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Page 9

by Lee Heaven

  The legs of the couch scraped against the wood floor as it moved under our thrusts. Our pants and groans growing louder and heavier, as we gave into the need of each other. My nails raked down his back leaving little red trails on his skin. My right hand skimmed down his muscled ass and my fingers dug into the crease where that wonderful ass met his thigh. He grunted and thrusted harder into me, I did it again and he groaned as he shifted his body for a different angle.

  Holy fuck I think I just found a spot that drives him wild.

  I moved my fingers a little to the left and pressed again. He roared loudly and slammed into me harder. He lifted off of me and raised my ass off the couch as he hit harder and deeper. Till we were both grunting and groaning loudly. I was about to crest into an orgasm bigger then I have had in my life and I wanted him to come with me. I slid my fingers just a little more than pressed harder. He tossed his head back and roared as his hips hit into me a few more times before we both orgasmed at the same time.

  He collapsed on top of me as both of our chests heaved trying to pull in air into our lungs. Our sweaty bodies stuck together.

  “Holy fuck,” he breathed out after a few minutes.

  “Welcome home,” I smiled into his face when he looked into my eyes.

  He placed a kiss on my lips. “What the fuck was that?”

  I smiled knowing that I was the first person to ever find that spot on him. I was the first to discover something he didn’t even know about. “It’s called the Gluteal Fold. According to the article I read, it’s a real erogenous zone. Especially the closer you get to the inner leg and…” I blushed as I thought of the area that most men don’t let you get near.

  “The anus?” He questioned with a laugh in his voice.

  I blushed more at his words. “I swear I have never done that to anyone.”

  His vibrant blue eyes closed behind his eyelids as he dipped his head to lay a round of kisses along my neck and shoulder. He chuckled as he said “We’ll have to read more of this article and see where else it says to play with.”

  I groaned as he bit the skin right between my neck and shoulder. “We should get dressed and head downstairs,” I whispered as his hands gripped my breast.

  “Sarah has the kids?” He asked as his tongue traced my nipple. I made a humming noise as an answer and in pleasure. “We’ll head down soon then,” he whispered as he traced my other nipple.

  My eyes closed as I sank into the couch just feeling his tongue and the pleasure it brought to my body. I could only give myself to him and let the pleasure take over. Let Tyler take what he wanted or needed from me. We could be another hour. No one will notice that we haven’t come down yet.


  The beep of my phone caught my attention as I slid on a pair of yoga pants. I looked at the phone and the new text message. I had to laugh at Sarah, sitting there telling me to pull Tyler’s dick out of my mouth because dinner is ready. I shot her a text back saying we would be down in five minutes. It had been close to two hours since Tyler walked in the door.

  I opened the bathroom door and leaned against the frame. I watched as Tyler had his head leaned back into the spray of water rinsing the shampoo out of his hair. I watched as sudsy rivulets ran down his chest. I watched as a particular sudsy rivulet ran down over his pec, around his belly button and then down into the happy trail of hair. That little sudsy rivulet worked its way down to the base of his cock. His beautiful cock that was hard again. The man had stamina like you wouldn’t believe. Three times since he walked in the door and he was ready to go again.

  “Stop staring at me like that,” he said as his hand wrapped around his cock and gave it a few languid pulls. Pulls that had me running my tongue across my suddenly dry lips, pulls that had me wanting to strip off the clothes I just put on and join him in that shower.

  “Sarah sent me a text,” I rasped through my dry throat. “Dinner is ready.”

  His hand continued to stroke his cock, while his bright blue electric eyes looked into my emerald green ones. God if I could have a baby, ours would be beautiful. Tears burned the back of my eyes and I had to look away. I turned and walked back through the bedroom and into the living room. I stood at the window looking over the most beautiful view of Central Park.

