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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

Page 30

by Ardor

  I put my left arm around her back and stroked the back of her head with my right hand.

  “How have you lasted this long?” I asked her.

  “I, um, my dorm is two buildings over. I hold it all day and then sneak around looking for an empty bathroom late at night. I usually find one.”

  “Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you but maybe it's for the best.” Her body was pressed up against me. I pushed her shoulders back just enough so that I could look her in the eye. “We're gonna get you over this right now.”

  “What are you gonna do?” She asked looking scared.

  I leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. I could tell she was surprised at first but then she relaxed into it. Once she calmed down I broke the kiss and said, “Nothing big and scary. We're just gonna go over here and sit down.”

  I led her over to the toilets and sat down on one. When she looked down at me nervously I said, “You don't have to go. Just sit on it next to me.”

  She slowly sat down. Once she was firmly seated she asked, “N-now what?”

  “Relax, let's just talk for a while. My name is Joan. What's yours?”


  “Nice to meet you Kayla. So, what's your major?”

  “Um, don't laugh OK?” She said with a worried look.

  “I won't laugh, I promise.” I said sincerely.

  “Psychology.” She said looking ashamed.

  “Why would that be funny?” I asked her with a confused look.

  “Because I'm clearly a mental patient.”

  “You're not a mental patient.” I said with a wave of my hand. “We're taught all our lives that a lady isn't supposed to burp, fart or do anything unpleasant and then we're suddenly asked to poop in public? It goes against everything we were brought up to believe. I peed in public today but pooping is much harder. You'll be the first person to see me do it.” I said suddenly feeling a little shy.

  “Really? How have you lasted a whole week?” She asked surprised.

  “Oh, well, today is my first day here at BSC and I've only been naked since yesterday.” I admitted.

  “Wow, you adjusted fast. Getting naked wasn't that bad for me. I kinda like being naked,” she admitted with just a hint of shyness, “but pooping in public? I just don't know if I can do it.”

  I took her hand in mine and said, “You can do it and you will. I want you to say it. Say you're going to poop in front of me and it's going to be OK.”

  “I can't.” She said looking away from me.

  I squeezed her hand and said, “They're just words Kayla.”

  “If they're just words why do you want me to say them?” She asked with a told you so look on her face.

  “Because saying them will help you believe it. Now, come on, try it.”

  “I'm, going to poop in front of you and it's gonna be OK.” She said unconvincingly.

  “It is Kayla. It's really gonna be OK. No one is gonna think anything bad of you because they saw you poop. It's normal here.”

  Kayla was about to say something when a woman, who was clearly a senior, walked into the bathroom. She sat down on the toilet next to me and said, “Hey, kind of a funny place to hang out and talk. You ladies OK?”

  Then she made a little face and we heard the splash underneath her. While we both watched, and without batting an eye, she had just pooped in front of us.

  “Yeah, we're fine, just talking.” I said to her as she reached behind herself and wiped.

  Then she flushed, got up and walked over to the shower and turned it on. While she washed her butt thoroughly she said, “I know it's hard but if you've gotta go you should just do it. Sitting there thinking about it will only stress you out and make it harder.”

  “Really, thanks, but we're fine. Right Kayla?” I asked looking at her.

  “Yeah, we're good thanks.” Kayla said.

  The senior shut off the water, walked over and stood in front of us.

  “What are your names and dorm numbers?” She asked looking down on us suspiciously.

  “Kayla, Nagi Hall, room 857.”

  “Joan, Bloot Hall, room 532.”

  She looked at us harshly but then her face softened and said, “You know about the Freshman cocktail right?”

  We both shook our heads yes. I could see the fear creep into Kayla's eyes.

  “I'm not trying to threaten you. I'm trying to help you. Both of you will have to poop in public within the next day. It'll be so much easier on you if you do it yourself.” The senior paused for a second and then said, “Did you know that ancient Romans pooped in public?”

  Both Kayla and I shook our heads no.

  “See, so we're not even the first group of people to do it and it does get easier each time you go.” She said with a reassuring smile.

  Then she squatted down so that she was able to look us in the eye. Her legs were spread wide and we had a totally unobstructed view of her shaved vagina. She put her hand on each of our knees and said, “And don't forget, every single woman on campus is here to help you. Are you sure there isn't anything you want to tell me?” She asked looking at me for a few seconds and then looking at Kayla.

  “We're fine I promise.” I said sincerely.

  The senior looked back at me and then back to Kayla who shook her head yes.

  “OK, it's late and I've had a long day. I just want to finger myself and get to bed. So, I'm not going to hassle you. Just make sure an upper class student sees you poop by the end of the day tomorrow. Got it?” She asked looking from me to Kayla.

