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Cowboy Edition EBook

Page 12

by Maree, Kay

  “I’m sure if you don’t want the girl someone else definitely will,” he throws back at me, setting my back teeth on edge, my jaw locks, my teeth grinding together.

  “Old man you start up with that new flashy toy shit again, I’m gonna lose it,” I manage to spit out making him chuckle but this time it’s a whole-body laugh that pisses me off.

  I would never hit my father, but right now my body is on a tightrope and one wrong push and I don’t know what the fuck I will do.

  “Man the fuck up and get the girl and once that is done your head will be better off.”

  Before I can reply he keeps talking.

  “I can’t wait to tell your mother you nearly came off Bandit,” he laughs.

  “Fuck,” I rub my face in frustration but I can’t stop smiling.

  “You’re a shit-stirrer old man,” I grunt, which only makes him laugh harder.

  “If you need the week, then take it, but just so you know it only took me two days to rope your mum.”

  “This shit ain’t a competition,” I grumble.

  “And I don’t need to hear about you roping shit, especially my mother.” I point at him.

  He shrugs as he heads back into the barn, laughing his ass off.

  “How the fuck do you think you got here?” he calls over his shoulder.

  “The cabbage patch mother fucker,” I grunt out chuckling.

  “If that’s what you think someone better talk to your girl and let her know what she’s getting herself into.”

  I like the sound of him calling her my girl because whether she knows it or not that is what she is.

  “Do you know how old she is?”

  “You didn’t ask?” he stops and stares at me.

  I shrug, not really caring because I will have her either way.

  “Cora Hope is 26, a Gemini, and likes long walks on the beach,” he says in the worst TV Show host voice I have ever heard.

  “What the fuck,” I laugh.

  “You have serious issues.” I shake my head, still laughing.

  “Well I don’t know about the long walks on the beach or if she is a Gemini but I do know she is 26 and all your mum could get out of Lucy was that the last couple of months that girl has gone through hell and needed a break.”

  Cora is four years younger than me.

  I don’t see an issue, but maybe she might.

  I’m sure I could change her mind.

  More than anything, I wanna know what she has been through and help her find what she came here for. I know she probably didn’t plan on finding me, but that doesn’t mean I’ll give up without a fight. It just means I have to give her time and ease her into now being mine.

  Whoever hurt my Little Mare is a piece of shit and never deserved her to begin with because anyone with eyes could see what a prize she is.

  I always ride to win, and this is one ride I will never let go of.

  “It’s still gonna be funny as shit watching this play out cause from where I’m standing she ain’t gonna go down easy,” he calls over his shoulder as he resumes heading towards where he was going before.

  “How the fuck does mum put up with your ass?” I call out heading to where he is rubbing down his own black horse Hades.

  “I have my ways, don't ever doubt that,” he winks, sending a shudder through me.

  “Stop,” I ground out.

  Disgust coating that one word, not wanting to think about that making him laugh.

  The sound of a truck pulling up has us both looking towards the open barn doors.

  My best friend and neighbour since we were babies.

  Lucas Knight jumps out, kicking up the gravel with his boots as he heads towards us.

  “What’s happening?” I call out, lifting my chin.

  Thrusting my hand out when he stops in front of Dad and me.

  “Not a lot brother, I just dropped off some supplies at Steel Mare,” he shrugs with a bored look on his face but when his eyes hit mine a spark of something shines through.

  What is this fucker up to?

  I don’t have to wonder for long as a shit-eating grin spreads across his mouth.

  “What has that look on your face?” my gut twists, not sure I want to know.

  “I don’t know where your mum found that new girl Cora but let’s just say my dreams are gonna be sweet tonight just picturing her in those tight little denim shorts covering an ass so sweet I could cry, has my co---” before I can stop myself I react and have him pinned by the throat to the barn wall before he can finish his sentence.

  My breaths pick up speed and I’m panting like a Bull about to fucking strike.

  “Nash,” Dad barks out, but I ignore him, leaning my face into Lucas’s that’s beginning to turn red.

  “You don’t fucking talk about her and you sure as shit don’t get the privilege of thinking of her sweet ass. You just need to keep thinking where the fuck I am and what the fuck I’m gonna do to you if you touch her because she is fucking MINE!” I ground out so hard even I hear how hard my voice is, my muscles pulse wanting to break him, the blood in my veins pumping so fast my heartbeat thunders in my ears.

  Heavy hands drag me back; my hand is forced away from Lucas’s neck as he drops, taking in a few deep breaths.

  I begin to pace, tension radiating through me.

  Stopping stock still when the last thing I expected was for him to start laughing his ass off at me, throwing in a knee slap as well.

  “What the fuck,” I snap looking at my father and he’s chuckling as well.

  I squint at the pair of them, wondering what the fuck is going on.

  “Nothing brother,” Lucas gets out between his laughter.

  “I mean it, Lucas. Touch her and Dad won’t be there to pull me off you next time.” I tighten my hands into fists at my sides.

