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brides for brothers 04 - cowboy surrender

Page 9

by Judy Christenberry

  Instead, he noticed the stricken expression on B.J.’s face. Squatting down, he scooped Toby up in his arms, bringing him to his eye level. “Well, Toby, that’s something men do when they think a lady is pretty.”

  Toby gave him a doubtful look. “I think Amber Lloyd is pretty, but I don’t kiss her.”

  “Right, son. That’s because you’re not grown-up. When you’re a man—” he paused and looked at B.J., then turned back to Toby “—you sometimes kiss a lady because she’s special.”

  “Mommy’s special,” Toby said, nodding.

  “My thoughts exactly,” Jake agreed.

  “Why are you here, Toby? What did Mildred want?” B.J. said abruptly, avoiding Jake’s eyes.

  “She said I should see if you’re taking me to the bus stop this morning. If you’re busy, she said she could.” Toby didn’t even bother to look at his mother. He was examining Jake’s hat.

  “I’ll take you.”

  “Okay. What happened to your hat, Mr. Jake?” His little finger reached out to trace a crease B.J.’s truck had pressed into it.

  “Um, it got run over, Toby. Looks kind of bad, doesn’t it?” Jake asked, but he looked at B.J. Sudden recognition appeared in her eyes, and she stared at his hat.

  “I like your hat. When I grow up, I’m going to have one just like it.”

  “Don’t you have a hat now?” Jake asked, an idea forming in his head.

  “I have a baseball cap, but I don’t have a cowboy hat.”

  “Toby, I think we’d better go,” B.J. snapped, as if she were angry with her son.

  “Wait a minute, B.J.,” Jake said, stopping her. “I’ve got an idea. Why don’t the three of us go hat shopping this afternoon? I’ll get me a new one, and Toby could pick out a hat for his birthday. Would you like a hat as your birthday gift from me?”

  “I can’t go this afternoon,” she immediately said.

  Jake didn’t know if she didn’t want him to buy Toby a hat or if she was genuinely busy, but he wasn’t going to give up. “How about tomorrow afternoon?”

  “Please, Mommy?” Toby added.

  Jake almost burst out laughing. If he’d asked B.J. to go shopping, just the two of them, he knew she would’ve turned him down flat. But when it involved Toby, her determination wavered.

  “There’s no need for you to buy him a hat, Jake.”

  Toby’s face fell, and he hugged the boy closer to him. “I want to buy him a present he’ll enjoy. A hat’s a lot more practical than a toy truck.”

  Suddenly she capitulated. “Fine. Tomorrow.”

  “Great. What time do you get out of school, Toby?”

  “At lunchtime. What time is that, Mommy?”

  “Twelve o’clock. But there’s no need to interrupt your day, Jake. We can meet you some place in town at four,” B.J. suggested.

  “That’s no problem. Why don’t you and I meet here at eleven-thirty, drive to town and pick up Toby and have lunch at the sandwich shop? Then we’ll go shopping.”

  “That’s not necessary. You’ve got lots to do and—”

  “Everyone’s been riding me about not ever taking time off. If I want the afternoon off, then I’ll take it. See you then.” He set Toby on the ground and then leaned over to kiss her, briefly this time. It wasn’t nearly as exciting as their earlier kiss, nor as satisfying, but it beat nothing at all.

  Before she could protest or change their plans, he left the barn. He strode over to the indoor arena, figuring to check on the hands working there. As he opened the door, he heard Toby’s little voice shouting a goodbye. He turned to wave at the pair.

  B.J. didn’t respond.

  But the thought of the next afternoon kept a smile on Jake’s face all day. He was pleased to have found such a good gift for Toby. Heck, the kid had lived on the ranch almost a year. He needed a cowboy hat.

  Maybe some chaps, too. And a good pair of leather gloves. After all, he’d probably grow up and work on the ranch during his teen years for spending money. Might as well equip him right.

  “Hey, Jake,” Brett called to him as he was heading into the house that evening.

  He turned around to await Brett. A feeling of satisfaction filled him. A good day’s work, a good meal awaiting him and a lot to look forward to.

  “You look mighty pleased with yourself,” Brett commented, watching him as he stepped onto the porch.

  “Yeah,” Jake agreed with a grin. “It was a good day.”

