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Burning Obsession

Page 2

by Rice, Rachel E.

  “It looks like a beautiful place,” Danny observed.

  “Yes,” the guard said looking around. “A place for the rich to hide away and forget that the rest of the world exists.”

  That’s just what Danny was longing to do, forget everything, until everyone forgot him.

  “You’re a lucky man, they’re hiring. But looking at your appearance,” he lit a cigarette and blew a smoke into Danny’s face. “I don’t think it will be where the public can see you. You’ll have to work where you aren’t so visible. Looking at your face you’ll be lucky if you get a job period.” He shook his head as he got a closer look at Danny.

  The guard, a tall man with sun bleached blond hair, a broken nose, and crooked teeth took an assessment, without any regards for the feelings of the man standing before him. He assumed the stranger had heard this before and far worse. The brutal cuts across the mouth, eyes, and forehead were now Danny’s reality and future. He had to harden himself with the facts.

  He lived his youth with people talking about his handsome face and what a beautiful man he had become. His face got him parts in movies before he could act, before he became the golden boy of Hollywood. He owned Hollywood. It was that face, which declared that Phillip Cross was out of the running for an Oscar. It was that face that got him the Oscar that year, and he was certain that it wasn’t his acting ability, but that face that beat out the older handsome actor—Sydney’s husband, Phillip Cross.

  His handsome face was gone and the only thing remained was his eyes, his lips, his teeth, and his scarred body, which was still intact to signal that he, Danny McCloud, was alive.

  Yet he was not alive if he could not work at his profession. He was dead and he would remain in that state until he actually died.

  “If you still want to apply for a position, then walk down that corridor until you get to two large mahogany doors, and then ring the bell. Good luck pal.” The guard shook his head as Danny ambled pass him.

  Danny wasn’t afraid any longer. He would ask for a job, any job. His steady hands knocked on the door and a voice with a French accent answered. “Enter.”

  “I’m looking for work.”

  “I can’t hire you; you will have to speak to Carlos.” He glanced up as he reached for a pen. “We’re looking for English speaking workers. I can put your name on the list.” The owner had his head down looking at plans and was too busy to pay attention to the young man standing before him. “Take the list on the table near the lamp and write your name and any qualifications and where you think we might place you.” Alan Brule glanced up over his glasses, then his head moved downward looking and shuffling papers. “What is your name young man?”

  “Daniel Collingsworth, sir.” Danny had forgotten about a name, so he gave his mother’s maiden name. “When can I expect to start work? I need the money and I have no place to stay.”

  “Go to the kitchen and start there. Get yourself something to eat. Tell Carlos that Mr. Brule’ said to give you food and lodging for the week until you’re hired. If they have a problem with you then see me. Now please, I have work to complete.” Alan Brule never really saw the young man. He continued what he was doing.

  * * *

  Dinner Party in Paris

  A nervous Sydney didn’t relish being in the same place with Nadia and Jeremy. She hoped her eyes didn’t reveal her true feelings about Jeremy. Maybe she could even hide it from herself.

  Steven and Sydney arrived at the stately apartment at seven. The lights of the Eiffel Tower were gleaming in the dark cold sky. After looking in awe at the apartment, they managed to ring the bell. The building was stately but had been remodeled in a more authentic modern style. The building looked as if it housed many families now only one rich aristocrat.

  They rang the buzzer and the door opened immediately, and there stood Alan. “I wanted to greet you myself. My name is Alan Brule. And you are Sydney McCloud, it is my pleasure.” He took her hand and kissed it. Sydney was speechless, looking down on his full head of dark curly hair. “I hope you don’t mind. Please come in.”

  His gray blue eyes lit up and his heart beat heavy. He was instantly attracted to her and he didn’t mind showing his feelings.

  “Alan this is Steven.” Alan shook Steven’s hand and he peered at Steven suspiciously. He soon realized that Steven was harmless. Sydney had that way about her. She knew that she had this kind of effect on men. She noticed it with Danny and it followed with other men. For some unknown reason men wanted to possess her, and appeared threatened by other men.

