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Mikal (Second Wave Book 3)

Page 25

by Mikayla Lane

  Chance couldn’t stand the thought of Mikal stopping, not when he was the only one who could relieve the deep ache increasing in her. She gripped him tightly, arched her body closer to him, and moaned as he caught her nipple in his mouth.

  She writhed against him, trying to draw him closer as his tongue and mouth did things to her breasts that she’d only read about. By the time his kisses moved lower, her body felt so liquid hot that she couldn’t move if she tried. Until the first swipe of his tongue had her gripping the back of his head.

  Mikal could feel her need building and knew she was close. He didn’t want to disappoint her, but he had to be inside of her the first time she found her release with him. The desire was so primal and deep that he found himself crawling up her body as she moaned in complaint.

  “Shh, baby,” Mikal whispered while he situated himself against her tight wetness.

  Chance jerked at the feel of him butted up against her and she began writhing and bucking against him until he slipped just inside. She stopped for a moment, trying to adjust to his girth, while Mikal braced himself above her, grinding his teeth to keep from driving inside of her and claiming his mate.

  She rolled her hips against him and managed to slip him farther inside, the heat and excitement driving the dull pain aside until she felt something break and she gasped.

  “It’s over, baby. It will be better now, I promise,” Mikal whispered hoarsely, trying hard not to hurt her.

  Chance nodded her head and tried to shift away from the pain, and after a few seconds the pain was gone and a white hot need took its place.

  “Oh!” Chance said as she moved slightly and was hit with a shaft of pleasure that rocked through her energy. She assumed it bounced of Mikal’s as well because he groaned.

  She moved again, and there was only pleasure. She couldn’t help but slide up and down until Mikal began moving with her.

  “Yes,” Chance whispered as Mikal began driving harder into her, her hips matching his movements as if with a will of their own.

  The heat and energy built between them so strongly that Chance swore it could be physically felt in the air around them. She didn’t care; all could feel was Mikal’s body and the intense pleasure building inside of her along with the energy.

  Suddenly the building energy reached a crescendo and there was an audible pop. As Chance and Mikal cried out their pleasure, they opened their eyes to see the energy break into a shower of glitter shards. They dissipated in the air around them as Mikal tried to slow his breathing.

  Chance grinned up at him, her body blissfully relaxed.

  “I guess Ranger did see us glow,” she teased.

  Mikal chuckled and collapsed beside her, pulling her close to his side.

  “Good thing he wasn’t around to see the rainbow glitter falling,” he said as he kissed her cheek.

  Chance laughed and cuddled closer to him, the air suddenly feeling cooler to her.

  “Sh, he may actually be stalking around,” she teased.

  “Nah, we’d hear him growling every step of the way,” Mikal said with a laugh.

  “Why does he do that?” Chance asked.

  Mikal shook his head, not really wanting to talk about the cat.

  “I don’t know, baby. Are you sure you don’t want to stay here with Charlie? I can stay here with you until we’re ready for a mission,” Mikal began before Chance silenced him with a kiss.

  “No. I want to stay with your family. You’ve always stayed with them before and I’m not changing that. Besides, it gives us both a chance to go on missions that way and still have Charlie with one of us,” Chance said.

  Mikal sat up and looked down at her.

  “Wait, you think I want you on missions?” he asked incredulously.

  Chance sat up and pulled her shirt over her chest.

  “Wait, you think I’m not going on them? What did you think? That I’d just stay home and take care of Charlie? No way. I have just as must training and ability as you, we can take turns on missions,” Chance said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  That was not an option Mikal wanted to consider, especially not after being a guest at one of the labs himself. He damn sure didn’t want to have to worry about her getting captured again.

  “There’s no reason for that! Why risk yourself? Or risk leaving Charlie without a mother?” He argued as he stood and began pulling on his clothes.

  Chance stood angrily and began getting dressed.

  “So it’s OK if she loses you, but not me? You had no problem with me going along before! What’s changed?” she demanded.