  He must see how serious I am cause he stops short before holding his hands up in surrender.

  “I was just fucking with you; I have no interest in your girl but your mum told me I should rile you up a bit.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” I spit out.

  “What the hell?” I run my hands through my hair, knocking my hat off in the process.

  Trying to calm my ass down, I run them down my face before bending down and snatching up my hat off the ground, dusting it off before putting it back on, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Well, your mum wasn’t sure if you were interested or not, and she may have suggested that I give you a little push,” he shrugs, smirking as if I didn't just have him pinned to the wall by the throat.

  Then something clicks in my head, jealousy, anger and tension comes rushing back about what he said.

  “Did you say Cora is wearing shorts?”

  “Yeah man and trust me, I ain’t the only male in town looking.”

  “Sonofabitch.” I grip the back of my neck giving it a tight squeeze but nothing is working.

  I need her in my bed with my handprint on her ass.

  “I need to go,” I rush out, my cock pulsing, wanting exactly that.

  “Nash, I’m sure your mum meant well,” Dad chuckles.

  “Shut it old man,” I storm past him.

  “God, save me from parents that want to send me to an early grave or behind metal bars from killing every male in this goddamn town,” I rushed out, making Dad burst out laughing followed by Lucas.

  “We just know what’s good for you,” he shouts back as I slam my truck door closed, turning the engine over, reversing before putting the truck in gear leaving a cloud of dust behind me when I put my foot to the floor as a plan begins to form on how to make her see I am her only option.

  Rope her, wrangle her into position and then brand that ass as mine…

  “What brings a cute little thing like you to our little town?” Earl asks, taking a swig of his beer I just placed in front of him. He seems like a nice man and from what June said he is a regular f
rom the minute the doors open till they close.

  He lives upstairs in one of the rooms they have for travellers to book accommodation; it makes it easy for him to be around for June if she needs it. Earl told me when his wife passed away last year from breast cancer he passed off his farm to his son and asked if he could rent out one of the rooms permanently.

  He also helps out around the place with maintenance and making sure the free campgrounds behind the pub stay operational and tended to.

  It was a win-win for both of them and keeps his mind occupied being in his late sixties and only ever working the land his whole life he still has a mind as quick as a whip so this was the next best thing besides what he was originally doing.

  With thinning grey hair, standing about the same size as me and from what I have noticed he doesn’t stop smiling, he reminds me of my adopted grandfather John.

  The only man in my life that has always been there for me, even when I was shifted from my foster parents at the time because John’s son was abusive and a drunk. I was shifted around so many times, different houses, different faces that seem to bleed together now when I try to look back at the memories. If I’m being honest with myself I am lucky to remember half of them every time I moved another piece of me was lost never to be found again, lonely, heartbroken knowing the next place was only gonna take a little more of me. A little more I wasn’t willing to give but had no choice in the matter as the years passed and as I got older, I was easily overlooked so it became easy to shut down and close myself off to everyone but no matter what or wherever I ended up; he was always there when I called.

  John kept me sane and helped me hold out a small sliver of hope that there was a place in this big world for little old me, that someday I would find someone that wanted me and not just so the government would send them money for providing me with a roof over my head. Everything inside me wanted to live with John, but because he wasn’t married, the agency didn’t think it was right for a young girl to live with a man.

  For so long I was angry, and I tried to understand it, but again I was left feeling pushed aside. My feelings and what I wanted meant nothing to so many people for so long I wanted to scream out at the injustice of it all. Instead, I swallowed it all down and built a barrier around me, never wanting to feel so helpless, unwanted again.

  The minute the state released me at the age of 18 I went and lived with John, it was great, and he treated me like his granddaughter but for all those years of being pushed aside by the people that were supposed to be there for me had already done its damage and it all changed me.

  Then I met Patrick, and I thought for a split second in time that finally I was going to live the rest of this life with someone that truly wanted me.

  And the life I had always imagined was just waiting for me.

  White picket fence and all but fuck was I wrong instead I’m back to being semi-homeless, barely a cent to my name and my grandfather helping me pick up the pieces once again.

  John always hated Patrick and told me I deserved better than what he could give me, but I never listened and when everything went ass up, he was there to hold me while I cried. When I called him the night before I came here he told me to take as much time as I needed and that he would start organizing the sale on my house and have my stuff moved in with him.

  Not that I had a lot.

  A lump forms in my throat knowing my house has to be sold.

  I tried so hard to hold on to it, but with the divorce being finalised last week and not having a dime to buy Patrick out, I have no other option but to sell.

  “Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you,” a warm hand settles over mine snapping me back to the now, shaking my head blinking away the tears that have gathered in the corners of my eyes.

  “Oh, you didn’t Earl, sorry my head’s a bit of a mess at the moment,” I say trying to force a smile but by the look on his weathered, sun-kissed face I don’t think I was successful.

  “You listen to me dearie and you listen good,” he points at me, all serious now.