  The butler took their coats and walked them into the living area and there stood Nadia and Jeremy. “My parents were coming, but my father fell ill. I hope you get to meet them at another time. Jeremy met them last night and they fell in love with him, just as I did. Come Sydney and Steven, have a seat. I see Alan is captivated with Sydney and he has forgotten his manners,” Nadia said smiling at Jeremy.

  Jeremy dropped Nadia’s hand. He hadn’t expected Alan to act like a young schoolboy on his first date. After all, he was a man of the world. Traveled everywhere, met women from across the globe and now he stood with his mouth ajar and his mind as blank as a sheet of paper.

  “I’m sorry Sydney, but my sister shouldn’t have been so forward, but I forgive her because she is my baby sister.”

  “Yes, and you are not that old. You’re only forty.” Alan’s eyebrows curled and he winced at Nadia. “Look how handsome he is with that touch of gray in his hair and those beautiful gray blue eyes. And did you know he’s rich.”

  “Stop it!” Jeremy shouted. Everyone looked in amazement. “You are displaying Alan as if he is a side of meat.”

  “Jeremy I didn’t protest. Nadia didn’t mean any harm,” Alan declared.

  Steven and Sydney took everything in—the outburst, and the display of Alan’s wealth. At the point where everyone would have been embarrassed if the maid hadn’t announced dinner.

  Dinner was another exercise in boredom for Jeremy. He would rather be outside walking on the streets of Paris with Sydney by his side. He sat near Nadia but his mind was close to Sydney. His mind was claiming his attention and Nadia had no inkling until she tried to talk to him and he did not answer. He was glaring at Alan and Sydney drinking, laughing and whispering. He knew Sydney could not drink much and he wanted to prevent her from getting too tipsy.

  Steven was standing on the terrace looking at the Eiffel Tower and wishing he could find Jose’ and forgive him if that’s what it took to get him back. His thoughts were disturbed by Jeremy. “Steven don’t let Sydney drink anymore.”

  “I can’t tell her what to do. She’s a grown woman.”

  “You are useless,” Jeremy said full of anger.

  “You are the useless one. You’re getting married, yet you want to hold on to Sydney. You couldn’t wait until Danny was out of the picture…” Steven scoffed.

  Jeremy walked away from Steven. He knew Steven had too much wine and was known to say anything. He refused to push the conversation further.

  Ambling back to the room where Nadia, Sydney, and Alan were sitting, Jeremy heard them discussing Danny.

  “Jeremy I didn’t know that you and Danny were maternal twins. I hear that it’s hard to tell the two of you apart.”

  “I can tell them apart,” Sydney said looking at Jeremy.

  “I wish I had met your brother,” Nadia said turning to Jeremy.

  “You would have loved Danny,” Sydney’s voice chimed in strong. I miss him. I miss him so much.”

  “I’d better take Sydney home. She hasn’t quite gotten over Danny. She gets sad at times.”

  Steven helped Sydney from the sofa and Alan rushed to her side. “Wait Steven, you and Sydney can stay for the night. I have eight bedrooms and hardly anyone comes here. The view is perfect from your rooms. You have the lights from the Eiffel tower shining on the balcony, and servants. What do you say, Sydney?”

  Sydney relaxed and replied, “I think I will stay.” She glan
ced at Jeremy with a smile.

  Steven agreed. Jeremy was a guest and could not leave, but he didn’t want to watch Alan pawing on Sydney. He didn’t like the way Alan’s eyes searched her body. Yet he was helpless to do anything about it. He played his cards too close to the vest and now he couldn’t do anything with the hand he had. He gambled on Sydney begging him not to marry Nadia. But for Sydney to say that she had to be sure that Danny was dead, and that had not been confirmed, at least not in her mind.

  “I’ll show Sydney to her room and Nadia you and Jeremy can show Steven to his.”

  Jeremy watched as Alan led Sydney upstairs, holding her on her arm and then her waist when she swayed in her high heels. Alan then stopped at the top of the stairs and bent to take off her shoes and with another sway she fell into his arms, all the time Jeremy peered in helpless anger.