  Mikal huffed, trying to think of what had changed, and the obvious came to mind.

  “You’re my mate now. I don’t want to take a chance of losing you the way I lost my mother and my father. I don’t want Charlie to go through that either,” Mikal argued.

  Chance looked at him incredulously as she finished pulling on her shoes.

  “So mate means you get to be a dictator? If that’s the case, you can forget the whole mate thing and we can be like a real human family with parents that don’t live together! And you can watch our daughter when I go on missions!” Chance said, then stomped off back towards the castle.

  Mikal ran his hands over his head in frustration and growled.

  What the hell is wrong with her? He wondered.

  “I do not growl every time I take a step,” Ranger said from behind Mikal, causing him to jerk around to glare at the cat.

  “You were spying on us?” Mikal accused.

  “No, I just have exceptional hearing,” Ranger said with a smile.

  “It was a joke,” Mikal said defensively.

  “So why did you make her want to scratch your eyes out?” Ranger asked, tilting his head and staring at Mikal.

  Mikal sat back down on the ground and shook his head.

  “I wasn’t trying to piss her off,” he said.

  Ranger laughed then snorted.

  “The things you people creatures excel at amaze me. And you call us animals. We like our females to fight. Meow chicka meow meow,” Ranger said before he flicked his tail in the air and disappeared around a strand of trees.

  Mikal laughed, he couldn’t help it.

  “Meow chicka meow, meow? Really? I’m telling dad to stop letting you guys have satellite television!” Mikal called at the cat’s retreating form.

  Mikal paced along the water, trying to figure out why he’d acted like an ass to Chance and how to fix it. He couldn’t deny that he didn’t like the idea of her going on missions. But he didn’t like Angel or Dree going either and they still went.

  Lara was an exception because of her power and the fact that she’d been in the military for years. Plus, she kind of scared everyone a little bit, even if none of them would admit it. Only the Tezarians seemed unaffected by her, but they took everything in stride.

  “No, we’re going to knock this out now. Even if I have to kick your ass to prove my point. But I’m not giving up on us and I’m not going to be caged again either. No matter how beautiful the cage,” Chance said, startling Mikal from his thoughts.

  He turned to face her and couldn’t help but smile at how beautiful she looked in her anger, and his heart melted at her words.

  Mikal walked towards her and picked her up, holding her close.

  “I was an ass. I’m sorry. My only excuse is that I’ve never felt this way or been so happy and I’m just terrified of losing you or Charlie,” Mikal whispered hoarsely.

  Chance wrapped her arms and legs around him and held him tight. Leaning back she kissed his lips then looked him in his eyes.

  “I’m not going anywhere, but you can’t keep me in a cocoon either. We can’t raise our daughter like that or any future children we may have. And I have to fight them, Mikal. I have to. I swore to myself that I would and I’m not going to stop. Don’t make me go behind your back in order to do what I think I must,” Chance said, hoping they could find some way to compromise.
  Mikal leaned his forehead against hers and nodded his head gently.

  “How about we evaluate each mission on a case by case basis and if it’s too dangerous or I have more experience, then I go. Wait!” he said when she began to argue. “No mission is ever foolproof and they are all dangerous, so you’ll have your fun. I’m talking about the bad ones. You know the ones I mean. I want you to be with Charlie then,” Mikal said.

  Chance nodded her head. As much as she’d go in his place in a second, she knew that he needed to know she’d be waiting for him. And for Charlie.

  “I’ll give you those missions. There’s one other thing I need you to do for me. Promise me,” Chance said, hoping he’d agree.

  “Anything, baby,” Mikal said, then added, “Within reason.”

  “Talk to your father, Indrid. You need closure of some kind. Your whole family does,” Chance said and rushed on when Mikal looked to argue.

  “You know your family is waiting to accept him as one of their own or reject him based on your decision. The problem is, you don’t know what you want because you haven’t really had a chance to get to know him. Without everyone else around like it’s story time,” Chance said, knowing she was right by the skipping of his energy.

