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Cowboy Edition EBook

Page 55

by Maree, Kay

  “Okay,” she mumbles, making me chuckle as a light snore follows.

  “I’ll let you both rest, I need to go check on Cora anyway and let her know about Lucy. I’m sure Mum and Dad have been in there, but they wouldn’t want to upset her with this news until we knew she had woken up.”

  “Once Lucy wakes up, and she eats, I’m sure she will want to go see Cora and your girls, so fair warning now,” I smirk.

  “I’ll let Cora know, you just look after her and try to rest yourself.

  You look like shit, man,” he scoffs, grinning like a dickhead.

  “Piss off, with your shit, you go get shot by a fucking psycho and come tell me how fucking good you’re feeling let alone looking asshole,” I grumble to his retreating back, biting off a chuckle when he throws his head back laughing his ass off.


  “That’s what she said,” he calls over his shoulder as the door closes behind him.

  Shaking my head, feeling lighter now that Lucy has woken up.

  The knot in my chest is easing allowing me to breathe properly for the first time today.

  “Son,” my dad's voice comes from the doorway.

  “Hey Dad,” I murmur, not wanting to disturb Lucy.

  Bringing my finger to my lips, he nods in response as his eyes sweep across Lucy’s still form.

  “Nash said she woke up.”

  “Yeah, for about fifteen minutes, but she was exhausted, which is to be expected.”

  “Well, I don’t want to intrude for too long. I just wanted to give this to you.”

  He pulls a ring box from his pocket and hands it over to me.

  “You could never intrude.”

  “I’ll come back when she wakes, but I think it’s time you made this girl your wife. I have always thought of her as a daughter and your mother loved her,” his voice chokes up at the mention of mum.

  Bringing a lump to my own throat.

  It’s been a year and a half since she lost the fight with breast cancer and I know every day without her he struggles.

  She was the other half of his soul and without her, he is half the man he once was.

  Sure, he wakes up with a smile each day and he's always there for me but I know he battles the loss daily.

  I only wish I could help him somehow.

  Palming the ring box in my hand, flipping it open.

  I pause, seeing mum’s engagement ring sparkling under the dim lighting glowing through the room.

  Tears prick the corners of my eyes as I stare at the massive diamond.

  Mum always thought it was a bit showy for working around the house and helping with the cows, but she never took it off.

  “Your mum would have wanted Lucy to have it, son,” he gruffs out, resting a hand gently against my sling covered shoulder.

  “Thank you,” I choke out through the lump in my throat.

  Clearing his throat, “How’s the shoulder?” he changes the subject and I am thankful for it.

  “The painkillers the nurse gave me are helping.”

  “Good.” he nods, “I’m gonna head back out to the waiting room. Nash is taking us to meet the new editions,” he smiles.

  “I’ll be back in the morning and just a word of warning June is biting at the bit to get in here,” he chuckles.

  “Noted,” I nod.

  “I’ll let Lucy know once she wakes up again.”

  “Lucy is like a daughter to all of us, so you can only have her to yourself for so long,” he chuckles as he turns towards the door.

  “I’m an only child, I never did know how to share,” I snark back, making him laugh harder.

  “I expect to see that ring where it belongs the next time I stop by.”

  “It will be old man, don’t you worry about that,” I murmur.

  Picking Lucy’s petite hand up and sliding the ring into place, loving the way it shines.

  “That’s my boy. Now get some rest. Nash was right, you do look like shit,” I hear followed by a deep laugh before the door closes behind him.

  “Bloody assholes, the lot of them,” I grumble.

  However, I can’t stop the smile tugging up the corner of my lips.

  Resting back into the chair, hypnotized by the diamond sparkling and throwing off a rainbow of colours around the room.

  Lucy Rose Knight has a nice ring to it

  Resting my head back, slouching a little, I try to get comfy.

  The pain in my shoulder is just a dull ache now the painkillers are finally starting to work.

  Closing my eyes, letting the beeping of the machines and the sound of Lucy’s soft breathing lull me to sleep.

  My dreams are made up of my woman.

  That smile. Those eyes. That mouth. That sweet Cherry Scent.

  All drive me wild and melt through me, leaving me feeling weightless,

  soothing the beast that lives deep inside my soul.

  Soon she will be my wife and

  All fucking MINE!!!

  A low moan vibrates up my throat, my eyes flutter open a few times trying to adjust to the sunlight streaming through the window.

  My wrists hurt like a bitch but I push it back trying to take stock of the rest of my body.

  Surprisingly the only pain I feel is where that bitch cut me.

  Sucking on my tongue, my mouth feeling funky, I need a glass of water or something.

  Scanning my eyes around the room a small smile pulls at my lips taking in Lucas’s slouched position in his chair. His beard looks a bit rough and dark circles ring his eyes.

  I pause, taking in the white sling wrapped around his left arm.

  I saw it the last time I woke, but I didn’t have the energy to ask what happened.

  This time I plan to find out.

  Shifting slightly, the rustle of the plastic mattress underneath me makes itself known.

