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Cowboy Edition EBook

Page 45

by Maree, Kay

  Sliding my hand under her ass I squeeze pulling her into my hard cock torturing myself just that little bit more.

  Her skin even fucking tastes sweet and I know I will never get enough of this woman underneath me.

  “Now that’s a first kiss,” she breathes out, a sexy little smile kissing her lips.

  “What?” I chuckle against her heaving chest.

  Then it registers what she just said and I remember what she screamed at Jack back at the bar.

  That sonofabitch I wanna fucking kill him.

  “I wanted the first man I ever kissed to be my last,” she breathes out.

  Looking up, I see the sad smile pulling at her lips, breaking my fucking heart.

  Sitting up, I let go of her ass, swiping my thumb under her left eye when a single tear escapes, pushing her glasses back up her nose.

  “Well, you didn’t kiss him back, so it doesn’t count,” I say pecking at her lips.

  Then it hits me.

  Does this mean if she hasn’t kissed anyone... She has a whole lot of firsts to give me?

  Cause no other fucker is taking them.

  They are all mine and I’m gonna make each one of them burn through her.

  I decided to give her some of the shit swimming around in my head, mainly cause I want to see that smile again, but also I’m sick of holding on to it.

  If that means I have to bare my soul to her then so be it.

  “I see you, Lucy, I have always seen you. Fuck, you are all I have ever seen but knowing the difference in our ages and that if I made you mine; I would want all of you, Little Vixen.

  When I say everything I mean it. I want you to submit to me body, heart and fucking soul and if we do this, then that’s what I plan to happen,” I growl.

  “Was that the only thing keeping you from me?'' she asks, resting her small palm against my cheek, her nails running through my beard.

  Turning my face, I kiss the centre of her palm, just soaking in her warmth.

  “I was worried that if I gave you everything that was me that you would just pack up and leave again and I couldn’t handle that Little Vixen. I will never leave here; this is my home.

  I wasn’t made for big cities,” I blow out a rough breath, my chest tightening at the thought of her packing up and leaving again.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Lucas. I came here for you and I never planned to leave,” she smiles sweetly up at me.

  “Then it’s a done deal cause I fucking love you and I want everything with you.”

  She gasps, but I don’t give her a chance to reply, taking her lips in an all-consuming kiss that burns right through me.

  Meeting that one woman that sparks your soul is life-changing,

  it may have taken me a couple of years to pull my head out of my ass.

  But I’m never letting her go now...

  “How are you feeling this morning, sweetheart?” June asks from behind me as I fix all the coffee’s lined up in front of me.

  “Better,” I say, feeling my cheeks heat.

  Turning my face away so she can’t see my blush, which just causes my glasses to fog up as the steam from the kettle hits me straight in the face making her laugh.

  When I got home last night on Lucas's orders, followed up with him following me to make sure I got home safe.

  He gave me a sweet kiss, a squeeze to the ass, and told me to get inside before he changed his mind and took me back to his place.

  Before I could say I wanted to be there he turned me around, smacked my ass and pointed towards the door.

  When I got inside June was waiting for me and she proceeded to usher me to the dining table and made us coffee, then told me to spill, I told her everything with a smile on my face.

  “Need help?” she motions to the tray with the cups lined up.

  “Nah, I’m gonna take these to the men then I’ll get ready so we can head off.”

  “Sounds good, I just want to rush next door and check on Cora. She had a bad day yesterday,” I hear the worry in her voice.

  “What happened?”

  “I think it's just nauseous. Those girls in her belly are also kicking up a storm which isn’t helping,” she chuckles.

  “Fair enough,” I laugh, shrugging.

  Picking up the tray and heading for the back door, looking down at my normal cowboy boots.

  I hate being so much shorter than everyone else so slipping my feet into my black cowboy boots with the spiked heels I smile.

  I only ever wear the others if I’m working around the farm or riding Smores.

  “Ah, Lucy,” June calls.