  “Great. Uh, is it okay if I take tomorrow off? Anna and I thought we’d spend it together.”

  “If you don’t mind, why not wait until Wednesday? I’ve got plans for tomorrow afternoon, and we don’t want to leave the place too shorthanded.”

  Jake opened the door and strolled into the kitchen, knowing Brett would follow.

  “Plans? What are you doing?”

  “Birthday shopping with Toby.”

  The rest of the family was already in the kitchen, and Jake’s words stopped all conversation. Suddenly everyone was staring at him.

  “What?” he demanded, frowning.

  “Is B.J. going?” Anna asked.

  “Of course she is. I’m buying Toby a cowboy hat, and we have to try them on, find one that suits him.” He ignored his family’s intense interest. “I’m going to clean up. I won’t be long.”

  “Take your time,” Red said.

  Once Jake was out the door, everyone started talking about his announcement.

  “I wonder when he and B.J. decided this? Last night?” Janie asked.

  “Probably this morning,” Red said.

  “This morning? When did he see B.J. this morning?” Pete asked, frowning.

  “When he left you, he went straight to B.J.’s house, then the two of them walked over to the barn,” Red reported, continuing to work at the kitchen cabinet, pouring green beans into a serving bowl.

  “You spying on Jake?” Chad asked.

  “Nope. Just working here at the sink, looking out the window. Couldn’t help but see.”

  “Great,” Janie said, enthusiastically. “Let us know if you see anything else.”

  JAKE STRODE from the house after dinner, wanting to check some supplies before he went into town the next day. Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention.

  He turned toward B.J.’s house and saw what had distracted him. Toby.

  His smile broadened. In Toby’s hands was the rope he’d given him last week to practice.

  “Hold still, Spot,” Toby called to his dog as he swung the rope.

  Jake realized he’d neglected an important detail in his roping instructions.

  “Hey, Toby, how’s it going?”

  “Mr. Jake! Look! I’ve been practicing.”

  “I can see.” Jack squatted down and scratched behind Spot’s ears after the puppy wriggled his way to Jake. “But I forgot to tell you something.”

  “What, Mr. Jake?” the little boy said, raising his gaze anxiously. “I’m holding it just like you said.”

  Jake couldn’t resist giving the boy a hug. He’d enjoyed teaching Toby to rope last week. The boy’s serious concentration, emphasized by a frown on his forehead, had tickled him.

  “You’re doin’ fine. But I forgot to mention that you shouldn’t use Spot as a target. You might hurt him.”

  Toby’s eyes widened in alarm. “Oh, no!” He reached for his dog, clutching him to his chest. “I wouldn’t hurt Spot, Mr. Jake.”

  “I know you wouldn’t. How about we set up a post over there—” he gestured toward the barn “—and you can practice on it? Then, when you’ve got it down, we’ll take you out and let you try to rope a real cow.”

  Toby’s eyes widened again, this time in excitement. “Gee, Mr. Jake, that’d be neat! I’ll practice all the time!”

  “But not tomorrow. We’re going shopping for a hat, remember?”

  “I remember. I want a hat just like yours.”

  “Not like this one,” Jake said, fingering his cowboy hat. He forgo
t Toby as he remembered how his hat had been flattened. And the kiss that had preceded it. B. J. Anderson was some kisser.

  “Mr. Jake?” Toby tugged on his jacket. “Why are you smiling?”

  Jake stared at the boy, trying to collect his thoughts. “Uh, I guess I was thinking about your mom.”

  “Mommy?” Toby paused and then said, “Do you like my mommy?”

  “Of course I do.” Jake’s mind flashed back to his previous thoughts. Yeah, he liked Toby’s mother. B.J. was a very attractive woman.

  “I like you teaching me things. Mommy doesn’t know how to rope.” Toby leaned against his knee, and Jake put his arm around him.

  “You’ve got a good mom, but there are some things that only guys know about.”

  “Yeah,” Toby agreed. Then, with some hesitation, he continued, “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure, Toby. You can ask me anything.”

  “What’s a ho?”

  Jake frowned. “Well, it’s a tool for digging in a garden.”


