominance.

  And then Jamie nodded like he respected the warning, a smile playing the edges of his mouth, a smile that was like a sly manipulative cat who was forever up to no good, surprisingly, Preacher wasn’t put off by it, he liked things out in the open. Jamie stepped up to his taller height and slapped Preacher's hand. "Maybe you can start mending some of those bridges with her."

  "Ruby is stubborn if you
already didn't know. She hasn't made it easy for me to stay in her life." His expression dark and wrong and a little like he felt regret somewhere for not making more of an effort. “I’ll try.” He tacked on.

  "She's hurting over this. And if she doesn't get the kid..."

  "I'll make sure she gets the kid one way or another." Jamie vowed and Preacher got the idea he meant in every illegal sense he would get the kid for Ruby. He smiled and admired the president a little bit more.

  "Same. But we won't share that with my old lady, ya dig?"

  "How's everything over in Armado now Hades has flown the coop?"

  Preacher's face blanked out. Was Jamie fishing to find out if it was the RS who got rid of Hades? The big brooding bastard might be his brother in law now, no fucking way he was pillow talking club business with him. As it was he'd have to take this new family connection to Rider, it wouldn't make it sticky as such, he trusted Ruby with whatever he shared with her, but his own president needed to know he was loosely associated to the Kingsmen, he didn't know, it could help solidify a true bond with another club. You have my back we have yours.

  "You know how it goes, man. One shit-stain leaves, another slides in." He meant the Russians making their noise known.

  Jamie snorted. "I hear that. I should get over some time, have a drink with Rider."

  There were no sibling hugs on the way out, though Jamie stepped forward it was Ruby who backed away and gave him a tentative smile instead. Jamie offered his help and she nodded noncommittally like she didn't know what to do with people being genuine with her.

  "How you doing, baby? it didn't go too bad huh?"

  "I'm fine. Should I have taken dad’s money?"

  “That’s your call. I don’t think your brother is spending it, so it’s there.”


  "Maybe we should invite him over for BBQ when we get you set up at the house."


  "The kid is going to need all his uncles, you think?"

  Talk of Sebastian made her smile and Preacher filed it away for future reference.

  "Round one is done. Ready to meet my folks now?"

  Her smile fell.


  “Meet the Priests.” – Ruby

  Was she having sexy delusions? Asher Priest coming towards her dressed in big boy clothes. A pair of blue denim, faded in places molded his long legs, a long sleeved white undershirt underneath a red T-shirt that had "I never said I was batman. But let me ask you; have you ever seen us in the same room together?" written on the front. Her lips twitched, raking her greedy eyes all over the man. Damn, he looked good, with a pair of tan climbing boots and a single black leather wrist cuff. No club vest today. "You are looking very un-bikerish, Asher."

  "I'm not just Renegade Souls, baby." He winked and caught at her hand. "Smile, we're being watched."

  "We are?" Her head darted around his huge body, to see the blinds flip down suddenly on the front window of the two-story modern built home that belonged to her new in-laws. Oh, god. She didn't know the judging would begin before she'd even stepped inside. Did her hair look okay? Maybe she should have worn a different skirt. With her free hand, she smoothed it down and then her hair until he grasped her two hands. "Relax, baby, nothing to be nervous of. We'll have some good food."

  "You're forgetting the small detail of introducing a wife to your family..."

  "Oh, yeah. I knew I was forgetting something." The bastard grinned, taking them both up the front stoop to the porch. "Seriously, don’t be nervous, alright?” Well, just because he asked so nicely. She rolled her eyes and mentally prepared herself. It had been two days since they’d seen Jamie, what with trying to get into her routine of work again, moving her few things over to Preacher’s house - her house now - and chasing up the CPS about visitation with Sebastian there hadn’t been time to see Preacher’s parents. Ruby had been quietly glad; her nerves were about to send her to the local loony hospital. She could do this.

  What was the worst that could happen? They can hate me on sight. Yeah, that. Her belly muscles clenched together in a tight knot of apprehension, taking a deep breath before Preacher paused at the door, turning his massive body fully towards her, his head cranked down and their foreheads touched. “Beautiful, they’re going to love you, and even if they don’t, this is you and me, remember? Other people’s opinion ain't worth anything.”

  “I think your parent's opinions matter, Asher.” She whispered. She wanted them to like her, but who in their right mind could approve a daughter-in-law they’d never met and hadn’t even been invited to their quickie wedding? Yeah, all black checks in the Ruby column.

  “Asher Priest, are you bringing your girl in sometime today?” A sudden feminine voice from inside yelled. Ruby stilled and flashed a panicked look up at Asher who only grinned. “We’re waiting for you to grill, you know your father charcoals everything, and I want to meet her.”