  How could anyone want to be with me in the long run? Yeah I came with a ready made family, but that still wouldn’t give someone their own family, their own kid. He’s not even thirty years old yet. He surely would want a kid of his own. Someone who would carry on his family name. A little boy to teach to play baseball or a little girl in a tutu going to all her ballet recitals. I can’t give him that. He’ll have all the fun with me that he wants, but in the long run, I know he won’t want me for the long haul.

  I knew he was behind me before I even heard him. My body just knew when he was around. “Hey,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head. “What just happened?”

  “Old ghosts,” I said. I didn’t want to bring up what those old ghosts were. I’m hoping he wouldn’t push me for more answers than that. I was relieved when he dropped his arms and grabbed my hand, spinning me around to face him. His lips skimmed mine in a sweet chaste kiss.

  He pulled my arm as he headed towards the front door, mumbling about dinner being ready and Sarah was going to kick our asses because we’re late. I was just glad that he was leaving my ghost alone. Sarah on the other hand, I knew was going to see straight through my sad mood and chew at me until I spilled everything. I was just hoping to make it through dinner before she started.

  I knew she knew something was up the second I walked in the door. I got the hands on the cocked out hip and eyebrow disappearing into the hairline look. I shook my head and gave her the ‘we’ll talk later’ look.

  Tyler disappeared into the apartment heading toward the men gathered around the pool table. The kids rushed me before I could take a step farther into the apartment. Before I knew it we were kneeling on the floor and they were showing me all the flowers and leaves that they picked from the park to start a pressed flower book.

  I had to laugh and giggle at them as they started naming different parks around the city that they wanted to go to, to try and find different flowers and stuff. Josie even suggested going to the botanical gardens and seeing if they can pick flowers and leaves there.

  Soon Sarah was calling us all to the table and we sat around eating pasta tossed with broccoli and chicken in lemon sauce and garlic bread. It was a simple dinner but with twelve of us sitting around the table it was a one big happy family dinner. There was plenty of talking and laughing.

  Life for the last almost ten years was lonely. While I had friends when we lived in Illinois, it was nothing like this. I spent most of my time hiding in the house away from everyone, after so many black eyes and bruised arms it became more difficult to come up with excuses that seemed reasonable. There are only so many times you can turn around into the corner of the cabinet before no one will believe you.

  Sarah looked across the table at me with a beaming smile. Decker sat next to her with his arm around the back of the chair rubbing his thumb across her neck the whole time. “Happy?” she mouthed at me as she cut her eyes toward Tyler. What could I say, I was happy. He made me happy. I nodded my head at her with a smile that matched hers. “Midnight burger talk?” she mouthed again and I nodded. When we were teenagers we would walk over to our local McDonald’s that was open twenty-four hours and have a burger and girl talk. Nothing was off the table from parents to school to boys. We had a couple of midnight burger talks since I got home but it had been awhile since we had one and it was needed.

  Tyler groaned next to me as Sarah brought out dessert, peanut butter cup chocolate brownie trifle. Oh this is Sarah’s signature dessert. Decker laughed as Tobias mumbled something about trying to make us all fat, while the kids all cheered a bunch of yes’s for the sugary chocolate dessert that awaited us.


  Jimmy tossed a bag of fa
st food on the coffee table and disappeared. All three kids are tucked up in one of the king sized beds in Tyler’s apartment watching some movie that they were finding hilarious. Sarah sat on the floor next to the coffee table and started sorting through the burgers and fries.

  “Summers almost over,” she said as she shoved a French fry into her mouth. I nodded at her. “What are you going to do? Will you be traveling back and forth to the city every day?”

  “I don’t have much of a choice,” I said back as I shoved my own fry in my mouth. “I don’t have a place here to register the kids for school. And I can’t afford one either.”

  She just looked at me and I couldn’t tell what she was thinking. “What’s up with you and Tyler?” she finally asked.

