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Side Chic 2 (A Ratchet Mess)

Page 7

by West, La'Tonya

  Tamika burst into laughter. “Girl, calm down. Your mama didn’t do nothing that any real mama wouldn’t have done. She saw a fine ass broad come stepping up in here dressed like a video vixen with all this booty and she knows Tre’s track record so she thought that she should say something. I can respect that.”

  What in the fuck was that supposed to mean, ‘and she knows Tre’s track record’. I was getting sick and tired of people talking slick about my man for one damn day! “Well I’m glad that you can respect it and all but I still feel like she was out of line. If I felt like there was a problem with how you are dressed when you come over here then I would’ve said something. I trust Tre around you and you around him. Not trying to be mean or anything like that but to be honest Tre really doesn’t even like you coming over here or me hanging around you. No offense but he swears that I’m going to start acting all wild like you.” I’d cleaned it up a bit because honestly he thought that she was one of the biggest whores in VA and was afraid that it would rub off on me but he should know better than that. He couldn’t understand why I dealt with Tamika, knowing the reputation that she had for being a jumpoff. I dealt with her because I wasn’t in any position to judge anyone. My life was far from perfect!

  “Tre’s just afraid that you will get some sense and stop sitting up in this house all the time waiting for his ass! That’s all he’s afraid of! He sees that I do what I want, when I want and how I want! That’s what he is afraid will rub off!” My last statement about Tre not liking her seemed to have struck a nerve. “You are a grown ass woman, I have no effect on what you chose to do or not do!”

  “He didn’t mean anything by it really.” I tried to down play it after seeing how upset she’d gotten. She’d even become a little bit heavy-handed on my head. “Tre doesn’t like me hanging around anyone. You’re probably right, he’s more than likely afraid that I will get some sense and stop sitting up in the house like an old lady.” I laughed but she didn’t. I decided to change the subject. “So how is Casper doing?”

  “He’s doing alright, being worrisome as hell, wanting to know my every move.” She replied. “Hmph…he can get that out of his head!”

  “I know that’s right.” I agreed. “Girl, I’ve never shared this with anyone but my best friend Kelsey. You and I are pretty cool though and I trust you so I am going to share it with you. It’s on my mind and it’s driving me crazy so I have to talk to somebody.”

  “Okay, what is it.”

  “There’s this guy that has a thing for me. He and I were intimate once when Tre and I were going through one of our feuds. He really cares about me a lot and has asked me numerous times to leave Tre and be with him but I’ve explained to him that I can’t do that because I love Tre. Of course he doesn’t understand that because he feels like Tre is all wrong for me because of the things that Tre has done in the past.”

  “Hold on…” Tamika cut me off. “So this guy knows Tre?”

  “Yeah…really well, but that’s not the point. My point is, I care about this guy too and if I wasn’t with Tre and they didn’t know each other, I would more than likely give him a chance. Do you think it’s wrong for me to care about another man and keep in contact with him when I am in a relationship? I mean, it’s not like we are messing around or anything we are just friends but sometimes I feel like I am doing something wrong, knowing how he feels about me and that I care about him and they are friends.”

  “Girl, I swear you have some issues!”

  “Why do you say that?” I asked confused.

  “Because it’s not like y’all are fucking or anything! Y’all are just friends. Shit, I bet Tre ass got female friends and he doesn’t feel bad about it either! Hell, you may know some of them and he’s probably fucked some of them quite a few times! You really need to loosen up!”

  I thought about her words. She was right. Technically, I wasn’t doing anything wrong by still talking to Skeet. We were just friends and there was nothing at all wrong with that. Tre probably did still keep in contact with some of the skanks that he’d slept with.

  Tamika and I continued to talk while we undid my hair. When we were done she permed it for me, clipped my slit ends and then wrapped it.

  “Thank you so much girl.” I said fingering my hair as we stood in the bathroom mirror. “It looks really good.”

  “No problem.”

  I heard the front door open and then the boys both running down the hall. “Y’all stop that running.” Tre called after them.

  Tamika and I came out of the bathroom and met them in the hallway. “Hey fellas.” I greeted them.

  “Hey ma!” Quan said all hyped jumping up on me trying to give me a hug nearly knocking me over.

  “Hey Quan, did you miss me?” I laughed leaning down to hug him. Shaun joined in and hugged me too.

  “Yeah we missed you.” Quan said still hugging my neck. “We had fun! We went to see grandma and papa!”

  “Y’all did?”

  “Yep!” Shaun responded. “Ma, where is your fake hair?”

  “Boy, you are a mess but since you must know, I took it out.”


  “Y’all go ahead in your room and play.” I told them. “Hey baby, did you miss me too?” I asked Tre.

  “Yep, you know I did.” He said giving me a peck on the lips and handing me a plate wrapped in aluminum foil. “Ma sent you a plate.”

  I took the plate. “Awww…that was so sweet of her.”

  “I’m sorry to interrupt y’all but I am about to go on home.” Tamika said sounding a bit agitated.

  I turned to look at her and saw the knots in her face. “Okay…are you alright? You look mad.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” She shot Tre a nasty look. “I just don’t want any of my wild ways to rub off on you!”

