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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

Page 7

by Ardor

  I'd have to be careful about doing that at school. Or would I? It's not like I was furiously masturbating. Is a naked girl allowed to touch herself in public at Blanke Schande? I couldn't help laughing to myself at the question. Who'd have thought that would be my big concern on my first day of college.

  I drove for another few hours and saw that my gas gauge was dropping pretty low. I hit a button on the GPS and found that there was a gas station a few miles ahead. I looked at the T-shirt out of the corner of my eye like something I needed but didn't trust anymore.

  As I got closer to the exit for the gas station I could feel my heart pounding faster and faster. Then I saw a sign with the exit number and the gas station symbol. One mile to the exit. It was about four in the morning now so there probably wouldn't be many people around. Still, I had no idea what I'd be driving into. I locked the doors and decided to check out the situation before I made a decision.

  I slowed down and pulled off onto the exit ramp. As I slowed to a stop at the intersection I looked around. Street lights lit up the empty road. It seemed like one of those exit towns that existed only to support hotels, gas stations and restaurants for travelers. The sign directly in front of me showed gas stations to the left and the right.

  Right being as good a direction as any I turned that way and started to look for a gas station. The road sloped downward and I could see civilization ahead of me. My heart was pounding as I drove naked into a totally unfamiliar town.

  The first thing I came to on my right was a hotel. There were cars in the lot and a restaurant out front. I giggled to myself as I imagined what the look on the night clerks face might be if I walked in as naked as I am now and asked for a room.

  The next building was a gas station but it was so well lit that I decided to see what else there was. After I passed a couple of closed stores there were a few more gas stations but somehow they didn't feel right. I turned around and drove up the other side of the street. None of those gas stations seemed right either.

  Finally I had to admit to myself that I was just stalling. As I headed up the hill that went over the highway I decided that I couldn't do this all night. I would just stop at the first gas station I saw, pump my gas and get back on the road.

  As the car went down the hill I was almost shaking. The first gas station I saw on my right was a large well lit station with six rows of pumps. It was just like the one I passed up on the other side of the road. Pulling off to the side of the road I sat there with both hands on the wheel looking at the well lit pumps.

  I wanted to do this naked but I just couldn't. It was just to much for me. I grabbed the T-shirt from the passenger seat and quickly wiggled into it. I pulled it down my body but it just bunched up around my lap. I figured that was because I was sitting down and drove back onto the road and into the gas station.

  I slowly pulled up to a pump that was on the edge of the station and then stopped the car. Looking around I don't see a soul in sight. The well lit gas station was almost eerie in the dark and quiet of the night. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. The concrete covered ground felt cold on my feet as I walked to the back of my car. The night air surrounded my body and caressed my naked legs.

  As I walked the few short steps to the back of my car I looked down at my legs and saw that the T-shirt wasn't really covering me! I must be longer in the torso then Ann. While the T-shirt came to mid thigh on her the end of it dangled right at the bottom of my pussy and as I walked the T-shirt flipped up and showed everything!

  I reached around behind me and sure enough the bottom curves of my ass were hanging out from under the T-shirt. I stopped dead in my tracks. My right hand pulling down the front of the T-shirt and my left pulling down the back. I looked around panicked but there wasn't a soul to see anything.

  I tried to get myself to relax. I took slow deep breaths and then looked down to reassess the situation. Despite myself I had to laugh. Pulling down the T-shirt had stretched out the neck line so far that I was showing an awful lot of cleavage. Not to mention that the shirt itself was so white and thin that the dark circles of my aureole and the hard points of my nipples were easy to see.

  I looked around again and then took a few short deep breaths. There was no one to see anything and I had to get back on the road. With one last breath out I let go of the T-shirt and brought my hands to my side. No sirens went off, no lights blared everything stayed just as it was.

  I looked over at the pump which was still a few feet away and saw the swipe slot for a credit card. Which is when I realized that I had left mine in the car. I rolled my eyes skyward thinking about what a dope I am. After all that I would have gotten to the pump and then what? I laughed, shook my head at my own stupidity and opened up the driver's door. I was just about to duck my head into the car to get my purse when a man walked out of the mini mart store.

  I froze where I was standing behind the driver's door. I had my right hand on the roof of the car, my left on top of the car door and my butt sticking right out in the open! The car door was blocking his view at the moment but all he had to do was walk around the pump and he'd get quite a show.

  "You OK miss?" He asked as he came closer.

  "Um, yeah, I'm fine thanks." I said still unable to move.

  "You looked like you were about to have a heart attack a few minutes ago." He said with a friendly smile.

  He stayed a few feet away from me on the other side of the car door.

  "I, um, you saw that?" I asked confused how he could see me from the store.

