Book Read Free

Serve and Protect

Page 30

by Douglas Varnell

  Paul hated Washington D.C. In his opinion it was the most inefficiently run place in the world, with the exception of Moscow and Beijing. But he did need to touch base with the Pentagon to inform them that their new Interceptors were ready to be delivered and then he needed to visit NASA Director William Eichelman and his newly appointed Chief Astronaut Samantha Sullivan. Marcus was about finished with the new NASA Shuttle and wanted their feedback on any adjustments that may be required. He made a gateway to General Martin Dorsey’s office in the Pentagon. CIA Director Sullivan had warned the people in Washington about how King Verron and his Dragon Guard will sometimes appear out of nowhere. General Dorsey obviously had nerves of steel, he barely looked up from his desk when Paul appeared in his large office; however, his secretary looked terrified. Dorsey was on the phone and simply held up a finger to indicate ‘1 minute’ while the secretary left the office in fear. He hung up smiling, and said, “That was Mosha Barak. He was informing me about the Hezbollah and ISIS that disappeared the other night. I take it the Unit is now active.” Paul knew that the Black Ops unit was not a topic for discussion, but that Dorsey was one of those who knew about them. He answered, “Very Active. But that’s not why I’m here. Your Interceptors are ready. As soon as you say when and where you want them, I’ll deliver them along with a training team to teach your people how to fly them and operate the weapons systems.”

  The General was all smiles. He wished he could be one of those trained, but he was no longer Fighter Qualified. At 66 years of age, he already had his time extended beyond the mandatory 64. He knew that even with the President’s approval he only had two more years. He figured his time and the President’s would end simultaneously, after all it was President Hensley that had extended his time. He didn’t think he would want to serve any other President anyway. He had to stop flying five years ago. That even the President couldn’t change.

  Paul knew the man that had become a friend was frustrated. He told Dorsey, “When you leave this position would you consider working for me and General Zarman? With rejuvenation you and your wife could be in your 30s again. I could sure use someone like you.” Paul had never seen the General get excited about anything. He got almost giddy and replied, “Me and my wife. She’s just on the verge of Alzheimer’s, could you really help her?” Paul patted him on the shoulder and asked, “You remember my Uncle Mike from when you visited?” The General nodded. “He is over ninety now and was hospitalized in a home with Alzheimer’s. He looks 40 and runs my Personal Transport Operation.” Come see me in two years, sooner if you think she can’t wait. I could do both of you if you take a few weeks leave.” Paul didn’t think the old General was capable of shedding a tear. He was wrong. When it came to his wife the man was a big softy. He replied, “We’ve been together for over 40 years and have 5 children and 11 grandchildren. She’s my best friend. I’ll put in for my leave right away. How soon can you do it?” Paul answered, “I could do it today if you like, but maybe we should wait till you’re legal to disappear for a few weeks. I’m certain your staff can carry the work load for a while without you. Heck, they’ll probably be glad you’re gone.” Dorsey knew he was right on both accounts.

  The General then changed the subject back to the business at hand, saying, “Two weeks from today at Area 51. That’s where we do testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems. I can think of no other place more secure and away from prying eyes. I’ll have my 24 people there for training, a mix of Air Force, Marines and Navy pilots was chosen for political reasons.” Paul was glad he didn’t have to play political games on Verron. He replied, “I’ll have my people there bright and early, say 0600 ready to begin training. Hopefully you will be on Verron by then.” With that he shook the General’s hand and made a jump across town to the NASA Administrative Offices to see William Eichelman and Admiral Samantha Sullivan.

  Paul knew better than to drop in on the edgy NASA Director. He instead made his way directly to Samantha Sullivan. She was behind her desk when he appeared and smiled a radiant smile of welcome. He really was fond of her and her husband CIA Director Sullivan. She was a beautiful woman and her ebony skin contrasted against the white Navy uniform just accentuated her beauty. He smiled and said, “Isn’t it against Navy policy to hire supermodels for command positions? I bet you never get taken seriously anymore by the male officers. You’re much too attractive.” Samantha gave him a coquettish look and replied, “You Paul Verron; are the most politically incorrect person I know. Next you’ll be telling I’m really nice looking for a black woman.” Paul laughed and mumbled, “Well, you are a fine looking black woman.” Samantha shook her head and informed him, “The modern Navy does not make reference to race, religion, or gender; I am simply Admiral Sullivan to everyone but you.” Paul reached and shook her hand and grinned, saying, “To me you’re just Sam and your husband is George, good enough.” Samantha gave him a hug and told him, “Paul your my favorite white man. At least I know you’re always honest with me. It’s refreshing. So what are you here for?”

