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Cowboy Edition EBook

Page 97

by Maree, Kay

  “Chin up, mate.” I shrug. “We’ll make Nash do it at your wedding.” That makes him smile. Anytime someone mentions the wedding, he can’t help getting a stupid grin on his face.

  “It can’t come quick enough,” he murmurs, looking over towards his future wife.

  “I thought you would’ve dragged her ass down the aisle by now, brother.” Nash shakes his head, grinning.

  “Trust me, I tried, but I’ve never been able to tell her no when she bats those damn eyes at me.”

  “Pussy,” I mumble, taking a swig of my beer to hide my smirk.

  “Just you wait, fucker. You won’t be able to tell Emily no either.” My gut twists, already knowing I could never deny her anything. Unless it comes to her safety, then it’s my way or no way.

  Looking over my shoulder, I notice Emily still hasn’t come back out. Knowing she’s never drunk before, I worry she might have passed out in the bathroom or something.

  Pushing to my feet, I drop my empty bottle into the cup holder built into my chair.

  “I’ll be back in a minute,” I throw over my shoulder.

  “Now look who’s pussy whipped,” Lucas calls, laughter following me into the house.

  Searching the bathroom downstairs, worry spikes through me when she isn’t there. Stepping back into the hallway, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when I see the front door wide open. Racing towards it, I step out onto the front porch, but no one is around, only cars lined up in the driveway.

  Stepping back into the house, closing the door behind me, the stairs creak. Snapping my head up, a deep breath whooshes from my lungs as Emily descends the stairs, a puzzled look crossing her beautiful features as she takes me in.

  “What’s wrong, Stud?”

  Stud? Shit, I like the sound of that and could definitely get on board with that little nickname.

  “Not a lot, Sunshine. Just wanted to make sure you hadn’t passed out.” Letting my eyes take her in from head to toe, an oversized black knitted jumper hitting just above her knees, black tights encasing her beautiful smooth legs, finished off with a pair of black fluffy slippers covering her feet

  “You finished?” she laughs, a big smile spreading across her face, catching me checking her out.

  “Give me a minute,” I gruff out, doing another sweep with my eyes.

  “Cheeky,” she fires back.

  “You have no idea, Little Sunshine.” I run the tip of my tongue across my bottom lip.

  I smirk seeing a visible tremble racing through her small body.

  “Behave,” she laughs, resting her hands against my chest.

  “I thought you might be sick,” I say, taking in her glassy, bloodshot eyes.

  “Oh, I have a buzz going on, but I’m good. I was just a little cold, so thought I’d change.” She leans up on her tiptoes, breathing into my lips before grazing hers across mine, the taste of sweet tequila igniting across my lips.

  “Yum,” I breath, locking my lips with hers before she has a chance to pull back, loving the way her body melts into mine.

  Just like our first kiss, my body begins to tingle and the room disappears as the scent of cotton candy invades my senses.

  Feeling my dick harden to the point of pain in my jeans, I pull back, resting my forehead against hers, just breathing her in for a moment and needing to settle my ass down.

  “Son,” mum calls out, breaking me out of Emily’s captivating turquoise gaze. Looking up and taking in mum’s tipsy expression, I shake my head.

  My fingers flex against Emily’s ass, making her whimper into my chest.

  “Behave,” I throw back at her.

  “Jerk,” she giggles.

  Throwing my head back, I bark out a laugh.

  “You’ll get used to it.” I wink down at her.

  “Oh, you guys are going to make me some beautiful grandbabies,” mum gushes.

  “Mum,” I snap, not wanting her to scare my girl.

  “I think your mum might be a bit drunk,” Emily giggles into my chest.

  “You think, Sunshine. Thank god everyone that’s drinking has already set up their tents out back.” I laugh, shaking my head, so glad my mum hasn’t run her off with her crazy talk.

  “Come here,” mum calls out.

  “I’m just gonna grab a glass of water,” Emily says, brushing her lips against mine again. I’m loving how she so easily does that. The alcohol may be helping her, but I ain’t complaining.

