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Cowboy Edition EBook

Page 83

by Maree, Kay

  “I don’t think I could deal with it… the whole other person type thing.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “I have a daughter, the next relationship I get into… if I ever decide to settle down has to be with someone who’ll accept, that I have a crazyass ex who is bound to cause havoc. I just don’t think I could personally deal with my next relationship having such complications or baggage,” he groaned

  Everyone has baggage, it could physical or emotional, but it was there. It wasn’t like I was squeaky clean when it came to life. Look, I was born out of wedlock, my biological father just passed from some heart condition, I had my fair share of crazyass ex girls back in the small remote town we called home in Queensland.

  “Speaking of your crazyass ex, what did the courts decide?” I curiously inquired. I felt like our whole catch up here at the pub evolved around asking a million questions, but we had several topics to discuss and it wasn’t often I got to hang out with Neal as we both lived in separate states. He moves here to be as close to his daughter after his ex-took off with her and now they were fighting some crazy battle.

  “That day you came to court with me, Alice didn’t show up as you know. The judge granting me temporary custody. I can’t leave the state unless I inform Alice and she has the right to prevent me from taking her blah, blah. It’s bullshit mate, the family court system in this country is fucked. I don’t hate Alice for any of this; she is who she is, but I can’t keep pulling Zara back and forth. It’s not fair on her. I know mum would love nothing more then to see us on the farm with her and all but it’s not possible. At least not yet,” he groaned running his hand down his face.

  I could see why he said he couldn’t deal with other complicated relationship because he was already in deep with the shit that had landed on his lap years prior when he knocked up Alice resulting in the two of them parenting Zara my niece.

  “Hey, isn’t that the hot neighbour?” my brother asked as he took a gaze around the bar. He clearly was over talking about Alice; she was never the easiest of people to discuss.

  I looked over to see where he was pointing and noticed that several sets of eyes were ogling us. None of them belonged to the girl next door, trust me I’d remember those eyes anywhere. The way they were so captivating and bright, then again maybe I was in some odd morning stupor and was dreaming about the girl next door.

  “I doubt the neighbour next door is sitting at the that table,” I remarked as I took another sip of my scotch.

  “I don’t care if she is or isn’t… girls mean distraction and a good sexual distraction at that. Between you and me brother, we need interference to envelope us for a few hours, so we aren’t sitting here drowning our sorrows with booze,” Neal smirked getting up from our table and walking over to theirs.

  I shook my head and silently threw out into the universe several profanity words. He could flirt and burry his dick in some woman but right now, sex was the furthest thing from my mind.

  “Hey,” a voice called out as my eyes drew focus. Of course, of all the people to see it had to be here. Adelaide, the girl next door. I didn’t know if I should laugh out loud at this moment or just shut the fuck up. I was going with laughter as I knew it was good medicine, but something also told me that to burst into laughter wasn’t….

  “You alright?” she asked.

  “I’m sorry if my brother….”

  “That’s your brother, oh he’s quite the smooth talker,” she chuckled. “But you haven’t asked my question. Are you alright?”

  “What did he tell you?” I grumbled, annoyed at my brother.

  “He didn’t say anything, other than we should talk,” she smiled. Damn… I thought I wasn’t thinking about sex but there was something in her voice, her smile… those eyes. To be honest I think maybe my brother was right. A distraction, a womanly kind of disturbance was certainly needed to help me forget about the day’s events. Maybe if it ended with a bang, I’d wake tomorrow a happier man.

  I watched on, as she nodded to the bar tender and ordered us another round. Don’t ask me why but the stupid line ‘do you come here often?’ sprung to my mind and make me cringe. It was so wrong in many ways and to the idiotic men of the world that used such line, I applaud you on your stupidity and the stupidity of those chicks that thought it was adorable because it fucking isn’t.

  You’ll be happy to know I didn’t use a cheesy pick up line on her, I never would.


