Book Read Free

Serve and Protect

Page 82

by Douglas Varnell

  Priscilla was on top of the world the next morning at breakfast and couldn’t stop talking about how she had gone back to her room and prayed for several hours, walking around her room speaking in some weird way she couldn’t understand, but it felt so good, like she was connected directly to God. Paul and Hunter couldn’t keep the grin from their faces; both had experienced it before themselves. That morning Hunter and his family attended the early service at the Verron Christian Church. Pastor Livingston preached on the Holy Spirit and how it functioned in the church today. At the invitation, Priscilla walked the aisle and made a public profession of faith and asked to be baptized. After spending the day cruising around Verron in Hunter’s custom built BMW designed two-seat Speeder, they returned to church that evening for a baptismal service that included 47 others. There was a celebration at the Mansion that evening and all the Verron family on the planet attended. Hunter let it be known that he intended to marry Priscilla one day. He had not officially proposed as yet, but it was pretty obvious they were committed to a future together.

  Late that evening, it was also late Monday night in Israel. The two lovers headed back to Mosha Barak’s and Priscilla’s home to find her Uncle sitting in a chair reading, of all things, a Bible. When Priscilla saw what he was reading, she removed the Bible given to her by the Queen Mother and proceeded to tell him about what she had done that weekend. He was not a conservative or orthodox Jew, and had many friends and acquaintances who were Messianic Jews. He wasn’t opposed to his niece’s new found faith and was glad to see that she and Hunter had come to a mutual understanding that would make their relationship more solid. Hunter spent the night in the guest room that evening, thinking, “I got a lot accomplished this week, we took care of that little problem with the Jewish Mafia, Priscilla and I are on our way to having a true relationship and now if I could figure out a way to deal with this last problem, it will be perfect.”

  Hunter had spoken with King Paul while they were on their run and Paul asked if he wanted him to handle it, since he had dealt with the man in question a couple of times before. Hunter appreciated the gesture but knew he would gain more respect from his operatives if he dealt with Vladimir Putin himself, next stop, Russia.

  The Black Sea is bordered by several countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and Romania. Across a stretch of land to the East lies the Caspian Sea with easy access to Turkey, Armenia, and Iran. Worthy of note is the fact that almost all these countries either manufacturer, distribute or use virtually every kind of military weapon. Military weapons are big business and with the former communist countries being low on wars and high on warehouses and factories filled with what is so desired by so many, the export business is booming on these two seas. The most notable being a huge manufacturing and distribution center surrounded by a large military base in Rostov-on-Don. Built back when the Soviet Union was actively involved in every country south of the Black Sea, it was equipped to supply the needs of their massive armies in Afghanistan and other countries where they were actively involved. With a river port access to the Black Sea and a short train or truck ride to the Caspian Sea, business had been booming for the sales of Russian arms. Hunter Verron wanted it stopped. He was about to make a visit to King Verron’s old friend Vladimir Putin. The supplying of weapons to terrorists and oppressive dictators needed to stop and shutting down the largest distribution center to the Middle East and Africa was a good place to start.

  With half a dozen of Russia’s largest military bases in or around the area, Armenia, Georgia and Kazakhstan to name a few, it was hard to focus on just which location was the biggest offender. After careful analysis, it was determined to focus on the General Alexander Suvorov Army Supply Depot. This massive warehousing and manufacturing facility covers thousands of acres and was the storage and distribution point for weapons of virtually every kind, except nuclear. Tanks, trucks, APC, missile launchers, ordinance and every configuration of small arms in the Russian arsenal were distributed from this location. This facility had been meeting the demands for weapons from al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and every third rate dictator who wanted to run a country.