  “Right, I’ll make sure mum is good.” I watch as she heads into the kitchen, mesmerized by the small sway in her hips and loving the fact that her body is starting to fill out since she started eating properly.

  “What’s up, Mum?” I ask, coming to her side.

  Wrapping her arm around my waist and resting her head against my arm, I put my arm around her to help hold her up.

  “I love her,” she slurs, her bright glassy eyes, the colour of honey, stare into mine, making me grin. Leaning down, I plant a small kiss on her head.

  “Good, ‘cause so do I,” I whisper, winking.

  “Babe, can you possibly grab mum and June some water please?” I ask over my shoulder, laughing when mum begins to blabber on about me spoiling her fun.

  “Sure thing,” Emily calls back as I head out the back door with mum and yelp. I’d guessed it, June and Lucy are up doing some weird dance moves. Cora is in tears, laughing her ass off at the pair of them.

  “Let me go help Emily with the water. I think Lucy may need some as well.” I smirk, pushing mum into a chair, but it doesn’t last long.

  She jumps up and starts doing the Nutbush.

  “Jesus,” I mutter, scrubbing my face with both hands and trying really hard not to laugh right now.

  “I got them, go help your girl,” Cora laughs, patting me on the arm.

  “Thanks, I knew you were a good woman.” I wink, making her giggle.

  “Go away, you charmer.” She waves her hand towards the back door.

  Nodding, I do just that. Taking the few steps up onto the deck, I pull open the back door and make my way into the kitchen. Half-filled glasses are lined up along the bench, but Emily is nowhere to be seen. Heading towards the closed bathroom door, and noticing light shining from underneath the door, I knock.

  “Are you okay babe?” I call, but silence greets me. Worried she may be sick after all, I push open the door, but it’s empty.

  “Emily,” I call out, but still nothing. Racing up the stairs, I fling open the doors, one by one, but still no Emily. I listen for any sound of her vomiting or something, but hear nothing besides voices outside coming through the open windows.

  Fuck, where is she?

  Racing back down the stairs, I race out the open front door, knowing I fucking closed it earlier.

  Not a sound reaches me, but as I look down, the light from the porch reflects off the gravel driveway. My breath stills in my chest when I notice what looks like drag marks about a meter long. Stepping off the porch, I take in the tracks. My heart freezing in my chest as I pick up her black fluffy slippers.


  My gut twists, an eerie feeling settling deep into my bones, and I know that fucker has my girl.

  I can’t lose her, not now, not after all we’ve been through…

  I gave her a reason to fight, to grow stronger.

  Now I need her to keep fighting until I find her…

  “Scream! Kick! Fight me! Come on!” I egg her on while finishing off binding her to the wooden chair, loving this new fight running through her. It won’t last long, I’m sure of it, but while she fights me it only makes me hunger to punish her more.

  I couldn’t wait to hear the sounds of her bones breaking, and must admit I miss hearing the little hitch in her breath as she tries to stop the scream bubbling up in her chest even though it’s no use, in the end, she’d always give it over to me.

  When she loses the battle this time, I’ll soak in the bro
ken sobs, letting them pour through me, because this time I won’t stop until the light leaves those eyes.

  “You thought you could escape me, little sister,” I tsk, smiling as those bright eyes sharpen on me. “I’m loving this new fire inside of you. I wonder how long it will take to burn out?” I tap my finger against my chin, pacing the space in front of her.

  “I knew there was a reason I kept you alive. Mother dearest did keep you over me, but still, there was always something else holding me back.” I look around the old abandoned house I’d found a month ago. It’s not much to look at, mould covers three-quarters of the walls, the scent of rotting wood lingers in the air, and the floors are torn up and broken in places, but I thought it would do nicely as the perfect backdrop for my sister’s demise.

  Strolling towards the old fireplace I’d lit earlier, the embers glowing brightly under the dying fire. Palming a metal poker in my hands, resting the tip against the brightest one, I grin as a touch of heat travels up the metal bar.