  I couldn’t get our little weird word foreplay out of my mind. I liked how when I said certain things, her body slowly sprung to life. Something about her had be wanting more. I didn’t care what she gave me… in fact I’d settle for just being friends with her if I meant I could get the same rise every time we interacted. It had been a day since that encounter and while a small part of me had longed to talk to her more I couldn’t help but enjoy what was being presented before my very own eyes.

  You’re probably wondering what I’m referring to. Well, where do I begin?

  I woke on this morning to what could only be described as the devil’s day. It was hot and extremely sunny, perfect weather for the beach, or a pool party. It was barely nine am and the neighbourhood was already bustling with life. Car horns going off, I heard my doorbell ring before eight am, a parcel delivery. It just seemed to be that type of day. I showered, wrapped my body in a towel and headed out onto the back balcony off my top floor bedroom to enjoy a bit of fresh air.

  Her voice, the song… country music. It pricked my ears and that’s when my eyes landed on a sight I wasn’t expecting to see, especially at nine am in the morning.

  I should have looked away, walked inside but I couldn’t. My eyes were glued wide-open. There I stood, wrapped in a towel watching my neighbour Adelaide, put on some peep show in her backyard. It was probably more for her own purpose then for mine, no way could she know I was watching… then again. I wanted to say it was all for her, but the smirk on her lips told me otherwise. She wasn’t just putting this on for herself, but for… well someone else’s benefit. I don’t know, maybe she was recording it on her phone and sending it to a lover via a sexy text. The thought made my stomach churn, why… honestly jealousy. I liked her, what could I say. I knew it was wrong, all sorts of wrong to keep my eyes so heavily fastened to her naked body but… I was a guy and I had certain needs, urges, wants that she seemed to just satisfy them with her nakedness.

  Call it a cry for help, a siren call… call it whatever you want but the truth was she was a secret showgirl. She maybe hiding in some preverbal closet, or maybe she was slightly oblivious to the fact that her nakedness would be turning her on as much as it would turn any man on. It wasn’t just my male hormones driving me to think this way, I couldn’t even say it was my rock-hard cock that was driving me to have such thoughts like this… it had to be true. She had to know the effect she had on men, most women had effects on men, and they used it every day to their own advantages.

  Fuck… I was screwed. This… whatever she was doing it was going to lead me down the path of no return. I could picture myself entangled to her body and… well lets just say neither of us would be leaving the bedroom, the backyard… wherever we found to rock the boat. Distraction was the aim of the game, or at least that what I was telling myself.



  I couldn’t help it; something was driving me on. I felt compelled to strip it all off and just relish in the feeling of the cold water hitting my skin. It probably wasn’t the best of ideas as I knew I had an audience; however, I had no shame. I liked knowing I was eye candy for him. I wanted him, in a vial way. Something about him had my body humming to a tune I wasn’t familiar with. Country melodies… I didn’t hate them, but I also didn’t love them as enthusiastically as some did however something about the twang of the genre had me feeling good, sexy… womanly.

  The conversation we’d engaged in at the bar was fun, flirty and part
of me thought it may have led to something more but it ended with him being the perfect gentlemen almost and while I respected that, a large part of me wanted to be taken… ravished and fucked good and hard. It didn’t go that way at all, maybe in my dreams it did but the fine line between reality and dreaming never collided. Maybe that’s why I felt compelled to push this… whatever we had a little further than I would normally push anything, or maybe it was the fact that I was so rarely on holidays that this small break I wanted something new, different because I was in some kind of rut. I kept a tight reign on my life, never usually straying or stepping out of my comfort zone but he made me feel like I could something other than the businesswoman I’d labelled myself as.