  With a net worth estimated at $100 billion, Mr. Putin enjoys the good life for himself and his family as much as possible. He spends his fair share of time in the Kremlin and other governmental locations when needed, but for the most part, he has managed the affairs of Russia from his home in Putin Palace ever since it was completed back in 2015. Hunter had heard about the place from his Grandfather, but actually seeing it was another story. Some claim it to be 8 million square feet. Hunter knew the Dragon Palace was a mere 100,000 square feet and was a monster of a residence. He knew King Verron could easily afford a place like this and when asked, by some of his Russian born residents, why he didn’t, he always made it perfectly clear by saying, “I am a King who serves the people and not my own interests. I would rather use the money generated on Verron for Verron. My family and I live very well and I will not squander hard earned money on nonessential things.”

  As Hunter walked down the long ornate corridor of the palace, while remembering the previously ornate palace in Qatar, it was pretty obvious that these people had an overly high opinion of their own entitlement in the world. Elected as permanent President of Russia a few years earlier, many Russian’s were advocating the return of the title Czar for their beloved President. Hunter couldn’t see how anyone could live such an opulent lifestyle when the people they ruled were often just eking out a living. He made a turn down the next corridor that led to Putin’s private office. Unlike his Grandpa who paid him a visit late at night, Hunter decided to make the visit official and go see him during normal office hours, even if he didn’t exactly have an appointment.

  Two of President Putin’s private security police were standing on either side of the double doors that led to his secretary’s office. They were about to speak while drawing their guns from beneath their suit-coat when they all of a sudden realized they could not move their arms nor speak. Hunter stepped between them and told them in very polite Russian, “Prince Hunter Verron-Hall to speak with President Putin. Don’t bother, I can let myself in.” He didn’t even touch the12 foot tall double doors as they swung open to a very nicely decorated secretarial area with an attractive blond sitting behind her desk busily working on her computer. She glanced up briefly, thinking it had been some office staff coming in, then rose abruptly from her seat and asked, “Who are you and how did you get in here? I’m calling security.” Hunter smiled, and nodded his head back toward the door, as he replied, “Oh, that’s alright. They already know I’m here. Now if you will please let Mr. Putin know I am coming in to see him. I’ll take care of my business and be on my way.” She resentfully pressed the intercom button and spoke, “President Putin, sir, there is a young gentleman here to see you without an appointment. He claims that security already knows he’s here.” She asked, “And, who are you?” Hunter laughed, “Oh, I apologize. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Prince Hunter Hall-Verron. Now if you’ll please, I know we are both busy men and I really must be getting on my way.”

  Without hesitation, while she was speaking his name through the intercom, the heavy locked and secured bullet-proof doors swung open. An agitated Putin rose from his desk holding a Russian 9mm Baikal pointing right at Hunter’s chest. Hunter waved-off the gun in his hand, and told him, “You should know from the last visit you received from my Grandfather that your weapon is useless and that if I came here to harm you, you would already be dead.” Putin placed the gun on his desk and circled to face Prince Hunter. Saying, “You’re King too busy to come see me himself? Speak your piece and get out of here.” Hunter lost his grin at the man’s rudeness and arrogant attitude, but maintained his composure, replying, “I’ll be brief with why I’m here, so I won’t waste your time or mine. It has come to my attention that the terrorist and third world crack-pot dictators of the world are making you rich by buying Russian weapons. I am here to suggest that your co
untry find another way to earn revenue. I am currently involved in an action to reduce the number of terrorists and organized criminals of the world, the majority of them are using Russian, North Korean and Chinese weapons. You’re not the only one who I will be having this discussion with. I can think of no polite way to say this, but I am not here to make a request. I am here to make a demand. If one more shipment of weapons leaves General Alexander Suvorov Army Supply Depot and heads anywhere but to a Russian military post, I will personally lay-to-waste the entire facility. I guess that about sums it up, do I make myself clear?”

