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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

Page 22

by Ardor

  He found his wife a few tables in and we went over to her. She was an average sized brunette with a friendly face and a cute body.

  "Ev this is Joan. It's her first day here at BSC so I asked her to join us for lunch." Mark said after he kissed her hello quickly.

  "Hi, hope I'm not intruding or anything." I said with an awkward smile.

  "Not at all," she said sincerely, "we're all sisters here at Blanke Schande."

  She got up and walked around the table. Then she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug. As I’ve said before it's a little weird hugging a naked stranger but it feels so good that it's hard to complain about.

  It also leaves you feeling kind of intimate with that person. Her entire naked body rubbed up against me. Somehow it leaves you with the feeling that you shared more then just a simple hello. Maybe that's part of the reason why the women at Blanke Shande are so close and supportive of each other?

  Anyway, we all talked for a little bit before going to get our food. It seems that Mark and Eveline are computer science majors who're doing their dissertation on advanced artificial intelligence.

  When I looked at Eveline, who insisted I call her Eve, impressed and confessed that I was a simple art major she said, "There's nothing simple about art. I know, I took some sculpting classes in hopes that I could improve the looks of the physical interface of our project but I was horrible at it."

  She had some pictures of the interface on her computer pad but said that she was getting hungry. We decided to get lunch and talk about it while we were eating.

  It was a little after one so it was kind of busy in the cafeteria. Eve asked Mark to watch the table and then asked him what he wanted for lunch. After he told her Eve and I went to get the food.

  The front of the cafeteria was busy with people but they were all sitting at tables eating. At the back of the room people were either standing in line, looking up at the menu or standing around chatting.

  As Eve lead me into this crowd of people I couldn't help but feel more naked then I've ever felt before. My bare feet on the cool tile, my breasts wobbling around as we walked, my naked hips and thighs brushing up against people as we went by them. My heart thumped faster and faster as I noticed a couple of boys, who looked to be freshman, watching us intently as we passed by them. Their heads turned like they were tracking us or something.

  "The food here is really... Joan, are you OK?" Eve asked in a concerned tone.

  I looked at her slowly and said, "Yeah, I mean, I've been naked all day and I've been to class but this is the first time I've been in the middle of a crowd like this. So many people and they're all so close to me and, and, I'm naked!"

  Eve stood right in front of me. She took me by the shoulders and said, "OK, take a deep breath and relax."

  She breathed in and out with me for a minute and then said, "Now take a look around you. Really take a good look. You're not the only naked woman. I'm here, just as naked as you are, and so are dozens of other women."

  As I looked around, like Eve suggested, the people in the room stopped being an overwhelming crowd and started to become individuals again. I saw the women she was talking about, lots of them in fact. Some of them as nervous as I was but most of them seemed completely unconcerned that they were stark naked.

  Almost all the guys, except a handful that were obviously freshman, were just going about their business. They were talking with friends, eating their lunch and acting like they would anywhere else in the world. I looked over at Eve and said, "Sorry, I guess I just got overwhelmed for a minute there, thanks."

  "Don't worry about it. Us naked chicks gotta stick together right?" She asked as she bumped my thigh with her hip. "Now let's get something to eat. Some food in your belly will make you feel worlds better."

  We got in the back of the line as I looked up at the menu. Eve suggested that I try the stress relief health smoothie. She also said that the veggie burgers are really good but that if I wasn't into that the soup and sandwich combo were good too.

  The soup and sandwich deal sounded good. There was freshly made organic vegetable soup and you could get that with an organic turkey sandwich on organic whole wheat bread with organic romaine lettuce, organic tomatoes and organic avocado spread. It even came with a little veggie salad that was also all organic, of course.

  "Is it possible to wear out the word organic?" I asked Eve with a laugh.

  "Yeah, I know what you mean, but wait until you taste the food. This place will ruin you for the rest of the world." Eve said almost proudly. "I don't know what I'm going to do when we finally leave here. I'm going to have to start growing my lunch or something." Eve said with a chuckle.

  "Really?" I asked impressed.

  "Oh yeah, Blanke Shande firmly believes that a sharp mind needs good wholesome fuel. When they say organic here they mean organic. It's not some advertising buzz word. You could analyze this stuff on a microscopic level and you wouldn't find a single preservative, chemical or added hormone."

  "Nice." I said with an impressed look.

  We ordered our food and after we got it we made our way to the head of the line. While the woman behind the register took my ID to charge my lunch I couldn't help but look at her.

  She was sitting half facing the register and half facing me. She was on a tall stool and, like the other cafeteria worker I met earlier, all she was wearing was a hair net and that vinyl apron. I guess she didn't need the gloves to run the register.