  "Yeah," he said almost bashfully, "we use a customer warning system this time of night. So a buzzer went off when you drove up and I saw you on video."

  My mouth fell open when I thought of what he must have seen.

  "I know this must look really weird but I promise you I'm not some kind of freak." I said embarrassed more over how stupid I must have looked than being caught almost naked.

  "You're one of those Blanke Schande girls right?" He asked with a little smile.

  "Yeah." I said shocked.

  He chuckled and said, "You're not the first half naked girl to drive through here miss. We're only about an hour from the school, so it happens often enough. We've kinda gotten used to it."

  "So I'm not in trouble?" I asked nervously.

  He laughed and said, "Well, it's not exactly encouraged, but you girls come through here so often, are polite and don't cause any trouble that, like I said," he shrugged, "we've all just gotten used to it."

  When I just looked at him blankly he took a few steps towards me, put his hand in his pocket and said, "Here take a look at this."

  I panicked a little and backed away from him putting both hands between my legs to pull the T-shirt down to cover my crotch. When his eyes went to my chest I looked down and saw that I had pulled the T-shirt down so hard that not only were most of my breasts sticking out of the neck hole of my T-shirt but the way my arms were positioned they were pressed together and bulging out at him.

  He stopped where he was and said, "I'm not going to hurt you miss, I promise. I'm happily married and I have a daughter that's probably only a couple of years younger then you. I just wanted to show you this."

  He took a cell phone out of his pocket, touched the face of it a few times and held it out to me at arms length. I reached out and took it from him. When I looked at the phone I saw a picture of a girl wearing nothing but a tiny pair of cut off jean shorts posing with a gas pump nozzle. She was smiling but she looked a little nervous. I went to hand the phone back to him when he said, " There's more, just press the little arrows at the bottom to scroll through the pictures."

  I let go of the T-shirt to put the phone in my left hand so I could press the arrows with the pointer finger of my right hand. The T-shirt dangled between my legs stretched out and deformed. The neck line was so stretched out now that it slipped off my right shoulder as I moved my hand to press the arrow on the face of the phone. I looked over at him quickly but he didn't m
ove so I turned my attention back to the phone.

  I pressed the little arrow and another picture came up. It was another girl posing with a gas nozzle but this time she was completely naked. The picture after that was a girl in just a G-string posing with the gas nozzle.

  The next picture made my mouth fall open again in shock. It was four completely naked girls posing in a convertible. Two of them were standing on the front seat hanging over the windshield. Bent at the waist their breasts dangled over the windshield and you could easily see between their legs.

  The third girl was leaning over the front two so while you could tell she was naked you couldn't really see much. The fourth girl was leaning on her left arm which was on the butt of one of the bent over girls. Her right leg was on the seat but her left leg was up on the door so you could easily see her shaved pussy.

  It wasn't really the nudity that was so shocking. It was how comfortable they all seemed with it and each other. Pressing the arrow another four times I saw each of them posing individually with the gas nozzle.

  "Wow, they seemed like they were having fun." I said scrolling back to the picture of all four of them in the car.

  "Which one?" The gas station guy asked moving just a bit closer.

  I showed him the picture and he said smiling, "Oh yeah, those four were having a good time. They were all seniors though."

  "Huh." I said wondering if I would be that carefree in four years.

  I looked through another ten, or so, pictures. All of girls either naked or nearly so posing with the gas nozzle. Some looked nervous, some looked giggly and some looked completely at ease with themselves. I wanted to be one of those girls. I wanted to be able to feel completely at ease in nothing but my own skin.

  I scrolled back through the pictures. I must have hit the arrow one to many times though because the images scrolled back past the first one he showed me. This was an image of a woman completely naked posing with the gas nozzle but it was very different. For starters she was at least twenty years older then the girls in the other pictures and she was obviously trying to be sexy. Her figure was a little soft but otherwise she was holding up nicely.

  "Who's this?" I asked giving the phone back to him.

  He looked at it and said with a chuckle, "Oh, that's my wife. She surprised me one Valentine's Day by pulling into the station completely naked and posing for that picture for me."

  "So," I asked shyly, "would you like to add a picture of me to your collection?"

  "Yeah, but only if you really want to." He said reassuringly.

  "I have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of." I said trying to rally my courage.

  Then I reached down, pulled the T-shirt off, tossed it in the car, closed the door and asked, "Where do you want me?"

  He smiled and said, "By the gas pump of course."

  Chapter 8

  I pulled into the parking lot near the administrative offices of Blanke Schande College about an hour later. It was still dark out so the campus was dead quiet.

  As I looked around all I saw were ivy covered buildings and well manicured grounds. There was nothing to indicate that this school was any different then any other school I've ever seen. Suddenly I started wondering if I imagined the whole thing.

