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Awaken dots-2

Page 28

by Kristen Day

  The horn sounded once again and they both stopped, stepping away from each other. I jumped when the shrill bell sounded two more times, and then watched as they lunged for their weapons with quiet speed; Finn holding his double blade axe, the diamonds and black onyx on the handle glinting in the lights. Maddox gripped a sword with a thick, curved blade and my heart began to beat wildly. Finn expertly swung the double blade axe around his head and body, causing Maddox to follow its every movement in preparation for when he swung it at him. Both experts at their weapons, it was more like watching a dance than a fight. Their movements were fluid and precise, each darting out of the way at the last moment. Every swing of Maddox’s blade, every lunge he made stirred a terror in me that wouldn’t let go.

  It took all of my effort to keep my legs from running out there to protect him, although I was fully aware I was ill equipped to do so - and that was an understatement. Finally, after ten minutes of agonizing tension, the horn sounded again and they stepped away from each other. Finn’s face and body were already beginning to heal from the first round, but I could tell that the fight was taking a toll on him. Maddox was favoring his left leg, but kept his eyes on Finn the entire time.

  Suddenly, something began to push up through the earth around the black circle where they stood. Three more circles broke through the earth, each containing hundreds of spikes at least a foot tall; the tips menacingly sharp. It would only take one missed step to result in one of them becoming impaled. A terrified sob rose from my chest and I clutched my stomach, suddenly feeling nauseous.

  The bell sounded three more times and when I tried to look away, I couldn’t. They began to circle each other again and I remember thinking how much I just wanted it to end. No matter the outcome, it was torture to watch the person you love get beaten to death.

  As they swung their weapons, Finn’s axe connected with Maddox’s blade; sending the sword flying out of the circle. Finn swiftly swept Maddox’s legs out from under him, causing him to crash down; his head missing the spikes of the first circle by an inch. Finn jumped on top of him, but surprisingly he set down his axe. He began to untie his gloves, using them to tie up Maddox’s arms and legs. The crowd mumbled as they attempted to figure out what Finn was doing, and why he hadn’t ended Maddox’s life already. From my position I could also see Maddox yelling something at Finn, and Finn simply shaking his head at him solemnly.

  The crowd quieted automatically as Finn stood and looked up at them. My heart plummeted as I knew what he intended to do next. He put his hands up and began to address the audience.

  “Sons, ancestors, and friends; you’ve come here tonight to witness the crowning of a new Prime. However, I have made a decision to-“

  “Finn! No!” Before I could stop myself, I was running. I heard a collective gasp from the crowd as they saw me, and Finn turned. When his gaze met mine I felt his darkness reach out to me and embrace me. His face turned from determined to shocked in under a second, as he stared at me in silence. I stopped just before the first row of spikes and caught Maddox staring wide eyed at me.

  “Please don’t! You can’t do this! You can’t give everything up!”

  Without a word he walked out of the circle, through the spikes and came to a stop in front of me. In his eyes I saw the desperation that motivated him, the love that drove him, and the honor that bound him to his destiny.

  “Pasha,” he whispered in astonishment.

  “I know what you’re planning to do and…” the tears began to fall, “I can’t let you do it.

  We’ll find another way!” I pleaded with him, but he simply smiled.

  “This is the only way. Once I am bound to Nadia, you will be lost to me forever.”

  “If you do this, you will lose everything!”

  “But I will gain the one thing that I can’t live without.” He took my hand and gently kissed it.

  Then he quickly turned and walked back to the circle where Maddox was thrashing around, cursing at him. Finn addressed the audience again, “My destiny is my own to accept or deny. And on this night I choose-“

  “Finn, please!” I produced the pomegranate from my pocket, realizing that there was no other way. As I held it up in my palm the crowd gasped, and Finn’s face turned to horror. I spoke only to him, “Fulfill your destiny. We will be together in the Underworld.”

  “Stasia don’t!” No sooner than his words were out, I brought the fruit to my mouth and sunk my teeth into it as my mother’s words echoed in my mind: ‘ Listen to your heart and decide what you are willing to sacrifice, my dear Pasha’. I watched in slow motion as he ran out of the circle towards me. A forceful wind blew me backwards and then everything went black.