  If someone had cracked an egg on Vladimir’s head, it would have fried, he was so hot. He began to rant, saying, “Just who the hell do you people from Verron think you are, walking into an elected leaders home without an appointment then telling them how to run their country. This is Russia, I am her President and I will not take orders from anyone. Especially some smart-ass kid with a ponytail dressed like Rambo. Now get out of my office and stop sinking my ships.” Hunter turned to leave and heard President Putin pick-up the gun from the desk and drop it suddenly. The melted Baikal burned a hole in his desk. Hunter never turned around and had the last word as he stepped out the door, reminding Mr. Putin, “Don’t test me on this. The facility is being watched very closely. I have no desire to take a few thousand Russian lives because you are too stubborn to do what I say. Their future is in your hands.”

  The big doors slammed closed without being touched. The dumbfounded secretary had heard the entire thing and looked questioningly at the fool who had just threatened Vladimir Putin. He smiled at the young woman and stepped through the next set of doors, also closing them behind him. He turned to the two guards still standing on each side of the door and noticed one of them had soiled himself. He looked at them and asked, “Now if I turn you two loose, are you going to try and shoot me, or hurry to the restroom to change? Or, I could just leave you this way.” He released the two guards and continued down the hall. He heard the sound of a cocking pistol just before he vanished into thin air before their eyes. One of the guards hurried inside to make certain President Putin was alright. The other headed to his quarters to change clothes.

  While the cloaked drones hovered over Suvorov Army Supply Depot, Hunter and his Russian assistants on the ground nearby could tell there was an increase in activity on the base. President Putin had drastically increased the depot’s defenses. He had dozens of the latest Russian antiaircraft missiles scattered throughout the base and he had brought his most elite Spetsnaz units to secure the perimeters. Coming in through the Turkish Straits a few days later, were two Russian Leader-class Destroyers, equipped with the latest technology in electronics jamming systems, cruise missiles and surface-to-air-missiles and an array of aerial and sea defense weapons. As the two ships reached the northeastern waters of the Black Sea, they were met by an 800 foot long freighter just loaded at the weapons depot. Mr. Putin had made his decision. He was going to escort his valuable cargo with the best ships in the Russian fleet and protect his military base with the best forces and equipment in their arsenal. Hunter watched in regret at the open defiance of the Russian leader. The President of Russia was not going to be deterred or accept ultimatums from some King that lived light-years away from Earth. This was his country and he would run it as he saw fit to run it. Hunter had no desire to kill thousands of Russian soldiers; many of them may well be relatives of Verron’s citizens. He decided to select his targets carefully and do it as quickly as possible. He wanted to avoid a ground conflict.

  After studying the storage facilities and manufacturing facilities, he asked Chase, Daniel, Katelyn, Ibrihim and Lydia to join him and have someone else pilot the four cloaked transports. He reviewed the plans with his fellow Dragon Guard members and they suited-up. He kept it simple, containment bombs were placed on the dozens of weapons storage bunkers, the two manufacturing plants and the two pre-shipment warehouses by the docks. He intended to leave the surrounding missile emplacements alone, especially since they had no target to shoot at. After setting the charges and making a jump back to their ships, he sent two transports to eliminate the freighter, without harming the two destroyers if possible. Hunter backed off from the depot about 10 miles and commanded the computerized detonation. He was afraid that some of the soldier’s close-by who may have been looking in the wrong direction could have severe eye damage. When the flash of blinding light cleared, there were dozens of holes in the ground and those given the task to protect them raced around in vain trying to find an enemy that was already gone.

  The two escorts were two close to the freighter to use a 100mm FTL with a whitematter warhead, it would destroy at least half of one of the destroyers. Chase decided to make a strafing run using the 10mm Gatling gun loaded with 10mm whitematter rounds. With each round capable of a 40 foot diameter kill zone, firing 5000 rpm from one end to the other of the ship would leave nothing behind. He dove down and strafed the ship from bow to stern and was gone before the escorts could even prepare a defensive shot. In fact, they never acquired a target to shoot. As they flew back to their respective bases, Hunter hoped that the message had been sent loud and clear, “Stop shipping weapons to terrorists or something worse may happen.”