  “Busted.” He chuckled then rose his voice “Coming in now, Ma.”

  Oh, god. No time to cut and run.

  Turns out, there was absolutely nothing to worry about. Not much, anyway. Asher’s parents, Birdie, a medium built woman with a mop of golden brown hair caught up in a messy bun, wearing jeans and a flowing gypsy top and bright orange flip flops enfolded Ruby into a tight hug the moment they were through the door, even before she greeted her son, Ruby saw his mom’s eyes all over her, assessing unostentatiously like she could see right down to Ruby's flaws, counting them up to see if she was good enough for her middle child, then Birdie smiled and she smiled big. “Look at this, I waited years for a daughter and this big mammoth I was in labor with forty-three and a half hours brings me home the prettiest one making all that screaming worthwhile. It’s so nice to meet you, Ruby. You can call me Birdie or mom.”

  Oh, wow. Some of Ruby’s heart palpitations downgraded from a screaming roar to a dull riot.

  “I’m very pleased to meet you, too, Mrs--- Birdie.” And I’m sorry I married your son sneakily and sorry if you disapprove, I love him very much, only he doesn’t know that yet because we have one of those Harlequin marriages of conveniences. She smiled and accepted the hug, watching how Asher nodded as if to say told you so, wife.

  Next came his father. Asher had told her a little about his family history. Somehow the salt and pepper haired man who came in from the back yard wearing an ‘it’s not skill, it’s my superpower’ cream apron, and a pair of horn-rimmed glasses, face stubble, and a cute paunch belly could ever be the same philandering man Asher had described. He resembled a professor instead of owner of a construction company. He was wearing sandals without socks for goodness sake. Ruby bit back a smile as he appraised her. “Is this our Ash’s girl?”

  “Hey, Pop. This is Ruby.” He walked up to his dad. What was it about men embracing that did mushy things to her belly? There was so much love in this family and she’d only been inside all of two minutes. Asher with his arm around his mom’s shoulder, she had hers around his waist beaming a smile like she’d just found the end of a rainbow. Did they not mind he got married in secret? A supportive family? … huh … she’d heard of those, thought they were an urban legend, turns out it lived at the Priest house. “It’s so very nice to meet you, sweetheart. You don’t mind I call you sweetheart? Birdie tells me it’s sexist.”

  “It is, Maxie.” Interjected his wife.

  “It’s friendly, Birdie. Who can object to a fella being friendly, I ask you?” He winked at his wife but turned his attention back onto Ruby. He didn’t hug her but kissed her lightly on the cheek. “Welcome to the family, dear. Taking on our Ash …you might just be our favorite daughter-in-law, that’s a big job.” His brown eyes twinkled with mirth.

  “Wow, thanks, Pop. I’ve been telling Ruby how nice you all are.”

  “Gotta tell it like it is, son. Now take these before it causes a divorce; mine.” He handed over the tongs, “Your mother has no faith in my grilling skills, I cause one little grill fire
and I’m branded a danger forever-fuckin’-more. And allow me to get to know your wife.”

  “I favor meat over coal, Maxie.” Birdie announced.

  “You okay, Rubes, while I go grill some undisclosed possibly already decimated meat?” Asked Preacher.

  “Of course, she is.” Insisted Maxwell. “Let’s go and get you a drink, sweetheart.” Asher’s dad’s cuteness kept on coming when he threaded his arm through Ruby’s steering her towards what she thought was the kitchen, she smiled dazed across at Asher “Yeah, I’m good.” He flashed a smile. Gorgeous man.

  “You like Tequila?” Maxwell asked. She blinked. Oh shit, it was one in the afternoon.

  What else could she say? “Absolutely.” When faced for the first time with the in-laws you drank paint thinner if that’s what was on offer.

  He gave her the sweetest older man smile. “Good! Birdie, looks like we’re having Margaritas with the steaks, they’re our Ruby’s favorite, apparently.” He lied making her giggle.

  Our Ruby.

  Fucking hell. Her heart was melted snow. These people had known her all of five minutes and had taken her in, hadn’t thrown one accusatory word at her for taking their son.

  Preacher saw her smile and winked his support again. God, she just wanted to soak against his chest, to feel his skin on hers, and maybe kiss the hell out of that mouth she was addicted to.

  Nerves aside, now it looked like she was about to get drunk with her father in law.

  “Let Tyler know it’s time to eat soon, he’s texting some girl in his room, though he doesn’t know I know.” Birdie told Preacher, who halted in the doorway.

  “The little shit is home? Is he skipping school? I’ll knock his block off.”


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