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Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3)

Page 6

by Siobhan Davis

  After booking a room for Kal and using none-too-subtle persuasion to ascertain Ky’s room number and a duplicate key card, we are on our way. The lift isn’t working so we haul ass on foot to the second floor.

  I can’t wait a second longer to see my boyfriend so we head straight to his room.

  The instant I set foot in Ky’s room, my insides lock up and nausea swims up my throat. Ky is spread-eagled on the bed, face down, wearing only his boxers. A pretty girl with wavy dark hair and shell-shocked wide green eyes is sitting up on the bed beside him. At least she’s fully dressed, but it’s small consolation.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Kal demands, dropping both our bags on the ground as everything inside me starts shutting down.

  She quickly gets up off the bed, striding toward us. “This is not what it seems, I promise.” She stands in front of me. “Faye, nothing happened. I swear.”

  “How do you know who I am?” I ask, noting her stained jeans and T-shirt combo. She certainly wasn’t pulling out all the stops to nab my man.

  “Kyler showed me your picture, and he hasn’t shut up talking about you all night. This isn’t what it looks like.”

  Kal folds his arms across his chest, narrowing his eyes. “Start talking. Who are you and how do you know my brother?”

  She rubs the back of her head. “I work the bar at Randy’s Tavern across the road,” she starts explaining. “Your brother came in earlier, and he sat at the counter so we started chatting.” I send her my best death glare as a bitter taste swirls in my mouth. She looks a little sheepish. “I might’ve had ideas of hitting on him at first, but he shot me down before I got a chance. Same with the dozens of girls who approached him. He told them all the same thing—that he was crazy in love with his girlfriend and not interested.”

  That goes some way toward thawing out my heart, but I’m still suspicious. “That doesn’t explain how you ended up here,” I say.

  “He drank way too much so I rang my friend Luce—this is her family’s motel—and booked him in for the night. When it was time to call it a night, he could barely stand, and he was really sad, you know?” She looks over her shoulder at him. “He, ah, he started crying, and he wasn’t really making any sense, but I could tell he wasn’t doing so hot, so I helped him over the road. He threw up all over himself so I got him up here, and helped him into bed. I was rinsing his clothes in the tub, and when I came back out, he was already snoring. I was going to leave, but I was worried he’d puke in his sleep and choke or something. I tried to call you, but his cell is password protected, so I couldn’t get your number. My shift is over, so I stayed to make sure he was okay. That’s it. The God’s honest truth.”

  I purse my lips as I mull it over. Ky wouldn’t cheat on me, irrespective of how drunk he was. It’s one of the things he truly despises. He still hates himself for what happened with Addison, even though he was only faking in order to protect me. I know he loves me, and he wouldn’t risk what we have no matter how messed up he is right now. It’s other girls I have to worry about, but I don’t think this girl is one of them. I believe her. Maybe if she hadn’t admitted to wanting to hit on him, I mightn’t, but she was honest, so I’m inclined to believe she’s told me the whole truth. Besides, even if she’s omitting part of the story, it’s obvious Ky is in a bad way and he needs us. Needs me. That’s all that’s important right now.

  I exhale loudly. “Thank you for looking out for him, but we’ve got it from here.”

  She nods and the tense look leaves her face. “Sure thing.” She stops at the door, turning around. “He’ll be glad you’re here. He was calling out for you in his sleep.”

  I walk to the side of the bed and crouch down. Ky looks so young and vulnerable when he’s asleep. His skin is lightly flushed, his mouth slightly parted, and he’s snoring. His hair is all messy, and my fingers twitch with restless need. I long to touch him, but I don’t want to risk waking him up. That would be selfish. His chest heaves and a tiny whimper flees his mouth. I’m so glad we found him. That we’re here for him. That he won’t have to deal with stuff on his own. Judging from what the bartender said, and the torn skin on his knuckle, I think it’s safe to assume he’s already met his dad and that it didn’t go well.

  I want to envelop him in my arms and never let go, but it’ll have to wait until morning.