  I closed my eyes, drew in a deep breath and let the water drizzle over me. The next thing I knew I heard the click of the gate and my heart began to race. My eyes immediately sprung open and then… I saw he was walking through the side gate and into my backyard. The stride he had was purposeful, he came here on business and I knew the business he was here for. That smouldering, glare radiating from his grey blue eyes said I was in trouble. I just hoped it was trouble of the best kind, bend over the knee spanking kind of trouble. I quickly looked away, I couldn’t maintain the eye contact, not when I was stark naked. The heat of the water was no longer keeping my body warm, I was cold, and I could feel a shiver begin to creep up my spine.

  Without a word he took me, his arms wrapping around my waist as his lips collided with mine in a sensual embrace. His tongue made light work of the kiss, sorting out every sleek hidden corner and tasting all, he could. I slipped my hand around his neck pulling him in closer deepening our caress as the water from the outdoor shower cascaded over us. It was like something you saw in the movies, where the two leads share an intimate moment kissing in the pouring rain. It was perfect, if there was such a thing.

  The next thing I remember was Riker picking me up, my legs voluntarily wrapping around him to keep myself as close to this body as I could. Within seconds, he’d carried me to the poolside deck, laying me down on the deck chair, strategically slipping himself beside me.

  His fingers contacted my skin; the electric current was shocking yet glorious as I felt the sparks bring my body to life. to work rubbing and gliding along the sensitive flesh of my aroused lady bits before he pushed a finger inside me. I moaned through the kiss arching into his fingers, the stinging pain and sudden pleasure of the unfamiliar intrusion, was a deadly combination. He stilled his hand, allowing me to relax before continuing to send my body into a frenzy. Moaning I broke the kiss as his wicked fingers found the right spot. I wriggled under his needy touch; I bit my lip to stifle my pleasure. At this rate I would be left shattered. My breathing was erratic; the pounding of my heart in my ears was so violently loud I thought my ear drums would burst. I was no match for him as my body succumbed to his touch. He lowered his head inclosing one of my hardened nipples with his mouth, teasing… pulling as he slowly continued to stroke me below. The mixture too much for my body to bear as I came crashing down, my muscles clenching around his fingers as my body shuddered violently leaving me a traumatized mess.

  I don’t know how long I was laying there with my eyes closed but the second I opened them I wanted to close them tightly shut again. The way his eyes slowly racking me from head to toe, admiring my body completely on display for him. I was a private showgirl for me hot as fuck cowboy neighbour. A country lad who had my body humming with joy. Fuck! This wasn’t supposed to happen, I was determined to not let this… whatever it is go any further.

  I was already a shattered mess and if I was to sleep with him then I’d feel like some trollop for seducing the new neighbour into sex. I’d already given him plenty ammunition; I couldn’t blame the man if he swept me off my feet and took me straight to bed to pound me into the sheets for hours on end. The ridiculously strip-like peep shows I’d already given him had landed me with the nickname ‘Showgirl’ and while the pet name was adorable, it also screamed slut. It so wasn’t like me, I wasn’t the type of girl to just flaunt my body to anyone, especially to men I’d barely knew, but that first interaction, the arguing with him and then my sisters detailed information about the new sexy as hell cowboy who now lived next door, it was all too much. I was being drawn into his presence, something about him was alluring, calling to my body and it was obvious my whole being wanted him. There was no denying I was attracted to the jean cladded, Akubra hat wearing, cocky mouthed Aussie country lad.

  Arg! The thought had me…it had me wanting more of the man, be damned if I had been silently chanting a mantra to warn myself off him.

  “You’re such a responsive girl,” he whispered.

  I hated this, just as much as I love the it. My body was a traitorous slut. I would have no choice but to reprimand her for this insubordination.


  I liked watching her sleep, how her brunette locks fell over her face when she rolled from side to side. The way sweet little moans slipped from her plump lips as she dreamed, about what I wouldn’t know but something told me they were raunchy and good.