  Paul sat down in the visitors chair in front of her desk and informed her, “Marcus is putting the finishing touches on your new toy and I wondered if you could make a trip to Verron to guide him in anything that you may require that he may have missed. Think you and whoever else need’s to check it out can make a trip to Verron soon to help Marcus out?” Samantha looked at her desk calendar. Paul liked the fact that she didn’t computerize her entire life. She smiled, asking, “Can I bring George?” Paul knew he loved the place as much as she did, and answered, “Bring your daughter and grandchild too if you like. By the way, how are they doing?” Samantha immediately turned on her laptop and turned it to face Paul. Her Pictures section of her computer was covered with pictures of her only grandson. Paul mumbled, “Poor neglected child.” He immediately got down to business and asked, “We probably should let Eichelman in on the good news; don’t you think?” Samantha reached for her phone and rang his office two doors down the hall. In a few minutes the NASA Director was entering the door with an excited grin, commenting, “So soon, I thought it would be several more months. After Admiral Sullivan signs-off, how long till we can expect it to arrive?” Paul let him know, “If Samantha doesn’t require any major changes we could have it ready in a few weeks. My biggest issue at present is trying to decide who will train your people.” He informed them, “Prince Hunter is a bit busy, Princess Amber is at the Air Force Academy, Tala and Katelyn I plan to use for the new Interceptors, Chase and Daniel are slaving away trying to develop some more advanced weapons systems; I will probably send Princess Cali and Colonel Pavel Verron, AKA 99, I believe you met him.” Director Eichelman had no idea who Paul was talking about, but Samantha did. Paul asked, “Do you think there will be any problem if I use them to train your people?” Before she could reply, Eichelman insisted, “I have no doubt that anyone you send to train my people will be highly qualified. I look forward to having them at the Cape.” Samantha smiled at Paul, knowing that the Shuttle crew was going to freak-out when the trainers arrived. Paul added to her intrigue, “Oh, by the way, 99 will most likely bring his new bride. They are getting married next week and I doubt he will want to leave home without her.” Samantha dropped her head into her hands and covered her face saying, “Why me Lord, Why me?” Paul left her with that thought and said his goodbyes, knowing that Earth would eventually have to get used to alien life-forms, what better place to begin than the home of Earth’s space travel, Cape Canaveral.

  When Paul stepped back into the Mansion, 99 was waiting for him in his office and had a desperate look on his face. He had never seen his cheerful little buddy so down. He knew it could only be one thing, Ilna. Paul had a serious expression on his face when he asked, “What’s up Pavel? You look like you lost your best friend.” Ninety-nine slumped in a chair across from Paul. Slumped; he had never seen 99 slump. He began, saying, “Ilna and I had a fight. She insisted on making the iced tea last night and I tried to politely tell her
that she made horrible iced tea. She poured it on me and left the room crying. She hasn’t spoken to me since last night. She wouldn’t even watch the Last Starfighter with me, and that’s her favorite movie.” We’re supposed to get married in three days and I’m afraid she’ll change her mind.” Paul wanted to laugh at the situation, but knew it was a big deal for a man that had never been around women before. Evidently cloned alien women were pretty much like those produced in a womb from Earth.

  Paul tried to comfort 99 and hopefully was about to give him good advice, he told him, “I know that you are a very honest man Pavel and I doubt you could ever tell a lie if your life depended on it, so I’ll not try to convince you to lie to Ilna and tell her the tea is drinkable. I thank God daily that I drink Diet Coke.” Pavel grinned with spiky little teeth. “Why don’t you pass the blame off on me; tell her that King Verron was complaining about her tea and you were just trying to save her from the ridicule. Then offer to make the tea together, as a team effort until I stop complaining. That will shift her anger from you to me. And so you won’t have to lie to her; the truth is, no one likes her tea, it horrible. Let her know how awful yours used to be and that you took forever to learn how to make it and not to burn the toast. I really did think I was going to have to ban you from the kitchen; except to eat.” Pavel smiled, “He knew it was true.” Then after you grovel a while telling her how sorry you are and asking if you can help her to not make the same mistake that almost got you thrown out of the kitchen, tell her that in about two weeks you are going to be training Astronauts to fly their new Shuttle on Earth. Since it will require that you be gone a few months, you want to take her with you.” Ninety-nine did his goat/monkey dance; he obviously liked the idea. Instead of a salute he gave Paul a hug and headed for Ilna’s quarters. Paul felt like Dear Abby or Dr. Phil. He never got it right in five marriages; he prayed he gave Pavel good advice.

