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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

Page 16

by Ardor

I looked at her totally dumbfounded and said, "You've never worn clothes?"

  She shrugged and said, "Not a stitch, not since the day I was potty trained."

  "What's that like?" I asked not even knowing how to relate.

  "It's totally normal to me. Mom started teaching here in '89 with me in a playpen in the corner. Just about every woman I've met since then has been naked."

  "Wait," I said interrupting her, "1989? How old is she?"

  "She'll be forty-three in a few months." Laura said proudly.

  "No way that woman is forty-three. She hardly looks thirty."

  "And if you ask her she'll swear it's all due to diet, exercise and a healthy sex life." Laura said with a smile.

  "I, damn... I think my brain just blew a fuse." I said looking off into space.

  "Well, you'd better replace it, and fast, because she's gonna want to talk to you any second now." Laura said looking at her mother.

  I looked back at the classroom to see that the girls had gotten up and some of them were talking amongst themselves. The rest were walking out of the classroom. Then I saw that Jody, the girl Ms. Astamendi had been so rough with, was hugging someone.

  I got another surprise when I saw that it was Ms. Astamendi herself she was hugging. Ms. Astamendi said something that looked to be encouraging to the girl and then noticed me standing next to her daughter. She said a few more words to Jody and then headed my way.

  I took a deep breath and tried to prepare myself. I couldn't help feeling a little like that deer again as she came stalking towards me like some kind of jungle cat. I remembered what Laura said about her Mother and held my ground determined not to back down.

  "Have a good work out Sweetie?" She asked Laura.

  "No one works a girl out like you do Mom." Laura said with a smile.

  "It's all for your own good sweetie. I won't let a single Blanke Schande girl walk out of this school not ready to take on anything that comes her way. That means a strong healthy body as well as a sharp well trained mind. I'm proud to say that you're among the strongest and sharpest." She said looking at her daughter proudly. Then she turned to look at me and asked, "Who's your friend here?"

  "My name is Joan Harper Ma'am. I'm supposed to be in the class you just dismissed." I said looking right at her.

  Her eyebrows furrowed for a few seconds as if she was thinking and then she said, "Ah yes, the only girl in Blanke Schande's naked history that they allowed to start late. Take off your backpack and let's have a look at you."

  I took off my backpack and put it on the floor over by the wall. Then I walked back up to her.

  "Give me a nice slow turn." She said as she pointed her index finger down and drew an imaginary circle in the air.

  I turned around slowly until I faced her again and then looked her right in the eye. It wasn't easy but I managed it. She smiled at me, put her arm around her daughter's waist and pulled her close.

  "What do you think Laura?" She asked her daughter.

  "She's got a really cute face and a nice figure." Laura said smiling at me.

  "Yes, but she's a bit soft isn't she?" The teacher asked appraising me like a side of beef.

  Laura laughed and said, "Mother, everyone is a bit soft compared to you."

  "Perhaps." She said preoccupied. Then to me she asked, "What did you think of the class?"

  "It was different from anything I've seen before. I've gotta ask though why do you like the word, cunt, so much?" I asked hoping she didn't notice my stumble.

  "Why are you afraid of it?" She asked with a sneaky smile.

  "I'm not afraid of it." I said looking straight at her.

  "Oh yes you are now turn around and show me your asshole." She said plainly.

  My eyes went wide for a second and then they narrowed. Fine if that's the way this bitch wanted it then that's what she's going to get! I turned around, spread my feet, bent at the waist as far as I could and then spread my ass cheeks for her.

  "How's that? Can you see well enough or do you want to stick your face in there too?" I said looking at the floor.

  She laughed and said, "No, that'll do."

  I let go of myself and turned around to face her.

  "You handled that well but I saw how you dealt with those boys outside. There's room for improvement. How long have you been naked?" She asked.

  "Since about dinner time yesterday. I drove out here naked." I said proudly.

  "Really? How are you handling your nudity and please be honest." She asked in a softer voice.

  I was going to try to bluff my way through my reply but after looking into her eyes I felt that she really was trying to help me so I decided to be honest.

  "Sometimes better then others. I feel totally fine with it at times but then I run into something I haven't dealt with before and get shy."

  She smiled at me, put her hand on my arm and said, "That's totally understandable. After all you haven't even been naked for an entire day yet. What I teach in this class, besides basic nutrition, exercise and a little self defense, is how to shed the body image concepts you were force feed in the outside world. In this class you will learn that a woman is at her most beautiful, not when she's some skinny, vacant, sex object but when she's healthy and alive. You'll learn that beauty comes in all different shapes and sizes and that one of those sizes is you. For instance look at my daughter and I, you have more tits then the two of us combined right?"

  "I suppose." I said carefully.

