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Boys And Their Toys: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Troubled Playthings Book 1)

Page 9

by Tiffany Sala

  I didn’t want to give him a chance to see I was getting some enjoyment out of what he was doing to me, either. That was bound to encourage him—and he didn’t exactly need encouragement.

  He was just trying to mess with me though, I knew, and if I didn’t give him what he wanted he would probably let me get back to my work quickly enough. So I pretended absolutely nothing was happening of interest, although my face was probably bright red.

  I flinched as Lucas’s fingers pressed in harder. That had felt far too good to be happening with other people just a metre or two away from us.

  I realised I had it all wrong. There was no way Lucas was going to stop if he could keep on getting away with it. If I wanted to get out of this situation I had to have the courage to… well, not speak up maybe, but…

  I raised my face and then my eyes to his. His face didn’t seem all that different to usual, which made it even worse when I knew I was showing him with every expression I made that every movement of his hand felt great. I hadn’t realised it would feel so different to have someone else touching me, so I wasn’t prepared to handle it.

  “Steady, Callie,” said Lucas, his voice below the level of Dane and Bill’s conversation. “Don’t let your work get too exciting.”

  I felt his hand move off me and exhaled far more air than I thought I’d been holding onto… and then his fingers came back, fast. He pushed my underwear aside and was immediately touching me directly, a fingertip swiping over my clitoris and then two big fingers pushing right up inside me, meeting absolutely no resistance.

  I completely failed at not reacting to that. Bill and Dane turned to us, and I tensed waiting for some disgusted response from them (which only made me feel the intrusion in my body all the more), but their faces revealed only mild interest. I realised they probably couldn’t see what Lucas was doing from the angle they were at. It was a perfect storm of the differing heights of the chairs we were sitting on and Lucas’s extremely long arms.

  “How about I grab you some water, Callie?” Dane said. “And for you too, Lucas. Sorry, I’m so distracted today I’m forgetting my manners.” He clapped Bill on the shoulder and said, “Well, I won’t keep you. Let me know tomorrow how it goes.”

  They were going to leave us alone. I sagged a little in my relief, but that just made me more aware of Lucas’s fingers still inside me, of the strange sensation of being filled there. Well, once we were alone I would do something about that right away—

  “Lucas, was that it?” Bill said. He leaned against the frame of the front window, far too close to us. “So I guess you and Callie go to school together?”

  He wasn’t going to leave yet, the bastard. And he was so close he was bound to see something if he—But Lucas wouldn’t push the game that far, would he? He wouldn’t want anyone to get a glimpse into what he was actually capable of… but assuming that left me trapped trusting his judgement on how far he should push things.

  “That’s right,” Lucas said. “Actually, we’ve been going to the same school for a few years I think, right Callie?”

  And as he turned to me, I felt a warning tickle inside as his fingers wriggled, and then he slid them out and pushed them back in, hard.

  I thought I had to be in shock. That was surely the only way I was managing to hardly react now. “Um, yes,” I said. “I think you came to my primary school when we were nine?”

  “That sounds about right.” Lucas started moving his fingers in and out slowly, which was much worse than if he’d just been pounding them in, because I had time to feel every millimetre. And as much as I hated where he’d chosen to do this, my body really, really liked the feel of what was happening.

  “And after all that time you get together,” said Bill. “It’s a funny old world, isn’t it?”

  “I wouldn’t say we’re exactly together,” I muttered, trying to keep my voice low to hide any of what I was feeling that might come through.

  “No,” Lucas agreed, “I haven’t asked her.” His thumb brushed my clitoris. I thought I was going to pass out with the effort of holding my reactions in.

  “So you’re the type to just ply a woman with gifts and keep her wondering,” Bill said.

  “Something like that,” Lucas said. His fingers were still sliding in and out, with somehow no sign of that showing above the line of the table. The bastard had to be experienced at this. He moved his thumb more firmly into place and started to work on me in slow circles. I felt like I was melting on his hand, like I was some sort of ice cream on a stick. Things were definitely getting about that sticky down there, too.

