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Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3)

Page 12

by Siobhan Davis

  “Will you be around tomorrow night?” I ask.

  “Can be.”

  “That thing that was supposed to happen today is happening tomorrow now. I’d like you to hang with us, if you’re okay with that? I think I’ll need some masculine moral support.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  I rise. “Thanks.” I stop at the door, turning to face him. “Keep looking out for her in school, okay?” He nods slowly. “Even though Addison has been cautioned to keep her distance, I wouldn’t put it past her to get Peyton to do her dirty work.”

  “I agree, and don’t worry, I’ll make sure she’s safe. I don’t want to see anything else happen to her.”

  “Are we going to be okay?”

  “I hope so,” he says, but the look on his face tells me he’s every bit as worried as I am.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Brad is uncharacteristically quiet the next morning on the journey to school. Things have never been more awkward between us, and I want to mend that, but I don’t know how. Right now, I have more pressing concerns, like the fact that Adam is arriving tomorrow to speak to me. I’ve no doubt it’s a reaction to the current media reports because why else would he go back on his word? He told me to set the pace, and I requested another week to think things over, but his text told me this was not up for debate.

  He’ll be in town tomorrow morning, and he asked me to meet him at the diner. I informed him of the need to change the venue, due to the diner’s closure, so we’re meeting at a small café on the other side of town instead. The coffee is pretty dire, but the muffins are to die for.

  “You okay to do this today?” I ask Brad as we walk into the school building.

  “What choice do I have?” His tone is biting, and a flash of hurt flickers over his face. I knew he was totally spoofing last night. That look just confirmed it.

  My stomach drops. “I knew it would end badly,” I mutter, half to myself. I yank my locker open with more force than necessary.

  His warm hand lands over mine. “I’m sorry, that was unfair of me. I’m happy things have worked out with Ky and that you’re able to have a normal relationship.”

  I grab the books I need and drop them in my bag. “You really mean that?”

  He pauses before answering. “I want to mean it. Does that count?”

  His words further confirm my suspicions, and I don’t know what to do with that. Is this my fault? Have I led him on? “I’m sorry.” My eyes penetrate his, and I hate seeing the hurt there, knowing I’m responsible.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.” He smiles but it doesn’t quite meet his eyes. “Don’t mind me. I’m just having a bad day.”

  “You sure?” He falls into step beside me as I walk toward my first class.

  “Yeah.” He leans in to kiss my cheek and stops. “Sorry.” His skin flushes ever so subtly, and he takes a step back. “It’s become too comfortable with you. I’ll get the word out during first period, and if you do the same, I’m sure it’s all anyone will be talking about at lunch.”

  I flatten my back to the wall, noting the snide glances being leveled my way as students pass by. “Yeah, that and the latest Kennedy scandal.” At least there were no reporters outside our school this time, but judging by the crowd outside the house this morning, I’m sure my cousins are fighting the vultures over at O.C. Not for the first time, I wish Ky went here with me. My protective instincts are flying at full mast, and I hate that I can’t be there to deflect some of the heat. Kal assured me he’d watch out for him, but it’s not the same. I want to be there for him.

  I wave goodbye to Brad and step into the classroom, ignoring the hushed whispers as I tap out a quick message to my boyfriend. “Miss you already. Don’t let the haters get you down.”

  I manage to fill Zoe and Rose in during the break between classes, telling them that Brad and I broke up at the weekend and I’m dating Ky now. While it isn’t news to Rose, this is the first time Zoe is hearing about it. Her nose wrinkles in distaste. I slam to a halt in the corridor, and the girl behind plows into me, cursing. I mumble an apology over my shoulder, and she quickly backs off. “What?” I whip around to Zoe. “You don’t like Kyler either?”

  “It’s not that. He’s your cousin.”

  “Only by marriage. Haven’t you seen the news? He has a different dad, and there’s no blood ties.”

