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Cowboy Edition EBook

Page 41

by Maree, Kay

  One demanding tug was all it took to lift her back onto my lap, and I barely waited until she straddled me again to palm her breast and suck on her pebbled nipple. My other hand pushed between her legs, almost fumbling with the gravity that propelled me into her orbit.

  After slipping my fingers through her wetness, our combined impatience won out. Louisiana lowered onto my dick as soon as I brushed it against her opening. She sank deep and took every inch of me with a pace that had me groaning in eye-rolling satisfaction. A curse passed my lips when she settled heavily, and I anchored my fingers onto her hips to push into her as hard as I could.

  Louisiana's mouth opened as her eyelids fell closed, so I did it again and lost myself in her pleasure-filled moan.

  “Take control before I lose mine,” I growled through gritted teeth, grinding in deep again, torn between losing all restraint and grappling to regain it.

  Louisiana’s palms slapped against my bare chest. “Lie back,” she demanded with a push.

  I fell against the bedcover and raised my palms. “Yes, ma’am!”

  Her laughter turned into a devilish smile that she wore well. So well in fact that I bucked my hips a couple of times to get the rodeo started already.

  Re-gripping her thighs, I held on while Louisiana set the pace—slow and hard to begin with before working us both up into a pace that was fast and punishing. I thrust my hips high to meet each of her movements, and the moment she reached between her legs, the sensory overload was almost too much to handle.

  Her gasps, the vice tightening around my erection, her breasts bouncing with each impact, the strain of her leg muscles under my hands, the penetration, and now, her goddamn touching herself.

  "Fuck, darlin', you either need to hurry up or let me pull out because I can't take much more of this," I grunted, coming dangerously close to the end of my tether.

  Louisiana arched back, both gifting and cursing me to a full, unashamed frontal while being thoroughly fucked.

  Grandmas, grandmas, grandmas, I chanted in a desperate effort to keep myself under control. It worked for a few seconds before her insides squeezed harder and began to pulse around me. The rush hit me out of nowhere, so intense it left me seeing stars and growling incoherently as I came. I gritted my teeth against Louisiana’s spasms as her body followed suit, leaving her panting and quaking against my thighs as we both rode the bliss zone.

  “Holy shit,” she breathed.

  “Holy shit is right. I gotta let you take control more often,” I murmured while scrubbing my hands over my face to try and bring back normal sensations.

  “Na-ah, that hair pull… that I could get used to.”

  I grinned up at her and tweaked her nipple. “Just wait until I get you on all fours, darlin’.”

  Louisiana laid a slap on my stomach, then laughed when I flinched. She lit the night sky and had me seeing stars. They shone in her eyes the same way happiness danced in her laughter. And fuck me, I was falling for her faster than a comet slicing across the Montana horizon.

  “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” I whispered.

  All the sated bliss froze, and the air turned thick around us. Louisiana gazed down at me while lazily grazing her fingers along the side of my abdomen.

  “I think you’re blind.”

  I chuckled and snagged her hand to stop the tickle. “Well, if I become blind tomorrow, the memory of you bouncing on my dick is one hell of a last vision.”

  Louisiana covered her scandalized laughter as her cheeks blushed darker than what they already were.

  “Who are you and what have you done with Brandon the gentleman?”

  “Oh he’s in there, darlin’, but back downstairs waiting to have a proper dinner with you.”

  "Well, dinner will need to wait." Louisiana bent forward until her breasts brushed my chest. "I haven't finished with dirty Brandon yet."

  I put in a little effort to rise onto one elbow and flip us over. “Your time in charge is up. Don’t move,” I ordered.

  Standing to sort myself out, I felt her gaze on me as I tugged on my boxers. Throwing another warning over my shoulder, I legged it to the bathroom to clean up—paranoid after leaving the evidence on the floor last time for Jake to bust in and see.

  When I got back to my bedroom, Louisiana had moved alright—just the right amount to kneel on the bed in wait.


  My heart swelled while watching Louisiana bounce on the balls of her feet.

  I never would have thought three months ago she would have taken to ranching like a duck to water. She even looked forward to riding Dottie now.

  After battling over everything from her jeans and boots, to which side of the bed she slept on, we’d settled on the ground rules of keeping it professional by day, then falling into bed and making up for the lost hours by night. That way Jake didn’t cop an eyeful, and if there was a spot inspection by the sheriff, we didn’t jeopardize her place in the program.

  I counted down the days until Wilson came back with Louisiana’s release papers and woke earlier than necessary this morning knowing that today was the day.

  Louisiana, the sheriff, and I signed on the dotted line. Just like that, Lou officially became a free woman.

  She managed to hold it together until the millisecond Wilson’s car was out of sight, then squealed and jumped in the air with her arms and hair flying in all directions. “I can’t believe it!”

  Jake chuckled. “How does it feel, jailbird?”

  “Ha!” Louisiana stabbed a finger at him. “You can’t call me that anymore; I’m a free bird now. And it feels amazing!” she beamed, throwing herself into my arms. “So does this.”