  His breath oozes out, fanning my face, and eau de puke mixed with alcoholic fumes has me pinching the bridge of my nose. I stand up, pulling the covers up over him. I scan the room and poke my head in the bathroom. Ky’s jeans and shirt are soaking in the bath and a wave of gratitude washes over me. Although I’m still suspicious over the bartender’s motives, I’m grateful she was here to keep an eye on him. I hate the thought that he was planning on doing this all alone, and I have a few choice words for him when the time is right.

  I open a window in the room to let in some fresh air. “Could you go back down to the receptionist and see if you can get some water and paracetamol?” I ask Kal.

  “Of course. I’ll be right back.”

  I get changed into my sleep shorts and top while Kal is gone. Removing my Kindle from my bag, I settle on the bed beside my boyfriend. There’s no way I’m sleeping when Ky is so inebriated. I’ll watch over him until he wakes. Kal protests when he returns, and I reluctantly agree to take babysitting in shifts. He goes to his room to get a few hours’ sleep while I place the water and tablets on the bedside locker on Ky’s side. Kissing the top of his head, I open my Kindle and start reading.

  I’m on an exciting part of my book when a warm arm drapes over my stomach. “Faye,” Ky mumbles, and I look over at him. He’s turned on his side facing me, still fast asleep. “Love you,” he murmurs, and my heart does a little jump. His hand glides down my stomach, provoking a flurry of tingles inside me. He shunts sideways, eliminating the gap between us, burying his head on my chest. I’m scarcely breathing as I place my Kindle on the bedside locker. “Must be dreaming,” he says, snuggling in farther. His hand creeps lower and then his entire body stiffens. He bolts upright, lurching over to the other side of the bed like he’s been electrocuted. His eyes blink furiously as he stares at me. Shaking his head, he rubs his eyes hard.

  I twist around, sitting up on my knees. “Ky,” I say softly. “It’s me. I’m here. Kal’s in the next room.”

  He clears his throat. “Faye?”

  His voice plugs with emotion, and I reach out, cupping his face. “Hi, baby.”

  His eyes flood with tears as he stares at me. “Is this real? Are you really here?”

  The stark vulnerability in his gaze and in his voice is heartbreaking. “It’s real. I’m real. Here.” I take his hand and place it over my chest, right where my heart is pounding.

  Just for him.

  Always for him.

  He crawls over to me, and tears leak out of his eyes. What the hell did meeting his dad do to him? I reel him into my arms, hugging him to death. “It’s okay, baby. I’m here now. I’m gonna take care of you.” I smooth my hand up and down his back as he clings to me. He breaks down in my arms, sobbing uncontrollably, and I can’t halt the tears that spill out of my eyes or the anguish that spears my heart. Every sob that escapes his mouth pummels my heart until it feels like a hunk of shredded mincemeat in my chest. His body shakes and trembles against mine, and I’d do anything to take his pain away. Readily sign my soul over to the devil so I could take his place. I hate seeing him hurting like this, and holding him while he lets it all out doesn’t feel like nearly enough, but it’s all he needs right now. There are no words in the English language adequate to soothe his torment.

  I clasp him tighter to me as silent tears roll down my cheeks.

  I maneuver us so we’re lying down, and I eventually fall asleep like that—with the boy I love with all my heart, fragile and vulnerable and broken, in my arms.

  The smell of coffee wakes me up, and m
y eyes struggle open. A blurry image of Kal appears in my line of sight. “Morning, sleepyhead.”

  I look down at Ky, snuggled around me like an octopus, still fast asleep. “How long have you been here?” I whisper.

  “Came in a couple of hours ago to relieve you, but you were both asleep. Went back to bed for a while, and I just went out to get some coffee. I think it’s time to wake him.” He nods at his brother.

  I shake my head. “No, let him sleep. He was really upset in the middle of the night, Kal. It was awful.” Tears pool in my eyes again. “He’s hurting so bad. Let him sleep. Let him put reality off for as long as he can.”

  “I can hear you,” Ky mutters, shifting in my arms.

  I scowl at Kal, and he drops into an arm chair, shrugging. “Can’t stave off reality indefinitely. Trust me, I’m speaking from recent experience.” He takes a sip of his coffee, looking pensive.

