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Cowboy Edition EBook

Page 69

by Maree, Kay

  “You need to stop wallowing in this shit, Wyatt. So, she fucking left. You deserve so much better!”

  “Fuck you! What would you know?!”

  “I saw it! I saw what she was doing to you. She was selfish and always wanted you to put her first. She bitched at you when you had to work, she bitched at you when you were with us. She was never happy and brother, as much as you loved her, you were never going to be able to make her happy. You were going to kill yourself trying.”

  “You don’t know what you are talking about!”

  “Really? I don’t? Are you forgetting the amount of times I was called out here because the neighbors called the cops because of the yelling? You forget the birthdays you missed, or the Christmas lunches you come to alone because she didn’t want to spend time with your family. The night Lily was born, she wanted you to put her over your own brother. I asked one thing from you throughout the entire pregnancy. The one night I couldn’t be there when I needed to be, and she bitched at you. Kelsea told me she was blowing up your phone. You may have a selective memory, Wyatt, but we don’t. We saw it all and now we see you. You need help.”

  “I don’t need shit.”

  “Fine, stay in denial. You are on your own. If you won’t stop drinking and get your life straightened out, we don’t want you near Lily. Not that you come and see her anyway. You need to get out of this house and somewhere new. You aren’t doing yourself any favors and we are going to sit around and watch you self-destruct. You have hit rock bottom. Nothing left for you now.” Toby turned and walked out, slamming the door closed behind him. Closing my eyes, I was grateful he left when he did because numb was starting to set in. I would be okay now.


  Throwing the bale of hay on the stack with the other ones, I straightened up to stretch my back. Taking off my hat, I wiped the back of my gloved hand over my forehead. It was hotter than hades out here today so Zach and I were trying to get the hay truck unloaded and in the barn as quickly as we could. Jackson was due to arrive any day now as he was moving back home from Missouri so the extra set of hands would help. I tried to argue that we needed more but Zach was digging his heals in. Catching the bottle of water that he threw at me, I removed my gloves before opening it up and taking a long drink. Ten more bales and we could call it a day. The day that my brother tried to talk some sense into me, I woke up the next day and realized that he was right. Ava was gone and there was no getting her back. She had changed her number and made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with me so why should I let her continue to ruin my life.

  A month after that, I saw just how toxic I had become and knew I needed to fix my relationship with my brother and sister in law before I lost them too. I was now sixty days sober and as much as I struggled some days, I felt better for it. My mind was clearer, and things were getting better. Toby and I had started to mend the bridge that I started tearing down and I got to spend time with my beautiful niece, who thankfully took after her mother, not her father. I had moved out of my place that was filled with memories of her and onto the ranch. I was up with the sun everyday so that Zach didn’t have to rush out and leave Lucy alone. Over-all, life after Ava was starting to get better. Dropping the bottle down, I got back to work. After I had hit rock bottom, I began getting myself back in shape. The heavy lifting of hay bales helped with that too. I was finally getting myself back to who I used to be.

  A couple of hours later, after I finished mucking out the horse’s stalls, I walked into my little cottage and headed straight for the shower. Stripping off my dirty, sweaty clothes, I threw them in the wash before turning the hot water on. Once it was hot enough, I added cold water and stepped in underneath it and let the stress of the day wash away. Running my fingers through my short hair, I let out a breath. I was having dinner with my brother later and couldn’t wait to see my Lily.


  Sitting in the bar with my best girl next to me, drink in my hand, I tried to ignore that voice in my head telling me I should have walked away the first time he hit me. I should have walked away when I ended up in hospital with a concussion. Or with every black eye he gave me. I didn’t though because I was scared. If he did that to me and he loved me, what would he do to me if I left? It was purely because of my best friend and her fiancé that he hadn’t managed to get to me yet. When I discovered he had been cheating on me, I left the apartment that we shared together and moved in with them. I knew I would be safe there. No one wanted to mess with Rob. He could put the fear of god into you with just a look. Not to mention him being a cop.

  “Kris, are you listening to me?”

  “No, Chelle, I’m sorry, I’m not.” I sat my drink down and let out a small sigh. “I don’t know where my head is. I should be happy I caught him cheating on me. I just feel like there is this big gaping hole.”

  “It’s gonna take some getting used to. I hate to say this, because it means you leaving, but why don’t you go see your dad? You have always made excuses because of the bruises. Why not take the chance now? Get you away from them for a bit.”

  “I would be lying if I said that thought hadn’t crossed my mind.”

  “You have time off work, take it.” Picking up my drink, I took a small sip. I guess that was one of the perks about working in the same hair salon that she owned.

  “You sure you can be trusted not to kill Krystal without me?” My lips curled into a grin.

  “If it means saving your sanity then yes, I can go however long needed without killing her. Maybe.” She laughed and took a drink from her glass.

  I moved to New York from Montana a few years ago after my mom died. Since then, I had only been home to see my dad and brothers a few times. I wanted to record my music and release it but for now, I was making a name for myself as a song writer. Maybe some time away would do me good. Before Michelle and I could finish our conversation, I heard a high pitch laugh that sent shivers down my spine which only meant one thing. Julia was in the bar too. Out of all the people Xavier could have picked to cheat on me with, he had to go and choose her. The one person in the world I couldn’t stand and if I could, I would drop a house on her.

