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A History of War in 100 Battles

Page 45

by Richard Overy

  Sholod, Barton, Charlemagne in Spain: The Cultural Legacy of Roncesvalles (Geneva: Droz, 1966)

  Showalter, Dennis, Tannenberg: Clash of Empires (Dulles, VA: Potomac Books, 2004)

  Showalter, Dennis, The Wars of Frederick the Great (London: Longman, 1997)

  Showalter, Dennis, The Wars of German Unification (London: Arnold, 2004)

  Sidnell, Philip, Warhorse: Cavalry in Ancient Warfare (London: Continuum, 2006)

  Smyth, Alfred, King Alfred the Great (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995)

  Speirs, Edward (ed), Sudan: The Reconquest Reappraised (London: Frank Cass, 1998)

  Strachan, Hew, The First World War: Volume I (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001)

  Strauss, Barry, The Spartacus War (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2009)

  Symonds, Craig, The Battle of Midway (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011)

  Tabraham, Chris, Bannockburn 1314: Battle for a Nation (Broxburn: Lomond Books, 2009)

  Tonsetic, Robert, 1781: The Decisive Year of the Revolutionary War (Oxford: Casemate, 2011)

  Trigg, Jonathan, Hastings 1066 (Stroud: History Press, 2012)

  Turnbull, Stephen, Samurai Invasion: Japan’s Korean War 1592-98 (London: Cassell, 2002)

  Underwood, Geoffrey, Our Falklands War (Liskeard: Maritime Books, 1983)

  Vance, Eugene, Reading the Song of Roland (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1970)

  Viotti, Andrea, Garibaldi: The revolutionary and his men (Poole: Blandford Press, 1979)

  Volkogonov, Dmitri, Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1991)

  Voroshilov, Kliment, Stalin and the Red Army (Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1939)

  Warlimont, Walter, Inside Hitler’s Headquarters, 1939-1945 (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1964)

  Warren, Alan, Singapore: Britain’s Greatest Defeat (London: Hambledon, 2002)

  Wasti, Syed Tanvir, ‘The 1912-13 Balkan Wars and the Siege of Edirne’, Middle Eastern Studies, 40 (2004), pp. 59-78

  Wheatcroft, Andrew, Infidels: The Conflict between Christendom and Islam 638-2002 (New York: Penguin Viking, 2003)

  White, David, Bitter Ocean: The Battle of the Atlantic 1939-1945 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006)

  White, John, Cortés and the Downfall of the Aztec Empire (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1971)

  Whiting, Roger, The Enterprise of England: The Spanish Armada (Gloucester: Alan Sutton, 1988)

  Wirtz, James J., The Tet Offensive: Intelligence Failure in War (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991)

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  Zamoyski, Adam, Warsaw 1920: Lenin’s Failed Conquest of Europe (London: HarperCollins, 2008)



