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A Nightmare to Remember (Wicked Good Witches Book 5)

Page 9

by Starla Silver

  “Private conversations,” he stated emphatically. “Why did you never speak to me? You had the ability.”

  “I’m a Deane. You’re sided with the Howards. I thought it might be awkward. Honestly, I felt a little outnumbered until Lucas and Riley showed up. I had been betrayed before and I couldn’t chance it again.”

  “I suppose I understand that, but why admit this now?”

  “Because I know you, William Wakefield. Better than you think. Better than you’d probably like me to. I know what you love. I should say, whom you love. And I know it’s never going to be me and I have no long term interest. But I also know you can’t have her. Or won’t because you’re too damn stubborn.”

  She stepped closer, looking closely into his emerald green eyes, which were half lidded in inquisitive contemplation. He should be furious with her, and yet, he wasn’t.

  “What I’m trying to say, William, is let’s be friends. It must be so exhausting for you, day after day, doing what you do, having no one to really talk to. To connect with. No one here understands where you come from. The many years and lives you’ve lived. What you sacrifice. Frankly, I think they all take advantage of you.”

  Logic told William to stay away. To distance himself. The reasons that had led him into Lizzy’s arms a few weeks prior, kept him from doing so. She was not only annoying and pushed every button, but she was right. Not so much the taking advantage part… it was his job to protect the Howards. But sometimes, more often nowadays, he did worry that he’d failed in training them properly. Had been too soft on them after their parent’s deaths. That he ran to their aid more quickly than he should.

  Still… a friend. With Lizzy? Someone that wasn’t a Howard. That wasn’t in his charge. Could he? Dare he?

  “I need time to think about this,” he told her in a hushed tone.

  “I figured that’s what you’d say.”

  “How so?”

  “Because you want to say yes, but don’t want to admit it.”

  He surprised her by saying, “You are correct. But I’m still going to think about it.”

  “You’ll eventually say yes.”

  “So sure of yourself.” William replied, at the same time knowing she was right again. A thin smile etched across his face. He had to give her credit. She drove him crazy, but she matched him in wit.

  Lizzy wisely said nothing. Only grinned victoriously.

  They started toward Emily’s again, when Lizzy grabbed his arm, stopping him. “William, your pocket is vibrating.”


  She reached into his pocket, taking out his phone and handed it to him.

  “I forgot to turn it on. I don’t know why they insist on making me use this... oh, it says I have messages.”

  “Neat, from who?” asked Lizzy.

  “I have no idea.”

  “Well how do you find out?” she asked, grabbing the phone out of his cool hands, aimlessly pressing buttons.

  “Give me that!” he barked, grabbing it back. “It is my phone.”

  He made another useless attempt at retrieving his messages.

  “Nope, no, that’s not correct.”

  William had managed to get the volume turned on and suddenly a flat voice was speaking out of the phone. “What can I help you with today?”

  Lizzy gasped, backing away. William held the phone away from him as if it had suddenly caught fire. He spoke loudly, hoping the voice could understand him.

  “I would like my messages, please.”

  “Great! You would like to schedule a massage. There’s three locations near you. Two with appointments open today.”

  “No, no,” said William, as the voice kept speaking and asking questions, none of which got him any close to hearing his messages.

  “I can’t figure those things out. The very idea that you use such a little box to talk to people, who aren’t here...” The thought seemed to overwhelm her. “I mean, how does that work? How does someone’s voice travel between two boxes? Are they using magic? I don’t get it.”

  William found this humorous and laughed. The sound startled him and he shook his head and stopped.

  “You can laugh.”

  “It’s not unheard of,” he lied, evenly. Although it was the second time that day. But the first day in many a moon.

  “Well, don’t even start on me about not being able to use that thing,” she retorted. “You can’t use the damn thing either!”


  “Perhaps we do need Emily’s expertise after all?” Lizzy suggested. William agreed and they continued to her store. A little bell dinged as they entered and Emily looked up, grinning when she saw them come inside. They greeted each other and Emily listened to them explain their quandary, biting her tongue to keep from laughing.