  “I heard that, but you’ve been living as cousins up to this point, so were you, like, getting it on while you thought you were? ‘Cause that’s kinda sick.”

  “We weren’t,” I say, and it’s not really a lie. We didn’t sleep together until after we found out. “And none of that matters now. He’s my boyfriend, and there’s no law that says he can’t be.”

  I storm off leaving those parting words ringing in her ears.

  Every pair of eyes follows my movement the instant I set foot in the cafeteria, but I don’t care. I’ve been expecting this, and the benefits of coming clean far outweigh the negatives. By next week, this will all blow over, and Ky and I will be free to date and be together with nothing in our way.

  I’m walking toward our usual table when Peyton steps in front of me, startling me. My glass of juice spills onto the tray. “Move,” I demand.

  “No.” She plants her hands on her hips, glaring at me. The football team hasn’t arrived yet so it’s little wonder she’s pulling this stunt now.

  “Move or I’ll make you.” I glare back at her.

  She laughs, and her eyes narrow to slits. “You are in no position to make demands.” She starts circling me, her eyes flashing with glee. “You’re a sick bitch, but you know that, right.” Her voice raises a notch. “What kind of twisted inbred fucks her own cousin?” Her insult projects around the room. She prods me in the shoulder, and I grind my teeth down to the molars.

  “He’s not my cousin, and you know that. Your pathetic attempts to reassert control are just that. Pa–thetic. Now get out of my way before I fucking make you.”

  She violently slams her hand up underneath my tray, dislodging the contents. Particles of food cover me, and rivulets of juice sluice down my front. The tray crashes to the floor, sending spatters of food flying in all directions. A few girls shriek, lurching out of their seats to avoid getting sprayed. If anyone wasn’t looking at us before, they sure as hell are now.

  All eyes are glued to this spot.

  I pull a string of spaghetti off my face and flick it at her. She doesn’t react fast enough and it lands squarely across her forehead. I smirk, flexing my fist before it juts out and hits her firmly in the face. She staggers back, clutching her nose. “You bitch!” she roars before hurling herself at me.

  We tumble to the ground, and my head whacks off the hard, tiled floor. We roll around, kicking and punching one another. She grabs tufts of my hair and yanks painfully. My head is tugged back as she rams her fist in my stomach. I lash out, scraping my nails across her cheek, and her ear-piercing scream almost deafens me. “Oh my God, I’m bleeding,” she shrieks, letting go of my head. “I’m fucking bleeding!” I scramble to my feet, swaying on shaky limbs as she grabs hold of my legs, pulling me back down. My knee stabs her in the chest as I sprawl awkwardly on top of her.

  Her nails dig into the flesh of my stomach, right at the place of my recent scar, and I scream out in agony. Darts of pain ricochet all over my stomach, and my head explodes with a burst of blinding white spots. Biting down hard on my lip, I taste blood but it’s secondary to the anger-fueled adrenaline coursing through me, taking control. I lash out, swinging wildly as her fingers continue to inflict pain. My fist impacts her nose with a satisfying bone-crunching sound.

  Pounding footsteps barely register until I’m ripped away from her. Someone is holding me up as my legs and arms flail about. Murderous rage still lingers in my tissues, and I’m thrashing about like a crazy person.
  “Faye, stop. Calm down,” Brad whispers urgently in my ear. “The principal is coming.”

  “You two,” Principal Carter shouts, pointing between Peyton and me. Steam is practically billowing out of her ears. “In my office. Now!” Lance is holding Peyton firmly across the waist, but she’s bucking and writhing as much as me.

  “You’re dead, bitch,” she threatens, spitting at me, and I bite out a laugh.

  “Yeah, I don’t think so.” I flip her the bird, and she goes crazy, fighting and screaming at Lance to let her go.

  Principal Carter looms in my line of sight again. “Did I not make myself perfectly clear? Get into my office now or I’ll expel you both!”