  I stared at my food for the longest time. How did I tell her how I felt or what was happening when I didn’t even know myself. “Honestly,” I said and she raised her eyebrow at me. “I never believed in love at first sight. Never had it before. I fell in love with Kristopher over a few days and even longer with Jeremy. But the day I walked into your kitchen and saw him standing there, I knew. I just knew that I wanted him, that my heart would hurt if he wasn’t going to be in my life. Then he kissed me. Oh boy what that did I can’t even begin to describe.”

  She continued to stare at me as if she knew I wasn’t done spilling it. I just didn’t know what to say. Didn’t know how to put what I was feeling and thinking into words that she would understand what I was trying to say. I don’t even know what I was trying to say.

  I took a bite out of the double burger I was eating a debated my next set of words. “Did you have it with Decker? Love at first sight?”

  “There was something there at first sight. I don’t know if it was love or not. I was so fucked up and depressed that Shawn had such a control over me I couldn’t even think for myself. The second I met him I knew I never wanted to not have him in my life. As I got to know him and spend more time with him, it was him I wanted to stay with and not go home at night. It was him that made me think of just packing my bags and taking Josie and not go home one night. But then the thought of what Shawn would do to me would erase that. Even after I moved in, I didn’t want to admit that I was in love with him. It wasn’t until after everything with Kevin that I finally told him I loved him, and that I finally admitted to myself that I was in love with him. So love at first sight, I wish I could answer that.”

  “I can answer that,” Decker’s voice came from the hallway. I turned to find him standing there with no shirt and very low hung pajama pants on. He was very delicious. I could see why Sarah fell in love with him. “It was love at first sight for me. It took me three days to admit it, it wasn’t until she crawled into my lap crying I actually admitted to myself I loved her, but I did, I fell for her at first sight.” He looked at her. “The day she walked in here for her interview I was pulled to her. Her vanilla scented perfume wrapped itself around me. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I wanted to get out of that wheelchair and chase after her, tell her to never leave. It broke my heart to send her home at night, to hear her fight with Shawn over the phone, to hear each dish that she threw at the wall break.” He smiled at her and that smile said it all, Sarah was the only one for him and he would give everything up for her. “She loved me to. I could see it in the way she looked at me, the way she took care of me, cooked for me. I could see it in the way she would curl into a little ball in the corner of the couch, all comfortable and get lost in a book. The way she didn’t need to make awkward conversation to fill the silence between us. The way her bad mood would lift when I was around. I could see it in the way her cheeks pinked at the interview when she realized I was staring at her. The way she looked into my eyes. The way she would stare at me and lick her lips when she didn’t think I was paying attention. It took a little longer for her to realize it, but she did love me.”

  I looked at Sarah and her eyes shone with tears. Happy tears. Tears of love. The smile that spread across her face said it all. It didn’t matter if it was love at first sight for either of them, all that mattered now was that they were in love.

  Decker pushed off the wall and walked toward Sarah. He bent over and kissed her. As he pulled away he whispered something in her ear and her cheeks pinked as her eyes smiled at him. He walked off back down the hallway and all I could do is stare. It was obvious the love between them. Nothing or no one would come in between them.

  I looked back at Sarah and she sat there smiling. Decker was right she probably loved him from the beginning; she was just too broken to know it. She cleared her throat and looked at me. “Let’s get tattoos soon,” she said as if she had nothing else to say.

  Laughter came out of me and I fell back on the carpet till tears leaked out of me. It was just the thing Sarah would say. The woman was running out of room on her skin to get tattooed but she would go get another one in a heartbeat. She pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket and unfolded it; it was a design of lace. She explained how she wanted it to cover her arm from shoulder to wrist.

  “Be patient with Tyler,” she finally said as we were cleaning up the garbage a few minutes later. “Emily cheated on him for over a year. She has been out of control and a little crazy since the day the baby was born. Tyler walked away from her just seconds after delivery. It’s obvious the baby isn’t his, but she’s money and fame hungry and won’t give up. I’m sure court won’t be easy when those results are read and she’s denied everything. I know he’s grumpy a lot but give him time. I see a difference when you’re around him.”