  “What I’m really trying to ask is can you help me listen to the messages?” William finally got out, his tone defeated.

  “Of course I will,” said Emily kindly. “Hand me the phone. You know, maybe you two should take a class.”

  “A class?” questioned Lizzy.

  “Yeah. They teach people how to use all the new tech. Like the internet and phones, and apps and that sort of stuff.”

  “Hm, neat. I might just have to do that. Probably not a bad idea for you either Mr. Vampire.”

  William did not relish the idea of taking a class, but graciously handed Emily the phone. She turned the speaker on and pushed play, letting the messages play aloud.

  “More sightings,” Emily sighed as they listened. “And a confrontation... that’s never good. At least Melinda and your brothers are okay though.”

  “Feyks,” William spoke to no one in particular.

  “I take it Feyks are not like the faeries you read about in fantasy novels?” said Emily.

  “Depends on the novel,” answered William.

  “Feyks are nasty beings,” added Lizzy.

  William tossed her a glance, surprised she knew about them.

  “I did live as a witch before I was cursed to be a ghast. Feyks were much more common on the Isle back then.”

  “Then you’re probably aware they were also partnered with the Deanes, during the great battle,” reminded William.

  “Oh, so this is somehow our fault now is it?”

  “That is not what I meant.” William’s phone rang again. It took him a moment but he successfully turned it on and answered the call.

  “William, it’s Michael,” he stated testily. “Where are you right now?”

  “At your girlfriend’s store.”

  “Oh. Good,” he said, less testily. “Wait, why are you there? Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. Fine. Needed her assistance.”

  “Oh. Okay. Well, I’m assuming you heard what happened to Melinda?”


  “And it was your idea to send her out there with the Deane brothers?”

  “Not exactly, but I agreed to it.”

  He heard Michael exhale gruffly.

  “I am confident about the decision, Michael.”

  “Really? Because we were sort of thinking it’s one thing to allow them to date, not like we can stop it. But it’s another thing entirely to let them into our lives, and work with us, and...” William cut him off.

  “Save it, Michael. We have much more pressing issues at hand.” He’d had enough of getting harped on today. And perhaps Lizzy was right. He let them get away with too much.

  “Fine,” caved Michael begrudgingly.

  “Do you have any other news?” asked William, less harshly.

  “Yes. We just caught Courtney Jessup driving like a mad woman, headed out of town and we followed her. There was another sighting and she’s interviewing someone for a live, special report.”

  “These sightings don’t make any logical sense,” said William, his brain running in overdrive trying to find some connection. “Numerous sightings, in various locations across the Isle, some at the same exact time. If not a hoax, then what
purpose do these sightings serve?”

  “Your guess is as good as ours,” said Michael. “Charlie just stepped out to listen in on what’s being said... so far, we haven’t seen any proof that reporter gal has any intimate knowledge of Feyks, or the supernatural being real. But she’s precariously close to this. Charlie wants to make sure she doesn’t get herself into trouble. Especially since it’s Firebrands we’re dealing with.”

  “Agreed,” William said. “If she’s not aware, and the people who hired her are not aware… the timing might just be coincidence.”

  “Someone hired them, William. If not the news cast, or the Deanes since you don’t seem to think it’s them, then who?”

  “I don’t know. But we cannot rule out the reporter or her employer just yet. Are you and Charlie planning on heading home when you’re done there?”

  “Yes. We shouldn’t be too long. And William… make sure Melinda gets home safely? Please. And I need to talk to Emily for a minute if she’s free.”

  “Melinda will get home,” William replied flatly. He handed the phone to Emily and let out a huff.

  “Busy day?” Emily asked Michael.

  “Feels like we’re on a wild goose chase, except there’s no wild goose and we’re just chasing our tails.”

  “Can I help?”