  She sat with her right leg down on the floor and her left leg up on a rung of the stool. Her knees were spread widely apart. This made the front of the apron sort of stick straight out. It also really pressed the strip of vinyl between her legs firmly up against her vagina.

  Her outer lips were spread and her inner lips were mashed up against it. She was very light skinned so it was easy to read what was written on the vinyl just above her vagina. It said, "My pussy can't breath!"

  I looked at her sympathetically and said, "I hope you ladies don't have to wear those things much longer."

  "Thanks, can you believe that this is the most comfortable position I can sit in while wearing this thing? If I'm not spread to the wind the vinyl digs right into my skin."

  I looked closer and could see red marks around the edges of the vinyl strip that covered her vagina.

  "I'm sure once they find out they'll get you something else to wear." I said feeling bad for her.

  "They'd better or we're going planning to picket." She said firmly. Then she smiled and said, "Just imagine what ten naked women carrying signs saying BSC hates pussy while all of us chant let our pussies breath will do to them."

  I couldn't help but laugh at that. Eve and I wished her good luck and headed back to Mark. As we walked back to the table I saw a girl with her backpack on a chair. She was bent over digging through it looking for something.

  Well, the way she was standing I saw everything as we walked by. She didn't seem to care in the slightest that the entire cafeteria could see her vagina and butt hole as easily as you could see the sun up in the sky. A couple of tables down from that I heard a girl at a table full of people exclaim loudly with a huge smile, "My twitching clit!"

  The entire table cracked up like it was the punchline of a joke or something. A little farther down from that, a row over, I saw a girl sitting on the edge of the table. She was sitting on a towel, thankfully, with her legs spread wide, holding her vagina open.

  There was a guy standing in front of her looking between her legs. As we got closer I heard her impatiently say, "Have you seen enough yet? I really need to get to the library to do some research before my next class."

  "Sure, what are you researching maybe I can give you a hand?" He asked eagerly as she got down off the table.

  "Why don't you go give yourself a hand?" She said as she grabbed her stuff and walked away from him with an annoyed look.

  The guy just stood there watching her walk away with a confused look on his face.

"It takes some freshman a while to figure out that asking a girl to present isn't exactly the best opening line." Eve said with a smile. "He'll figure it out eventually."

  When we got back to the table we saw Mark sitting there looking through his computer pad. He noticed us coming up the isle, finished up what he was doing and put away the pad.

  "I'm starving! Gimme, gimme." He said jokingly as he held out his hands for the tray Eve was carrying.

  "Hold your horses, it's coming," Eve said moving to the seat across from him and putting her tray down on the table. "Sit next to me Joan. We'll give Mark a treat even though he probably doesn't deserve it."

  I wasn't sure what she was talking about until I realized that with the two of us sitting across from him he'd be able to look at both of our breasts while he ate. She put her backpack on the floor by her chair and spread her towel out on the seat. I walked over to the seat next to her trying not to feel so exposed.

  "Hey, what did I do? I've been a perfect gentleman all day." Mark protested.

  "Uh huh, I'm sure you have," Eve said as she sat down.

  After I put my tray down on the table I took off my own backpack, spread out my own towel and sat down next to her realizing she was just having fun teasing him.

  "I hope you don't mind but Mark was telling me how much trouble you had adjusting to being naked." I said as I picked up my sandwich.

  "Oh, it was horrible," Eve admitted. "I was really excited about the idea until I was actually naked. Then the weight of what I signed up for landed on me and I flipped out. I got over it though and now I couldn't be happier." Eve cupped both her breasts, lifted them and bounced them around a little as she asked Mark, "How long have these puppies been on display?"

  Mark watched her play with her breasts for a few seconds and then said, "Oh, about six years now. The way we're going it's probably going to be another four more until we finish our dissertation."

  "Ten years naked? That makes the four years I'm planning on seem like nothing." I said before I took a bite of my sandwich.

  "The hard part is when we have to go out of town for conferences and I have to put on clothes. I'm miserable the entire time." Eve said with and exasperated look.

  "The last conference we had to attend she spent the entire time in nothing but a lab coat that was a size too big and a pair of shoes." Mark said with a smile.

  "It was all I could do to keep that on my back. You really get used to being naked after a while." Eve confessed.

  "What are you going to do when you graduate?" I asked Eve.

  "Mark and I are planning to open a software company in either Cedarcrest or Lambertville. Both towns are very casual about female nudity so I should be OK there." She said happily.

  "I guess you have adjusted, huh." I said with a smile.

  "I really don't care anymore. It's just a body. Every single woman in school has one. By now every single guy here has seen all that I've got and you know what? Who cares. So what if they know what I look like naked. Why do we make such a big deal about that?"

  "Um, I don't know." I said with a shrug.

  "Exactly!" Eve said as if she proved some point.

  "Eve... Have you ever been asked to give a guy, besides Mark, relief?" I asked hesitantly.