  I loved how she was barely wearing a slip of clothing; in fact, she only had a towel draped over her just enough to cover the essentials. I’d managed to slip back into a pair of shorts I’d shoved on before I made the decision to… well sleep with her. Not that I envisioned what had just transpired between us happening but as I said, I did need the sexual distraction to keep my mind at ease. Doubt the euphoric bliss would linger for too long but it would suffice for now. A sweet whimper slipped from her lips as she turned to change positions, that towel was fucking useless because it practically slipped right off exposing her. It made me grin a little more than I should have because the first thought that popped into my brain was how much I wanted to suck on her plump nipples. I wanted to reach out and touch her golden skin. I had wanted her from the moment I saw her, if I was being frank. Truth was, I wanted to bury my hard-throbbing cock into the depths of this woman again and again. She aroused me in more ways than one. Yes, she was beautiful in more ways than I’d expected her to be.

  She was intelligent and witty, different to the girls back home. Don’t get me wrong the girls from our little country town were great but they were also looking for more. Some wanted out, they were sick of farming life and yet I couldn’t think of a better place to settle and raise kids… eventually. I barely knew this woman and yet I’d discovered that she was passionate, adventurous and wild. She liked to travel, or maybe that was her job. It seemed she was always out of the country or jet setting from one coast to the next. We had a few things in common, neither of us were ready for anything serious.

  “Will you stop staring at me,” she whispered.

  “If you cover yourself up maybe,” I smirked as I ran a finger down her now exposed thigh. I felt her shiver, goosebumps prickling her flesh.

  “Clearly my nakedness is too much for you,” she joked.

  I chuckled, “Too much indeed.”

  “What do you plan on doing about it then?”

  Nothing, to be honest I wasn’t going to push her into doing anything. I was a good wholesome country boy who had his mother to thank for raising him right. While I often strayed a little here and there, like sleeping with my neighbour, a woman I hardly knew I wouldn’t ever force myself upon anyone.

  “You’re one of those guys, the good ones,” she declared with a smile. “While I am happy, you’re a good guy, could you just be a bad boy for an hour and ravish me like you did the first time you saw me naked… exposed?”

  “This isn’t like you… you wouldn’t normally be this brazen, would you?”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever felt more myself then I do when I’m this girl, this woman,” she answered.

  It was the truth, the most honest she’d been, and I could see it in her eyes. This wasn’t for me, none of this… the outdoor shower, the exploring of herself in this sexual way. It was all for her. I should be pissed o
ff, annoyed that I was the guy she was using to find her path of self-discovery, but I wasn’t mad at all. In fact, I felt delighted and privileged she was comfortable enough to take the leap with me. I’d give her what she wanted because she asked so nicely.

  “Please,” she begged.

  How could I resist? It was like she had no control over it and she was letting every guard down, in order to find something, yet instinct told me this had to be out of the ordinary for her, after all she’d admitted that much. She wouldn’t normally be like this, she seemed reserved and poise, structured businesswoman to her core. She’d clearly put a label on herself years prior and hadn’t thought about the consequences of doing that. This girl was, well she was the sassy showgirl I’d wanted, the girl who’d and hour ago choose to be brave and do what she wanted to do. The one who’d effectively stripped and took a naked shower in front of me for my viewing pleasure, but I also wanted to be able to experience the real Adelaide too… maybe the real Adelaide was more promiscuous then I’d first thought.


  Several Months Later

  It wasn’t easy returning to my hometown. It was hard, difficult at time especially with how emotional and torn up my mother was. It took a lot of convincing to get her to realize that what Ian had passed away from wasn’t handed down to me. It wasn’t hereditary, but she begged to differ until our local GP insisted to her that I’d be fine. Ian’s heart condition was brought on by stress among other things.

  I wasn’t a guy who stressed out easily and as for any heart defects… it wasn’t ruled out but also wasn’t possible with my lifestyle choice being that I was a healthy twenty something male, but this wasn’t even an issue… it wasn’t supposed to be a part of our story.

  You’re probably wondering what happened between Adelaide and myself after out little fling in the backyard of her Sydney home? Where did she go? Did we stay in touch?


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