  “If you have time, keep an eye on that D.E.S.I. Blog, see if that reporter posts anything we might want to know. Other than that, just be careful, okay? Things are getting a little crazy.”

  “Aren’t they always?”

  “Lately, I cannot disagree. But I can’t be there with you and it freaks me out you being there all alone. Need I remind you of your penchant for getting into trouble?”

  “I’ll be sure to stay extra out of the way today,” Emily promised. “Actually, I might close up early and head home. Dad’s was sounding tired when I talked to him a bit ago. I want to spend some time with him, and it’s been slow here anyway. I think the entire town is glued to their TV’s or phones today.”

  “Going home early sounds like a good plan, Em. I’d feel so much better knowing you’re out of harm’s way. I don’t know how long it’s going to take to figure out what’s going on around here, but I’ll call you later, okay.”

  “You be careful too. I’ll talk to you later,” she said. “Love you.”

  “Love you too, Em. Bye.”

  Emily handed William back his phone but William was staring into nothing, his emerald eyes burning with thought.

  “Wow!” exclaimed Lizzy. “I can practically see that vampire brain of yours churning inside your head. What are you thinking?”

  “Something Michael said to Emily. Sorry,” he aimed at her. He’d heard their entire conversation.

  “Eh, we’re all kind of used to you hearing everything, William. I’m more sorry for you, and everything you’re forced to hear.”

  “Yes, well… it can’t be helped I suppose. But something Michael said about a wild goose chase... it suddenly seems a bit strange to me that we’re all finding ourselves preoccupied. One sighting after another. Always in different locations. If I were not charged with investigating the Soul Hunter, I’d be assisting in these sightings as well.”

  “You mean, someone’s keeping you busy for a reason?” realized Emily.

  “A diversion,” whispered Lizzy. “For what purpose?”

  “I believe that is the new question of the day,” said William. “One I fear we might not discover the answer to, until it is too late.”

  “Should we warn the others?” asked Emily.

  “Yes. It’s time we regrouped. Are you still planning on closing up early, Emily?”

  “Yeah. I want to check in on my dad. But if you guys need any help, just holler. And I’ll keep my eye on that blog, too.”

  “What’s a blog?” asked Lizzy.

  Emily rolled her eyes. “You guys really should consider taking a class.”

  Lizzy frowned. “Do they have a class where I can just magically learn everything I don’t know? I swear, it’s going to take me the rest of my life to catch up. I thought I picked up a lot when I was a ghast, but as it turns out, I’ve missed more than I can possibly ever learn.”

  “You’d have to ask the Howards if there’s a magical solution,” responded Emily with a chuckle.

  “There is no such thing,” informed William. “Do you think I would not use it on myself if it were possible?” He held up the phone.

  “Right,” said Lizzy. “I suppose this is where we part ways, William?”

  “Yes.” William smiled politely.

  “You take all the time you need to think about what we discussed. Although I already know your answer, so I’ll see you around.” Lizzy tossed him a wink, to which he just shook his head in bemused acceptance. A friend. Someone that didn’t fit in these modern times much better than himself. Someone that admitted to basically spying on him for years. Someone he did find amusing. And interesting. And witty. And could put up with his temperament. Although he would outright refuse to ever agree he brooded. And she’d absolutely have to stop purposely pushing every button that riled him.

  Emily eyed the two of them suspiciously.

  “Would you like company on your journey home, Emily?” Lizzy asked, tearing her gaze away from the wary vampire.

  “Company would be nice,” she agreed with a smile. “I’ll tell you all about blogs.”

  “Oh, fun.”

  William waited until Emily had closed up the bookstore and she and Lizzy were ready to leave. They said their goodbyes and separated.

  William walked through the bustling streets making his way towards the mansion. He listened to the buzz of voices, almost all discussing the sightings. His mind sorted through all the details, piecing together what might be happening.

  If it was a distraction, what were they missing? What was happening that they were not supposed to notice? And was it even about the Howards? Or something else?