  “Life isn’t supposed to be easy but it sure as hell shouldn’t be a constant fight so you take as much time as you need to get that noggin,” he taps his forehead, “working the way it should but whatever you do, don’t dwell in the shit you can’t change.

  Take it from an old codger like me; you miss too much of the good memories that way.

  There are times in life where you want to pack it all in and say stuff it. Trust me, I have been there, but I’m telling you right now, don’t give up on what you are looking for. It might just be on the next page of your story just waiting for you to turn the page and grab it by the reins and when that day comes don’t be too scared to hold on. Some of the best things in life come when we least expect it,” he winks before picking up his beer and taking another mouthful.

  Well shit, that has to be one of the most powerful things I have ever been told.

  “Has anyone ever told you you have a way with words,” I say, a genuine smile pulls at my mouth this time as a light laugh leaves my lips letting his words soak through me.

  “I know, but no one around here appreciates me and what I have to say,” he spouts off.

  He winks, tilting his head towards June as she makes her way toward us.

  “Oh, stop your moaning Earl.” she shakes her head “I’m sure Buddy will be here soon and you two can go piss and moan about the fact you guys are so hard up,” June replies, smirking as she slots a tray of clean glasses under the bar.

  “You look like a good kid Cora don’t let our June here trick you into thinking she is sweet cause I’m telling you she is full of shit, that woman is full of piss and vinegar. I don’t know how Lou puts up with her,” he says smugly.

  “More like how do I put up with that man and his caveman ways?” June replies, laughing, making me laugh harder. Everything I was thinking about before mixed with the words Earl just gave me gets pushed back in the deep recesses of my mind to dwell over later.

  For the next couple of hours, we are run off our feet as the lunch rush floods in and in between pouring drinks, writing down lunch orders for Sam the cook to make up.

  I haven’t had a chance to think about anything besides what to do next, and for the first time in a long time, I feel free and welcomed with open arms into this small community of hard-working people.

  I can’t count how many times I have been wrapped into a bear hug, some a little more handsy than I would have liked but June was always there to pull me away telling them they would have to deal with Nash if they touched me again.

  She would wink at me as if we shared some secret joke, but I didn’t have a clue what she meant by that, so I would just nod and get on with whatever I was doing.

  Laughing, I shake my head at something Kasey says.

  She helps run the local bakery down the road with her mum.

  She looks about my age but with long fire red hair and with an attitude to match.

  My heart warms each time someone talks to me as if they have known me their whole life, as if I am one of them.

  Besides John, Sophie and her family, I have never felt like this before.

  These people know nothing about me, but they want to.

  My mind is in a constant battle on whether I should let these people in or try to be as stoic as possible, but they all seem so kind I really want to let myself feel everything they have to give.

  “The beer garden has a few empties lying around. Would you mind going to collect them for me, sweetheart?” June asks, pouring another beer for Earl and Buddy as the pair of old men sit at the bar smoking and giving people shit.

  “No worries,” I smile, heading around the bar towards the open doorway of the big beer garden at the back that has pool tables spread out, bar stools run the length of the walls and seating with tables scattered around.

  Huge windows are open with benches running underneath each one so you can eat or drink looking out
at the view of fields and bushland around us. Another old jukebox is fixed to the wall, a smaller one than the free-standing old style one in the main bar. Looking around, I smile at a few guys in hi-vis sitting at a table eating as You shook me all night long by ACDC blasts out of the speakers around the room.

  Humming along to the lyrics.

  I smile at the men again as I start to collect the dirty glasses around the space, sucking in a deep breath when the air seems to get hotter and the beer garden seems to get smaller.

  My pulse picks up speed, feeling eyes on me.

  “Motherfuckers,” is ground out deep, low and rough, so rough it slides right through me, sending shivers racing down my spine.

  My pulse picks up speed, knowing the owner of that voice straight away.

  Peeking over my shoulder, my mouth goes dry at the sight of Nash Steel standing tall, his muscles flexing, his hands are white-knuckled in tight fists at his sides.

  “Wanna stop looking at my woman’s ass?” my eyes snap to his face as his words rip from his throat with so much force if the other guys weren’t sitting down they would be now.

  It’s a tone to make you stand up and take notice before backing the fuck away.

  “Sorry, Nash,” I hear through the fog in my head.

  “Didn’t know she was spoken for,” another one speaks up.

  I shake my head in confusion as I look around to see who he's talking about, but since it’s only the truckers and me…

  My heart picks up speed, a gasp slips past my parted lips understanding he was talking about me.

  My mouth pops open to say something but no words come, my heart thunders in my chest. Then before I can brace myself, his eyes snap to mine, locking, refusing to let go.

  They swim like a brewing storm before slowly travelling the length of my body, caressing every exposed inch. His nose flares, jaw grinding as heat simmers low in the pit of my stomach.

  My thighs automatically squeeze together as a dull throb begins, my breathing is laboured as sweat forms across my chest.

  What the fuck is this man doing to me?


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