  I didn’t think my grin could get wider, but I was proved wrong. “We aren’t breaking rules now, darlin’. So, c’mere and kiss me like you mean it.”

  Swallowing Lou’s laughter, the playful nips I placed on her mouth turned heated the moment she grabbed me by the ears and yanked me closer.

  When Jake’s muttering and footsteps grew distant, I used the moment of privacy to kiss her like she was my last dying breath. She was my one. I’d fallen head over heels for her before I was entitled to and picturing the future with Louisiana and Ollie was effortless.

  When we broke apart, I caught Louisiana’s smile before she gently set her forehead against my chin.

  “What are you smiling at?”

  “Just happy,” she replied, looking up at me with dazzling blue eyes that never ceased to make me stare.

  I kissed her again, then bumped the tip of her nose with mine, coaxing hers to wrinkle with a cute little laugh.

  “Are you nervous about tomorrow?” she whispered.

  I dashed my tongue over my lower lip and flicked my eyes between hers. “Not nervous. In fact, I’m looking forward to it.”

  Ollie was being dropped off in the morning by his foster parents. They had become overly attached to the little guy, and after much discussion between them and Louisiana, Lou agreed to allow them to visit every once in a while. When she had asked for my opinion, I promptly bowed out of the debate after stating that as long as they weren’t causing trouble, they were welcome on my ranch as often as she wanted.

  Louisiana had bitten her lip—just like she did right now—and decided to give the arrangement a chance.

  I cupped her face and ran a thumb over her lower lip until she released it from her teeth.

  “Are you nervous about tonight?”

  She hummed. “Yes. No one has ever thrown me a party before.”

  “Well, darlin’, tonight is all about you, and tomorrow is all about Ollie.”

  The deep affection in her eyes melted me on the spot. In moments like these, I could never say no to her, no matter what she asked for. The flip side of that was, right from day one, Louisiana wasn’t one to ask for handouts, and I respected the hell out of her for it.

  Her arms felt like home when they wove around
my waist and squeezed. “You’re too good, Brandon.”

  Pressing my nose into her hair, I inhaled the alluring scent and released a content sigh. "I like to think I’m just the right amount of good, sweetheart."

  Lou’s giggled turned into a joyous laugh when Jake came back into the living room with an armload of fireworks.

  “Christ, man,” I laughed.

  He grinned and did his best to shrug. “When in Rome.”

  Jake didn’t often let loose with us, but the party was on our ranch tonight and it was one he declared he wasn’t going to miss. Judging by the look in his brown eyes, there was probably a reason he made himself scarce during local parties and I had a feeling tonight we would find out why; he had roguery written all over him.

  “As long as my barn doesn’t go up in flames, go for gold,” I cautioned.

  “That’s why I set up the bonfire in the back pasture.” Jake dashed his head toward the rear of the house where a large open field lay. It was used mostly during winter when we had to bring the cattle down off the hills, then left to grow feed for next winter.

  “It’s gonna be a big night, isn’t it?” Louisiana tittered.

  “If Rory has anything to do with it, then yes,” I drawled. My sister was goddamn trouble at the best of times.

  “How long do we have?” Lou asked.

  I flicked my wrist to check the time. “Couple of hours.”

  A now-familiar glint entered her expression. “I think I need some help deciding what to wear.”

  Snapping upright, I pretended to doff my hat at her. “I’m at your service, darlin’.”

  As Lou beamed a mischievous smile, Jake scoffed and let out a loud mutter. “I gotta go paint my nails or some shit.”

  The three of us walked to the hallway, then split our separate ways.

  “I’ll see you in five,” Jake called with a smirk.

  Trailing along behind Louisiana, I paused at the bottom of the stairs and grinned back at him. "Five is just the warm-up—I'll see you in thirty."

  “Brandon!” Lou summoned me from the top landing.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I called and ran up the stairs three at a time. I hustled her into my bedroom and blindly slammed the door closed behind us.

  I’d just settled into kissing Louisiana with everything I had, when Jake’s shout came from out in the yard, easily loud enough to breeze in through the open window.

  “I give it ten, tops. She’ll fucking break you, Bran.”

  Louisiana threw her head back and let out a long string of laughter. I took the opportunity to nip my way down her neck.

  “She already goddamn has,” I murmured into her cleavage.

  The hum within Lou’s chest vibrated against my lips, and her laughter fell away the farther down her body I worked.

  “I love you, Brandon,” she whispered.

  Smiling against her belly button, I kissed either side of the indent.

  “Love you too, darlin’. Now, keep talkin’—I need a way to draw this out for thirty minutes, because the way I’m feelin’ right now, Jake is right about the five.”

  A playful slap landed on my shoulder and Louisiana’s breathy giggle wove throughout my system.

  “Best you stay dressed for the moment then.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I mumbled while I concentrated on working down the waistband of her jeans.

  “And stop calling me ma’am, damnit!” she frivolously scolded.

  "Yes, ma'am," I uttered a second time with an exaggerated drawl. Just the way she liked it.

  Louisiana had captured my heart and broken me without breaking a sweat, and she was the best goddamn second chance I’d ever taken a shot at.