  Jeremy noticed that Sydney’s room was conveniently next to Alan’s.

  “I’m a big girl Alan, I can find the bed and…”

  “I wanted to tell you that you can find sleeping gowns in that chest.”

  “Don’t worry Sydney those are my things. Alan has never had time to have a steady girl. Maybe he’ll make time now,” Nadia said looking at Alan and smiling.

  Sydney thanked Alan and closed the door. Jeremy felt as if she had closed the door on his love. Now he knew that Alan was going to make a play for Sydney and he couldn’t let that happen, but he couldn’t stop it.

  Sleep would not come to Jeremy. He heard footsteps and a knock coming from Sydney’s door. He left the bed sleeping next to Nadia and jumped up. There was no way he would let Alan spoil his plans. If Sydney wouldn’t marry him and love him, he wouldn’t let anyone have her. His arrogant delusional mind thought that it was not her choice to make, it was his choice.

  He opened her door.

  Alan looked up from a chair he was sitting in. Sydney lay on the bed face down in her clothes. “I was just checking to see if Sydney was ok.”

  “I’m sure she is, like she said she is a big girl, she doesn’t need you to tuck her in, Alan.”

  “You are right.” Alan thought it was a brother being protective of his sister, the way he has always protected Nadia. “I’ll have the maid help her undress.” He left Jeremy peering down at Sydney.

  “Sydney, what are you doing to me and yourself?” Jeremy murmured.

  Early the next morning the servants came with fresh clothing for everyone. They were placed in the rooms. The maid asked whether Sydney wanted breakfast in bed, to which she replied that she did not like to be pampered. Although she could afford to have cooks and maids, she preferred to do most of the work herself. Only when she couldn’t be there would she call someone in.

  Sydney dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast, followed slowly by Steven passing his hands over his close cut hair.

  “Sydney did you call and let Ana know that we were safe,” he said peering through half-closed eyes.

  “I called the minute I entered the room. I spoke to the children and assured them that I would be home as soon as their breakfast was over. That’s why I’m up early. I’m going to have coffee and leave.”

  Alan was standing behind Sydney and heard her.

  “You’re not having breakfast? I’m not having the pleasure of your company any longer?” He took her hand and held it close to his chest. “See how my heart beats when you are near.”

  Steven passed in front of Alan and Sydney, ignoring Alan’s plea, more concerned with sampling some Paris patisseries: the gateau opera, a delicate cake, too delicate for Steven. Instead he placed a cocoa flavored éclair and baguette on a small plate.

  “I can’t leave my children another day,” Sydney said looking at the buffet and reaching for the coffee. Alan gladly poured her a cup of coffee and smiled with his eyes.

  “Then let me take you and your children out and make a day of it. The children would love the street carnival at Rue di Rivoli. And for you, there is the Musee d’Orsay. There you can see Degas, Monet and the infamous Lautrec. And how could I forget the Louvre and the Mona Lisa.”

  “It sounds inviting, I will let you know later?”

  “Let him know what?” Came the sound of Jeremy’s voice.

  “Sydney is thinking about allowing me to give her and the children a tour of Paris.”

  “I can do that Alan,” Jeremy sniped.

  Sydney glowered at Jeremy with passionate anger. “I’ve made up my mind; you can show us Paris, Alan.”

  Alan’s eyes locked with Phillip’s eyes.

  “The car is waiting to take you to your hotel, Sydney.” Alan escorted Sydney and Steven to the front stained glass door and opened it, where his limo set waiting. Jeremy braced against a chair, staring with his heart pounding, as Alan took Sydney’s hand and clasps it in his, and kissed it as he helped her into the back seat.

  The car shuttled off into the busy streets. Alan looked on until it disappeared. Steven turned to see Alan watching the car.

  “Well look at you Sydney. Some women can’t get one man to fall in love with them and you have two. Some women have men falling over each other to give them everything, including a hard dick.” He turned to meet Sydney’s eyes.

  “Steven, you never fail to take a beautiful moment and throw it in the gutter, how could you be so crass? You have got to stop being jealous when you don’t have a lover. And you’re always trying to take it out on me.”