  Mikal squeezed her tightly and nodded his head. He’d already decided he had to talk to Indrid again anyway.

  “That I will do for you. Just not right now,” Mikal said, then nuzzled her neck.

  Chance giggled and leaned back to look at him.

  “Maybe we should have a little more alone time?” she suggested hopefully.

  Mikal chuckled then remembered that damn cat and his “exceptional hearing”. Fearing the feline might still be around he shook his head and set Chance on her feet.

  “No way. The next time we’re together it will be somewhere private,” he said as he gently pulled her back towards the castle.

  It was almost dinner time anyway and he wanted to go back and check on Charlie. And maybe ask Indrid to speak with him again later.

  Chance shrugged her shoulders and followed behind him, playfully dragging her feet at times.

  When they could see the door to the kitchen, Chance yanked on his hand and pulled him towards her.

  “So we’re clear, we’re staying together as a family, we’ll share responsibility for Charlie and I get to do missions, right?” she asked as she leaned up and put her arms around his neck.

  Mikal looked down at her suspiciously for a second before nodding his head.

  “Yes, that’s the deal. Why?” he asked warily.

  “You’re good. Damn good,” Angel said as she held out a hundred dollar bill to Chance as she passed them on the path.

  “You could have held out a little longer you know,” Dree said with a pout as she handed another hundred dollar bill to Chance.

  “What the hell is going on?” Mikal demanded as he put his hands on his hips, even though he could guess.

  Chance turned towards him with a huge grin on her face as she folded the bills and shoved them in her front pocket.

  “What? They bet that you wouldn’t be fair, I bet that you would. I’ll bet on you every time, baby,” Chance said as she hugged him then gave him a peck on the cheek.

  “How am I supposed to be mad at that?” Mikal asked with a chuckle before he took her hand and led them back to the kitchen area.

  They’d just walked through the kitchen and easily followed the happy voices and laughter into the large dining room. His siblings and the Tezarians were laughing and joking among one another while spread out between two large tables. The hybrids were scattered around them and laughing at their antics.

  “Mikal! Chance! We saved you a few spots with Charlie,” Lara said as she held Charlie while the small girl stood on her chair and giggled.

  Chance smiled and rushed ahead of Mikal, pulling him along until she picked up Charlie and kissed her cheek. Mikal caught the child as she swung sideways and held her arms up to him.

  “Come here, sweetheart,” Mikal said and he sat her on his lap at the table.

  The jovial chatter and laughter around the room slowly died down and Mikal looked up at the doorway to see Indrid standing there a little uncomfortably. He felt terrible since in reality, this was Indrid’s true home, not theirs, yet Indrid felt like an outsider among the Dranovians, hybrids, and Tezarians.

  Mikal stood with Charlie in his arms as everyone began talking and joking again. Chance had been right, he could feel his siblings and the Tezarians waiting on his cue on how to treat his real father. As friend or family.

  He could feel Chance’s disapproving stare at his back as Indrid began to turn to leave the room.

  “Indrid!” Mikal called out, surprising himself.

  He watched Indrid turn around and look sadly at him as he shook his head slightly. Mikal knew that he was getting ready to leave and he didn’t want him to.

  “Come sit with your family and have dinner. We have a lot to talk about later, but we can start with the little stuff now,” Mikal said, speaking to his father through the connection Indrid had reestablished between them for the first time.

  Mikal saw the surprised look cross Indrid’s face and he stood there for a moment as if in indecision.

  Chris had noticed the tense exchange between Mikal and his father and he decided to help the two men out.

  “Sit down, man. We got a ton of food here and lots of space. Maybe you could tell us about this place and why it’s so big,” Chris said as he nodded at his siblings and everyone shifted along the benches at the table until there was a large space next to Mikal.

  Indrid looked around as if still considering it when Liam chuckled, his deep voice echoing as he grabbed a loaf of bread and stood.

  “Father of my brother, let’s break bread together,” he said jokingly as he tore the loaf in half and playfully tossed one of the halves to Indrid.