  “Are you ready to play, Lil sis?” I smirk over my shoulder, laughing as she struggles against her bindings, her head whipping around frantically, muffled noises coming from her covered mouth. Satisfaction pumps through me that I’d had the foresight to strip her of her clothing, except for her bra and panties, before tying her down.

  Pulling the poker out and examining the tip, it glows bright red to white after a matter of seconds, I slow my steps until I’m standing directly in front of her. Hardening my features, I’m mesmerized by her fair skin glowing under the single warm bulb light swinging from the decrepit ceiling.

  Running the tips of my fingers across her collarbone, she jerks her body back, making me laugh.

  Waving the poker in front of her face, she freezes in place, her eye’s locking with mine.

  “Are you ready to scream for me?” Gripping the corner of the tape across her mouth, I rip it off in one smooth move. She whimpers, but still does not scream. I let her catch her breath before I put the poker against her lower arm. She moans, but quickly bites down hard on her lip and blood begins to dribble down her chin. Moving the poker to her other arm, she jerks, but she can’t get far. Those eyes of hers brim with tears, pleading with me to relent. A decent person would, but I ain’t a decent person, I’m a monster. A frisson of excitement courses fast and hard through me, my body transcending any normal human nature and blocking it out as the scent of blood lingers in the air around me.

  “Scream for me,” I grow. I pull back the poker, throwing it to the floor and strolling towards the old dining table against the wall with purpose. Picking up my leather cat o’ nine tails, I begin flicking it through the air, satisfied with the crack echoing through the space.

  Staring back at my wide-eyed sister, my thoughts are snarling together. Hurt her, cover yourself in her blood, feel her last breath rattle against your ears. A desperate hunger surges through me, twisting my insides wanting, no needing, that.

  Lurching forward, I raise my arm and snap out the whip in a quick move. If you’d blinked you would have missed it. The small razor-sharp blades make contact and finally she fucking screams. It’s music to my fucking sick twisted ears. Those turquoise eyes are awash with tears and droplets of blood dot her fair skin, and I want to bathe in them.

  “Yes,” I hiss. Lash after lash, warmblood sprays across my face, my hands, my clothes and my heart pounds faster, wanting more.

  Running my tongue around my lips, the sweet metallic taste burns across my tongue then slides down my throat, feeding the monster that has overtaken my soul.

  I’m the Hunter and she is the wide-eye Prey I’m about to devour.

  I won’t stop until every part of her is just as broken as me.

  She changed the rules when she left, now she will pay with her life…

  I begged for water, begged for food, begged for freedom, more times than I can count in the past and it always fell on deaf ears. Now, as he tears my body apart, the tiny blades shredding through my skin like paper, my screams turn to whimpers, no longer feeling the burn, the sting.

  My insides go numb, sweat drips down my face mixing with my tears, my breaths come in choppy pants as he relishes in the pain he’s inflicting.

  My lids lower as I try to summon what little strength I have left.

  Blocking out the whistle of the whip soaring through the air, before the loud crack as it connects with my skin, I block out his heavy panting and those dark dead eyes dancing with excitement.

  Letting myself fall deeper and deeper into the empty recesses of my brain, clinging onto what warmth I have left, my heartbeat is a dull thump now as I pray the little bit of warmth is enough to keep me sheltered through this nightmare.

  He enjoyed breaking me, my bones, my mind, everything that made me me, but this time he wasn’t going to win.

  I was stronger now, no longer the girl sheltered by her mother's arms.

  I have lived, breathed a new life with a man who wants to help hold me together and worship at my feet.

  This sick monster can do his worst, he can tear me apart limb from limb, but my soul is burning bright and hot with the knowledge that in a little while Jebson will come for me.

  I just need to hold on a little bit longer.

  We didn’t travel far from the Steel farm; my brain flicks back to him dragging me out of June and Lou’s house. I didn’t even see him come up behind me, but before I could scream his heavy hand covered my mouth, preventing anyone from hearing me.