  Abbasid Caliphate 144

  Abd al-Rahman 215, 272–73, 276

  Abu al-Hasan 99–103

  Abu Malik 102

  Abu ‘Umar 103

  Achilles 208, 210

  Acre, Siege of 280

  Actium, Battle of 14, 18, 25, 35–9, 136

  Adrianople, Battle of 328–31

  Adwa, Battle of 82–3, 120–3, 265, 320

  iEthelnoth, Ealdorman of Somerset 92

  iEthelstan, King of England 93

  Aetius, Flavius 25, 270, 271

  Afghanistan 85

  Afonso IV, King of Portugal 99, 102–3

  against the odds 15, 23, 82–133, 84–5

  Agamemnon 210

  Agincourt, Battle of 104–7

  Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius 38–9

  Ain Jalut, Battle of 25, 84, 143–45

  air reconnaissance 251, 254


  Fleet Air Arm 356–7, 368

  long-range 197

  Stealth 203

  aircraft carriers 358–60

  airpower 187–94, 357–60, 368

  Ajax 208

  al Din, Shaykh 126

  Al Qaeda 85

  Al-Andalus 214, 272, 276

  al-Arabi, Suleiman 215

  Al-Husein 215

  al-Khalil, Ibrahim 124

  Alam Halfa, Battle of 247–9, 321

  Alans 329

  Alatheus 329, 330, 331

  Alavivus 329

  Albertone, General Matteo 122, 320

  Alexander I, Tsar of Russia 22, 65, 67, 283, 286

  Alexander III the Great, King of Macedonia 9, 28, 30–2, 41, 71, 137, 140

  Alexander, General Harold 314

  Alexander Nevsky, Prince 25, 224–6

  Alfonso XI, King of Castile 99–103

  Alfred the Great, King of Wessex 91–3

  Algeria 85

  Ali, Uluch 152, 153

  Ali Pasha, Admiral 151, 153

  Alivardi Khan, Nawab of Bengal 111

  Allenby, Gen. Edmund 305

  Alp Arslan, Sultan 220–4

  Ambrose, St 97, 99

  ambushes 207, 212, 214, 216, 217, 219, 221

  Amer, Abd al-Hakim 256

  American Civil War 20, 137, 262–3, 264, 293–9, 321

  American Indian tribes 15, 243–6

  American War of Independence 240–3

  amphibious operations 146, 205, 228–9, 249, 252

  Anders, Gen. Władisław 315, 317

  Anglo-Saxons 42–7, 91–3, 137

  Anglo-Zulu Wars 116–20

  Ankokuji Ekei 337

  Anne, Queen of England 230

  anti-Semitism 256

  Antonov, Gen. Alexei 253

  Antony, Mark 14, 35–9

  Apollo 42

  Arab invasions 272–6

  Arab states 256–9

  archaeology 13–14

  archers, mounted 140–2, 280

  Ardennes Forest 254, 288

  Argentina 366–9

  Ariames 142

  Arimondi, Gen. Giuseppe 122

  Arnold, Gen. Henry ‘Hap’ 199

  Arsuf, Battle of 21, 279–82

  art, battles recorded in 9

  Artavasdes II, King of Armenia 141

  Artimisium, Battle of 87

  asymmetric warfare 15, 85, 201

  Athens 86, 87, 88, 266–8

  Atlantic, Battle of the 195–7, 355

  atomic bombs 198–201

  Attila the Hun 25, 137, 269–71

  Augustus, Emperor see Octavian

  Austerlitz, Battle of 21, 22–3, 24, 65–9

  Australia 128, 130

  Austria 57–61, 65–9, 113–15, 168–71, 171–5, 230, 234–7, 287–90, 321, 338–41

  Ayyubid dynasty 144

  Aztec Empire 226–9


  Baden, Louis-William, Margrave of 231

  baggage trains 19–20

  Bagration 253–5

  Bagration, Prince Pyotr 69, 254, 284, 286

  Baibars 144, 145

  Balkan War, First 181–3

  Bannockburn, Battle of 22, 50–3

  Baquedano Gonzalez, Gen. Manuel 300–1

  Baraguay d’Hilliers, Mshl. 170

  Baratieri, Gen. Oreste 121, 122, 123

  barbarians 269–71, 328–31

  Barbusse, Henri 305

  Barras, Adm. Comte de 241

  Barres, William des 282

  Basil II, Byzantine Emperor 216–19

  Basques 215–16

  Bathurst, Capt. Walter 293

  Batista, Fulgencio 85, 132–3

  Battle Abbey 43


  common characteristics of 17

  obsolescence of 25

  origins of 14

  and war 12, 13

  battleships 192, 193, 194, 355–8

  Bautzen, Battle of 161, 287–8

  Bavaria 230–4, 277

  Bavaria, Maximilien Wittelsbach, Elector of 230, 232, 234

  Bayeux Tapestry 44–5

  Beauharnais, Prince Eugène 285

  Beauregard, Gen. Pierre 294, 295–6

  Bee, Gen. Barnard 295

  Belgium 187, 188, 349

  Belgrade, Siege
of 108–10

  Below, Gen. Fritz von 305

  Benedek, Gen. Ludwig von 170, 173–4, 175

  Benedict XII, Pope 99, 102

  Bengal 110–13

  Benteen, Capt. Frederick 244, 245, 246

  Berbers 272, 273

  Bernadotte, Mshl Jean Baptiste 65, 288

  Beurnonville, Gen. Pierre de 60

  Bidault, Georges 364

  Bismarck, sinking of the 355–8

  Bixio, Nino 74

  Black Hole of Calcutta 111

  Blenheim, Battle of 21, 206, 230–4

  Blitzkrieg 187–9, 248, 258

  Bloody Ridge (Edson’s Ridge), Battle of 310

  Blücher, Gen. Gebhard von 287, 288–9, 342, 343, 346

  Bohemia 277, 278, 279, 289

  Bolivia 299–301

  bombs 181, 182, 183, 187, 191, 198–201, 320, 358, 359, 360

  Bonaparte, Napoleon see Napoleon I, Emperor

  booty 14, 19, 20, 103, 183, 272, 286, 334

  Borodino, Battle of 264–5, 282–6

  Botanietes, Theophylactus 217–18

  Bougainville, Col. Louis-Antoine 238

  Bourbon, Jean I, Duke of 105

  Bourbon monarchy 72–4

  Brandenburg, Duke of 159

  Breitenfeld, Battle of 24, 158–61

  Brian Boru, King of Ireland 94–6

  Britain 62–5, 110–13, 116–20, 124–30, 175–7, 184–6, 187–92, 195–7, 202–3, 237–43, 247–55, 287–93, 305–8, 314, 315, 316, 341–6, 349, 351, 355–8, 366–9