  The wedding was held on the East Terrace so Zeus could be present for the ceremony. It was a perfect day for an outdoor wedding. Ninety-nine didn’t want a big church wedding like Vlad’s, with a sanctuary filled to capacity with a couple thousand people, instead he invited about 500 of his closest friends for an intimate garden wedding. Paul couldn’t help but smile as he greeted the guests into his home. The majority had never seen the inside of the Mansion, which some of the soldiers called the Dragon Palace. After seeing a big red dragon at the wedding, that name would no doubt spread. Paul wasn’t surprised that 99 had so many friends. He was one of the most likable creatures in existence and didn’t know a stranger. He had trained hundreds of pilots, maybe over a thousand and commanded a Fighter Squadron of 100 ships. As much time as he spent on Beriya-Haven while Ilna was being cloned he had almost become a citizen of that metal planet. It had to be the most colorful group of wedding guests that ever graced a ceremony. The entire Dragon Guard made sure to attend and was decked out in their unique light gray short dress jackets with black piping and gold buttons. Even Hon IV had a uniform made to match. There were a dozen of the big Klelta attending, all pilots trained and befriended by 99. Multi-colored Androids, Chikondi clones decked out in their finest robes, a group of Crimson pilot trainees from Alpha Centauri were there and over fifty were in attendance from Molnar. Those people loved 99 and he had made several trips to Molnar to begin teaching them how to fly; well at least he was flying them around in his spaceship. Catmandoes were everywhere and Cali was attired in her Supreme Commander Uniform of the Catmandoes. The rest of the Guard understood her reasoning for allowing her soldiers that moment of pride in having one of their own orphans as leader of their military. There were only a few in attendance from Earth, the Sullivan’s, Leona and Donald and Ursula attended as well. Paul also noticed Metsis hanging out with a cute albino Earth girl with pink eyes and Ibrihim and Lydia hanging out with Tala and some of the Molnar people.

  Paul was to be best man. He was in his study helping a nervous 99 tie a bowtie for the occasion. He finally gave up and sent a message for Zirtouni Schmidt to come and help them both get the stupid things tied. Ilna was in her suite with her maid of honor Uduak. The blue skinned governor of Beriya had become close friends with Ilna and kept her calm while they prepared for the big event. Paki, governor of the Chikondi clones, was going to give the bride away. After-all, it was him that made her very existence possible. When the big event was about to take place, Paul and Finley, Pavel’s two very best friends were on one side of Father John and Uduak and Yadvega were on the other. At first Father John was reluctant to perform a wedding for people that were not members of his church, but his wife encouraged him to change his mind since 99 had been such a good friend to him and their two children. The bridesmaids both had on matching pale-pink summer dresses. Yadvega looked radiant for a woman over 40,000 years old and Uduak’s blue skin really set off the pink sundress.

  Ninety-nine almost did his goat/monkey dance when Ilna arrived at the end of the terrace escorted by Paki in a long emerald green robe with gold piping and collar, his seven foot stick thin frame towering above the petit Ilna at four feet. She wore a traditional white dress with a long lace train and a cute little white summer hat with a vale hanging from the front. She was proof that all brides are beautiful. Everyone stood as she walked down the carpet lying between the rows of folding chairs, finally coming to a halt in front of Father John. The couple exchanged traditional vows and the crowd went wild when 99 kissed Ilna. No one had ever seen a goat/monkey kiss before. Both were embarrassed but didn’t care. Standing hand-in-hand the husband and wife headed for the Mansion to change so they could rejoin the festivities to follow.

