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Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys Book 3)

Page 33

by Siobhan Davis

  “What are you going to do about Dad and Adam?” Ky asks when we’re out on the highway. Adam is going to join us for the last week of our trip. He wants me to meet his parents—my grandparents—while we’re in Ireland even though the thought breaks me out in giant hives. Worse though is the prospect of James and Adam spending any length of time together. They still can’t stand one another; they try their best to hide it, but they ain’t fooling any of us.

  “Probably the same thing you’re going to do about your mom and dad sharing the same air for that length of time. Keep my head down, and steer clear of the fireworks.” While everything has been very amicable with Alex and James, this will be the first time they are in each other’s company as separated spouses while on vacation. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a teensy bit worried about the atmosphere on the second leg of our holiday; however, I’m planning on being totes relaxed by the time the rest of the fam arrive, and I’m praying that’ll help offset the incoming stress.

  “Please tell me Whitney isn’t coming?” Kal asks, glancing at me through the mirror. “I can’t stand that kid.”

  I snort, although it doesn’t stop the dull ache spreading in my chest. I’ve tried reaching out to my sister on several occasions, but she won’t give me the time of day. I used to think my stubbornness was legendary, but it isn’t a patch on Whitney Ryan’s. “For real? She hasn’t spent one second with me since the disastrous meet and greet in the house that day. She goes out of her way to avoid me, so I’d say it’s safe to assume my sister won’t be accompanying Dad and my brothers to Ireland.”

  Ky and Kal both jerk their heads around, staring at me with slack jaws.

  I raise a hand to my face, wondering if I’ve some food remnants on my skin or if my lip gloss is smeared or something. “What?”

  Ky’s expression softens. “You just called Adam Dad.”

  My heart stutters in my chest. “I did?” I gulp over the sudden wedge of emotion in my throat. He nods, and I slump back in my seat. “Huh.”

  I stare out the window, quietly analyzing the implications of my slip of the tongue. I’ve enjoyed getting to know him and my half-brothers these last few months, and I can honestly say Adam has gone out of his way to take things easy with me. I’ve grown really fond of them, and it’s as if they’ve always been a part of my life, but I’ve held back from calling him Dad because it still feels like such a dishonor to the man who raised me, and the only man I’ve ever called Dad.

  I’ve been seeing a new therapist these last couple of months, and she’s helping me deal with the aftermath of my near-death experiences and the family revelations that threatened to unhinge me. Gradually, I’m learning to let the past stay in the past, to live in the moment, and plan for my future.


  I roll it around on my tongue, envisioning how happy Adam would be if I called him that.

  I owe him a lot. When I discovered he had secretly bought the diner—purely so I would continue to have a job—I’d never felt so conflicted in my life. As grand gestures go, it was right up there with the best of them, but it seemed so excessive and over the top, and I was actually really embarrassed about it for a good while. Once I got over the initial shock, and it turned into a sound business investment—the diner is a little gold mine—I was able to come to terms with it. Sorta. I don’t think I’ll ever feel one hundred percent comfortable with my American family’s flippant attitude toward money, but I’ve learned to accept that’s just how they are.

  Considering everything Adam’s doing for me, how patient and supportive he’s been, even paying my tuition in Harvard and lining up a part-time job in the city, would it be that difficult if I called him that? Dad. I roll it around my tongue again, trying to get used to it.

  “I can almost see the wheels churning,” Ky says, twisting around to face me. “What’s going through that beautiful head of yours? Talk to me, baby.”

  “If they’re dirty, I don’t want to hear them,” Kal cuts in before I’ve had a chance to reply. “I haven’t been laid since the Ice Age, so one naughty word and I’m primed to explode in my pants.”

  I scrunch my face up. “Ugh. Yuck visual. Thanks a bunch.”

  “I aim to please.” He grins at me through the mirror, and I grin back.

  Ky’s earnest gaze hasn’t faltered, and I know he won’t give up until I tell him the truth. That’s how we roll now. “I’m thinking about calling him Dad in public. I think he’d like that.”

  “Babe,” Ky says, crawling in the back seat beside me. “Adam would love that, but you should only say it if it’s what you feel in your heart.”

  I tap a finger idly off my lower lip as Ky drapes his arm around my shoulders. “You know what?” I look up at him. “I think I’m ready to embrace it.”

  He kisses me sweetly on the lips. “That’s awesome.”

  “Almost as awesome as your amazing dick?” Kal asks, chuckling.

  I stick my middle finger up at him. “I forgot you were listening.” Ky always has that effect on me. It’s as if the outside world ceases to exist and we’re locked in our own private love bubble. “Besides, I thought you couldn’t even think of naughty words without creaming your pants?”

  He squirms in his seat. “Low blow, cuz. Real low blow.”

  “Kal.” Ky applies his authoritative voice, the one he usually reserves for Kent. “Can you please just concentrate on the road. I’d really like to make it to Logan International with all my body parts intact.”