  Chapter 41

  A light breeze flowed over my skin and ruffled my hair. The soft ground beneath me smelled of spices and herbs. I slowly opened my eyes and lifted myself up to my hands and knees. I was lying in a sort of garden. Sweet mint, basil, and paprika plants had been flattened beneath my weight.

  “You surprise me, young goddess.”

  I twisted around, landing hard on my bottom. Persephone was sitting Indian-style mere feet away from me. I took several deep breaths and then tucked my legs beneath me. We were currently in the middle of an expansive garden flanked by a magnificent golden mansion. I put my head in my hands and allowed myself to cry. The fear and stress of the last twenty four hours exploded within me, slowly draining into the soil that supported me.

  “I couldn’t let him do it. I love him,” I continued to sob.

  A demonic laugh wafted up from our right, and I looked over to see Nadia making her way up the path towards us. I began to stand; feeling way too vulnerable sitting down, but Persephone grabbed my arm and held me where I was.

  “Stupid, stupid Stasia,” she chuckled again and put her hands on her hips. “You think you’ve done something noble, but all you’ve accomplished is trapping yourself in the Underworld, allowing Finn and I to live out the life we are meant to have.” She winked at me, “I’ll tell him hi for you.”

  This time I stood, fully intending to tackle her when Persephone also stood. “Silence, Nadia.”

  Nadia furrowed her brow, “I’m just telling her what she should already know.”

  “What matters to me is that Finn fulfills his destiny - because for every evil being like you, we will need a great leader like him!” I spat at her.

  “Ugh, really?” she raised an eyebrow. “Give me a break. Who do you think you are? You’re no martyr. Why don’t you just stay down here with my mother and leave the real leadership to the ones who can handle it.”

  Holding her gaze, I stepped up to her, “A leader does not demand from weaker beings. A leader does not take advantage of her abilities. She leads from within; with dignity and grace. She always puts herself last and she is willing to sacrifice for what is right.” I stepped even closer as she gawked at me with wide eyes, “You will never be a leader,” I hissed at her.

  “Anastasia,” I turned to Persephone as she motioned for me to stand beside her. “Come.”

  With one last glance at Nadia, I turned and walked to Persephone. She put her hand on my shoulder.

  “Never have I met a woman more willing to sacrifice for the man she loves, and willing to fight so hard for what is right. You have proven me wrong, young goddess. And for that; I have decided to give you amnesty.”

  “What!?” Nadia lashed out, but Persephone held up her hand.

  “I also dismiss your betrothal to Finn.” She sighed as she eyed her daughter in disappointment, “It pains me to say this, but you truly do not deserve him.”

  “Mother!” Nadia gasped, as Persephone smiled at me.

  “I grant you amnesty, Anastasia. Use my pardon wisely.”

  “No!” Nadia screamed as my world once again went black.

  The roar of the crowd above hit me with a force that caused me to snap open my eyes. My head fell to the right as a sudden movement caught my attention. I looked over just in time to
see Finn drive his axe into Maddox’s chest. He quickly yanked it out and angrily threw it across the arena. He knelt and quietly spoke to Maddox as he leaned over him; hugging him with urgency. My eyes filled with hot tears and an overwhelming pride filled my every cell.

  I was lying near the wall of the arena, and it would appear that no one had noticed my reappearance just yet. Two men ran onto the arena floor and struggled to wrench Finn off of Maddox’s body. He collapsed into a heap of tears and defeat, as they dragged Maddox’s body away while the crowd cheered and chanted Finn’s name.

  Too exhausted to move, I simply called out his name, “Finn…” He either heard me somehow or felt my essence, because his eyes lifted and met mine automatically. In that moment the world disappeared and all that was left was us. His darkness reached out to me as he stood slowly. The crowd, seeing his attention diverted, began to murmur and gasp as they laid eyes on me.

  As Finn continued to make his way over to me, they quieted and seemed to hold their breaths. I forced my body to turn on its side and I painstakingly lifted myself up to my knees. He stopped in front of me and fell to his knees as well, grabbing my arms and supporting me.

  “Oh Stasia, I’m so sorry.” I silenced him with my finger and smiled through my tears. His own tears continued to fall as I wrapped my arms around him and brought my lips to his. My heart exploded into a million pieces, raining down on us and blanketing me with euphoria. The crowd in the arena erupted into cheers that I felt all the way down to my soul. He glanced up at me in surprise.