  see also England; Ireland; Scotland

  Britain, Battle of 25, 190–2

  British East India Company 110, 111, 112–13

  British South Africa Company 176, 177

  Brodar the Dane 95

  Bromhead, Lt. Gonville 117

  Bruce, Edward 51

  Bruce, Robert

  see Robert I, King of Scotland

  Brunswick, Karl, Duke of 59–61

  Brusilov Offensive 304

  Budionny, Semyon 76–7

  Buendía, Gen. Juan 300

  Bulgaria 181–3, 216–19

  Bulksü, Horka 277, 279

  Bull Run, First Battle of 293–6, 321

  Bülow, Gen. Karl von 350, 351

  Burgundians 270

  Busch, FM Ernst 254

  Buxhouden, Gen. Frederick 69

  Byzantine Empire 216–24, 331–4

  Bzhishkian, Gaia (Gai Khan) 77, 78


  Caesar, Julius 35, 38, 89–91, 140

  Callixtus III, Pope 108, 110

  Calvinus, Gnaeus Domitius 90

  Camacho, Col. Eliodoro 301

  Cambrai, Battle of 134–5, 184–6

  Campero, Gen. Nircisco 300

  Canada 237–40, 252, 307, 315

  Candarli Halil Pasha 331, 334

  Çannae, Battle of 33–5, 324, 325, 328

  cannons 143–4, 145, 150, 151–2, 155, 332

  Capistrano, Giovanni da 109, 110

  Carl Johann, King of Sweden 65, 288

  Carlos II, King of Spain 230

  Carrhae, Battle of 84, 91, 137, 140–3, 207, 277

  Carthaginians 33–5, 324–8

  Casillas Lumpuy, Col. Joaquin 131, 132

  Castries, Col. Christian de la Croix de 364, 366

  Castro, Fidel 84, 85, 131

  Catalaunian Fields (Chalons), Battle of 269–71

  cataphracts 142

  Cavour, Count Camillo di 168

  Celts 212

  Cetshwayo, King of the Zulus 116–17, 120

  Chacabuco, Battle of 70

  Châlons, Battle of 269–71

  Chamberlain, Col. Joshua 298

  Chancellorsville, Battle of 296

  Chanson de Roland 25, 214

  Chard, Lt. John 117

  Charlemagne, Emperor 214–16

  Charles I, King of England 162–4

  Charles VI, King of France 104–7

  Charles XII, King of Sweden 164–8

  Charles Martel 272–6

  Chataldzha bombs 181, 183

  Chelmsford, Lord Frederic 116–17, 120

  Chile 70–2, 299–301

  China 47–50

  Chotusitz, Battle of 235

  Christianity 16, 40, 41, 42, 57–9, 93, 99–103, 108–10, 150–3, 214, 216, 226, 272, 276, 279–82, 331, 333, 334