  “We slept together this afternoon,” I quickly said and she raised her eyebrow at me. “Three times. Made the couch slide halfway across the room,” she laughed at my description and I can remember when Maggie said she swore the bed was going to come through the wall with her and Decker’s love making. “It was like he was made for me, I never felt so full and satisfied during sex then I did with Tyler.”

  She smiled and hugged me. It was her way of saying I told you so. Told you, you would have your own player. Told you, you would be happy again. Told you that it would be worth it to walk away from Jeremy.

  I was soon standing in the doorway to the bedroom the kids were sleeping in. Popcorn buckets and juice boxes covering the comforter they were lying underneath. I walked in the room and carefully cleaned the mess. Walking into the kitchen I found Tyler standing in the window with the scowl on his face. He was in deep thought, he never even heard me come in.

  I stood there watching him as his fingers tap against his thumb as he thought and decided what ever was going on in his head. I knew he was worried, court was tomorrow. Tomorrow he would get closure, tomorrow he would hear the results of the paternity test. My heart breaks for him. I can tell he wished this child was his. What person wouldn’t want to have a baby? What person wouldn’t be devastated to find out the kid he thought he was going to have is not theirs? I stood there watching as he looked out the window. I stood there frozen in my spot because the one thing that was tearing his heart out right now, I can never give him.

  He wouldn’t want to be with me in the long run. I can’t give him the one thing he wants. I can’t give him that baby he wants. I’ll hear the same thing I heard from Jeremy, ‘It’s ok. I’ll love you anyways.’ But in the end it won’t matter because he won’t love me enough to give up the idea of a family. He won’t love me enough to give up on having a kid of his own. I can’t even give him the option of a surrogate. I have nothing to give.

  It was well after one in the morning, I was well on my way to falling asleep on my feet. I walked up to Tyler and wrapped my hand around his. He squeezed my fingers but didn’t look down at me. I pulled him towards the bedroom and even though we didn’t speak a word he followed behind me. I stopped by the side of the bed and stripped down to my bra and underwear. Tyler’s eyes remained distant, like he was lost in his own brain. I pulled his grey t-shirt off over his head and slipped it over mine, slipping my arms through the holes and letti
ng it fall down my stomach. I reached out and popped the buttons on his pants, pushing them over his lean hips, collecting around his ankles. I pushed him back till he was sitting on the edge of the bed, removing his pants from his ankles I continued to push until he was lying on the bed. I crawled over him and pulled the blankets over us. I slid up to his side melding my body against his, resting my head on his shoulder.

  I looked up at him and he was staring at the ceiling, “Close your eyes and sleep Tyler,” I whispered at him before laying my head back down.

  I was just about asleep when I was suddenly flipped onto my back. I opened my eyes to find Tyler staring down at me, a lost look on his face. It made me want to take care of him, wrap him in a blanket and sing him to sleep just like I used to do to my kids when they were lost and scared. He didn’t have to say a word his electric blues eyes said it all. He was scared, lost and heartbroken. His mouth suddenly slammed down on mine, a forceful kiss. He took what he wanted from me, pulling my tongue into his mouth and then forcing his into mine. He pulled away with a nip at my bottom lip and buried his face in my neck. His breathing evened out and he was soon asleep.

  And all I could think was…wow!


  I watched as Tyler paced back and forth in the courthouse hallway. I was texting with Sarah and Rebecca continually letting them know that his case was running late. First, Emily decided to show up an hour late. Then because of her lateness the judge couldn’t hold up his other cases so we are now waiting for an opening where he could squeeze Tyler in.

  Emily sat in the corner with her lawyer and the older lady. I had asked Tyler who she was; he shrugged his shoulders and went back to pacing the floor. It was a good thing he didn’t do his hair this morning because the way his fingers keep running through it, tugging on the ends, it surely would have wound up ruined.


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