  When we both told her yes she stood up and said, “Would you mind spot checking me real quick?”

  “Sure.” I said looking up at her.

  She turned around and spread her legs and then her butt cheeks. Standing as close as she was I had a front row seat to all she had to offer. I looked at her tight clean butt hole and then I couldn't help notice her vagina.

  Her lips were open and, while she wasn't dripping wet, I could see she was kinda moist. And I'd place even money on the fact that it had nothing to do with the shower she just took.

  “You're clean.” I told her.

  I wanted to ask if she'd gotten turned on by pooping in front of us but I didn't know how. She must have seen the question in my face because she asked, “Something up?”

  “Well, um, I don't know how to ask this but did, pooping in public ever, turn you on?”

  She smiled at me and said, “Sure, it happens. Why do you think I'm so eager to get to bed and finger myself?”

  “Ew, that's so weird.” Kayla said.

  The senior laughed and said, “I thought so too at first but when you get Blanke Schande, I mean really get what's going on here, you'll feel differently. Unlike nearly every other place in the world BSC offers women true sexual freedom. You'll never be called a slut here or have to worry about your reputation.”

  She paused to let that sink in and then went on to say,“There also hasn't been any type of violence against women at BSC since we started getting naked. We can truly be ourselves without fear of repercussion. It has an odd way of, sort of, releasing your libido.” She started walking out of the bathroom and then turned and said, “Revel in it, enjoy it and for God sakes poop already and get to bed.”

  Then she walked away leaving Kayla and I alone again. I looked at her and asked, “Are you OK?”

  “No, I'm totally freakin’ screwed.” Kayla said standing up and walking away from the toilet. Then she turned, looked at me and asked, “The seniors are on to me now. If I don't poop by tomorrow, in public, I'm gonna get expelled. What am I gonna do?”

  “First you're gonna watch me do it, then you're going to do it in front of me and tomorrow in front of an upper class student.”

  When she looked doubtful I said, “They're not gonna expel you gonna you know that right? They’re slip you the cocktail. I don't know how they'll manage it but they will. Then you'll spend all day pooping your brains out. Wouldn't you rather pick the time and place y
ou go or would you rather have to run for the nearest bathroom every twenty minutes out of desperation?”

  “Oh God, that would be horrible.” She said cringing.

  “OK, then get over here, watch me poop and then sit down and just do it yourself.” I said holding out my hands to her.

  Kayla hesitantly came over to me. She stood in front of me, took my hands and then looked me in the eye. I had to take a deep breath and relax myself. It was harder than I thought it would be.

  My plan to just sit down and do it had been totally screwed by fifteen minutes of talking about it. Not to mention that it's hard to ignore how vulnerable you feel when you're doing something in front of someone who's scared of doing exactly what you're about to do.

  I had to do it though. Not only for me, but for Kayla. This was going to be awkward for me but if I didn't manage it she'd find it impossible. So I took another deep breath, gave a little push and whoosh, it came right out of me.

  “Oh, wow, it feels good to get ride of that. It feels I've been holding it forever.” I said as I let go of her hand to wipe myself.

  I felt more than a little self-conscious and weird, as I wiped myself for the first time in front of another person, but I tried not to show it for both our sakes. When I was done I flushed and said, “OK, your turn.”

  She looked at me hesitantly so I said, “You've gotta do this Kayla. Don't think about it, just sit down and do it. Besides, I did it in front of you so you, sort of, owe me.”

  She made a funny face and then sat down on the toilet next to me. I saw her try but then she put her hands to her face and in tears said, “I can't, I'm gonna get kicked out of school I just know it.”

  I got up off the toilet and stood next to her. Then I pulled her head to my belly and hugged her. She threw her arms around my waist and cried. I was going to tell her to stop crying but then I thought it might be better if she let it all out.

  I held her like that and rubbed the back of her head trying to sooth her. After a minute or two she calmed down and just laid there with her head against my belly.

  A minute or so after that I felt her move and then she looked up at me. A surprised look came over her face and then I heard a splash. She did it! She not only pooped in front of me but while looking right at me.

  “You did it Kayla! I'm so proud of you.” I said smiling at her and caressing the side of her face.

  She smiled and almost laughed as she said, “I feel like I'm two years old and my Mommy just praised me for making a boom boom in the big girl toity.”

  “You're not two years old. You're an adult and you did something that broke years of conditioning. You have plenty of reasons to feel proud. You did it in front of me, tomorrow you're going to do it in front of an upper class student, you're not going to get kicked out of school and you're going to get the best naked education of your life here at Blanke Schande.” I said looking into her smiling eyes.

  She hugged my waist and stomped her feet happily. Then she wiped herself, flushed and said, “Come on let's wash up.”