  By the time the two exited the terrace, the chairs were gone, a band was set-up and a dance floor left open for the bride and groom to take their first dance. At first the band began playing some gushy romantic slow dance tune and Pavel and Ilna just looked on wondering what to do. Paul noticed Ilna’s best friend Uduak walk over and whisper into the band leader’s ear. Ninety-nine and Ilna couldn’t wait to hit the dance floor when the band began to play Do You Love Me (Now that I can dance) People watched in wonder as the little goat/monkey couple began to get their groove-on. They were actually quite sensational. When they finished, Finley requested the song be played again and a hundred people joined the couple to dance to the song again, the first one’s on the dance floor being the little Lyncardi from Molnar; those little guys loved to dance. Paul had no idea where the two had learned those dance moves. He walked over and asked Uduak, to find out that she had introduced Ilna to Footloose and Dirty Dancing, she and Pavel watched and danced to them all the time, it was their song. Paul looked across the crowd of happy dancers and saw Amber and Robert having a blast and wondered if their wedding would be next. Everyone cracked-up when Cali and all the Shapeshifters appeared looking just like 99. They announced that before long the population of Verron would look like them. Ilna smiled, 99 got embarrassed.

  While the band played and the people danced, the caterers began to fill the tables with food. Everything served were 99s and Ilna’s favorites, BBQ Kzki, tater-tots, potato salad, sweet-tea made in a joint effort of the happy couple, fried Molnar centipedes, baked-beans, coleslaw, banana pudding, and of course a wedding cake over five feet in diameter made with fresh strawberries and covered in strawberry icing. The little hand-carved couple on the cake looked exactly like Pavel and Ilna Verron. Paul went over and sat down with Zeus and was soon joined by Zimuel and Tlase. As they looked out over the celebratory crowd Paul asked, “Five years ago when the three of us arrived, did you ever imagine it would be like this?” Tlase answered, “I still don’t believe it and I’m looking at it.” They smiled and laughed as they watched Crimson people from Alpha Centauri dancing with multi-colored Androids, Eight foot tall Klelta dancing with little Lyncardi hanging from their big arms and sitting on their shoulders. Chinese dancing with Catmandoes, Samantha Sullivan dancing with seven foot tall Paki and his Dragon Guard dancing with anyone who came along, except for Chase and Daniel, who were
dominated by Fay and Kay and of course Amber and Robert, who only split-up long enough for Justice to dance with his daughter and Renee to dance with who she believed would be her future son-in-law.

  Finley approached Paul, who was his best friend besides 99, and slumped down beside him, saying, “Finley need mate.” Paul now realized his little flying monkey friend would have little social life now that 99 was married. He signaled Paki to come over and asked, “Think you can help my little buddy here like you did Pavel?” Paki looked down at the sad little gargoyle and smiled, saying, “Can you get to Beriya-Haven tomorrow?” While Paul told Paki that he would escort Finley there himself, Finley was racing to tell 99 and Ilna about the good news. When Paul looked-up, they were all three doing that ridiculous goat/monkey dance.

  Ninety-nine and Ilna departed in the Dragon Wagon. Paul suspected that 99 had a nice secluded spot picked out somewhere on Verron. If he had to guess, it was probably on the island where he met Finley or in one of the mountain valleys. As the celebration wound down and a few of the people left for home, it was obvious that everyone else was in for the long haul. Samantha Sullivan approached Paul with four men and two women following behind. In all the festivities he had not even noticed them. She introduced them as the team from NASA that had accompanied her to do the final inspection on the Shuttle. One grinning young man commented, “You throw one hell of a wedding reception. I hope you don’t mind that I took pictures, no one at home will believe this.” Paul politely replied, “No problem, sometimes I don’t believe it myself. I guess by tonight that Facebook, YouTube and the News Networks will have pictures all over the place.” Paul pondered on a thought a moment and continued, “Admiral, I think it’s time you met some people who are now Verron allies.” He sent one of the nearby officers to get the people from Grnardo. A few minutes later eight Crimson colored people dressed in Verron Air Force uniforms approached King Verron. Paul had the highest ranking officer come forward and turned to Samantha and George Sullivan and the six astronauts, saying, “This is Lieutenant Commander Blyco from Grnardo.” He then smiled a very big smile and continued, “Grnardo is in the Alpha Centauri system. You have a few billion next-door neighbors that you knew nothing about. They have become allies of Verron and would one day like to be allies with Earth, but for right now they fear your planet and consider it to be too violent to ever be friendly with them.”


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