  The flight is delayed when we reach the airport, so we have a bit of time to kill. Kal comes in with us, and we grab a coffee. James phones, wishing us a safe trip. I know he’s super excited about returning to Ireland, and we’ve already made tons of plans, including a visit to my parent’s graves. My heart does a funny little twist. I can think of them now and not fall to complete pieces. It still hurts; I’ve no doubt it always will, but it doesn’t cleave me wide open like it used to. My parents were the grounding force in my life, and I’ve so much to thank them for, including this new life they’ve given me. In requesting James as my guardian, they have set my life on a new path. All the hurt and anger at their betrayal has dissipated. I can focus on the positives and not dwell on the secrets and lies that threatened to drag me down.

  Kal coughs, interrupting my thoughts. “Eh, guys.” He scrubs a hand over his jaw. “I have something I need to tell you.” We both fix our gazes on him. “I’m going to tell Mom and Pops this weekend so they’ll have gotten over their hissy fit by the time we reach Ireland.”

  Oh, oh. That sounds ominous.

  “Let’s hear it,” Ky says.

  Kal’s Adam’s apple bobs in his throat, and he rubs his hands down the front of his pants. I haven’t seen him this nervous since his trial. My sixth sense tingles as I wonder if this has anything to do with Lana.

  “I’m not going to Harvard with you.”

  Ky and I exchange puzzled expressions. “What do you mean?” I ask. “I thought it was all sorted?”

  “I need to branch out on my own.” He levels solemn eyes on us. “And I want to major in architecture, and the University of Florida has a great program.”

  Ky’s eyes pop wide, mirroring my own, although I think it’s for different reasons. “Shit, bro.” Ky sits bolt upright. “I’m all for following your own path but Florida? For real?”

  Kal shrugs, and my eyes narrow suspiciously. “I’ve already been accepted and everything’s set up. That’s where I’m going. Besides, they have some off-site learning opportunities in Nantucket so I will get to spend some time closer to home.”

  I lean over and hug him. “I’ll miss you, but I think it’s great that you know your own mind and you’re following your heart’s desire.” His cheeks flush a little, and I wonder if my suspicions are correct.

  They call our flight and we all stand. Kal and Ky slap each other on the back, and
I hug my cousin so tight he can hardly breathe. “Try and stay out of trouble,” he tells us with a final cheeky wave as we make our way to the boarding area.

  I’m still mulling it over in my head as we settle in our plush, first class seats. Ky nuzzles his head into my shoulder as we lock our harnesses in place. “What has put that little worry line on your forehead?” he muses.

  Gosh, he doesn’t miss a thing.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  He kisses me. “You know you can. Shoot.” He sits back, entwining our fingers.

  “Did Kal and Lana ever discuss going to college together back in the day?”

  Ky jerks up and stares at me with a wary expression. “Okay. That’s right up there on the randomness scale.” His eyes narrow, and his mouth pulls into a tight line. “Does this have something to do with what Kal just told us?”

  I nod.

  He cups my face, rubbing his thumbs along my cheeks. “What is it, babe? What do you know?”

  I stare deep into his eyes, and little bubbles of hope rise to the surface. Kal deserves to be happy, and I want that for him so badly. “Either destiny is fucking with our family again or Kal hasn’t quite given up on Lana yet.”

  Ky looks perplexed. “Meaning?”

  I lean in and kiss him slow and long as I contemplate the implications of what I’m about to say next. When I pull back, we are both flushed and devouring one another with our eyes. Unspoken promises fill the empty air between us, and I smile. Good. I need him in a relaxed mood when I tell him this.

  I clear my throat, clasping his hands firmly in mine as I speak. “Meaning … I happen to know for a fact that Lana is also attending the University of Florida this fall.”

  This concludes Faye and Kyler’s love story although we most definitely haven’t seen the last of them yet! Both will feature in later stories, most prominently in Saving Brad, book five in the Kennedy Boys series coming fall 2017. Meanwhile, the saga continues in Loving Kalvin, available to preorder now. Loving Kalvin is Lana and Kalvin’s love story, and it can be read as a standalone story in the series with an HEA and NO cliffhanger ending.

  Subscribe to The Kennedy Boys newsletter to read exclusive bonus content, advance samples of future books, be the first to hear of discounts and freebies, and enter giveaways to win tons of cool stuff. Click here to subscribe or paste this link into your browser:

  Thank you for purchasing this book, and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Please consider supporting the author by adding a review to Amazon here.

  Kennedy Boys Series – Future Books

  This is the current list of provisional titles in this series. Please note release dates are subject to change and dependent upon continued demand. Subscribe to my newsletter and/or follow me on Facebook to get the most up to date information in relation to the series.

  Loving Kalvin*

  Saving Brad*

  Seducing Kaden^

  Forgiving Keven^

  Adoring Keaton^

  Releasing Keanu^^

  Reforming Kent^^

  *Releasing 2017

  ^Releasing 2018

  ^^Releasing 2019

  Loving Kalvin

  (The Kennedy Boys #4)

  A second-chance romance from USA Today bestseller Siobhan Davis. Standalone with HEA and no cliffhanger.