  Brad escorts me to the principal’s office. I glance down at myself and my ruined clothes, pulling up the hem of my sweater to inspect my stomach. A trickle of blood seeps out of the corner of my scar, and the skin above it is marred with a line of jagged nail marks, also oozing blood.

  “What the fuck?” Brad gestures at Lance, pointing to my stomach. “You’re going down for this.” He sneers at Peyton, and my heart warms at his loyalty.

  “If I’m going down, then so is she. Look what she did to my nose!” she hollers, pointing at the swollen, bloody mess in the middle of her face.

  I’d say we’re pretty much even-stevens.

  The principal opens the door to her office and shoos us in with an impatient wave of her hands. “Sit there.” She points at a line of chairs against the wall in front of her secretary’s desk. “You as well,” she tells Brad and Lance as they make a move to leave. “I don’t trust these two to be left on their own.”

  The boys sit down.

  “Given the seriousness of this situation, I have already called your parents. We’ll wait for their arrival.” She stomps into her private office, slamming the door shut behind her. I’ve never seen her lose her cool, so I know I’m in a shitload of trouble. I’d like to say I care, but honestly, I don’t. Peyton doesn’t get to call me an inbred and get away with it.

  Peyton and I spend the next twenty minutes in a silent face-off while the boys trade hushed insults every few minutes. I glare at her, putting every ounce of hatred for her and Addison behind it. I think her nose might be broken, and it would serve her right. It would almost be worth getting expelled for.

  “Honey, are you okay?” Alex gushes, rushing into the room, exuding concern. James sends me a disappointed look, and my bluster starts to wobble. Alex’s eyes widen in horror when she sees the blood trickling over my stomach. “Faye needs medical attention, and this is unacceptable,” she protests, scowling at the principal’s secretary.

  “I’m only following orders, ma’am,” the mousy-haired secretary replies, squirming in her seat.

  Principal Carter opens her door, alerted by the raised voices. “Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, thank you for arriving so promptly.” They shake hands.

  “My niece needs to see the nurse,” James grits out.

  “Our nurse is on standby. Ms. Moore is on her way, and once we have discussed this matter and dealt with it by mutual agreement, the girls can go to the nurse’s station.”

  Alex opens her mouth to protest, but the principal stalls her with a no-crap look. “Their injuries are not life threatening, and they can wait. Perhaps, next time they won’t be so quick to assault one another.” She turns to Brad and Lance. “Boys, you are excused. Get to class.” Brad shoots me a sympathetic look before he walks out.

  James and Alex sit down on either side of me. “What happened?” James whispers, as Alex’s gaze roams over Peyton, skimming the tight, cheap vest top and hot pink mini that is barely school appropriate. She doesn’t do anything to disguise her aversion. Peyton folds her arms over her chest, shooting a filthy look at Alex.

  “She called me an inbred and then upended my tray all over me so I hit her.” No point in lying.

  “That’s not very ladylike, Faye,” Alex murmurs under her breath.

  “Screw being ladylike when someone is insulting Ky and me. I’m not going to take that crap from anyone, least of all her,” I hiss.

  The door opens and a rake-thin bleached blonde runs into the room, breathless and clutching her chest. “What the fuck have ya done now?” she says by way of greeting to her daughter. Her coarse voice raises all the tiny hairs on the back of my neck. “I’m sick of being called to this office.” She swats Peyton across the back of the head. “I had to cut my shift short to come here. You’ll pay for that.” Peyton’s sulk turns unhappy.

  Peyton’s mum whips around, staring me out of it. She takes one look at Alex, and her entire demeanor changes. Her back stiffens and her eyes narrow as she looks my aunt over from head to toe. A look of sheer contempt washes over her pinched features. “Well, well. If it isn’t Miss High and Mighty.” Her grating laugh brings the memory to the forefront of my mind, and I freeze.

  Peyton’s mum extracts a crumpled paper from her bag, thrusting it in Alex’s face. “Guess you’re not so high and mighty after all. Slut.”

