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Cowboy Edition EBook

Page 34

by Maree, Kay

  Brandon released the reins from one hand and lifted this hand from my leg. I heard rather than felt him adjust his hat, then the telltale scrape of his hand running down his face.

  "Look, I owe you an apology, Louisiana. I was out of line last night and I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. If you want, I can talk to the sheriff about getting you removed from-"

  “No!” I shouted.

  Brandon jerked and Jake swiveled quickly in his saddle. I sent Jake a reassuring smile, then lowered my voice when he turned back around.

  “Please don’t. I can’t go back there, please. I’ll do anything you want, just please don’t call the sheriff.”

  Tears began to burn in my eyes as near-overwhelming dread lay like a dead weight in my stomach. I would run away before I returned to prison; that’s how strongly I felt about it. Sniffing and palming away a threatening tear, I blinked rapidly to clear the rest before it became obvious I was crying.

  “Christ, I didn’t mean to upset you, darlin’. I just didn’t want you to think that I was takin’ advantage of you. That’s not why you’re here.”

  I nodded. “I know. It’s just there’s so much riding on me being here.”

  Brandon’s hand returned to my thigh where his fingers splayed wide. It almost felt like a protective move, or one of reassurance. Either way, it worked, and I found myself welcoming the warmth of his touch. The lack of intimate—not necessarily sexual—contact over the last eight months had been the hardest to deal with. I missed affection. I missed little arms around my neck and snuggles from my main man. I missed feeling loved and needed. And I missed being looked at like I was a man’s entire universe.

  “I’m sorry for last night too,” I admitted. “I bullied you into standing in the rain, then I touched your-” I cut off as my cheeks burned with embarrassment.

  Brandon’s amused chuckle made them flare further. “My dick? Yeah, I noticed.”

  My inhale snagged and the ache in my lower belly got stronger. I swear he could hear how hoarse my breathing turned.

  “But I groped you, so I guess that makes us even?” he added.

  Oh god, this was almost too much to handle. My nerves were nearly completely shredded from the conversation alone.

  “It only makes us even if you liked it,” I teased, then immediately wished I hadn’t.

  “I did,” Brandon whispered against my ear, sending shivers cascading down my spine.

  He grunted, then shifted behind me before setting his hand back on my leg. “Damn, sitting back here just got a whole lot more uncomfortable.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “That bad, huh?”

  “Yes, that bad, Louisiana,” he hissed.

  I was glad to have him at my back—he couldn’t see how wide my smile was or how red my cheeks were. Unfortunately, Jake was still one horse length in front of us and chose that moment to look back over his shoulder.

  “Are you two sitting in a sun-pocket or somethin’? You’re both red as fuck,” he exclaimed, looking genuinely surprised by what he saw.

  “Jesus, Jake!” Brandon yelled loud enough for his true frustration to show.

  “What?” Jake asked, putting on an innocent face. “I thought you were hungry, so wonderin’ what's with the dawdling all of a sudden?”

  Muttering under his breath, Brandon moved subtly, and the horse picked up a gear.

  Great, thanks to Jake and his big mouth. We headed for home at a faster pace than before—and that meant less time with Brandon’s body creating sparks against mine.


  I could have throttled Jake. Never before had he pushed my buttons so much. Even the first week after he arrived from the clink paled in comparison to the amount of bullshit he’d been throwing about since Louisiana arrived. Always with the perfectly timed appearance or interjection of a smart-ass comment.

  The scent of Louisiana’s hair effortlessly drew my attention back to her. So close I could set my lips on the juncture of her neck and shoulder, right at the perfect spot to taste her flawless skin. See if it was as smooth as it looked.

  Her hips rolled with each step Red took beneath us, and the only way to take my focus away from the sway was to sit as close as I could to her. That, however, created a massive problem for my dick; it was wedged against the back of the saddle, all but fully hard and building one hell of a predicament.