  Chapter 27

  “‘For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction,’ maybe I should just say, ‘No good deed goes unpunished.’ I am about ready to just pull out of everything to do with Earth and leave them to their own destruction. What will they do if any of the civilizations we’ve encountered ever find them? I’m so frustrated I wonder why I even care” Paul said, in a much louder than his normal voice, as he stood in anger at the head the table in the big conference room located in the Capital Building in Capital City. Those who needed to be involved in this kind of meeting had grown in number to the point that he could no longer hold a consolidated meeting of his allies in the fifty seat conference room in Mountain City. This place was more like the chamber of the U.S. Senate, except with 300 individual desks on multiple levels encircling a center table where he now decided to take a seat. It had been almost four years now since Verron began actively operating on Earth. During this time they added most of Europe, Canada, Spain, Brazil, and Japan, almost all of Europe, Argentina and over a dozen countries in Africa, to the list of Earth allies. In addition to representatives from each Earth ally, there were representatives from Xhondar I, II and III, Salenzo, which had declared independence from Xhondar III and immediately voted overwhelmingly to become part of Verron, with Paul Verron as King and have their own elected Governor General, Beriya-Haven, Klelta, Tecalna, Grnardo, Molnar, Darsai, and Tramlaw, almost 60 countries and the only place where Paul continued to have non-stop problems was Earth, even in the countries that were his allies.

  Paul was partially upset with himself. He knew that as Verron technology was introduced to Earth it would bring along with it tremendous change, thus his remark about equal and opposite reactions. Without fail, every time a new technology made one segment of society far better off than ever before, it would impact another segment in a negative way. Things started off with the people of Earth excited about medical breakthroughs, cheap and more efficient energy, low cost oil, new industrial jobs being available even in some formerly third world countries. The 12 African nations, now part of the allied group, had stable economies, virtually no terrorist activities, economic growth that included manufacturing plants, clean water and booming agricultural productivity. Even the Sahara Desert was now over 300,000 square miles smaller than before. An area the size of Texas was now fertile and productive. Terrorism worldwide was on the decline and so was organized crime. Drug addiction, alcoholism and cigarette smoking had been reduced by more than 65%. Most economies in the allied nations were showing positive gross domestic product and balance of trade numbers, the problem was the balance of power was shifting and those losing that power were screaming foul.

  With the United States being the chosen distribu
tion center for almost all new technology and Verron’s own warehouse and distribution center located there, it was once again the undisputed world power it had been at the end of World War II. National pride was high, unemployment was down, crime was down and very few U.S. troops were involved in conflicts worldwide and those that were had not reported a single casualty in over three years due to the body armor and advanced weaponry now being used by the U.S. Military personnel. Most nations had a smaller military now, but they were far more efficient than ever. The problem was the thing Paul Verron despised, politics. When President Hensley ran for his second term as President, he was riding on the high of a rescue of the Space Shuttle, the rescue of hostages held by terrorists and economic opportunities offered by the U.S. being the center of technology for the world. Two weeks before election-day the cure for AIDS was released and healed disabled Veterans were talking on the news about how they now had legs and arms and were whole again. Hensley won all but a dozen electoral votes and had a landslide 72% of the popular vote. For the first couple of years Earth was high on Verron. Then things began to change.

  The balance of power was shifting. Doctors and hospitals who had spent billions of dollars and years of their life treating and diagnosing cancer, diabetes, strokes and hundreds of terminal diseases, found that patients were leaving the U.S. to get the Verron treatments elsewhere, since the FDA would not approve the cures available without years of proper testing. Thousands made the trip to Verron once the gateways opened and thousands more went to their medical facilities in Mississippi or France or Germany. It was just as bad for the pharmaceutical industry. It seemed Verron medicines had cured so many diseases that the drug companies were forced to lay off thousands of people. So while one segment of society prospered, another did not.


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