  Then I was being dragged out the front door and towards a bunch of trees where an old beat-up black panel van sat. Swinging the back doors open, he shoved me into a metal cage and secured the gate with a lock before shutting the van doors. Fear froze me and my lungs refused to work as he climbed into the front seat.

  “Make a sound and I won’t hesitate to shoot you. Then I’ll pick off each and every one of your new friends, starting with those two precious babies,” he spat out, turning and pointing the barrel of a gun towards me. All I could do was nod my understanding, fear weighing me down as the faces of my friends and those poor innocent babies flickered past my vision. We weren’t in the car that long before he was pulling up a dirt track and slamming into park. Then he was there, dragging me back out of the van and towards an abandoned, dilapidated little house.

  A scream tears up my throat, my eyes snap open, and the stench of burning flesh surrounds me; my thigh burning makes my head swirl. Those dark eyes are at the same level as mine as he crouches in front of me, flickering with malice and deep hatred.

  “Just making sure you’re still with me,” he chuckles, dragging on a cigarette. Looking down, I take in the numerous cuts scattered across my thighs; blood smeared and dripping off my fair skin, and a fresh cigarette burn mark stands out. My stomach twists as bile rises up the back of my throat while the scent lingers in the air.

  “You’re a monster,” I wheeze out.

  “Ah, she speaks.”

  Running his finger across the fresh burn, making me hiss, he swipes up some blood then sucks it into his mouth, humming around the digit.

  “Tasty,” he cackles, throwing his head back.

  “You sick piece of shit” I grind out.

  “Oh, what a dirty mouth you’ve picked up away from me Lil sis.” He pushes off my thighs with his hands.

  A hiss escapes between my clenched teeth from the pressure. He towers over me before turning back towards the table. Time seems to slow down when he turns around with the whip in his hand again.

  “You screamed so prettily for me from this. Let’s have another go, shall we?”

  Minutes, or hours, could have passed as the whip cracks over and over again.

  I wouldn’t have a clue how much time has passed. Closing my eyes, I shrink back into myself, my whirling thoughts holding me captive.

  Lost in pain, in thought, remembering a life I’d barely had the chance to grasp hold of...

  I burrow into the warmth
still flickering deep inside me, mentally praying to anyone who’s listening to answer my plea for having the life Jebson was willing to give me…

  “This is bullshit!” I shout. “It’s been just over an hour - god only fucking knows what he’s done to her. She could be dead already.” The words rip from my throat, sounding clunky; my chest is heaving at the thought of Emily lying dead somewhere.

  “You can’t think like that, brother,” Lucas says, squeezing my shoulder.

  “I need to find her, Lucas. Fuck! How did I let this happen?” Gripping my hair, I squeeze, tension rolling through me as I begin to pace.

  “You didn’t let anything happen,” Nash says, coming into the kitchen of his parents' place.

  “Dad took everyone over to my place. Drixen is on the phone to that Detective in Newcastle. Let’s just hope he has something we can work off.”

  “You guys should head over to your place Nash--”

  “Fuck that,” Lucas cut’s me off. “As far as I can see right now, you need all the hands you can get. Besides Drixen and yourself, most of them are too drunk to help, no matter how much water your father pours down their throats.''

  “Boss!” Drixen shouts, running into the kitchen.

  “What?” I growl.

  “Detective Black and his partner are here.”

  “What the fuck do you mean - they are here?” As the words leave my mouth, there’s a heavy knock on the front door.

  Nodding towards Nash, silently telling him to answer the door, I grip my gun at my hip while Nash pulls the door open.

  “Good evening, Sir. We’re detectives from Newcastle. My name is Deacon Black, and this is my partner, Jim Barnes. Sorry to intrude on your night, but it’s urgent we speak with Captain Jebson Stone.”

  “Nash Steel.” Nash holds out his hand to shake theirs as he pulls the door all the way open.

  “Jebson,” I gruff out, stepping forward and shaking their hands, making the introductions as we head towards the dining table just as Davis turns up with the files.

  With Drixen already here, I knew I had to call her to bring out what we have on this son of a bitch.


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