  “Julia, I swear, if you don’t walk away right now, I cannot stop Kris from doing something she won’t regret.” My back straightened.

  “So much hostility. I am just coming to say hello.”

  “I repeat, fuck off, Julia. Kris and I have nothing to say to you.”

  “You seem to be saying a hell of a lot.”

  “If you don’t walk away, my fists will be saying a lot more.” I could hear the ice in Michelle’s tone and knew it would only be a matter of time before she made good on her promise. I motioned for the bartender and pointed to the two shot glasses in front of us. He moved over and filled them both with tequila and put two more lime wedges down before walking away. I didn’t blame him for not wanting to be part of this. I didn’t even want to be here. We both downed our shots and finished off our drinks. After paying for the shots, I slid off the bar stool and turned to look at Julia.

  “Have fun, Julia, I just hope you have excellent makeup to cover up the black eyes Xavier gives you now that he will no longer be giving them to me. I would feel sorry for you, but you made your bed. Hope the bed bugs don’t bite hard.” I moved past her, my shoulder connecting with hers, sending her falling to the ground.

  “He hasn’t in the months he has been screwing me behind your back, why would he start now.” My blood went cold. Months? I felt sick. I stopped and looked at her.

  “Because he still had me as a punching bag. Now that he doesn’t…” I shrugged. “You are kidding yourself if you think you are the only one that he was seeing behind my back though. Once a whore, always a whore.” I turned back to look at the door and saw Xavier standing there.

  “Is that so, Kristine? Please, do tell me more on this theory.” Seeing his face, it used to cause me fear. That look in his eyes was one I had seen many times. Right now, t
hough, I just felt anger. How many people had he been seeing behind my back and for how long? We had been together for three years. I summoned all my strength, digging deep as I curled my hand into a fist. Before he could react, I hit him hard. Resting my hands on his shoulders, I lifted my knee and drove it into his groin. Clasping my hands together, I raised them above my head and brought it down in the middle of his back, sending him to the floor. I wrapped my hand around Michelle’s wrist and pulled her out of the bar and into the street. I needed to get out of there before he got up.

  “Please tell me that Rob is home tonight?”

  “Yeah, he is, why?”

  “I am gonna need him there in case Xavier comes around. He isn’t going to like what I have just done, and I need to pack some things.” Taking my phone out of my pocket, I looked for flights out of here. “I need to leave New York. I’m going to see my dad.”

  “I’ll get us a cab.”

  “I’m sorry to drag you into this, Chelle.”

  “Oh please, don’t worry about me. I have Rob to keep an eye out on me or the self-defense classes we took.” It didn’t ease my mind about the mess that I was leaving behind but I knew she had better odds than I did. Though, if I had of said something sooner then neither of us would have been in this mess. When the cab pulled up, Michelle and I both got in. I found a last-minute flight to Helena which was the closest airport to my dad. From there I could rent a car and drive the rest of the way. I didn’t have to worry about him not being home because it would take something big for him to leave the house that we all grew-up in. The same one that he and Mama built their life in after they got married. No, I knew if I was going to find him anywhere it would be there.

  When we got back to the apartment, Rob was waiting for us downstairs. I paid the cab driver and got out one side while Michelle got out the other.

  “You girls okay?”

  “Yeah, babe, we are fine. Kris just wanted you home in case he decides to pay a visit.” He gave me a look. It was something he had been doing a lot over the last couple of months. They both knew when I wasn’t okay and there was no amount of lying to them, to cover it otherwise. He nodded and opened the door that led into the building. We both walked in and he came in behind us. Moving over to the lift, I pressed the button. With Rob having just come down, the doors opened straight away.

  “Chelle and I will take you to the airport and wait until you are on the plane. Have you got someone on the other end?”

  “No, I am renting a car and going straight to dads.”

  “Do they know what’s been going on?” I shook my head.

  “Xavier wouldn’t still be breathing if I told them. They don’t come to the city often, but they would make a special trip just for that.”

  “Why didn’t you tell them?” I let out a sigh at Michelle’s question.

  “For the same reason I didn’t tell you guys about it.” When I turned up at the apartment, my eye black from the fresh bruise he had given me, Rob urged me to press charges against him. I tried but the thing about money was that it could hide a multitude of sins. The charges didn’t stick so I was back to square one. The elevators doors opened when we got to their floor and we all moved in silence. Rob unlocked the door to let us in. After putting my bag down on the couch, I went to the bedroom. Taking my suitcase down, I started packing all my clothes up again. It felt like I had just gotten here and now I was leaving again. I didn’t know how long I would be staying away but I wanted to be prepared. I went to the draws that had all my bras, underwear and socks in and packed them too. Next, I went into the bathroom and grabbed everything from there. My laptop was in the other room so I would grab that on my way out. After doing a quick sweep of my room, I zipped up my suitcase and wheeled it out to the living room. Chelle and Rob were in the kitchen, I could hear their whispers.