  “Hey.” I run the tips of my fingers across Ky’s face. “How are you feeling?”

  “Terrible.” He sits up slowly, supporting his back against the headrest. “It feels like something died in my mouth.” I lean across him, snatching the bottle of water and tablets. Wordlessly, I place them in his hands, and he quickly pops two tablets and drinks half the water in one go. Kal and I exchange concerned looks.

  Ky screws the cap on the bottle and tosses it off to the side. Scrubbing a hand over his prickly jaw, he frowns as he scans the room. “Where the hell am I? And how are you two here?”

  I fill him in quickly, watching as all the blood drains from his face when I mention finding him unconscious with the pretty bartender beside him. Butterflies are panicking in my chest, and it takes considerable control to downplay this. To focus on his needs rather than my own. “She said nothing happened.”

  He takes my hand in his, gulping. “The latter part of the night is a blank, I’m not going to lie, but I wouldn’t have done anything, Faye. I swear it. When I woke that time, I thought I was dreaming at first, but then I felt your skin under my hand, and I freaked out because I didn’t know it was you. That’s why I pulled away. There’s no part of me that would do that to you, to us, no matter how incoherent I was. I will never cheat on you.” He pulls my hand to his lips, kissing it tenderly. “Promise.”

  “I know.” And I do. It’s one of those inherent truths. Something you just know deep down inside to be true without any proof or any need for proof.

  “You met him?” Kal asks, sitting forward in his chair. “I’m assuming that’s the reason for the state you’re in.”

  A dark look crosses over Ky’s face as he nods. He holds up his injured hand. “I hit him before I left. Was satisfying at the time.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?” I unravel his clenched fists and thread my hand in his.

  “Nothing much to tell, really. He’s a total skid. Was wasted when I got to his house, openly groping this young girl, and giving me advice about banging as many girls as I can while I’ve still got my looks.” Kal looks incredulous while I feel sick to my stomach. “Then he calls her back in the room and tells her to fuck me.”

  “What?” I screech.

  He pulls me into his side, kissing my temple. “That’s exactly how I reacted. Then she suggests a threesome, and I tried to leave, but he booted her out instead and …” His face turns an even paler shade of white.

  “And?” Kal prompts.

  His body starts trembling, and a light layer of sweat dots his forehead. I turn in his arms, reaching out to touch him, and he flinches. I share a troubled look with Kal. “What happened, Ky? Did he start the fight? Did he hurt you?”

  He barks out a laugh as an errant tear sneaks out. I’m horrified. I don’t know what’s happened but I hate seeing him so cut up, and I feel so helpless. “He knew,” Ky whispers, shaking his head. “He was the one who stopped it. How messed up is that?” He’s looking off into space, like he’s almost forgotten we are here. More tears roll down his face, and Kal’s anguished expression mirrors my own.

  Tentatively, I reach up and cup Ky’s face. He doesn’t flinch this time. “He knew what, babe?” I ask in a soft tone of voice.

  Ky pierces me with those beautiful blue eyes of his. His mask is down and he’s letting me see everything. Opening up that dark, corroded part of his heart to me. I feel his pain as acutely as if it’s my own. These hidden depths are what connect us. What drew us to one another in the first place. Well, that and the electric chemistry we share. Ky understands where my demons originated because I’ve shared my history with him, but he’s only ever alluded to his.

  Now, he wants me to know. It’s written across his face.

  It’s time.

  He curls one hand around my neck and pulls my face to his.

  “Your scars, your flaws, your fears, your pain—they’re mine too,” I whisper. “You hurt, I hurt.” I stare deep into his eyes. “I’m here for you. Let me help.”

  Pressing his mouth to my ear, he says, “I can’t say this in front of my brother. I’m not ready for that yet.”

  I nod, understanding what he’s asking and what I need to do. I kiss his forehead before I swing my legs off the bed. “Kal, can I speak to you outside, please?”

  Kal glances at Ky uncertainly. He has pulled his legs up to his chest, and his head is buried in his knees. He’s seconds away from losing it, and I need to do this quick. I tug on Kal’s elbow, dragging him from the room under protest.