  We went over to the showers and turned on the water. Neither one of us wanted to get our hair wet so close to bed time so we used the lower shower heads. After washing our hands we both turned the same direction to wash our butts.

  Somehow we banged together and being silly Kayla started rubbing her butt up against mine under the water. I started rubbing back and we both started laughing.

  While we were being silly I caught some movement over by the entrance to the bathroom. I looked to see what it was and the head of the senior woman popped out. She smiled at me from behind the wall and gave me a thumbs up. She must have been watching the whole time to make sure we were OK. I smiled back at her and then her head slipped back behind the wall and she disappeared.

  Kayla looked at me as if to ask what was up? I just smiled at her and bumped her with my butt again. She bumped me back and laughed. While we rubbed butts together I said, “This is so silly.”

  “Sorry, but I just feel so relieved.”

  “I'll bet! Are you sure you were holding it for only a day?”

  “Maybe,” she said shyly, “but that's not what I was talking about. I mean, sure, I feel about ten pounds lighter but I know I can do it now. I can poop in front of people and I owe it all to you for being there for me.”

  Then she threw her arms around me and hugged me like I had just saved her life or something.

  Our bodies were pressed tightly together. I could feel her breasts pressing up against mine when suddenly her nipples started to get hard. She pulled back from me just enough to look me in the eye. Our heads were so close together.

  She slipped one of her legs between mine and her knee pressed up against my pussy. Then she looked at me with the biggest, softest, bedroom eyes I've ever seen and said, “Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “Kayla, we just met.” I said our lips so close I could feel hers brushing up against mine.

  “Does that mean you want me to stop?” She asked.

  “No, please, don't.” I said in a soft, breathy voice.

  Kayla pressed her lips against mine and kissed me soft and slow. Her hands went down my back to my ass. She cupped and squeezed both cheeks just enough to separate them.

  The warm water from the lower shower head beat right on my exposed butt hole. She had no idea what she'd done of course. She didn't know how much she was turning me on, but she didn't seem to mind when I parted my lips and moaned right into her mouth.

  She sucked on my lower lip and then slipped her tongue in my mouth. It all just felt so good that without thinking my hands drifted down her back and squeezed her ass. I went further though. The fingers of my right hand went between her cheeks and started to rub her butt hole as I brought my knee up against her pussy.

  “Oh.” She said as she looked at me with a startled expression and pulled back from me just enough to look me in the eye.

  Our lower bodies were still pressed together. Her hands were still on my ass. Our knees were still between each other's legs. My fingers were still teasing the outside of her butt hole.

  “I'm sorry, I didn't mean, should I stop?” I asked worried that I had unintentionally ruined the mood.

  “You just, um, startled me. No one's ever touched me back there.” She admitted relaxing and moving closer to me again.

  I brushed my lips up against hers and asked, “Should I stop? I will if you want me to.”

  “No, it's OK. I kinda like it but don't, go inside or anything.”

  I kissed her softly and then said, “Don't worry, I'll be gentle.”

  We kissed again and then she asked, “Should I? Would you like me to?”

  Her fingers tentatively reached between my cheeks and touched my butt hole. I closed my eyes and moaned softly at the feel of her fingers on my sensitive opening.

  “Oh God Kayla.” I said as I arched my pelvis to bring my pussy into firmer contact with her leg.

  “Do you like that?” She asked sounding more confident.

  “Yes, oh God, yes.” I moaned.

  “Would you like more? Do you want me to go, deeper?”

  I looked at her shyly and shook my head yes while biting my lower lip. She smiled back at me and then her hands left my body. I looked at her almost panicked as if to ask, what are you doing? She smiled and I felt her reach for something behind me. She brought it up so I could see what it was.

  “I think you'll want some of this.” She said as she showed me a bottle of mild, liquid, castile soap.

  I looked at her confused until she brought it around behind me and squeezed some out at the cleft of my ass. While she put it back it dripped down between my cheeks and over my butt hole.

  When her hands came back to me she gripped my left butt cheek in one hand and slipped the fingers of her other down over my butt hole. The water had diluted the soap but it was still slippery enough that her fingers could easily go inside me.

  She circled her fingers around my tight little
opening and then she pressed the pad of one of them against the center of my butt hole. Then, while she looked me directly in the eye, Kayla gently pressed her finger inside me. Slowly, millimeter by millimeter, her finger entered me. When it was in just passed the first knuckle I leaned forward and kissed her greedily while rubbing my pussy up against her leg.

  Kayla leaned forward and kissed me back as she gently moved her finger in and out of me. Eventually it all became to much for me. I hugged her body as I pressed my pussy into her leg, my face into her neck and I came standing right there in the shower.


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