  I snapped back into a working posture as Dane returned to the room. He put mugs of water in front of Lucas and myself. It was a struggle to thank him and not flinch or snap. In my current state, I felt sensitive to all the other men around me as if they were directly rubbing against me or something.

  “I didn’t bother getting anything for you, Bill, because you’re supposed to be already gone,” Dane said.

  I grabbed my mug with both hands and gulped the water down, desperately trying to lower the heat my body was giving off.

  “Just stopped to talk to Callie and this new man of hers,” said Bill. “But you’re right, I’m off—”

  And then another contractor walked in through the front door: Cam, one of the younger guys and the one who always did the worst when it came to treating me like a human and not a piece of meat to ogle.

  “Hi, Callie,” he said, looking me up and down with what seemed to be extra interest. Maybe what Lucas was doing to me was making me just light up to men. Here they all were, buzzing around me—I’d heard that was a real phenomenon, I was sure. “Sorry, sweetheart, but here I am with a whole load more work for you to do.”

  “She’s busy today, you hear that Lucas?” said Dane with a wink in my direction. “So try not to distract her too much.”

  I dared to roll my eyes at him, but I was biting my lip to avoid letting any moaning or panting out, so I didn’t really have many options.

  Cam tossed a stack of dog-eared papers in front of me, and the three men clustered together a short distance from my desk to gossip some more. I don’t know who thought women were worse at that. I almost wanted to throw myself in front of them and beg them to leave, except of course I couldn’t do that because I was impaled on Lucas’s hand, still sliding and rubbing against me.

  “That’s enough, don’t you think?” I said to him quietly, now nobody was paying us any attention. My lips were quivering. I felt tears coming into my eyes.

  “I’ll know when it’s enough,” said Lucas, shifting like he was leaning back in his seat, but somehow moving into a position where he had an angle to push his fingers even deeper in me.

  It didn’t take much thinking to know what that meant: he was going to get me off, right here in public. And there seemed to be only one thing I could do about it: I would have to fake it so he’d stop before it was too late.

  But then I felt a familiar tingling sensation spreading through my arms and legs. It was already too late.

  I shared a small house with my parents, so I was used to keeping myself quiet when I was getting myself off. But it was a lot harder when someone else was controlling the pace of things. I pushed myself backwards in my chair as my body closed hard around Lucas, using the squeak and scrape of it to cover for my breathing.

  Lucas’s fingers slid out of me. The other men turned around to look at us, but he was sitting with his elbows on the desk by that time, clearly disentangled from me. I had a feeling all three of those men could tell from my face something of what was going on, though there was no way they would guess the extent of it.

  “Like I told you, Lucas, don’t distract her,” Dane said, grinning. “Or I’ll have to evict you from my offices.”

  “I promise,” Lucas said, leaning back even further. “I’m feeling pretty happy to sit back and watch from now on.”

  “Let’s get out of here,” Dane said, “or she’ll have more di
stractions than she can contend with.”

  I wanted to make some retort about not being that distractable, but I didn’t trust myself to speak at that moment… and it seemed a bit hypocritical.

  Once we were alone again, Lucas put his two fingers in his mouth and made a big show of sucking them clean. The marbles in my head I’d sort of managed to roll into a coherent pile completely scattered. I was pretty sure there was at least a double meaning going on there, probably a triple meaning depending on how you looked at it.

  I needed the next ninety minutes to go quickly… but even then, I realised now I was far from safe.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lucas took my car key from me once I was finished at work, and I was so wrecked from that unwanted orgasm plus the effort of doing so much acting normal after it, I didn’t put up much of a fight.

  “You’ll still get your chance to drive once you drop me off,” he said. “Let me do something nice for you.”

  We were still inside the building at that point, with Dane right there saying goodbye to me, so if I didn’t want to drag my boss into my personal business, I had no choice but to keep quiet. Not that I was exactly feeling combative at that point.