  Chuikov, Gen. Vasilov 312, 313–14

  Churchill, Winston 125, 130, 195, 250

  Clark, Gen. Mark 314

  class war 17

  Clausewitz, Carl von 61

  Cleombrotus, King of Sparta 138–9

  Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt 18, 36–9, 89

  Clifford, Sir Robert 52

  Clinton, Gen. Sir Henry 241

  Clive, Col. Robert 110–13

  Clontarf, Battle of 84, 94–6

  Codrington, VAdm. Sir Edward 290–3

  Collingwood, VAdm. Cuthbert 63, 64

  colonial rule 85, 299, 364–6

  communications 24, 190–2

  Communism 17, 75, 259, 261, 364

  concealment 207, 217, 219, 221, 245, 246, 250

  conquistadores 226–9

  Conrad the Red 277, 278, 279

  conscription 17, 137, 300

  Constance, Treaty of 99

  Constantine I the Great, Emperor 10–11, 40–2

  Constantine XI, Byzantine Emperor 331–4

  Constantinople, Fall of 19, 108, 109, 320, 331–4

  convoy system 195, 197

  Copenhagen, Battle of 62

  Cornwallis, Lt. Gen. Earl 240, 241–3

  Cortés, Hernán 226–9

  Cossacks 353–4

  Cossinius, Lucius 212–13

  courage 8, 12, 262–317, 264–5

  Crassus, Marcus 91, 140–3, 213

  Crassus, Publius 140, 143

  Crazy Horse 245

  Crécy, Battle of 146–50

  creeping artillery barrage 304, 307

  Crispi, Francesco 121, 123

  Crixus 212

  Cromwell, Oliver 162–4

  Crook, Gen. George 244

  crossbows 147–50

  crusades 17, 21, 102, 109, 145, 279–82

  cryptology 195, 358–9

  Cuauhtémoc, ruler of Tenochtitlán 228–9

  Cuban Revolution 28, 84, 85, 131–3

  Cubela, Rolando 132

  Custer, Lt. Col. George Armstrong 243–6, 265, 296

  Custer, Tom 246

  Cynoscephelae, Battle of 140


  D-Day landings 146, 205, 206, 252

  Da Nang, Battle of 261

  Dabormida, Gen. Vittorio 122–3

  Dabulamanzi, Prince 117, 120

  Darius I the Great, King of Persia 266, 267

  Darius III, King of Persia 30–2

  Datis 266–8

  Daun, FM Leopold 113, 114, 115

  Davout, Marshal Louis-Nicolas 65, 69, 284

  Dayan, Gen. Moshe 257

  Daza, Hilarión 300

  de Bohun, Henry 51, 52

  deception 8, 12, 204–61, 206–7, 320

  defeat 22–3, 24

  Democritus 91

  Desaix, Lt. Gen. Louis 338, 339, 340

  Dettingen, Battle of 28

  dictatorship, post-colonial 85

  Dien Bien Phu, Battle of 264, 364–6

  Digna, Osman 125

  Dionysus 211

  discipline 159, 162

  dive-bombers 189, 192, 193, 196

  Dônitz, Adm. Karl 195, 197

  Doria, Gianandrea 153

  double agents 207, 251

  Dowding, Air Chf. Mshl. Sir Hugh 191

  Drake, Sir Francis 155, 157–8

  Dresden, Peace of 237

  Dreyse, Johann von 171

  Driesen, Lt. Gen. Wilhelm von 115

  drill 159

  Dumanoir, Adm. Pierre 63, 64

  Dumouriez, Gen. Charles-François 60

  Dunant, Henri 168, 170–1

  Dunkirk, evacuation of 189

  dynastic ambition
s 17


  economics, and warfare 16

  Edington, Battle of 84, 91–3

  Edirne, Third Battle of 181–3

  Edson, Col. Merritt 310, 311

  Edward I, King of England 50, 51

  Edward II, King of England 22, 50–3

  Edward III, King of England 146–50

  Edward, the Black Prince 147

  Edward the Confessor, King of England 42, 43

  Edwin, Earl 44

  Egypt 124–7, 144–5, 256–9, 290–3, 321, 322–4

  ancient 13, 14, 89

  Einhard 214, 216

  Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D. 366

  Eisenstein, Sergei 224, 225, 226

  El Alamein, Second Battle of 247, 249, 321

  electronic battlefield 25, 136, 192, 203

  Elles, Lt. Col. Hugh 184, 185

  encirclement 137, 278

  England 50–3, 91–3, 104–7, 154–8, 162–4, 230–4

  English Civil War 20, 162–4

  Enigma 195, 247

  Epaminondas 138–40, 278

  Erlon, Count Jean Baptiste d’ 343

  Ertür, Rakim 183

  Escala, Erasmo 300

  Eshkol, Levi 257

  Ethiopia 83, 120–3, 264, 265, 320

  Eudus, Duke 272–3, 276

  Eurybiades, Admiral 88

  Ewell, Lt. Gen. Richard 297, 298


  Fairfax, Sir Thomas 162, 163, 164

  Falkenhayn, Gen. Erich von 302–4, 351

  Falklands, Battle for the 366–9

  Fascism 17

  ‘Fat Man’ 200

  Fatimid Caliphate 220

  Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor 158, 159, 161

  First World War 20, 25, 134–5, 183, 184–6, 189, 268, 269, 282, 302–8, 346–51

  flank attack 137

  Fletcher, Adm. Frank 309, 359, 360

  flight in battle 23–4

  Foch, Gen. Ferdinand 350

  formation 159, 160–1

  fortune, good 12, 319–69, 320–1

  France 59–69, 85, 104–7, 168–71, 187–9, 214–16, 230–4, 237–43, 249–52, 264, 272–6, 282–92, 302–8, 315, 349–51, 364–6

  France, Battle of 187–9

  Francis I, Emperor of Austria 22

  Francis II, King of the Two Sicilies 72–4

  François, Gen. Hermann von 347, 348

  Franconians 277, 278

  Franks 214–16, 272–6

  Franz-Joseph, Emperor of Austria 169, 170, 172, 174

  Frederick I Barbarossa, Emperor of Germany 28, 96–9

  Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia 17, 113–15, 140, 207, 234–7, 321

  Frederick William II, King of Prussia 59–61

  French Revolution 59

  French Revolutionary Wars 20, 25, 59–61, 338–41

  Friedrich-Wilhelm, Crown Prince of Prussia 174

  Fritigern 329, 330

  Froissart, Jean 148

  Fukishima Masanori 337

  Fulford, Battle of 44

  Furius, Lucius 213


  Galerius, Emperor 41

  galleasses 150, 151–2, 153, 154

  Galiéni, Gen. Joseph 350, 351


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