  Frowning, not wanting to wake him up, but it’s too late as those clear blue eyes stare straight into mine.

  “Hey,” I whisper huskily.

  “Hey yourself,” his sleepy voice swirls around me as his smile lights up his handsome face.

  “Need a drink, baby?” he asks.

  Running the tips of his rough fingers down the side of my face.

  Without thought, I lean into the touch, looking up at him under my lashes.

  “Yes, please.”

  “No more talking till you have some water, Vixen,” he chastises, winking.

  Pushing the button on the side of my bed and putting me into a sitting position.

  Reaching over to the bedside table with his good hand, he pours water from a jug into a cup with a straw in it, then places it against my lips.

  “Small sips babe,” he croons, those soft eyes staring into mine, nodding I do as he says.

  Moaning as the cool liquid begins to slide down my throat.

  “Better?” he chuckles in that deep, rough way that sends the hairs on my arms standing on end.

  “Yeah, thank you,” I smile up at him after he places the cup back on the bedside table.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “My wrists hurt a little,” looking down, I take in the white bandages covering both wrists.

  The IV from last time I woke up seems to have changed and instead of thick red fluid, it's now clear. I know there will be scars after they heal and I don’t know how I feel about that.

  Something shiny catches my eye and my eyes near bug out of my head.

  “L-Lucas” I stutter, seeing the gorgeous diamond ring on my finger.

  What the hell have I missed? I wonder, my heart pounding a mile a minute.

  “You lost a lot of blood, baby, they had to give you a blood transfusion. Late last night the nurse swapped out the empty bag and started a saline drip, you have stitches in both wrists and it will probably scar,” he explains the unanswered question I was thinking before I saw the ring It’s making a lot more se
nse now considering the red fluid would have been the blood.

  My mouth pops open in a silent gasp, my eyes growing wide as everything hits me all at once. The fact no words have to be spoken between us.

  He always seems to know what I’m feeling, what I want to say.

  “I’m sorry,” he breathes into the top of my head, probably mistaking my reaction.

  Guilt curls around those two words, cutting me deeper.

  “None of this is your fault.”

  “She attacked you because of me.”

  “Did you ever lead her on? Date her? Have a one-night stand? Give her any reason that you wanted to be with her?” I ask, sucking down the lump in my throat, not sure I want to know the answers. Curling my fingers into my palm, the cool metal sending shivers up my arm, settling my breathing a little bit. I knew he wasn’t a virgin, but still, it doesn’t mean I want to know about the other women that have been in his life.

  My stomach twists and my heart knocks up a tempo, vibrating straight through me.

  “Never,” he rushes out, cupping the side of my face in the palm of his warm hand.

  Those eyes locking with mine and I see the guilt laying there but also the truth of his words.

  My heart slows and my stomach untightens as a deep breath leaves me.

  It’s then I realised I was holding my breath.

  My head feeling light with the sudden gush of air leaving me.

  “There hasn’t been anyone since I first locked eyes on you, Lucy Jacobson.

  That day you fell into my arms you stole something from me and I could never be with anyone after that. Even though I thought I could never have you I still felt like I was cheating on you,” he confesses, eyes soft, those words caressing just along my skin sending heat through me.

  He chuckles, seeing what I’m guessing is a cheesy smile spreading across my cheeks.

  “You like that Little Vixen?”

  “It means you have always been mine. Just like I have always been yours, Lucas Knight. So what’s not to love about that,” I shrug, winking.

  “Cheeky brat,” he smirks.

  “But you love me,” I throw back sugar sweet.

  “With my every fibre,” he says, all serious now.

  “Um... Lucas wanna tell me about the ring on my finger?” I manage to finally get out.

  “Do you like it?” he quirks that damn brow at me, a cheeky smile playing on his lips.

  “I do,” I nod.

  “Then it’s settled,” he shrugs his good arm.

  “Are you asking me to marry you?” I whisper, a fresh batch of tears glazing over my eyes.

  “Not asking Little Vixen. I’m yours and you are mine,” he kisses my lips.

  Smiling, I look down at my ring again.

  It's stunning.

  The sun beaming in through the windows has a kaleidoscope of colours bouncing all around us.

  “I’m yours forever,” I murmur more to myself than to him, but he answers me.

  “Forever,” he breathes into my lips.

  Followed by a soft caressing soul-searing kiss that has my toes curling, pulling back he rests his forehead against mine.

  “I don’t know what I would have done if you died on me baby, I only just got you,” he brushes his lips across mine one last time before he can pull back, I run my tongue across his bottom lip. Humming as his taste lines my tongue.

  He growls into my mouth before quickly pulling back.

  “Behave fiance`,” he grunts, eyes shining down on me.

  Pouting as tiny thrills race through me at being called his fiance`.

  “You are no fun,” I huff playfully.

  Crossing my arms over my chest the best I can.

  But not quick enough to hide the wince at the action.

  “You’re hurt. Once you're better, I’ll show you how much fun I can be,” he husks out.

  Sending delicious tingles racing through me.

  “Promises, promises,” I smarted back.