  Swinging around, I watch as her eyes take me in from head to toe. Looking down, I don’t see a problem. Raising a brow at her in question, I see her trying to stifle a giggle.

  “What? Did I get something on my pj’s,” turning my head I try to look down my back but I still don’t see anything.

  “Maybe you should change?”

  “Why? The coffees will get cold.”

  “Just... Um... Maybe if Lucas comes by and sees you around the other men he may not be too happy,” she smiles.

  I take in my light pink satin lace pyjama romper I’m wearing.

  Okay, I guess it might be cut a little short on the thighs and the sleeves are basically strings with lace ruffles over the shoulders, but nothing is showing.

  “He will be fine,” I smile, only a hint of trepidation running through me.

  Pushing it down, I straighten my shoulders.

  He can’t start dictating what I can and can’t wear.

  Turning back to the door, I steady the tray against my stomach with one hand as I reach up and grab my black Stetson from the hook and put it on top of my head.

  Pushing through the back screen door my smile widens as June’s laughter floats around me followed by a muttered "Rebel" making me smile wider.

  Seeing Nash, Lou and the other farmhands at the back of the barn, I head towards them.

  I come to a stop in front of Lou and hold out the tray for them to take the cups.

  “Thanks, Lucy girl,” Lou winks.

  “Ah, Lucy?” Nash gruffs out, raising a brow as he looks down at me.

  I'm about to ask what when I’m cut off as the sound of crunching tyres on the gravel driveway comes from the side of the barn.

  Turning, I smile at who just turned up.

  Butterflies take flight in the pit of my stomach when I see it’s Lucas.

  My heart picks up when I see he isn’t smiling.

  Even from here, I can see that hard jaw is grinding together.

  He looks pissed, and those crystal blue eyes are solely focused on me.

  Ah, hell

  Looks like I’m about to get my ass chewed out.

  The driver's side door slams shut right as his voice shouts.

  “What the fuck?”

  The way it grinds out of his mouth sends goosebumps racing across my skin.

  “Little Vixen,” he spits out coming to stop in front of me and because he is so tall I tilt my head back, looking up at him under the brim of my hat.

  I smile wondering what’s wrong but I don’t have to wait long as he grabs the tray out of my hands and shoves it into Paul's chest making him grunt.

  He grabs my upper arm and begins dragging me back towards the house, I have to basically run to keep up with his big steps.

  Swinging the screen door open, it hits the side of the house with a bang.

  Before I can say a single word he swings me around, my back hits the hallway wall then his lips are on mine, starting a wildfire deep in my core.

  Whimpering as the heat spreads out through my limbs and licks up my back, sending delicious tingles zinging up my spine.

  Gripping my throat with a rough hand he tilts my head up then to the side making me melt, his other hand lands on my ass and squeezes, making me moan.

  All I want to do is climb him lik
e a tree, but before I get the chance, he rips his mouth from mine and gives it to me with both barrels as his fingers flex against my ass.

  “Are you mine?” he growls on panting breaths and all I can do is nod.

  “Then why the fuck are you wearing this?” he looks down, jaw grinding together “around a bunch of fucking men.”

  “I—I,” I get out before he cuts me off.

  “Nobody and I mean nobody sees this and I have a good mind to rip this thing to shreds then bend you over and tan your hide,” he gruffs out.

  “Not happeni--” but before I can finish I’m up over his shoulder and we're moving.

  “You Brute, put me down,” I ground out, slapping his back.

  My hair sways left to right, hiding my view of where the hell he is taking me.

  My glasses slip down my nose, my Stetson falls to the floor, but not for long as he bends at the waist and swipes it up in one smooth move.

  A heavy hand hits my ass, I go to scream, but a moan comes out instead and my ass pushes back for more.

  What the hell was that?

  “Come on Vixen, hit me harder,” he chuckles and because of my position, it rumbles straight through me.