  -The End-


  Where to start!? I actually thought these would get easier, but no, they get harder because I feel like I’m on repeat, lol! Let’s see if I can jazz these up!

  Firstly, a massive thank you and an across-the-Tasman hug to Kay Maree for creating this anthology and working her ass off to have it collated for release. You’re amazing, woman! And secondly, thank you to all the epic women who make up this dirty dozen. It’s an absolute pleasure to be part of the team and working with you all! Much love. x

  The next thank you goes without saying and I’m almost at the point where one word will suffice to sum up her entire acknowledgement: #badass. Nicole has been my badass alpha, beta, proofer, and everything-in-between reader right from the start. Two years baby, and here we are with the ninth book!! Fucking boom! Now working on your own WIP, I like to think I’ve inspired you in some way, shape or form. Either that, or you really just like me for my tea. *Legit laughing right now*. #teambatmanandbatman

  Fourth shout-out goes to my non-kiwi betas who alerted me to NZ colloquialisms that I didn’t realise had snuck in there; CJ - aspiring romance author and Texan who knows how to grill like a king, and Julia Jarrett - fellow indie author of beautiful words. Thank you both so much for reading Montana Moonshine. Your honest feedback is valued and welcomed - especially when highlighting slang and sayings that aren’t used in the US. I appreciate the hell out of you both!

  Fifth thank you is for my beta team - Josey, Laura, Kym and Milissa. From pinpointing grammatical errors to calling me out when I get too waffly, the four of you have got my ass covered from all directions. *Sniggers*. Much love!

  Thank you to Amanda Williams from Dark Raven Edits for doing a final proofread of my manuscript. I am wholeheartedly grateful for your time and expertise, and I appreciate the hell out of you!

  To my ARC team - THANK YOU for your loyalty, for reading my work while I’m low-key freaking out the entire time. Thank you for reviewing honestly, sharing posts and going the extra mile to share the love. I love you guys hard!

  Eighth thank you is a special one, because it’s for YOU! Thank you for reading Montana Moonshine. Thank you for supporting my indie journey. You have no idea how grateful I am for each and every one of you. I fell for these characters and everything beautiful Brandon stands for. I can’t wait to bring you Wyatt & Rory’s story, then Jake’s. *Wiggles brows*.

  And lastly, thank you to my husband for always supporting me. One day I’ll make enough to buy you that yacht. I love you.

  About the Author

  Vi Summers is an international bestselling author who lives in New Zealand, and writes contemporary romance and romantic suspense that has all the feels!

  Originally published as VR Baucke, Vi Summers makes her 'no-holes-barred' heroines and 'HELL YES' alpha heroes work hard for their HEAs, and it's oh-so-worth-it in the end!

  When not writing, Vi gets lost between the pages of a book, daydreams about the stories she is yet to write, drinks far too many cups of tea, and isn't afraid to laugh at herself. Her favourite motto is: “You’ve got to try everything once”.

  For more information on Vi Summers, visit or connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, BookBub and Goodreads.


  Copyright © 2020 by Kay Maree

  The right of Kay Maree to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her under the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000

  All rights reserved. This publication (or any part of it) may not be reproduced or transmitted, copied, stored, distributed or otherwise made available by any person or entity (including Google, Amazon or similar organisations), in any form (electronic, digital, optical or mechanical) or by any means (photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise) without prior written permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.

  To all my amazing readers,

  Never let yourself feel invisible.

  The right people will see you even when you try to shelter them from the worst.


  Hold on tight and never let go.

deserve more than what you believe.

  Kay x

  Looking around my now bare apartment.

  Releasing a deep breath, smiling.

  My whole world was once in this apartment, and now I’m making a change.

  I am so proud of myself for it.

  I work from home as a website designer.

  So I can move anywhere I want and still do the job I love.

  Two warm, comforting arms wrap around my waist and I lean back into them.

  My sister Sophie's soft voice hits my ears.

  “I am so proud of you sis, and this move is something you have wanted to do for such a long time. I’m going to miss your sassy mouth, but I know you need to do this.”

  I hear the smile in her voice and shit, I’m going to miss her but this is something I have to do.

  I want what she and Cora, my sister’s best friend, have found and there is only one way I’m gonna get it.

  It’s time to fight dirty and get the man I have been pining over for the past six years.

  Ever since I was 16 years old, I have struggled to work out where I belonged in this world.

  Then my mum sent me to the Steel farm for the summer holidays to stay with her oldest friend June and her family in Wallumbilla.

  It’s there I discovered I was more than the geeky teenager that never had a boyfriend.

  Who needed a boyfriend?

  When I could roam the fields kicking up dust and soaking in the sun on the back of my very own horse Smores.

  A beautiful Pinto horse Lou bought for me my very first Summer there.

  In those moments I felt like I was soaring and it was the most peaceful moment of my life.

  Nash Steel treated me like I was his baby sister.

  He taught me everything I needed to know about living on the farm, and then one day his best friend turned up and changed my world forever.


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