  Winking, he rests against the side of the bed, running his knuckles down the side of my face.

  “Now let’s get the doctor in here to give you some painkillers. Then we can organise some food you must be starving?” he chuckles as my belly begins to rumble at the mention of food.

  “And then if you are feeling up to it we can go visit Cora and the babies and tell them the news that you are going to be my wife,” his voice drops on the word wife.

  Those clear blue eyes shine with so much love and possession my body reacts and comes alive with the promise of what’s to come when we are both better.

  “Yes,” I cheer, trying to sit up a little, not wanting him to see how affected I am.

  “While we wait, you can tell me what happened to your arm,” I squint my eyes at him in what I hope is my best demanding look.

  “Settle down Little Vixen, I’ll tell you whatever you want to know,” he laughs, shaking his head.

  “Is this what our life together is going to be like?” he smirks.

  “You better believe it, Sir,” I lower my voice so Sir comes out on a breathy moan, watching as his body visibly reacts to that one word, and he swallows hard.

  “Be good, Vixen, before I turn you over and make that ass shimmer in a nice shade of pink,” he points a finger at me.

  His nose flares as those eyes travel the length of my body.

  That thick tongue of his runs across that delectable plump bottom lip.

  Squeezing my thighs together, I try to push the conversation on cause I don’t know how much more teasing I can take before my body spontaneously combusts.

  “Answers,” I demand again.

  I catch the glint in his eyes that tells me he knows what I’m doing and thankfully he doesn’t call me on it.

  “Right,” he shakes his head, chuckling, resting back on the side of the bed.

  “She went to shoot you but I put myself in front of you and turned to cover you when I heard the shot and I got hit instead,” he shrugs as if taking a bullet for me is no big deal.

  My bottom lip begins to tremble and tears well up in my eyes, and I can’t stop them from falling over onto my cheeks.

  “Hey none of that babe, we are both fine,” he coos pulling me into his chest, softly running his hand through my hair.

  My sobs muffled against his hard body.

  “You could have died,” I wail.

  “If it meant you lived, then it would have been worth it. I love you Lucy and I would take a million hits to protect you,” he breathes into my ear.

  “Don’t say that,” I grind out, my heart picking up speed as the realization hits me hard that Lucas would give his life for me.

  When he said he loved me before I believed him.

  Well, I thought I did. However, right now those words ingrain themselves into my very soul, causing a burst of heat to travel straight through me as I relax into his hold.

  “People search their whole lives for what I have found in you Lucy, without you, I would be lost. You are my true north, the beacon in the night, the one person I know I am meant to be with.

  My soul recognized yours from that time you fell into my arms when you were just a clumsy sixteen-year-old. I knew I was too old for you and I shouldn’t have felt that way about you, but with one smile and a single flutter of those evergreen eyes of yours captivated me and took me, hostage. I haven’t been the same since. My life was and still is consumed by you Lucy and that will never change. You are the other half of my soul.”

  He kisses the spot just behind my ear, sending goosebumps racing across my skin.

  “I love you, Lucas Knight,” those words seem so simple to what he has just given to me, but my mind has floated off into the clouds.

  Right now, I just want to stay in this bubble we have created together.

  Lucas Knight has professed his love for me in a way I never thought would ever happen.

  Travelling here
was the best decision I have ever made, and now he will be my husband.

  Oh My God… My Husband… Squeal...

  Those childish fantasies and dreams are finally becoming my reality.

  It may have taken us a while to get here.

  But we are ready now and it was definitely worth the wait.

  From the moment I met Lucas Knight…

  It was always meant to be him and me.

  His soul branded mine six years ago.

  We have lost time, but

  now the fun part is making up that lost time...

  Wheeling a pissed off Lucy through Cora’s hospital room door.

  I shake my head at her huffs and mumbled words under her breath.

  I try to fight off a smirk.

  However, it curls my lips remembering her having a bitch fit when the nurse instructed her.

  If she was to move around, then she would have to be pushed in a wheelchair.

  We tried explaining to her that since her body was still weak and trying to recover, that the wheelchair would be the only way for her to move out of the bed.

  When I said she probably shouldn’t be moving around at all.

  She fucking pouted at me.

  Giving me those big green doe eyes that have a way of sucker-punching me straight in the chest.

  Which in turn squeezed the life out of my fucking heart and I felt like shit.

  So, I gave into her because how the hell can I tell her no?

  She knows exactly what she is doing to me when she gives me that look.

  It irritates the shit out of me.

  But I can’t help but laugh at how tightly I’m wound around her bloody little finger.

  Then she not so subtly reminded me that I promised to take her to see Cora but I wanted her to eat first.

  So, once she had eaten half her lunch, the Doc came in and checked her out, prescribed some pain meds to get her pain under control.

  June and Lou stopped in for a quick visit which took a lot out of her and it made me realise how exhausted Lucy was and still so damn pale and that worry ate at me.

  So, I offered her a compromise that went like this: she had to nap, and when she woke up if the doctor gave her the all-clear, I would take her for a quick visit.


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