  "Well, should we feel bad about that? Should we run to some plastic surgeon to get ourselves butchered?" She asked almost like she was preaching a sermon.

  "You really want honesty?" I asked feeling like I was on dangerous ground.

  "You give me anything less and I'll make you regret it every second of it." She said with a smile.

  "OK then," I said with a little attitude, "some women would or they'd be so self-conscious that not only wouldn't they have the nerve to get naked in public but they'd wear baggy clothes to hide their smaller breasts."

  "And I bet there are times you wish you were a size or two larger am I right?"

  I wanted to say no but instead I just looked away.

  "Well, fuck that way of thinking." She looked over at her daughter and asked, "Honey, how many guys are following your cute little tits around school like smitten puppy dogs."

  Laura smiled slowly and said, "Oh, there are one or two, here and there."

  "You're being modest dear. Tell the girl, I'm trying to make a point here."

  "Mother, I'm not the braggart you are." She said looking at her mother forcefully. Then she turned to me with a smile and said, "However, I will say that I don't sit home alone unless I'm in the mood to."

  "And I never sit home alone. I have more friends and lovers then I know what to do with sometimes." She said proudly.

  "Yeah, but..." I started to say.

  "But nothing. It's all in your head and that's what I'll teach you. I'll teach you how to move, how to eat and how to handle yourself. Your professors will fill your mind with knowledge. I'll fill you with strength and power. The one thing you had better absolutely forget about is failure. It's not a possibility. As you've seen, I'll work your naked ass ragged but, I wont let you fail, got that?"

  "Yes Ma'am." I said a little over whelmed.

  She smiled and said, "Now you ask why I like the word cunt so much? Most women hate that word. Men, and women, use it as an insult. More importantly it's a perfect example of how we are taught to feel about our own genitals, about the very core of what makes us women. I use that word to stick it right in your face so you can't ignore it. In fact when I'm done with you not only won't you be ashamed of your cunt but you'll be damned proud of it. As you should be."

  I smiled and almost laughed but barely managed to control myself.

  "What's so funny?" She asked looking at me seriously.

  "Sorry, the mental image of me strutting around like some guy who's eager to show the world what I've got struck
me as funny for some reason." I said hoping I didn't piss her off.

  "But that's the perfect example. Why shouldn't we be as proud of our cunts as men are of their cocks?"

  "I don't know? Because we'll look like a bunch of sluts?" I asked uncertain of my answer.

  "And why is that?" She asked leading me in a direction I just wasn't following.

  "I, because women aren't supposed to like sex like guys do?" I asked uncertain again.

  "Exactly," she said with a smile, "that's what we're taught in the outside world. A real lady doesn't go around advertising that she likes sex. Well, I like a nice hard cock don't you honey?"

  "Oh yes." Laura said happily.

  "And why shouldn't we? We're women, we were born to like cock every bit as much as men were born to like cunt. Now that doesn't mean you go around fucking everything that moves, you need to have respect for yourself, but to deny your basic desires is to deny who and what you are. Then you get what you have in the outside world, women who are full of inhibitions and so scared of their own sexuality that they can't even have a decent orgasm. My mission in life is to put an end to that once and for all! And with you we start tomorrow morning. I come in at 7:30 AM. I suggest you be here no later then 8 until we catch you up with the class."

  "Um, OK." I said a little overwhelmed. "I'll be here."

  Chapter 13

  I walked out of the class feeling the weight of what was ahead of me. That woman sure wasn't going to be an easy one to please. She looked like nothing but hard work.

  Although she was really sweet to that Jody girl, after she put her through hell that is. She's tough but I could see the value of what she had to offer and I decided that I'd try my best not to let her down.

  I had two more classes today and the next one wasn't for almost an hour and a half so I thought I'd head over to the cafeteria to get something to eat. By now the campus was alive with people. I was getting used to being naked in public even though I wasn't entirely comfortable with it.

  It helped that there were just as many naked women around as there were dressed guys. It made it feel a little more natural and made me feel less obvious. Not that I wasn't painfully aware of every bounce and jiggle that my boobs made as I walked.

  Twice I had to stop myself from walking fast so that they didn't bounce right off my chest. It was a weird feeling that I guess I was going to have to get used to. Bras were a thing of the past for me now.

  Even though she had small breasts I could see why Ms. Astamendi moved the way she did. I was almost going to have to relearn how to walk. I needed to take some of the bounce out of my step so to speak.

  I was still walking towards the cafeteria lost in thought when I realized that something was touching my breasts. I looked down to see that it was me! I stopped dead in my tracks with my hands cupping my breasts not knowing what to do.