  I knew she was hinting at what I’d said earlier. I saw a confused expression cover Tre’s face and tried to play things off. “Girl, you are a trip!” I laughed. “Let me walk you to the door.”

  After she was gone, I set my plate in the microwave and then went into the living room where Tre was sitting watching TV. I sat down beside him and rested my head on his shoulder.

  “Your hair looks good.” He told me.

  “Thanks baby, I’m glad that you like it.”

  “I like your real hair better than when you put fake hair in it. You don’t need that mess. You have beautiful hair.”

  I sat my head up and looked over at him. He turned and looked at me and then leaned over and kissed me real nice and slowly. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the taste of his mouth as our tongues danced together. These were the moments that I lived for.

  “I love you baby.” I whispered once we’d stopped kissing.

  “I love you too. You know that right?”

  “Yeah of course I do.” I replied smiling up at him. “Guess who stopped by here today?”


  “Ma…” I rolled my eyes. “Tamika came by while she was here and you know how she is. She felt that Tamika’s clothes were inappropriate and so of course she told her.”

  He started laughing. “Damn, I’m glad I wasn’t here because you know that she can’t stand my black ass but I would’ve loved to have heard her get at Tamika! Your ma is a trip!”

  “Tre, for real?”

  “For real, what?”

  “You are wrong for that, you know that right? Why do you dislike Tamika so much?”

  “Because she is a bird, I have no respect for females like her.” He admitted. “Why do you like her so much?”

  “Because she is a cool person once you get to know her. She has never done anything wrong to me so why shouldn’t I like her?” I decided to keep it real with him. “I mean, on some real shit Tre, you don’t like her because of her reputation and how she gets down but you’ve been around the block a couple of times yourself. Isn’t that the kettle calling the pot black?”

  “Listen at you taking up for this hoe!” He let out a sarcastic chuckle

  “I’m not taking up for her!” I corrected him. “I’m just stating facts.”


  “Anyways, let’s leave that conversation alone.” I saw that we were about to end up arguing and I didn’t feel like going there. “How was your day with the boys?”

  “We had a really good time. We always do.” He smiled but then his smile faded. “Yeah, we had a good time but you know there always have to be one asshole to try and fuck up your day.”

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing really…” He said shaking his head. “Skeet just said some shit that kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I didn’t let it ruin my day though.”

  Hearing Skeet’s name caused my heart to drop to my feet. “What did he say?” I wanted to know but then I remembered Skeet saying something on the phone about telling Tre how I deserved better. I’d thought that he’d just been talking.

  He shook his head. “Nothing worth repeating to be honest.”

  “Oh, well maybe he didn’t mean any harm by what he said. You know how people say things without really thinking or realizing that we didn’t ask them for it.”

  “Yeah, I guess…”

  I snuggled up next to him and we continued to watch TV until we both fell asleep on the sofa.


  I paced back and forth across the floor of my hospital room because I couldn’t stay still. I was worried to death about Lola. To some I may have been over-reacting but I couldn’t help it. All I knew is that something was wrong with my baby’s heart. Regardless of how small of a problem it was it was still a problem.

  “LaQuela, you need to stop worrying yourself so much. Lola will be fine. Babies are really strong, a lot stronger than we think.” My mama put forth her best effort to try and comfort me. I was glad that her and my dad was there with me. Especially since Tre couldn’t be or should I say, since he didn’t want to be. “Try to think positive.” She gave me a sympathetic smile.

  “Thanks ma. I appreciate you and daddy being her with me.” I let out a sigh rubbing my temples. My head was hurting and I knew the cause was stress. I wasn’t trying to worry. I actually wished that I could stop, at least until my headache went away. I continued massaging my temples. I didn’t want to take any medicine being that I was breastfeeding.

  My daddy walked over to me and wrapped his arm around me, squeezing me tightly. He kissed me on my head. “You don’t have to thank us. This is our job to be here for you when you need us.”

  I smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Well thanks anyways. Whether I have to say it or not I want the two of you to know that I appreciate you.”

  “You’re welcome baby girl.”

  I walked over to the window looking out at the weather. It was a beautiful day outside. This situation had me taking time to appreciate the small things that I normally didn’t take the time to even notice. I took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. I saw a few people coming and going in and out of the hospital. I stood there studying some of the expressions on their faces. Some looked happy without a care in the world, I envied them. Some sad and worried, my heart went out to them. LaQuela, pull it together. You are a strong woman and you will get through this! You are not the only one going through something right now. There is someone out there that is going through something much worse and the worst part is they are alone but you’re not. You have your parents. Tre may not be here but so what… He’s the one missing out, not you. You are here with your children doing what you have to do. Fuck him! I thought to myself. Lola will be just fine.

  There was a tap at the door and then the nurse pushed open the door and rolled the babies into the room. “Here you go mommy, it’s time for them to be fed.” She announced. “When you are done, you can push the call button and I will come back and get them if you want me to so that you can get some rest.”

  “Thank you but I’ll keep them in here with me.” I told her as I walked over and picked up Laila first. I kissed her on her chubby little cheek and then we set down in the rocking chair. My dad got up and left the room like he always did when I fed the babies.