  He came to a stop across the street from the Wicked Muddy Cafe, where his nose unexpectedly caught the appetizing scent of Melinda Howard. He glanced over, seeing her alongside Lucas and Riley. They were just coming out of the café with coffees in hand, most likely headed toward the mansion. William made to join them and then stalled, unsure whether he should approach or just return home.

  Melinda was nearly home, she’d make it fine from here. She was safe.

  Arms waving caught his attention. Melinda had caught him gawking and smiled wide, waving him over. The scowl etched on Riley’s face when he saw her excitement pleased William more than he cared to admit. He strode across and joined them, not wishing to appear distant or rude.

  “Hey,” she called out when he was near. “I was just saying goodbye to these guys, decided to grab another coffee. Got a feeling it’s going to be a long night.”

  “You’re all okay?” William asked them, although his gaze did not leave Melinda.

  “Yeah. All good,” she said lightheartedly. “Right guys?”

  “All good,” agreed Lucas.

  Riley didn’t reply. Melinda noticed him eyeing William with a spiteful look in his eye.

  “Riley?” she called out, hoping to get his attention off William and back on her.

  “Um, yeah,” he finally answered. “Everything’s fine,” he mumbled.

  “Are you really really sure you’re okay?” she asked him for the umpteenth time.

  They had taken Riley for a checkup at the hospital and the doctor had given him the all clear, but Melinda still felt like something was off. She breathed out nervously. Just how was she supposed to deal with a boyfriend that was endlessly jealous of her best friend, confidant, and co-worker? And the second man you’re secretly in love with, who stars in steamy dreams I cannot stop from having…

  Regardless of it all, the point being, William wasn’t going anywhere.

  Riley still didn’t answer her, so she called out his name again, more forcefully this time.

  “You can stop asking me ho
w I am,” he responded coldly. “Like you really care.”

  Melinda’s mouth fell open, shocked by his bitter response. Her heart stammered almost to a stall. Lucas even gave his brother a what the hell, glare.

  William stared him down, his eyes flashing a dark warning at the young man. Riley didn’t flinch. If anything, his stance hardened, almost like he was preparing to fight the vampire.

  Melinda closed her mouth and fought back tears. Something wasn’t right. Or maybe it was. She and Riley had been dating a few weeks now; there was so much she didn’t know about him. Maybe this was normal for him, she had no idea.

  No. Lucas said he didn’t normally act like this.

  Only since he’d started dating me.

  Great! So it really is me. I make men crazy. Or push them away. Or let them treat me like shit because… she let it go with an embittered exhale.

  This is not my fault. Whatever this is, it’s not me.

  Something tells me it’s not him either.

  Still, she was not impressed with this side of him.

  Lucas tried to lessen the tension. “Today was definitely an odd day, but we were glad to help. We’ve never had a run-in with a Feyk before. He was very creepy looking, with a face I’ll never forget. But Melinda knows her stuff. She did good out there, kept things under control.”

  Melinda smiled, impressed. She expected he wasn’t being entirely honest though. “Thank you, Lucas,” she said graciously anyway. God, did he and Riley trade places all of a sudden?

  “You know this island well. It shows. Flip-flops on your feet or not,” he chuckled, giving her shoulder a playful pat.

  Just like his brother, Melinda reeled. Charming, and yet his simple movements spoke so many things. They were weird that way, these Deane men. Lucas’ actions said, Sorry if I was a little harsh today. Sorry about my brother. Sorry we can’t be more help.

  She laughed and looked down at her feet. “Yeah, it might be time to invest in better footwear.”

  William was about to agree, as he’d never been fond of her footwear choice when heading out on a job, but stopped when Riley let out a low growl, his gaze firmly fixed upon his brother. “Now you are definitely flirting with my girlfriend,” his voice held a tone of warning.

  “Wh-what? Um, no,” stuttered Lucas. “Just trying to be nice.” He lowered his voice adding, “Mainly because you’re being a major fucking dick right now.”


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