  I struggled to keep my breath steady as the fresh smell of wet grass and leaves around us faded to become second best to Louisiana's fragrance. It wasn't perfume but a combination of shampoo, deodorant, and hay that had me leaning closer and pressing my hand a little firmer against her thigh. She must have been in the barn before coming out here.

  Visions of laying her down in the hay and sinking inside her slayed me from left field. I hadn’t realized a tortured groan rose from my throat until Louisiana turned just enough to look back at me.

  “Are you okay?”

  Her lips being so damn close was like dangling a steak in front of a wolf; there would be only one outcome. The moment to kiss her last night had been snatched out from under us, and it took all of my willpower to not make up for the loss. Especially after just apologizing for crossing firmly set boundaries.

  Reluctantly, I tore my gaze away from her parted, heart-shaped lips, and met her pretty blue eyes. The color was like the lake on a perfect winter's day. So clear yet with a depth of shade that rivaled the purest light-toned sapphire, and equally as stunning.

  “Do I have something on my face?” Louisiana asked with a crinkle between her brows.

  Shit, I needed to pull myself together! Clearing my throat and shaking away the spell, I forced a smile. "No, your face is beau- There's nothin' on it," I quickly amended while putting what space I could between us.

  Louisiana faced forward again, yet I could see her cheekbones tinting pink.

  “You groaned like you were sore,” she said without looking back.

  A strained laugh came out of my mouth. Yeah, I goddamn groaned! It wasn’t every day I had a view like this.

  “Just not used to riding this way darlin’. Though we’re almost home.”

  Louisiana hummed, then a wisp of a smile bunched her cheek when I re-positioned my hand on her thigh. Feelings that never had permission to form in the first place took hold of my heart. I was sure she felt whatever this was between us, and I needed to tread extremely carefully. I already knew her criminal history and what baggage that brought, and the reason she was here to begin with was at the forefront of my mind. With every move and decision, there was a choice, and at the end of the day, those had to be made by Louisiana, not me.

  The house came into view as we passed the final pasture before the yard. On a whim, I laid out a string-free invitation.

  “There’s a dance next weekend at a local ranch. Rory and Wyatt are going. If I go, do you want to come along? It’s a shared dinner, drinks, music, you know, that sort of thing.”

  I cringed at how awkward I’d just made it sound. Jake was right, I needed to find some goddamn chill.

  As if reading my thoughts, Louisiana asked, “Is Jake not invited?”

  Jake turned at his name and I held his eye contact while putting a polite spin on his plans. “Jake prefers to find entertainment a few counties over.”

  He snorted and Louisiana laughed with comprehension.

  “Maybe I should come with you,” she called.

  Without thought, my hand snapped from her thigh to her waist. The movement was firm and assertive, and it matched the possessiveness her comment created in my veins.

  “No,” both Jake and I said at the same time, though for differing reasons.

  "It was a joke, but way to shut me down, guys. You're both acting like cavemen."

  I willed my body to relax, then reluctantly released my grip on her waist. The urge to put my hand straight back on her curves was stronger than ever when Jake grinned wickedly.

  “Where I�
�m going and what I’ll be doin’, is not for your eyes, jailbird.”

  Louisiana’s quick inhale snagged in her throat, and I was positive I felt her body temperature spike through the layers of clothing between us.

  “Christ, Jake. A little tact would be nice,” I exclaimed.

  I’d never admit it, but Louisiana’s reaction created an intense wave of jealousy. I wanted to be the one making her breath hitch, not Jake.

  He roared with deep laughter and said nothing to defend himself. With his attention turning to the approaching yard, I ran a hand over my chin, then encased Louisiana in my arms while holding the reins in both hands. I didn’t need to, but it meant I had an excuse to press myself against her back.

  “Do I have to go?” she asked.

  “Not if you don’t want to. Though, if you chose not to, I’ll stay home with you. Wouldn’t want to risk you wandering the ranch at night by yourself,” I teased.

  It earned me a playful slap on my forearm that had me chuckling. I liked that side of her.

  “Can I think about it?” Louisiana asked.

  “Sure can. I’m still on the fence,” I admitted.