  All that bouncing had made them a little sore and not even thinking about it my hands went up to them all by themselves. When I realized what I was doing I put my hands down at my sides awkwardly but no one seemed to notice or care. I was about to start walking to the cafeteria again when I heard a voice behind me.

  "Hey, you, the girl who was squeezing her tits."

  I turned worrying that I was in trouble or something. What I saw when I turned around was a naked girl standing beside a tree that was behind a row of bushes. I obviously wasn't in trouble but it looked like she might have been.

  "Are you OK?" I asked walking towards her.

  "No, I've got about thirty-five minutes until my next class and I can't freakin' get off. Can you help me? Please?" She asked looking embarrassed and frustrated.

  "What?" I asked stunned.

  "It's all the people around. I can't concentrate and if I don't come soon I'm going to scream. Can you help me, please." She asked biting her lip and looking very vulnerable.

  Having been there once or twice myself I knew how she felt. That and I did want to find out what being with a girl was like. I walked up to her and said, "I've never, gone down, on a girl before."

  "Fingers, fingers would be fine. Just get me off, please. I'll owe you one! I'll give you my cell number and anytime you need I'll return the favor in anyway you want." She said almost desperately.

  I know it was wrong of me but the first thing I thought of was that here was a way to get my butt hole licked. I felt so guilty even thinking about it that I agreed to help her without asking for a pay back.

  "Oh god, thanks." She said pulling me towards her.

  I quickly stepped over the bushes to find that we were in a little grassy area. She sat down in the grass and pulled me down next to her. The campus was all around us but because of the tree, the bushes and the distance from the walking path we were mostly out of view. It was a weird quiet little spot that was kind of nice.

  She laid down and looked at me expectantly. I wasn't sure what to do at first but then I thought I'd just pretend that I was fingering myself and see how that worked.

  I put my hand on her belly and let it slide down until it was between her legs. When my fingers first touched her lips it was weird. They felt kind of like mine but different.

  She was wet but I didn't push into her right away. I rubbed over her clit and her lips until her hips started to move with me. Then I gently pressed my middle finger between her lips until it slowly sunk inside her. I wondered what she tasted like. What it would feel like to rub my face in her pussy.

  As my hand pressed against her clit and my finger moved around inside her I looked down at her face. Her eyes were closed and she looked like she was trying really, really hard to get off. I leaned down near her head and said quietly, "Just relax, you're trying to hard."

  "But I..."

  "Shhhhh," I said interrupting her, "just relax. Focus on your pussy and how good it's making you feel."

  I felt some of the tension go out of her body.

  "That's better, now let me take care of you." I said softly in her ear as I gently slipped another finger inside her.

  I looked down her body to see her breasts. Her nipples looked so hard. All I had to do was move down just a little more and I could take one in my mouth. What would that hard nipple feel like in my mouth? What did it mean that I wanted to suck on it?

  I felt a little guilt for a second or two and then despite that, or maybe because of it, I just did it. I moved down and pressed my face up against her breast. Her body was warm and her skin was soft. Her nipple pressed against my lips and as I sucked it in she moaned quietly. I liked hearing her moan. The sound itself was sexy and it let me know I was doing something right.

  It did take me a few seconds to coordinate myself though. The few times I went down on Dean I only had one thing to do at a time. For some reason sucking on her nipple and fingering her pussy took more coordination for me. She didn't seem to notice though. In fact she was moaning louder and writhing harder underneath me. Oh my god, I was about to make her come!

  Sure enough in another minute or so she spread her legs really wide and pushed her pussy up against my hand. Then with a strangled sort of sound her whole body froze in mid air. She collapsed back to the ground soon after that and just laid there panting.

  "Wow, thanks I really needed that." She said slowly opening her eyes and looking at me gratefully.

  "So I did OK?" I asked a little afraid of the answer.

  "You did better then OK, that was awesome." She said leaving no doubt that she enjoyed it.

  Then she reached over and took her cell phone out of her backpack. She looked at the time and said, "I've got to get to class soon but I have some time. Do you want me to do you now?"

  "Oh, I'm OK, thanks." I said feeling kind of weird for some reason. "Besides, I wouldn't want you to be late for class."

  "Really? When I saw you holding your tits I figured you were in the same boat I was in." She said with a confused look.

  "Oh," I said with an embarrassed smile, "that was because they were bouncing all over the place. I
'm not used to going without a bra."

  She smiled at me and said, "Yeah, that did take some getting used to. I spent half the summer naked getting ready for this semester. You didn't practice any?"

  "Well, I only found out two days ago that I was accepted. I did drive out here naked though."

  "Wait, how long have you been on campus?" She asked with a concerned look.

  "Only a few hours. I got here early this morning."

  "Am I the first girl you ever messed around with?" She asked with wide eyes.

  "Well, sort of, yeah." I said embarrassed.


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