  "Yeah, it happens from time to time. Usually the first week or two of the school year why?"

  "Well, a guy asked me just a little while ago."

  Mark frowned unhappily.

  "Now relax honey, it happens." Eve said to Mark. Then to me she said, "You tell them no politely, or not so politely if the situation calls for it, and then remind them how a gentleman is supposed to treat a lady."

  "This pisses me off because it makes the rest of us guys look bad. He didn't try to force you into anything I hope." Mark asked.

  "No, he was actually nervous and kind of polite. I wound up telling a few professors about it though and they're going to talk to him. How did you handle it when it happened to you Eve?"

  "I did it once by stomping on the guy's foot. The last time it happened I actually felt kind of sorry for the guy though." Eve said sympathetically.

  "Excuse me?" Mark asked in disbelief.

  "Not that sorry you dope!" Eve said with an I can't believe you'd think I’d do that look. "I could see the kid was a wreck. He was sweating bullets and so nervous that I could barely understand him. The lump in his pants made it pretty obvious what the problem was though. Even the nicest guy can be turned into a hormone addled walking hard on when they first get here.”

  With a little swipe of her hand through the air and a clam look on her face Eve said, “I just sat him down and told him that he needs to get himself under control. Jerk off more, take cold showers, whatever he needs to do to calm himself down but that it's not all right to just walk up to any girl and ask for sexual relief. I also told him that there's no way a Blanke Shande woman would ever go out with him if he kept acting the way he was. Not to mention that if one of the professors or security caught him asking for relief he could get himself in serious trouble. He started stammering apologies and swearing he'd never do it again."

  "Did you believe him?" I asked.

  "Yeah, he seemed like a nice kid. So I let him get a good long look at me and then I told him to go find a private place to jerk off. I thought he was going to come in his pants right then and there as he stared at my tits but he held it together. About four or five months later I ran into him here in the cafeteria. He was a completely different guy. Calm, cool and collected, he was treating the women around him like people not jerk off material. He had turned into a real Blanke Schande man. I was actually sort of proud of him."

  "I wish I could've handled it that way. I was so scared that I didn't even know what I was saying. I just wanted to get the hell out of there." I said feeling ashamed.

  "Don't be so hard on yourself. It's only your first day." Mark said trying to comfort me.

  "Yeah, really," Eve said putting her arm around me. "You got out of there and talked to someone in authority who knew how to handle the situation. You've got absolutely nothing to feel ashamed about. He was the one in the wrong not you."

  "Really?" I asked unsure if she meant it.

  "Really, now eat your soup it's going to get cold." Eve said in a motherly tone.

  We chatted about daily life at Blanke Schande while we ate. When I finished my sandwich and moved on to my soup I remembered their project and asked to see the pictures Eve had talked about.

  "Hang on I've got the most recent ones on my pad." Mark said as he put down his fork and reached for his computer pad.

  He powered it up and then touched the surface a few times until he found what he was looking for. He held it out to me so I leaned over and reached across the table for it. As I did I felt something warm on my right breast. My eyes got wide and I froze in mid air. After a few seconds, still looking directly at Mark, I said, "My right breast is in my soup isn't it?"

  He looked down at the table and then back up to me and regretfully shook his head yes. I leaned back, soup dripping down my naked torso and just looked at it not knowing what to do. The computer pad was in my right hand, The napkin I had was on my right side and I was so flustered my brain couldn't figure out what to do. I looked over at Eve for help. She smiled at me and asked, "Want me to help you out there?"

  "Please." I squeaked out quietly.

  I expected her to grab the computer pad or at the very least a handful of napkins. Instead she leaned down across my body and took my right breast in her mouth. When she had sucked all the soup off my nipple she quickly moved to the underside of my breast and licked that clean.

  Then she moved down to clean up the soup that had dripped down my body. Her soft skin seemed to be brushing up against me everywhere. One of her breasts was pressed against my belly and the other one dangled and brushed up against my leg.

  "Eve, oh my god." I said feeling the sexual tension of the entire day coming back to me under the touch of her soft lips.
  She looked up at me and asked, "Do you need a little relief?"

  I bit my lip and didn't know what to say. I wanted to, but right here in the middle of the cafeteria? I mean I know Libby said it was OK but...

  I felt the computer pad being pulled from my hand. I looked over to see Mark taking it back.

  "Go on, you'll feel much better afterwords." Mark said in a sympathetic tone.

  I looked back at Eve and shook my head yes in a tiny motion.

  "I need to hear you say it sweetie. Just say the word yes." Eve said looking up at me.

  I said yes in a tiny breathy moan and hoped she wouldn't make me ask for more. She didn't. Eve moved up my body and covered my mouth gently with hers. As she kissed me her left hand slipped between my legs.


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