  “Why’s that?”

  I replied while steering Red over to the yard fence. “Last year I ended up sleeping in their barn loft.”

  Her burst of laughter was loud in my ear. “Uh, why?”

  “He was hiding from a broad,” Jake cut in.

  There was no point denying the truth. “Yeah, I was,” I chuckled. “Not sure if I have the energy to go through that again.”

  I slid off Red and tied the reins to the fence while Jake did the same with Bolt. When I looked up at Louisiana, her face was set in an expression I hadn’t seen her wear before.

  “What’s that look for, darlin’?”

  “We should go,” she blurted.

  I did a double-take and held in my laughter. “And why’s that?”

  Louisiana straightened her spine and pegged me with her cool eyes. “A, you have me curious, and B, if we show up together, maybe she’ll leave you alone.”

  It was more of a question, but I considered its merits as I reached for her.

  Her warm hands landed on both my shoulders as I lifted her down, and they stayed there for two beats after her feet hit the gravel. Even with Jake hidden from view behind Red, I resisted yet another urge to pull Louisiana close and lay one on her.

  It became damn near impossible when she looked up and blinded me with a smile as dazzling as the midday summer sun.

  Jake’s footsteps crunched on the gravel as he made his way to the barn. “Yo, boss,” he called.


  “Just c’mere.”

  Giving Louisiana a fleeting and somewhat regret-filled glance, I invited her to follow me. She hesitated and dashed an apprehensive glance at Jake. He stood at the entrance to the stables with his hands on his hips and one foot cocked up on his heel.

  “What?” I asked again.

  He turned with a grin. "Well, well, well. Someone was busy this mornin'."

  Pulling a confused face, I peered into the first stall and stared. “I’ll be damned.” I spun and found Louisiana. “You did this by yourself, this mornin’?”

  She wrung her hands nervously. "Yes. I hope that's okay? I also checked the chickens… there are some more new chicks today."

  My heart leaped in my chest and I didn't bother hiding a wide smile. No wonder the smell of her skin held a hint of hay—she’d mucked out the entire stables and they were pristine.

  “Thank you. I mean that, Louisiana. You did a great job.”

  Her face lit from my praise and shone brighter when Jake tucked her under his large arm and jostled her.

  “Good job, jailbird. We’ll make a cowgirl out of you yet.”

  Her eyes locked with mine and I swallowed hard. I didn’t want to want things like that—not when the chances of her staying here were slim to none. But Jake made it sound like an ice-cold beer after a hard day's work—so damn perfect.


  I woke at the crack of dawn on Sunday morning, thanks to Brandon’s rooster. I then dozed in bed until I heard movement on the upper floor.

  Wyatt had stopped by last night for a poker game, and I’d politely excused myself before eleven when the guys’ laughter got raucous and their conversation grew slurred.

  Alcohol made men unpredictable, and that nagging voice of warning had prevented me from falling asleep until I knew the guys had called it a night. It had been just after one in the morning when I heard the stairs creak, then a hushed conversation between Jake and Brandon took place on the landing, complete with a series of low rolling chuckles that, despite being tired and in a crappy mood, made me smile.

  Once the house fell silent again, I finally succumbed to the pull of sleep only to be woken up by the damn rooster and the first rays of sunlight reaching through the curtains.

  Whoever had just been walking around went back to their room and closed the door softly behind them.

  Bleary-eyed and cotton ball-minded, I fought my way into a hoody, then took two attempts to pull on a pair of socks. Dressed comfortably and not bothering to tame the wild mess of my hair, I ambled downstairs as quietly as I could to make coffee for one.

  With a freshly brewed coffee in hand, I let Tom in the front door and quietly called him into the lounge. Mid-bend and about to park my booty in the comfiest armchair, a deep inhale removed my focus from Tom at my feet, to the opposite couch. Wyatt’s singular cracked eye locked with mine and sent a pang of pain shooting through my chest.

  I jerked from the fright and let out a strangled yelp that knotted in my throat. A gravely chuckle came from Wyatt as I pressed my hand over my racing heart, only then realizing I’d spilled coffee all over the carpet.