  Maybe the whole female nudity was just some kind of elaborate prank on the freshman and I was the only one who fell for it. I imagined the entire school laughing at me when I showed up to class naked only to find everyone else completely dressed. As I parked the car I laughed at myself for being so ridiculously paranoid.

  I shut off the car and laid my seat back as far as it could go with all my stuff in the back. I thought maybe I could get a few hours of sleep while I waited for the office to open. I couldn't fall asleep though. Between the excitement of the last ten or so hours and all the energy drinks all I could do was lay there and think.

  I really stripped stark naked and showed my own mother my vagina. I can't believe I did that... And Dean? I spent half the night with him naked, all of Ann's friends saw me naked, Bobby at the gas station back home and the guy at the gas station out here...

  Hell, I willingly let him take my picture. Laying in my car with time to think I suddenly realized that picture was probably going to get shown to everyone in town. I put my hands over my breasts as I imagined an untold number of complete strangers looking at them.

  I was surprised to feel my hard nipples press into the palms of my hands. My fingers grazed over the tops of my breasts until the fingertips encircled my nipples. I wasn't pinching them really, I was just lightly teasing them as I thought about everything that had happened to me recently.

  I stroked my nipples lightly as I thought about what I might have done if the gas station guy had asked me to present for a picture. Would I have done it? Could I have done it? Nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of...

  Alone in the safety of my car I spread my legs as far apart as I could and tried to imagine what it might have felt like to present for the camera. I closed my eyes and imagined I was laying on the hood of my car. He was standing in front of me, between my legs, as his camera phone looked down my naked body.

  My hand squeezed my left breast roughly as my right went between my legs and spread my lips open for him. He angled the phone just right so that when he took the picture not only was my spread open pussy was in the middle of the frame but my face was also visible in the background. The world would know just who's wet, spread open pussy that was.

  In my mind his camera phone turned into a high definition video camera. I moved and writhed around as he recorded me. I imagined every intimate detail of my body being shown on some imaginary large screen HD TV.

  Two fingers slid over my clit and deep inside me. This time there were two cameras on me. One camera focused on a close up of my face as the other camera went in for a close up of my pussy and busy fingers.

  The images combined on that huge HD TV in my head. My pussy was shown in crystal clear HD while my face was an inset picture in a box up on the top right of the screen.

  With that image inside my head I closed my legs tight on my hand and turned on my side. My body shook as the orgasm rippled through me. When it was over I laid there quietly panting until I fell asleep.

  When I woke up it was to the sun shining brightly through my window and to the sound of people outside my car. I sat up slowly and looked around. There were a handful of people walking here and there. A quick look at the clock on my dashboard told me it was to early for classes though.

  I looked back out at the people walking around me and smiled to myself when I saw a few naked girls. So if the nudity was an elaborate prank at least I'm not the only one who fell for it.

  My smile vanished in an instant when a guy walking past my car noticed me. He looked dead at me and smiled. I almost went to cover myself but remembered that I'm not allowed. My hand caught in mid air I waved at him awkwardly and did my best to smile back at him as he walked by.

  Oh god, maybe this is crazy. Maybe I'm completely out of my head for agreeing to be naked for the next for the next four years? I looked at the stretched out T-shirt in the seat next to me and thought about slinking back home. Then I thought about the reason I was here in the first place and why I was naked. Did I want to be a cowering little girl for the rest of my life or did I want to grow up and become a strong, confident successful woman?

  The answer to that question was obvious enough. Now all I had to do was get myself to walk out of this car. I grabbed my purse and then looked at the door handle like it was some monumental obstacle. Just a little while ago I was masturbating to the idea of showing myself to the world. Now that it came down to it I was hesitating? This is ridiculous. I grabbed the door handle, pulled and got out of the car. I was now standing stark naked in the bright sunshine of Blanke Schande College.

  I leaned back against the car and just tried to get used to being naked in public. I don't know why this felt any different then anything else I've done in th
e last ten hours but for some reason it did. I was naked at home to prove a point. At first to my mother, and then to Dean, but this? This is real. This is me committing to being naked for the next four years of my life.

  "Are you OK?"A female voice asked.

  "I, um, don't know." I said biting my lip.

  I looked up to see a naked girl who looked a few years older then me standing with some kind of mat rolled up under her arm. She smiled at me warmly and said, "Still dealing with the freshman freak outs huh?"

  "Still? I'm just getting started." I said a little stressed out.

  "How long have you been on campus?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

  "About three hours but most of that was spent sleeping in my car waiting for the administration office to open."

  "You poor thing. You must be terrified. The office doesn't open for another half an hour. Why don't you hang out with me until then?"


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