  I fed both of the girls. When I was done, I made sure they were dry and then placed them back inside the bassinets. I was getting on the bed when there was another tap at the door. “Come in.”

  Reggie walked in the room, in his hands he was carrying two small pink teddy bears and some flowers.

  “Hey you.” He smiled as he walked over and placed the teddy bears on the table beside the bed and handed me the flowers. “These are for you. I hope your boyfriend won’t mind but I didn’t want to come and visit you empty handed.”

  “Thank you.” I blushed while smelling my flowers. “These are beautiful and they smell so good.”

  “I’m glad that you like them.” He smiled. He looked really nice. He was dressed in a dark blue pair of Levi’s, a white V-neck tee and a pair of blue/white Levi sneakers. His haircut and shape-up was fresh like he’d just got up out of the barber chair. He was grown man sexy.

  “What are you doing here?” I couldn’t stop smiling. I hadn’t smiled all day and now I couldn’t stop!

  “I knew that you’d more than likely be leaving today or tomorrow so I figured that I’d stop by and check on you and the babies one last time. I called before I came and the receptionist told me that you were still here. I hope that you don’t mind me stopping by.”

  I shook my head. “No, not at all, I’m glad that you did.”

  He sat in the chair next to my bed. “Hey, how are you doing ma’am?” He spoke to my mama.

  “Hey. I’m fine and how are you?” She replied as she stood up, fixing the pink dress that she was wearing. My mama was a full figured woman who didn’t believe in going out in public unless she was dressed to kill. Today she was wearing a pink floral print dress with pink sandals to match.

  “I’m fine, thanks for asking.”

  “Lala, I am going to find your daddy and then get something to eat. Do you want us to bring you something back?” She asked placing her pink bag on her shoulder.

  “Yes, can you bring me back a chicken salad sandwich from Arby’s, please?”

  “Okay. We’ll be back in a little while. Call me if you need me before we get back.” She walked over and gave me a peck on the cheek and then left.

  “So when are they releasing you?” Reggie asked.

  “Well they’re releasing me and Laila tomorrow but Lola can’t go home for a few days.” I replied.

  A look of concerned came over his face. “Why isn’t she being released?”

  “The doctors found that she has a heart murmur so they want to monitor her closely for the next few days.” I explained fidgeting with the string on my gown.

  “Ooh…I’m sorry to hear that.” He replied sitting up on the edge of his seat. The scent of his cologne was making it hard for me to focus. “So are you and your boyfriend going to stay here at the hospital or get a room somewhere here in town? The reason I asked is because I know that you aren’t from this area. There’s a hotel called Americans Best Value Inn that’s right down the street and it’s not expensive. That way y’all won’t be far from the hospital, convenient and cheap.”

  “Thanks but I’m not leaving her. I’m going to stay right here until they release her.” I told him. “My parents have a room at that hotel that you just mentioned, I think. I know that they aren’t too far from here.”

  “Oh okay. Well I hope that everything turns out fine with the baby.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “Just pray about it. Doctors don’t know everything, God has the final say.” He spoke confidently. “I am a firm believer that God has the power to change any and all things.” It may have been inappropriate but hearing him speak of his faith in God was a turn on.

  We continued to talk for a while longer. I was really enjoying his company and having him there took my mind off of Lola’s condition for a while. During the course of our conversation, I learned that he
had a great sense of humor. He made me laugh the entire time, telling me different stories about growing up in South Boston. He told me about his mom and dad, and that he had two sisters and three brothers. That he and his brother owned the store that I’d stopped at the day that I’d gone into labor. I also learned that he was thirty-two and single with no kids.

  “Well, I guess that I should get going.” He announced looking at his watch. “I’ve been here for two and a half hours talking your head off. I know you are sick of hearing my mouth.”

  I hadn’t realized that it’d been that long. “No, I’ve enjoyed talking to you actually. I am really glad that you stopped by. This is the most that I’ve laughed in a while.” I admitted. “I needed something to take my mind off of my problems.”

  “We all do sometimes. I’m glad that I could help.” He stood to leave. “I hope that everything goes well with your little one.”


  He leaned over and gave me a hug. “In case I don’t see you again, take care of yourself and those beautiful babies.”

  “I will.” Was what slipped from my lips but what I really wanted to say was, Please don’t leave. He was like a breath of fresh air.

  He headed for the door. “I hope that I don’t run into your boyfriend on the way out. I don’t think he likes me very much.” He laughed looking back at me.

  “He’s not my boyfriend.” I corrected him. “He’s my daughters’ father. That’s it.”

  “Huh?” He stopped in his tracks and turned around. “…but the other day he said…”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I know what he said. I don’t know why he said it to be honest. I don’t really know why he does or say anything that he does.” I felt myself becoming emotional and tried to pull myself together.

  He must’ve picked up on the emotion in my voice. He turned around and walked back over to the bed. I turned my head so that he couldn’t see the tears in my eyes. I felt his hand on my shoulder. “We don’t always understand why people make the choices and decisions that they make. We’re only human. Do you want to talk about it?”


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