  I knew it would end in disaster, but I didn’t listen to reason. I didn’t care. Because I loved him so much.

  Kalvin Kennedy ruled my heart.

  Until he destroyed it.

  Shattered it so completely that I became someone else. Someone I loathed. Someone who repeatedly lied to her loved ones.

  So, I ran.

  From him. From myself. Desperate to hide my new reality.

  But I could only run so far.

  When he reappears in my life, I’m terrified. Unbelievably scared of facing the consequences of my actions.

  Never mind that I still love him and want him so badly—there’s too much at stake now.

  How can I trust him with the biggest secret of all when he’s likely to rip my world apart again?


  Lana was always far too good for me. Everyone knew it but her.

  I tried to stay away, but I was weak.

  And I hurt her.

  Crushed her until she barely resembled herself. Forced her to follow a path she would never have willingly chosen.

  And then she was gone.

  And my world has never felt as empty, as lonely.

  She begged me to stay away. Not to find her. To forget she ever existed.

  But that’s like asking me to slice my heart in two and toss half aside.

  I’ve never believed in fate, but when I rock up to the University of Florida, I’m ready to eat my words.

  Because she’s here. Like I hoped she would be. And I’m determined to prove I deserve a second chance.

  Pre-order Now

  About The Author

  USA Today bestselling author Siobhan Davis writes emotionally intense young adult and new adult fiction with swoon-worthy romance, complex characters, and tons of unexpected plot twists and turns that will have you flipping the pages beyond bedtime! She is the author of the international bestselling True Calling, Saven, and Kennedy Boys series.

  Siobhan’s family will tell you she’s a little bit obsessive when it comes to reading and writing, and they aren’t wrong. She can rarely be found without her trusty Kindle, a paperback book, or her laptop somewhere close at hand.

  Prior to becoming a full-time writer, Siobhan forged a successful corporate career in human resource management.

  She resides in the Garden County of Ireland with her husband and two sons.

  You can connect with Siobhan in the following ways:

  Author Website:

  Author Blog: My YA NA Book Obsession

  Facebook: AuthorSiobhanDavis

  Twitter: @siobhandavis

  Google+: SiobhanDavisAuthor


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  I’m going to keep this short and sweet this time—thank you so much to everyone who worked with me on this project. I couldn’t have done it without you!

  I would also like to thank my street and ARC teams and bloggers the world over for supporting my work.

  Thanks to family and friends, especially my husband and sons, for facilitating me to live my dream.

  Most importantly, massive thanks to all the readers who have embraced my Kennedy Boys and empowered me to continue this series. I have a special surprise release announcement coming soon along with Kalvin’s book in July/August. Saving Brad will be the fifth book in the series which I’m aiming to release before the year’s end followed by Seducing Kaden in early 2018. The other boy’s books will follow thereafter, provided there is continued demand for the series. I’m also releasing a standalone new adult contemporary romance before the end of 2017 (provisionally entitled Inseparable) that I am super excited about. Subscribe to my newsletter, check out my website, or follow me on Facebook for full series information including expected release dates.

  Glossary Of Irish Words And Phrases

  The explanation listed is taken in the context of this book.

  Bedside locker » Nightstand

  Bill » Check

  Bloody » Damn

  Boot » Trunk

  Car park » Parking lot

  Chuffed » Pleased

  Cling Film » Saran Wrap

  Come the heavy » Act strict

  Cooker » Stove

  Dressing gown» Robe

» Comforter

  Euromillions » The EU state lottery

  Fecked » Fucked

  (Well) Fit » (Very) Hot

  Footpath » Sidewalk

  Guts me » Upsets me

  Gutted » Heartbroken

  Happy out » Happy

  Hob » Stove

  Jelly » Jello

  Kitted out » Equipped, dressed

  Knickers » Panties

  Knocked (him) for six » Knocked for a loop

  Lethal » Awesome/Incredible

  Lift » Elevator

  Mobile/Mobile phone » Cell

  Mum » Mom

  Not a patch on » Not (nearly) as good as

  Press » Cupboard/Cabinet

  Piggy in the middle » A person caught in an awkward situation between two people

  Puncture » Flat tire

  Ride » Hottie

  Spoofing » Lying

  Sucking the face off » Making out

  Tarmac » Asphalt

  Trinity » Trinity College Dublin (TCD)

  Books By Siobhan Davis


  Young Adult Science Fiction/Dystopian Romance

  True Calling


  Beyond Reach

  Light of a Thousand Stars

  Destiny Rising

  Short Story Collection

  True Calling Series Collection


  Young Adult Science Fiction/Paranormal Romance

  Saven Deception

  The Logan Collection

  Saven Disclosure

  Saven Denial

  Saven Defiance

  The Heir and the Human

  Saven Deliverance

  The Princess and the Guard^

  The Royal Guard^

  The Assassin^


  Upper Young Adult Contemporary Romance

  Finding Kyler


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