  “You can’t do this,” I grit out just as we hit the stairs, making my words stutter out of me.

  June passes us laughing her ass off.

  “N-not f-f-funny,” I get out.

  “I warned you, sweetheart,” she calls out, not saving me from this caveman.

  “You bloody Brute you can’t just throw me over your shoulder and put me anywhere you bloody damn well please,” I scream out as I fly through the air and lucky for him I land onto something soft.

  “You’ll get used to it,” is all he says as he begins to pace the front of the bed, throwing my hat and his onto the desk against the wall before running a rough hand through his hair.

  Looking around, I realise I’m in my room.

  Pushing up I go to get off the bed when in a blink of an eye he looms over me planting both hands either side of my head.

  “You don’t test a man like me Little Vixen and you sure as shit don’t walk around half fucking naked in front of other men,” he snarls, his heated breath washing over my face.

  Smirking, I slide my hands up his chest before looping them around his neck, my nails raking down the back of his neck, feeling him shudder.

  “You jealous Stallion?" I raise both eyebrows, teeth sinking into my bottom lip fighting off a giggle.

  “You bet your fucking ass I’m fucking jealous, I’m jealous those men just saw my woman’s amazing fucking legs, heard her sweet laugh and I’m jealous of this thing you are wearing,” he speaks into my mouth.

  His thumb is pulling my lip from my teeth before leaning down and biting it himself, then his lips are on mine.

  My nails flex in his hair, twisting the strands.

  My body arches as one of his hand’s slides down my neck, between my breasts before settling on my hip and squeezing, making me moan.

  Bringing my legs up I lock my ankles under his ass digging the heel of my boots into his tight flesh making him hiss into my mouth.

  His muscles flex and bunch, moaning when I feel his hard cock push into me.

  He rolls me over so I’m sitting on top of him.

  The lower half of my body slowly rocks against his hard length and the feel of his denim jeans mixed with the satin of my shorts rolls over my skin, making my toes curl.

  Ripping my mouth from his I moan loudly throwing my head back as an orgasm so strong zaps through me.

  “Fuck,” his throaty, strained voice only helps the feelings racing through me.

  A ripping sound followed by cool air hitting my skin snaps my head down to look at what he is doing.

  Gasping when I see he has ripped my romper straight down the middle.

  “What the Fu--” I’m cut off when his warm lips wrap around one of my hard nipples, his hand on my ass squeezes again.

  I seriously think he has an ass fetish and I’m about to say that when his other hand gathers my hair into a tight fist at the back of my neck, pulling my head back.

  My eyes flutter shut as pinpricks of pain morph into pleasure slicing down my spine and I can’t help it I start to rock harder against him.

  Moans, whimpers slip off my tongue mixing with his groans as he takes possession of my body making me melt.

  “It's mine Vixen, give it to me,” he growls, biting down on the hard nub sending me headfirst into oblivion.

  “Fuck,” he grunts underneath me and all I can do is hum in reply.

  My whole body feels like jelly.

  Rolling us back over, so I’m on my back, he looms over me. My eyes feel heavy as they flutter open, a soft smile pulling at my lips.

  “You are fucking gorgeous, but no more showing anybody what’s mine again.”

  “If that's my punishment, we’ll see,” I smirk, winking when he growls.

  “That’s nothing Little Vixen, next time your ass will be roped to the bed leaving you vulnerable to everything I plan on doing to this body.”

  My body jolts with interest, the spark in those blue eyes has me biting into my bottom lip when a noticeable tremble races through me.

  “You will come to realise Little Vixen I mean what I say so don’t push me. Otherwise, you are gonna end up having to buy a whole new wardrobe full of clothes or be roped to my fucking bed for the rest of your goddamn life."

  He waves his hand over what’s left of my romper, then sniggers when I purse my lips at him.

  “Get dressed Vixen and pick wisely,” he says with a pointed look, his lips grazing over mine before he pushes from the bed, readjusting his noticeable hard on making me giggle.