  “Didn’t realize I was that ugly in the mornin’,” he drawled, his voice rough with sleep.

  Flustered, I hastily set the mug down. “Why didn’t you say anything when I first came in, or move so I knew you were in here?” I hissed.

  "I just woke up at that moment you went to sit. Your face, though…" Wyatt chuckled again and slung an arm over his face.

  I scoffed, then rolled my eyes when I heard hurried footsteps on the stairs. Brandon’s near-naked form appeared, and he darted a bewildered look around the living room.

  “I heard a yell?” he panted, looking between me and Wyatt.

  “He just scared the shit out of me.” I hoped Brandon wouldn’t spot the coffee stain soaking into his carpet.

  He scrubbed a hand over his face and groaned like he was feeling a little worse for wear after last night. Lingering wafts of alcohol rose off him, and despite it making my stomach turn, the sight of him wearing only dark blue boxer briefs had my eyes drinking him in as if he were my morning coffee.

  Lean but muscular, his entire body was varying shades of tanned. My perusal stopped at his bare feet where I marveled at how the pale color contrasted with his tanned hands. On my way back up his body, I couldn’t help but bite my lip a little as I passed his crotch, remembering what the press of his erection had felt like through his jeans. Skipping over his stomach and chest that heaved as if he was struggling for breath. A bolt of embarrassment hit my cheeks when I realized I’d been blatantly checking him out and lusting after him—while he watched.

  I released my lip from between my teeth while Brandon’s hazel eyes blazed. All weariness in his stance was gone and replaced with heat that made my lower belly tense.

  “I need a cloth,” I whispered.

  Brandon’s brow pulled low. “Eh?”

  “Oh.” Shaking clarity back into my head, I gestured at the carpet. “I accidentally spilled some coffee.”

  “My fault, apparently,” Wyatt mumbled from under his arm that was still slung across his eyes.

  I thanked my lucky stars he hadn’t witnessed me brazenly eye-fucking his best friend a moment ago.

  Brandon clearing h
is throat spurred me into action. I hurried into the kitchen as if running away from him would alleviate the tightness around my lungs. The relief lasted all of ten seconds before Brandon arrived beside me and started making himself a coffee.

  “If I can’t beat ’em, may as well join ‘em. Do you need another?” he murmured and gestured to the coffee.

  “I’m good, I think.”

  I rushed to spot-clean the carpet, then padded from the living room to the sounds of Wyatt’s gentle snores.

  “He fell asleep fast,” I whispered while my eyes traveled up and down Brandon’s bare back.

  He sniggered and turned without warning, catching me yet again satisfying my dirty desires. He simply raised his eyebrows at me before angling toward the kitchen counter.

  “It makes it less weird if I can’t see you checking me out, Louisiana,” he drawled in a wry tone.

  “You need to put some more clothes on,” I snapped and threw the cloth into the stainless steel sink.

  “You’re right. Now that I’m up, it’s a little chilly.”

  I couldn’t help myself; my gaze darted to his hardened nipples, then tried so hard to drop lower. Miraculously, I managed to stay strong.

  I was retreating to the door when Brandon softly called my name. The gentle implore to his voice hit the sweet spot inside of me that only one other filled.

  Holding my breath, I turned expectantly and my heart bottomed out when Brandon took two soundless steps closer.

  “You can go back to bed if you’d like?” he murmured.

  I tried not to let my disappointment show. “I’m up now, so...” Shrugging, I turned to leave again.

  “Louisiana,” Brandon whispered again. “Can you please take this for me? I’ll be right back after I chuck some clothes on.”

  Smiling and accepting his coffee mug, I tried to ignore his light footsteps jogging up the stairs. After settling into the armchair and lifting Tom the cat onto my lap, I chastised myself for the growing feelings that overshadowed the sadness in my heart. It wasn’t like me to get giddy over a guy. Sure, I had loved my ex way back when, but I had never been heady and breathless over him.


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