  It was immediately clear to me as Lucas pulled the car out that he was not going to drive straight to his house, and I didn’t even really have it in me to care. There were other questions on my mind, and if I wasn’t owed some answers now, I didn’t think I’d ever get them.

  “Lucas,” I spoke up, my head flopping back against my headrest. I didn’t fight it. Maybe he would be more willing to be open with me if I made myself as non-threatening as possible. “That girl whose grave you took me to the other day. Jillian Montgomery?”

  “What about her?” said Lucas, with absolutely nothing in his voice I could interpret. He executed the neatest and least terrifying turn onto a main road I’d ever experienced from him, which made me think there was a lot more going on beneath the surface.

  “Who was she? Were you two dating, before she…?”

  Lucas snorted. “Dating Jill? Fuck, no.” Again with the careless words and unexpectedly competent driving. “Jill was someone my sister knew,” he said. “From when she was sick.”

  A memory flashed back to me: someone at our school, asking about Lucy Starling in this really serious tone of voice. And maybe I’d heard something once, a long time ago, that hadn’t been made a big deal of because we were kids and not expected to be able to take adult things. Finally, I got it. “Cancer, right?”

  “Right,” Lucas said. “At first it was just Hodgkin’s and they were extremely confident it could be cured without much trouble, but then they found something else that wasn’t so trivial. The diagnosis was a lot less clear-cut.” He seemed to be smiling from where I could see, but I had a feeling a different angle would have shown me a grimace, carefully disguised. “Lucy was never a lucky girl. After the second diagnosis she spent a lot of time in a lot of different facilities, met a lot of people. Jill was one we saw around a lot, who went to a lot of the same places we did. Her streak of bad luck ran for a bit longer than Lucy’s, unfortunately for her.”

  “It must have been really tough when she died,” I said.

  Lucas shrugged, still staring at the road. “For Lucy, yeah. Jill was a bit of a peek into what might be in store for her, I guess. I never knew her well, but our parents talked a lot, and I just always thought it was really shitty. Imagine your life being over that early.”

  He was definitely bullshitting me with this line of just feeling sorry for a dead girl. I didn’t see Lucas as being the type to lie that easily about how well he knew her, though, which meant there had to be something else to it. I thought I knew, too: his sister.

  I’d gotten it all wrong when he arranged that car for me that was just like Lucy’s. I assumed he was just trying to fuck with me… but, of course, he would have been expecting me to be angry and to fight him over it then. He’d been so angry because in his head, I should have appreciated the gesture. A car just like his sister’s, who he actually loved more than anything else.

  Who he actually loved.

  Lucas’s love seemed like it would be a terrifying thing, but I’d bet his sister didn’t worry about any harm coming to her.

  “Lucas,” I spoke up as he drove us into a park I never even knew existed, with overgrown trees all the way up from the entrance that scraped along the side of the car and made me duck. Lucas didn’t even flinch though, and of course nothing seemed to so much as brush him. “I should let my mother know I’m going to be late for dinner.” The car was definitely going to pick up some damage from this place—not that it was pristine any more, I supposed. Rather like myself… although I felt a lot happier about that than I did about crude dicks drawn on my doors.

  “Won’t be long,” Lucas said. “I’ll come by some other time and let her know it was all on me if she makes a fuss.”

  “How are you going to introduce yourself?” I found myself asking. All that pleasure before had made my brains loose. “Are you like my boyfriend, or some guy who just takes me out now and then and puts his hands wherever he pleases and then buys me some expensive shit? Because—”

  “Shut up, Calista,” Lucas said. “I’m not here to form any more attachments. You’re pretty, and you’ve got a good personality most of the time, and I want to spend time with you now and then. That’s fucking it. That’s all it needs to be, and you shouldn’t need to explain to anybody. You’re a fucking grown woman.”