  “I’m sorry, Sydney, but I can’t stand to see anyone happy when I’m so miserable.”

  “I know Steven, its going to get better for you, give it time. Alan’s attentions are making me feel a whole lot better. He’s just a distraction. I’m not thinking about Danny as often as I use to.”

  “I don’t know about that. You should have heard yourself talking about Danny after one drink.”

  “What? I told you not to let me make a fool of myself, Steven.”

  “You could never make a fool of yourself. I did that for both of us.”

  They arrived at the hotel George IV.

  Steven and Sydney reached their hotel room, and when inside, greeted and hugged the children who didn’t notice that they were gone. Before Sydney could get comfortable, the phone rang and Steven answered. He rolled his eyes held it out in Sydney’s direction, “You.”

  “Who is it Steven?” Steven put his hand over the phone and whispered, “Alan.” Sydney grabbed the phone from Steven and waved for him to go. But Steven stayed. He circled Sydney whispering, “What does he want now? He acts like a stalker.”

  “You would know. Go.”

  Sydney kept swatting Steven with the phone.

  “Hello, Alan… I think I can have the children ready for a day out. It will take me about two hours to get them ready. Yes, Steven will come also. See you soon.”

  “I bet he was excited when you mentioned that I was coming.

  Do you think that Jeremy is going to be happy with that little arrangement?”

  “He has no choice, he’s getting married.” Sydney walked away. “I don’t have time for this. I’d better get the children dressed.”

  Sydney was the last one to dress when the large limousine drove up to pick up Steven and Sydney, the twins and Sean. Sydney fed the baby and put him to sleep before everyone left.

  As they entered Alan’s large black limousine, Sydney was surprised to see Jeremy and Nadia.

  “I know it’s a surprise but I haven’t seen the kids and Nadia wanted to get acquainted with them, because after all, she is going to be their aunt.” Nadia sat rigid and motionless; you could see she was uncomfortable even as she smiled. She was out of place, like an ugly duckling in the midst of swans. Alan had all the composure of someone that was use to children or he was pretending to gain the affections of Sydney.

  “Come in we have a full house, but we’re going to have a wonderful time today, aren’t we children?” And he proceeded to give the children the itinerary. The children became excited and over anxious and clapped when he mentioned
the circus.

  “Where is the baby?” Jeremy questioned.

  “With the nurse.” Sydney said with a dry voice.

  Steven sat in front with the driver. He didn’t want to be in the middle of the war that would sure to occur between Jeremy and Alan.

  Chapter 3


  It had been over a year since Danny disappeared. Now he worked faithfully at the Millennium Lodge in the jungle and became the manager of the hotel. He learned Spanish and now he knew several languages of the native people in the area, all this helped in his advancement.

  Danny kept the hotel going since Alan Brule was spending less time there and more time in Europe and the U. S. Astonishingly, the hotel was listed as a Five Star Hotel. Because of that, men and women from around the world flocked to meet the person who made all of that possible, but he was always conveniently busy.

  As Danny was leaving his office he inadvertently walked into a guest.

  “Excuse me,” Danny apologized.

  “No it’s my fault.” The handsomely dressed man with gray hair and brown eyes stood still and stared at Danny.

  “I hope you don’t think it strange that I am looking at your face but...”

  “No, you’ve never seen me before.”

  “You are correct; I’ve never seen you before. Well I’m a plastic surgeon. And those wounds look worse than they are. Here is my card and if you are in Los Angeles come by and see me. I know I can help you. I can’t guarantee I can give you the same face, but I can guarantee that you will break a woman’s heart with your new face.”

  Danny took the doctor’s card and stared at it. He kept churning around in his mind what the doctor said: break a woman’s heart. Could he dare dream about his family again, could he ever hope to see Sydney again the way she saw him before. His heart leaped once more at the thought of seeing Sydney, his children, and their new baby.

  Danny thought that he was doing the right thing when he took himself out of Sydney’s life. He felt that he could never provide for her the way he once did, but most of all, fear drove him. The fear that she would never want him the way he is.


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