  “Why, Toby? Are you planning on planting a garden?” Not that there was anything wrong with putting in a garden, but cowboys weren’t farmers, and he’d thought Toby wanted to learn to be a cowboy.

  “No. But when one of the boys at school called a girl that, our teacher made him go to time-out and told us not never to say it ’cause it was naughty.” Toby’s voice sounded puzzled.

  Jake could understand his confusion. “Sorry, Toby, but I thought you meant a different word. The word you’re asking about is bad. Your teacher was right.”

  “But what does it mean?”

  Jake was tempted to tell Toby to ask his mother. But he couldn’t do that. “Uh, it’s a name men call women when they think they’re too—too friendly with other men. But a gentleman doesn’t use it, and he wouldn’t let anyone else use it if they’re talking about his woman. I mean, his friend.”

  “He’d punch him in the nose!” Toby said with relish, his eyes lighting up.

  “Yeah,” Jake agreed. “And don’t ever use that word yourself.”

  “No, I won’t.” Toby put his hand on Jake’s cheek. “Mr. Jake, if someone called my mommy that word, would you hit him?”

  “Is that who they were talking about?” Jake demanded, surprising emotion filling him.

  “No. But if someone did, would you hit him?”

  “Yeah, I would,” Jake admitted. “I’d flatten him before he knew what hit him.” He realized his hold on Toby had tightened, and he forced himself to relax. Then he thought about what he’d just said. Maybe that hadn’t been the best response to give an impressionable child.

  He tried again. “Uh, Toby, fighting in school isn’t a good idea, you know.”

  “I know, Mr. Jake. Our teacher told us.”

  “Great. Well, I’ve got to go. check on some things.”

  “I have to go take my bath. Mommy makes me,” Toby said in disgusted tones.

  “That’s what moms are for, Toby. Besides, ladies like us to smell good.”

  “Do you take lots of baths, Mr. Jake?”

  “Well, usuallly I take showers, but, yeah, I take my fair share of them.”

  With a resigned shrug, Toby replied, “Okay, then I won’t complain.”

  “Good boy,” Jake said as he stood, patting Toby on the head.

  “Mr. Jake?”


  “If I have any more questions I can’t ask Mommy, can I ask you?”

  Jake grinned. He kind of liked playing the role of mentor to the four-year-old. He only hoped B.J. wouldn’t mind. “Sure, Toby. Any time.”

  The two parted, and Jake headed toward the barn with a smile on his lips.

  Chapter Nine

  B.J. had changed her mind the next day, deciding going into town with Jake wasn’t a good idea. When she tried to persuade him to her way of thinking, however, she met with solid resistance.

  “No way. You’re just trying to steal my idea for a present, but I thought of it first.”

  “Jake, that’s not it. You can buy him a hat, but I don’t think our appearing in town together is a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “We’re just trying to convince Red and Mildred, not the entire community. You know how fast gossip spreads around town.”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  B.J. crossed her arms and gave him an exasperated look.

  “If you don’t want to go, fine. I’ll pick Toby up from school, and we’ll go without you,” Jake said, a stubborn look on his face.

  “No, you’re not going without me,” she protested, unable to face remaining at home while Jake took Toby.

  “Then let’s go.”

  She did as he said, but she wasn’t happy about it. They had a silent ride into town.

  Any tension was dispelled as soon as Toby saw them waiting. He broke into a run, his face beaming.

  “Now, aren’t you glad we didn’t cancel?” Jake murmured.

  B.J. shot him an irritated look, but he was right. She hated disappointing her son. She knelt for Toby’s hug and was surprised to discover Jake beside her. After Toby hugged her, Jake held out his arms.

  “I should get a hug, too, shouldn’t I?”

  Toby didn’t hesitate, but B.J. stood, her heart churning. Toby already had put Jake on a pedestal. How much was their pretense going to hurt her son?

  “Mrs. Anderson?”

  She turned to see Toby’s preschool teacher coming toward her. “Hello, Mrs. Bell. How are things going?”

  “Just lovely. I wanted to be sure that Toby found you. He told me he was supposed to meet you and Jake today instead of taking the bus.”

  Jake stood with Toby’s arms around his neck. “Mornin’, Loretta.”

  “Mornin’, Jake. I see Toby found his hero. You’re all he’s talked about all morning.”