  “I don’t like this. He could follow her.”

  “I know, babe, but we have to at least try and keep him here. I can’t take it that they are in the same state. I mean, sure, she kicked his ass tonight and I am putting money on her being able to do it again, but, Rob, if he gets her, he may kill her. You can’t always be around.”

  “Doesn’t he know where her family is though?”

  “Not to my knowledge, no. Even I only know they are in Montana.”

  “I would just feel better if they knew.”

  “It’s not up to us to tell them. I am hoping that she does but knowing how long she hid it from us, I’m not counting on it.” Having heard enough, I moved away from the door and went to grab my laptop bag and purse off the couch and put all my stuff together. Rob and Michelle came out about ten minutes later, Michelle handing me a bottle of water.

  “You good to go?”

  “Yeah, let’s go. He’s probably up off the floor by now and on his way here.” Rob took my suitcase and walked over to the front door. Taking the others and my bottle of water, I followed after them. Rob locked up while Michelle and I went to the elevator. None of us were saying a word. Right now, I was torn. I was hating myself for putting my best friend through this but on the other hand, I was so glad that I wasn’t alone anymore. I didn’t care if he came after me now. Everything would be okay when I got home to Montana. The boys would make sure of that.


  Opening my eyes to the sound of my alarm clock, I rolled over and shut it off. Wrapping my arms back around my pillow, I closed my eyes. I’d had a late-night last night with one of the mares who was due to give birth. Zach and I did shifts while the vet was coming out today to make sure she was okay. Five a.m. still came way too quickly though. Pulling the covers back, I got up before I fell back asleep and went into the kitchen. Taking my coffee mug from the cupboard, I took the coffee canister with my beans it from the cupboard where I kept them. Kelsea brought it for me as a house-warming present when I first moved in here because she, like I, knew the importance of coffee first thing in the morning. She was an OBGYN but helped in pediatrics from time to time. She had taken a step back once Lily was born as it hit her harder with babies her age. It was only a small hospital, so emergencies happened from time to time. Toby told me about one night she’d had to go in, he woke up to her just sitting in Lily’s nursery watching her sleep. It took some convincing, but he managed to get her to go shower and go to bed. She took a week off after that and stayed home with princess while Toby went to work.

  Sure, having Lily affected him too. As a deputy sheriff, he had seen his fair share of accidents. Some rocked him harder than others, but Kelsea got him through those times the way he had done for her. It hadn’t always been roses and sunshine for them. I sure as hell didn’t help with my antics, but ultimately, Lily had saved them. They worked through their shit and are better for it today. Pulling my thoughts away from my family, I finished making my coffee. I needed to shower and get ready for work. Jackson was coming into today apparently, so Zach wanted to make a big dent in our day as early as we could so that they could help get him settled. We had to get the ranch ready for a shipment of cattle that was coming to us from someone they had agreed to work with. They would feed it through here and we would sell them. We had some good buyers lined up but needed to see the stock first, so the owners were driving out here with them. Zach was including me in on it, despite him and Jackson being co-owners of this place. He respected my opinion, I just hoped that wouldn’t change once his brother got here. To be fair, I was the new guy and didn’t know either of them. If this was going to work though, we all needed to work as a team and be united. Only time would tell.

  After my coffee and a shower, I went out to the barn. Turning on the lights, I moved into Beauty’s stall, I carefully made my way inside. I didn’t want to spook her.

  “Hey, girl, how you doing?” I kept my voice low as I ran my hand along her neck. “Still not coming out huh. Don’t worry, the vet will be out soon to check on you.” I stayed with her for a bit longer before going to start the morning rounds of the other
horses. As I moved around, I kept glancing over to Beauty. She was my girl after all. I saved her from an asshole years ago and she had been with me ever since. Once I got her back to full health, it took some time for her to trust me. Someone came to me wanting to breed her with their prized stallion so after the all clear from the doc that she was okay to go ahead with it, we went ahead. Depending if it was a foal or a filly, would determine what happened next. We would keep it until it was old enough to separate them. If it was a foal it would go to the other owner, if it was a filly then we would keep her. I was a little nervous about what was about to happen. Could I really give him away? I didn’t really have a choice. I wasn’t about to make a bad name for myself or do anything to jeopardize Zach’s name either. Moving the horses into the corral, I went to muck out the stalls before returning to Beauty. I wasn’t in there long before Tory, our vet got here and joined me with Zach.

  “How’s she doing?”

  “Hanging in there. Thanks for coming out, we just wanted to make sure she is okay. She was acting kind of strange last night, so we kept an eye on her through the night.”

  “Let me look her over and we’ll see. By the sound of it though, I think it could be tonight.” Standing beside Beauty, I kept running my hand along her neck as the vet checked her out. I could finally breath when she told me that everything was fine and gave her the all clear. I knew I would be in and out through the day just to keep an eye on her. Zach came and placed his hand on my shoulder.

  “Have an early day today. You were up with the sun today and I’m sure you barely slept last night after I came to relieve you. Get some sleep because we both know you will be in here again tonight with her.”


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