  Indrid easily caught the bread and began slowly walking to where Mikal still stood by the table.

  “Man, you better hurry before they chuck a pineapple to you. We’ve been known to have a few food fights,” Declan said with a chuckle as Indrid passed him.

  “If you start a food fight in here, I’m disowning you all,” Angel threatened playfully.

  “Where is Ranger? How’s the cats eating if there’s no meat allowed here?” Elias asked, looking around at his siblings to see if anyone knew the answer.

  Indrid cleared his throat, in the large room, it seemed to echo loudly and everyone turned to him.

  “I . . . showed him the path to the surface. We are close enough to the sea for them to find many kinds of prey. It is how the tigers eat as well,” Indrid said as he sat down next to his son.

  “Isn’t it too cold for them up there?” Angel asked, worried for the odd cat and his team.

  “No, Ranger assured me that they are used to such conditions on parts of Valendra and would enjoy the unique hunt here,” Indrid said as he accepted a bowl of fried rice from Luca, who sat to his left.

  “There is an area on Valendra just like this. I think they’ll be fine,” Dread added.

  “Hell, after what I’ve seen those cats do, I’m more afraid for the other creatures out there than I am for the cats,” Alex said as many of the others agreed.

  Mikal handed a bowl of cut fruit to his father and their eyes met.

  “Can we finish our talk later? In private,” Mikal asked Indrid through their mental connection.

  Indrid smiled and nodded his head.

  “I would like that, son,” Indrid replied, not even trying to hide the happiness he felt at Mikal’s request.

  “So Indrid, why is this place so big inside?” Shane asked curiously.

  Indrid was getting ready to explain when little Charlie looked up at him and asked curiously.

  “Are you my daddy’s daddy?” she asked.

  The room went silent and Mikal cleared his throat.

  “Yes, he’s my daddy. I have two daddies,” Mikal said,
looking at Indrid the whole time.

  Charlie’s eyes got really big, and her mouth formed an “O”.

  “I have two grandpas now?” she asked innocently, looking up at Mikal.

  Indrid stared at his son hopefully, but willing to accept whatever decision Mikal made regarding the relationship they could have.

  Mikal could feel the love and acceptance of Chance and his siblings and he knew the decision he had to make.

  “You’re lucky too, because you do have two grandpas,” Mikal said with a gentle smile for his daughter.

  Charlie squealed in delight and hugged Mikal quickly before hugging a startled Indrid. Mikal watched the tears well in Indrid’s eyes as he held Charlie close and he knew he’d made the right decision. His incredible siblings accepted his decision in their normal fashion.

  “Hey, the aunts and uncles aren’t chopped meat either, you know,” Shane said with a pout until Dree threw a roll at him.

  “Oh hush, we’ve got more than enough love to go around. Besides, we’re going to have more children to spoil soon,” Dree said with a saucy smirk.

  “You bitch! How did you know? We just found out this morning!” Angel yelled playfully from across the table.

  The entire room went silent as the Dranovians stared at Drago.

  “Oh hell! I wasn’t talking about you!” Dree said with a giggle.

  Trick and Mir stared daggers at Liam as they began to stand, the Dranovians with them. Chris remained seated and ran his hands over his face.

  “For the love of the Gods, why me?” he asked as the room erupted in shouting around him.

  He looked up at the still seated Chance, Mikal and Indrid.

  “You guys might want to sneak off with some plates. This is going to take a while,” he said as he stood and headed toward the circle of people arguing and shouting accusations at one another.

  “Back off! We’re mated! Of course children were possible,” Drago argued, drawing attention to the unmated couple who no one suspected were that intimate. Until now.

  “You dishonored our sister!” Trick yelled, as Dread and Viper tried to keep them away from Liam.

  Chris didn’t bother getting in the middle of it all, instead he headed right for Lara, hoping she could help him calm the situation down before it became more than a food fight. There were now two unborn children to think about and a melee between the siblings and Tezarians could get downright ugly.


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