  “Faye, what is going on?”

  I close the door over, keeping it open a fraction, talking in a low tone. “He needs to get something off his chest, but he can’t say it in front of you yet.”

  “Why the hell not?” His voice betrays his hurt.

  “Don’t take it personally. Remember how you felt when all that stuff happened with Lana? How you didn’t want to talk about it until you’d processed it? He’s going through something similar.”

  “I get that, but he’s willing to talk to you.”

  “And that’s a good thing, right?” I touch his cheek, forcing his gaze on mine. “It’s good that he wants to talk to one of us. It’s good that he’s not locking it all up inside.”

  “I’m worried about him, Faye. I’ve never seen him cry. Like ever.”

  “I’m worried about him, too, and this isn’t about you. He loves you. Look at the lengths he went to in order to protect you, to stop that recording from coming out? This isn’t about you. It’s about him and how he needs to deal with this, so don’t hurt. Do what you can to help. Call Kaden and update him, and sort out the rooms. I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere for a while. Organize some food. Do what you can to help.”

  He nods. “You’re right, and I’m glad he has you. Lana was that person for me. It was one of the hardest things about all that crap she put me through— my instinct was to run to her, to lean on her, but she wasn’t there for me anymore. So, go.” He gives me a gentle shove. “Go help my brother.”

  I shut the door quietly as I reenter the room. Ky emerges from the bathroom, looking at me through wounded, grief-stricken eyes. He flops down on the bed, and the devastation and helplessness in his expression is heartbreaking. I want to kill whoever put it there—wipe them from existence so they can’t hurt him anymore. I climb onto the bed beside him, sliding my hand around his back. His head lands on my shoulder and we don’t talk for several minutes. I’m letting him control this, and I won’t force him to speak. He’ll talk to me when he’s ready. I run my fingers through the top of his hair and along the shorn, velvety sides, pressing tiny kisses to his face. His body is a solid block of tension against me, and he’s holding himself rigidly still.

  After an indeterminable period of time, he lifts his head, angling his body around so he’s facing me. Tears pour down his cheeks, and I cup his face, kissing the tears away. “I love you.” I penetrate his eyes. “I’ll always love you. You’re my everything.”

  He presses his forehead to mine, and his breathing is ragged. “I love you, too, and I’ve never needed anyone as much as I need you right now. Thank you. For ignoring me. For coming here. For not judging.”

  I hug him. “You’re a good person, Ky. You protect and support those you love, and it’s our turn to do that for you. There’s nothing you can tell me that’ll change how I feel about you. Nothing. If you want to tell me, I’ll listen, but if you don’t, that’s fine too.” I ease back, wiping my thumbs under his moist eyes. “I’m not going anywhere. We’re in this together.”

  “This is the first time in my life where I feel it’s okay to lean on someone else. I’ve never had this before, not with anyone. I want to tell you but I’m scared.”

  “Why?” I push his hair back off his forehead.

  “It’s not that I’m scared to tell you or scared how you’ll react. That’s not it at all.” He gives me a smile and his eyes shine with love. Pressing my lips to his forehead, I close my eyes, and we stay like that for a bit. When he pulls back, he looks more assured. “I’m scared because telling you is only the first step, and I don’t know if I’m strong enough to take the rest.”

  I circle my arms around his neck, pinning him with a determined look. “You are one of the strongest people I know. I know you can do this. And you’re not alone, because I will be with you every step of the way. If that’s what you want.”

  He nods, and more tears well in his eyes. “God, I love you so much, and I’m still falling for you. Every day, I fall a little more.” My heart swells at his words and the earnest look in his eyes. “I will never want anyone else by my side. Only you, Faye. Only ever you.” He kisses the tip of my nose and my cheeks, before delicately brushing his lips against mine. “And that’s a promise.”

  My heart thrills at his words, amplifying until I fear it might burst out of my chest. Despite the circumstances, I can’t keep the goofy grin off my face. “I love you to the moon and back.” Mum used to say that to me all the time, and it never failed to perk me up.


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