  “You have darkness in you… I can feel it…” he said only to me, amazed. “But how…”

  “Persephone pardoned me,” I laughed from the joy I felt, “and she dismissed your betrothal,” Finn simply shook his head at me in astonishment.

  “And here I thought I was going to be the one to find a way around it and save the day.” He chuckled, “I should have known you’d show me up.”

  “It’s what I do,” I teased him.

  “And loving you is what I do,” he whispered, as he embraced me again for another passionate kiss. The incessant chanting of the crowd drew our attention back to our audience, who was demanding the induction of their new Prime.

  “Your Order awaits,” I grinned at him, beaming with pride. The arena was quickly cleared and a rolling platform was brought out for the ceremony. As Finn was ushered up the steps, he refused to let go of my hand.

  “I don’t belong up there,” I hissed at him.

  “Of course you do.” He smiled at me and dragged me up the stairs as my cheeks flushed and my heart beat wildly.

  “This is amazing,” I marveled at the pomp and circumstance surrounding us. Finn simply grinned at me.

  “Just wait until your eighteenth birthday. You haven’t seen anything yet.”

  We were soon joined by Natasha, who hugged me before hugging Finn - drawing a laugh from the crowd - and finally by Charon. I recognized him as the same older man I saw Finn talking to the night of the Ball. He was in his late fifties with salt and pepper hair and warm blue eyes.

  “I’ve heard a great deal about you young lady,” he bowed to me. “My son is a better man with you by his side.”

  “Thank you,” was all I could manage. Charon produced a staff that was covered in black onyx with an immense diamond adorning the top. He beat it three times on the platform in quick succession, and the crowd quickly quieted.

  “Tonight, I induct my son as your new Prime! This is a new era for the Sons’ Order. One which will flourish and shine beneath his strong hand.” He turned and held out the staff to Finn, who stepped towards him and grasped the staff as well. They both closed their eyes and muttered something inaudible. They then met each other’s gaze and slammed the staff down onto the platform in a loud boom. An intense light shot up from the top of the staff and a thumping shockwave flew outwards. When I looked back up at Finn, my breath caught. An inner glow I had never seen before was shining from him. His eyes were even brighter, and he stood tall with dignity. Charon released the staff and turned around. As he held his arms up, the entire stadium bowed to Finn. It was a surreal and majestic experience, and the pride that I felt was magnified each time I looked up at him. He diverted his shining eyes to mine and placed his hand on my neck, lifting my chin with his thumb.

  “No matter what, you will always be my true destiny.” He brought his soft lips to mine and I felt my legs melt as my heart soared. I knew in that moment that I was exactly where I was meant to be.

  As the crowd sat back down, a loud clapping brought everyone’s attention to the newcomer, who had just entered the arena. She sauntered towards us with an air of arrogance I was beginning to despise. Her bronze skirt had somehow inched higher up her thighs and the white blouse had been replaced with a tight black one. Her peep toe leopard skin stilettos tapped impatiently as she stopped just short of the black circle and platform we currently stood on.

  “Bravo! Bravo!” she cheered cynically. Her eyes fell on me with a hatred I could feel before her gaze slid to Finn with a smile dripping with evil. “Hi love, remember me?”

  “What are you doing here?” he asked calmly; his anger sizzling just below the surface. She smirked at him, and then her golden gaze pierced mine. Her features darkened considerably and the evil tendrils began lifting off of her sparkling, golden skin.

  “Taking back what’s mine,” she growled. Before I knew what was happening, she had lifted her arms and ripped Finn’s soul from his body. His soul-less body flew backwards and landed hard on the circle below with a heart-stopping thump.

  “Finn!” I screamed as the arena erupted into chaos around us. She gave me one last devilish smile and I saw Finn reach for me as they both disappeared. As I met the horrified eyes of Natasha, I knew the real fight had just begun.

  Daughters of the Sea Trilogy (Coming February 2013!)

  About the Author

  Kristen Day is a native North Carolinian who, in true southern fashion, is addicted to sweet tea, baked goods, and football. She graduated from Appalachian State University and bleeds black and gold.

  When she’s not kayaking or making jewelry, she writes paranormal romance and urban fantasy novels. Forsaken is the first novel in the captivating and addictive Daughters of the Sea Trilogy.

  Connect with her online at: or

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