  “Must’ve been a pretty dull morning, then,” Jake returned with a laugh.

  B.J. sighed. Mrs. Bell was approaching retirement, but she could no more resist Jake Randall’s charm than any other woman. The teacher laughed and reached out to touch Jake’s arm. “You’ve been good for Toby. Now when the other boys talk about their daddies, he always mentions you.”

  B.J. froze, dismay filling her. “You never mentioned a problem, Mrs. Bell.”

  The woman’s gaze flew from Jake’s to hers. “Oh, there isn’t a problem, Mrs. Anderson. At least not one that you could help. Toby sometimes felt a little left out because he only has one parent. He’s not the only one with that problem.”

  B.J. had known, once Toby started school, that he would feel the loss of his father. But she hadn’t planned on Jake being the substitute. “I hope you will remind him that Jake is a friend, not—not his father.”

  Very gently, with a sympathetic smile, Mrs. Bell said, “Toby doesn’t get confused, Mrs. Anderson. He’s a very smart little boy.”

  B.J. nodded and avoided Jake’s gaze. “Thank you for checking on Toby, Mrs. Bell. He’s enjoying your class very much.”

  They said their goodbyes and got into Jake’s truck, Toby between them. Jake helped him fasten his seat belt before B.J. remembered. Her mind was too occupied with Toby’s teacher’s words.

  “Quit worryin’,” Jake said softly over Toby’s head.

  Her gaze met his, but she couldn’t respond. Not worry? About her only child and how she might be hurting him? Nothing could keep her from doing that.

  “I told everyone about my birthday present,” Toby announced brightly. Then a shadow fell across his face. “But Larry said I shouldn’t tell. That it had to be a secret. Does it have to be a secret, Mr. Jake?”

  “No, Toby. I’ll get you something else as a secret. Then—”

  “No!” B.J. protested. “No, Jake, only one present. You’ll spoil Toby if you’re not careful.”

  “Are you only going to buy him one present?” Jake challenged, squaring his jaw and staring at her.

  “That has nothing to do with it. I’
m his mother.” And Jake Randall wasn’t his father. She had to make that point, even if she didn’t say it out loud.

  Instead of responding, Jake put the truck in gear and headed toward the main street of Rawhide. “Are you hungry, Toby?”

  “Yeah! We had juice and cookies, but I dropped one of mine on the floor and it broke into little pieces. Mrs. Bell wouldn’t let me eat it.”

  “Thank goodness,” B.J. said with a laugh, reaching over to push back his hair, which always flopped onto his forehead. “I think you’re about due for a haircut.”

  “Hey, me too. How about we get our hair cut before we buy our hats, Toby?”

  B.J. bit her bottom lip. Toby was still a little leery of barbershops. Until a few months ago, she or Mildred had usually trimmed his hair. But when Mr. Jake suggested something, Toby, it appeared, had no doubts.

  She was going to have to get the man to recommend baths. Though she had to admit Toby had been amazingly compliant last night.

  “Yeah, that’d be fun,” Toby agreed.

  “Okay with you, Mom?” Jake asked, surprising her with the familiar term.

  “Yes, of course, if Toby doesn’t mind.”

  “That way our hats will fit better, right, Toby?”

  “Right, Mr. Jake.”

  Lunch was a revelation to B.J. All her admonitions to Toby about manners seldom had taken hold in his consciousness. But today, when Jake took his napkin and spread it across his lap, Toby immediately did the same. When Jake said thank-you to the waitress, Toby did also.

  Of course, Jake’s words had the young woman blushing and batting her eyelashes. Toby’s earned him a pat on the head.

  “So, what’ll you have, Toby?” Jake asked.

  “What are you having?” Toby asked.

  Jake looked over the top of the menu, sharing his amusement with B.J. She supposed, if her son was going to have a hero, Jake Randall wasn’t a bad choice. But she was worried about how far the hero worship would go. Even so, she smiled at Jake.

  “I’m thinking of having a big, fat, juicy hamburger.”

  “Me, too.”

  Surprise, surprise, surprise.

  “B.J.? You made up your mind yet?”

  She turned her attention to the menu instead of the two males at the table and quickly made a decision. “Yes, I’ll have the chicken-salad sandwich.”


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