  My jaw hangs open. James, surprisingly, stands up to defend his wife. “I think that’s enough.”

  It’s almost comical how quickly her expression changes as she rakes her eyes over my uncle. “I hear you’ve taken to slumming it these days.” She presses into him, running a finger up and down his arm. Peyton leans forward, placing her elbows on her knees as she stares unhappily at her mum. “Good for you.” James removes her hands as the principal steps out of her office, summoning us all in.

  I shuffle into the office, drop into a chair, and zone out of the conversation except where I’m needed to explain my version of what happened. Outside of that, my brain is churning, computing scenarios and trying to figure it out. Excitement replaces the blood flowing through my veins. I need to speak to Rose. To confirm what I’m thinking.

  “One week’s suspension for both of you,” Principal Carter says as I refocus on the meeting. Alex and James are protesting, but Peyton’s mum already has her jacket buttoned and she’s standing, ready to go.

  She drags Peyton up by the arm. “Get your stuff so we can get out of here.”

  “This is your final warning, Peyton,” Principal Carter calls out before she leaves. “One more infraction. One more write up, and your time at Wellesley Memorial will be at an end.”

  “I understand,” Peyton says. “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” I’d think she was almost genuine but for the scathing look she flings my way before she exits the room.

  I jump up, anxious to hunt down Rose before I leave.

  “Ms. Donovan, sit back down for a moment.” The principal rustles some papers on her desk while I drop into the seat again. “I don’t know what issue there is between you and Ms. Moore, but I suggest you learn to take the moral high ground. Your grades are excellent, and apart from your run-ins with Peyton, and your absence this week, your behavior is exemplary. I’d hate to have to expel a student as promising as you, but I can’t be seen to take sides, you understand, and fighting of any kind is not permitted.”

  Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, just get it over and done with. “I understand. Can I go now?”

  “Yes. I’ll have your teachers email your coursework for the next week, and I’d suggest you do additional study at home so you don’t fall behind.”

  “I will. Thanks.”

  It’s the middle of class and I won’t be able to talk to Rose yet, so I let James bring me to the nurse’s office, where she cleans and dresses the wounds on my stomach. The bell is booming just as we leave. “I need to talk to Rose super-quick, and then I have to grab my books from my locker. How about I meet you out the front in ten minutes?”

  James checks his watch. “Fine, but get a move on.”

  I nab Rose at her locker and drag her into the bathroom, checking the cubicles are empty and locking the door behind us.

  “What happened with the p
rincipal?” she asks.

  “I got suspended for a week.” She opens her mouth, but I shake my head. “Forget about that. I’ve something more urgent to ask you.”

  She tilts her head. “Okay, I’ll bite.”

  “Remember that conversation we overheard at Addison’s house that night?” Rose nods. “Can you remember exactly what was said?” I think I can but I need to hear Rose confirm it too.

  Her eyes scrunch up as she racks her brain, trawling through the memory. “They were talking about how what they did was best for Addison, and she told them both to stop ambushing her, that she didn’t want to hear it anymore. Then Addison’s mom gave out to the other woman for forcing her to tell her, saying you reneged on our deal.”

  I’m almost bursting with excitement. I jump up and down, and Rose looks at me like I’ve lost the plot. “That’s how I remembered it too.”

  Rose frowns. “Am I missing something here?”

  “Think about that conversation now in the light of what Keven discovered. Now that we know Addison was adopted.”

  Awareness spreads across her features. “That other woman was her birth mother!”

  “That’s my conclusion. It stacks up, right?”

  Rose bobs her head vigorously. “Definitely, but I still don’t see where you’re going with this.”

  She looks totally confused so I decide to let her out of her misery.

  “I know who the other woman was, Rose. It was Peyton’s mum. I’ll never forget that rough voice.” Adrenaline courses through my body. “Peyton’s mum isn’t Addison’s aunt. She’s Addison’s mother!”

  Chapter Fifteen


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