  He stopped the car in a particularly decrepit corner of the park and turned to me. This was clearly a place he’d come before, and now in the glow of regret from opening my mouth, I was far too aware of how alone we were. I had no idea who, if anyone, might hear me if I screamed. I had no idea if I was going to want to scream.

  “Okay,” said Lucas, “so what is it? Do you want to run like hell now?”

  In my current state it took me some time to accept that I’d heard the words I had. Was Lucas actually trying to give me a choice?

  Of course it was not nearly so much of a choice as he wanted it to seem, because he’d waited too long. He’d gotten me hooked and pulled me in almost all the way, let me see what was on the other side of my world, and now he was asking if I wanted to be thrown back before I had a chance to make sense of any of it.

  I think my hesitation was enough of a no for him. He unclipped my seatbelt for me, then grabbed a fistful of my hair and used it to steer me forward, planting an uneven kiss on my lips and then leaning back, still holding onto me, while he fiddled with his belt with his free hand.

  Once I could see what he was doing, I was back in that too-late-regrets headspace. “Lucas, I—this is—” This wasn’t like at my workplace, where he’d been able to manage the situation somewhat. We were out in public, and anyone could come along. Maybe he knew it didn’t happen very often, but you just never knew. He was still in his school uniform for goodness sake—

  “It’s only fair,” Lucas said. “I know you liked what I did for you, and it’s not like that wasn’t risky. But it’s your choice.”

  The bastard knew perfectly well it wasn’t really ‘my choice’. It had never been my choice since he’d decided he wanted to mess with me. He’d been creating the rules of the world I existed in from moment one, and I was stuck just playing along.

  I didn’t say any more then, or struggle or do anything but watch as he drew down his zip and reached in to pull out a dick that looked pretty big to me, not that I’d encountered many of them in my life of course. I felt a little thrill running through me at the sight of it, especially where I was still sensitive from his fingers in me before. I was trying not to think about something… bigger… in me now, but my own thoughts weren’t respecting my wishes.

  Lucas grabbed my hand and wrapped my fingers around the base of his shaft, then started pulling on my hair again, dragging my face down until I had to start aligning my mouth towards him or get myself poked in the eye with a big slick

  I couldn’t stifle a giggle at the thought, and Lucas growled. “No man wants someone to burst out laughing when they get out their cock, thank you very much.”

  I wanted to apologise, but Lucas took a tighter hold of my hair, and suddenly my mouth was too full.

  The taste of him was unexpected, stronger than I would have imagined. I gagged and tried to pull back but he held me in place, making me take the time I needed to adjust.

  “Ready, Callie?” he said after a few seconds had passed. I made a noise that I didn’t think was terribly close to yes or no, but he started moving my head up and down on him, so it was clearly enough for him. I was quickly becoming used to the taste and could concentrate on the sensation of being impaled on him, of the muscles in his belly straining before my eyes under his shirt as he thrust into me a little as well. He was breathing heavily, an occasional grunt letting slip.

  How had I gotten myself into this situation? A breeze ruffling my hair from behind reminded me just how exposed we were in this position, and Lucas’s free hand sliding down the neck of my shirt where it gaped open, squeezing my breasts, sent a swell of arousal through my own body, making me very conscious of just how helpless I was to not do whatever Lucas wanted me to do. It was a good thing I didn’t have any serious desire to resist, I supposed.

  I wanted to see how his expression had changed now I was the one pleasuring him, but when I raised my eyes up to his face I saw he’d turned his head so he was staring out the side of the car. It really provoked me. I wanted him to be looking down at me as I sucked him off, stroking my hair and my face, not using me thoughtlessly as a sex toy.

  And yet the careless way he was using me was turning me on, too. It was probably because of the way he’d played with me earlier, getting me in that frame of mind, but I was starting to get the horrifying feeling that, given enough time, I would be able to come just from sucking him.

  That made me realise something obvious I should have been aware of from the start: he was going to come at some point, and given the current state of things that would be in my—


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