  He just shrugs, winking.

  “I would offer to help you out there Stallion, but I’m already late,” I say tartly as he helps me off the bed.

  Since he wrecked my pyjamas leaving me naked except for my black lace boyshorts, I take this moment to get one over on him. Flipping my hair over my shoulder, I wink before shaking my ass all the way into my en-suite, kicking my boots off laughing when I hear him growling behind me. I pause, feeling his eyes travelling every inch of my body.

  Shimmying my panties slowly down my legs, leaning into the shower stall and flipping the water on before stepping in.

  “Fuck,” he roars right before my bedroom door slams shut.

  Lucas Knight - MINE

  He is everything I ever imagine and so much more...

  Being roped to his bed for the rest of my life sounds like a mighty fine way to go.

  Oh, and hot!

  Yep, it would definitely be HOT!!!

  "Fuck," I have never been so goddamn hard in my life.

  I wanted to wean her slowly into how things would be between us.

  But when I turned up and saw her in those fucking pyjamas or whatever the hell you want to call them cause they barely hid shit from prying eyes, I couldn't control myself.

  Oh, I saw Paul and a few of the other guys checking her out and that just pissed me off even more.

  Pushing through the back door of Nash’s parents' place scanning the area where the guys were but they are nowhere in sight.

  Nash leans against the side of the barn, a smirk playing on his lips.

  "So how did that go?" he waves his hand toward Lucy's window upstairs.

  "Let’s just say when I meet my maker I'm taking her with me, cause there is no way in hell I am ever leaving that girl," I answer, making him laugh.

  "Good," he nods.

  "About time you got your head out of your ass," he says, pushing from the barn.

  "I don't know if I want to kiss her or strangle her pretty little neck," I gruff out pulling my hat from my head, running a hand through my hair.

  "Welcome to my world," he guffaws.

  “So just so we are clear, she may not be my sister, but she is the closest thing I’ll ever have to
one. So you hurt her and I’ll hurt you,” his words are hard and I get my back up a bit but I try to relax knowing he is only looking out for my girl.

  However, he has no reason to worry cause if I ever hurt her I’ll take my own balls off and I tell him just that.

  “Alright then, glad we got that sorted out now I have shit to do,” he smirks.

  "I need a favour," I ask, as we head towards the cattle sheds.

  "Anything brother," he nods, pulling the big metal gate open.

  Telling him my plan, I explain what I need him to do.

  He nods with a shit-eating grin on his face.

  "After you guys head off, I'll get on it. So you gonna stick around and help me get these cows onto the truck or you gonna go tell that woman of yours you're taking her to work," he chuckles.

  "For my plan to work, I need to take her into work, smartass. I just have to work out a way to bribe her into it."

  "Bribe her?" he flat out laughs now.

  "Fuck, Lucy is like taming a wild horse. It's gonna take time breaking her in and I have already warmed her up this morning,” I smirk “So let's see how she goes when I pull out the big guns,” I chuckle.

  “And what would that be?” he asks

  “Kane Brown,” I chuckle.

  “How the fuck does that work, what you gonna do kidnap him, bring him to Australia and demand he sing for your girl,” he laughs at his lame-ass joke.

  “Fuck no, knowing my luck she will dump my ass for him,” just the thought pisses me off.

  “Easy big fella,” he guffaws, slapping my shoulder.

  “I’m just gonna play his CD, It may just lure her in," I wink.

  "Well, good luck. You know as well as I do that she drives Elektra," he rolls his eyes at the name of her truck "everywhere and refuses to be driven anywhere now."

  "It's gonna be a bitch fight, I know that. Hence why I got a bit sneaky and before I left her so she could take a shower I swiped her keys." I wink, pulling them from my pocket and tossing them at him.

  "Smart man," he smirks, catching them mid-air.

  "Alright, I can't stand here all day shooting the shit with your ass I have shit to do, and a woman to tame."


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