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Her Billionaire Secret Part 2: An Alpha Billionaire Romance

Page 1

by Jenna Chase

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six


  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Part 2

  Jenna Chase


  Elise Kelby


  Part 2

  Copyright: Elise Kelby

  Published: 29 July, 2016

  This is a work of fiction. Any and all similarities to any characters, settings, or situations are purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.

  This book is set in London and as such uses British English throughout.

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  Chapter One



  The sound of movement in the room filtered through Claire’s drowsy state.

  Then the smell of coffee.

  Finally the realisation she was still draped across Tevis Drummond’s chest. His arm lay loosely across her back.

  “Good morning, Tevis.”


  Josie was in the room. Claire kept her eyes closed, not wanting to face the embarrassment.

  “Good morning, Josie.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “Thank you for the coffee. Don’t worry about breakfast; it may be a while before we are down. We’ll fix our own.”

  What the hell did he mean by that? The quicker she pulled herself off him and got out of bed, the better. The man was an irresistible temptation and even now her treacherous body was craving more of what he’d done to her last night.

  The sound of coffee cups being placed on the nightstand close to her head was followed by silence. A long silence, broken only by the sound of their breathing.

  “You can open your eyes now.”

  Claire shot across the bed, dragging the sheets with her.

  “I think you might want to give me some of those back,” Tevis laughed, as he crossed his arms behind his head and glanced down at his naked body.

  His cock was erect, tantalising, and calling to her inner demon to climb on top and open herself up to him.

  She threw his share of the sheets back at him. “Cover the damned thing up, you bastard.”

  Tevis laughed. “The lady doth protest too much I think. That, or you’re not a morning person.” He pointed to the two cups by his side. “Coffee, Claire?”

  It wasn’t a caffeine deficiency problem at all. It was him.

  Why did men like him have to exist? Money didn’t mean anything to her. Neither did power. She’d seen it all before and didn’t want any of it. But Tevis Drummond was living, talking, walking sex appeal and he damned well knew it. Somehow, every defence she’d built up around herself disintegrated when he was around. It must be in her genes to be attracted to a man like him. It had to be. Because if it wasn’t, why the hell did she give in so easily and ask him to fuck her. And not any gentle fuck, she’d demanded to be taken hard. Where on earth had that come from?

  Grabbing her robe from under her pillow, she sat up and put it on before walking round to his side of the bed. At her feet were her torn panties and she couldn’t help looking from them to Tevis. His eyebrows were raised and his grin even wider. At least he’d covered his cock. Narrowing her eyes to tell him not to say a word, she grabbed a cup of coffee and walked over to the window.

  The infuriating robe was still far too short. He could probably see her naked ass from where he was lying. Resisting the urge to tug the robe down, she drank down her coffee in one go. Clattering the cup back down on the nightstand, she strode over to the bathroom door.

  She stepped into the room. “I’m taking a shower.”

  “Want me to join you?”


  “Shame. You know it would be fun.” Even his teasing was sexy. His voice was deep and seductive with a promise of dirty. Very dirty.

  On the other side of the bathroom, hanging on hooks, two long white towelling robes taunted her.

  Claire slammed the bathroom door. Hard. If she’d had the courage, she’d have opened it again and told Tevis Drummond exactly what she thought of him.

  She paused at that thought. Her thoughts about Tevis were mixed up, conflicting. On the one hand, he was so damned cocky, arrogant and sure that he would get her, but on the other, he’d held her so gently after they’d made…

  God, she’d almost said the ‘L’ word!

  Love wasn’t in the vocabulary of a man like Tevis. She knew it better than most. Her mother had fallen for that line. Claire had promised herself, never to let someone like him get to her. He wasn’t safe. He had the capacity to hurt.

  Stepping into the walk-in shower, she tried to push all thought of him out of her mind. It was impossible, his naked body danced before her eyes. The memory of his voice and the way he said her name, crept under her defences. Even taking a shower reminded her of him when she grabbed the wrong shower gel and surrounded herself with his spicy citrus smell. Grabbing another expensive looking container, she scrubbed herself clean with the aroma of roses.

  Great! Now she smelled like a damned flower bed!



  As soon as Claire disappeared into the bathroom, Tevis sprang out of bed and scooped up her torn panties. He grinned. As much as he enjoyed teasing her, it wasn’t fair to leave the evidence of her submission lying on the floor.

  Unless they spoke to her, Josie always ignored the women in his bed. Today she’d winked and given him a grin at the sight of Claire draped across him.

  Grabbing his own discarded clothes next, he threw them in the laundry basket in the dressing room. It wasn’t a habit of his to drop his clothes on the floor. But there again, it wasn’t normal for him to have to work at seduction. Most women dropped their panties for him in the blink of an eye. Claire’s look of horror had been enough to drive him on. He’d paraded his erection like a teenager.

  It had worked.

  She’d asked to be fucked.

  No, not asked. She’d demanded.

  Which this morning made her embarrassment and annoyance all the more endearing. If she thought she was safe from him, she’d have to think again. He wanted more of her. Now he’d had a taste, he couldn’t give her up. He would leave her alone for now, give her time with her thoughts. Grabbing a fresh robe, he strode out of the dressing room and across the bedroom. Grinning at the closed bathroom door, he left to go to his gym on the next floor down. He’d shower there. Alone, this time.

  You have thirty minutes, Claire. And then the game continues.



  When she walked out of the bathroom wearing the better covering towelling robe, Claire found herself facing Tevis. Alongside him stood an older woman who smiled broadly at her.

  Tevis wa
s now dressed, making Claire feel at a disadvantage as he walked over and put his arm around her to introduce her. To make it worse, the woman was immaculate in a well-tailored suit.

  “Christine, this is Claire.”

  Before she could move her head away he dropped a kiss on her lips and gave her an affectionate squeeze. He was so convincing she had to remind herself this was a show for his personal shopper.

  Smiling, Christine held her hand out to Claire. “I’m so pleased to meet you.”

  Why? I’m not going to be around for long.

  “It’s good to meet you too,” she responded politely, clasping the woman’s hand. “I’ll pop into the dressing room and put some clothes on.”

  “No, darling. It’s fine,” Tevis interrupted. "I’ll get you a chair.”

  Claire frowned as he dragged not one but two easy chairs to the centre of the room. After seating her in the first, he took the other.

  “Are you planning on staying?” Claire almost snatched her hand away as he took hers because his touch was doing strange things to her skin. Sparking electrifying tingles and they were finding their way to between her legs.

  He looked at her as if he knew precisely what she was feeling and compounded the pleasure by stroking her hand with his thumb. For some reason, now she didn’t want him to let go.

  “I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Tevis smiled back. “Josie is bringing us coffee and breakfast to eat while Christine shows us what she’s selected.”

  Behind Christine, on the recently made-up bed, were more store bags and boxes than she’d ever seen in one place before. She glanced at Tevis, they couldn’t all be for her. He was studiously ignoring her, but his thumb was now stroking her wrist.

  Stop it.

  No, don’t stop.

  She opened her mouth to try and say something. Whether it was about the number of bags, or t0 tell him to remove his hand, she didn’t know. She simply closed it again and turned back to Christine who was smiling at her oddly; as if she knew something but wasn’t about to reveal it. Claire glanced at Tevis but he didn’t say a word.

  Whatever it was, it looked like neither of them were about to reveal their secret. Christine turned to the bed and began emptying the contents of the bags.

  For the next hour it was like being in some high end fashion salon. Except she wasn’t the one getting much say about the clothes held up in front of her. Tevis had a fixed opinion on what he thought suitable. As soon as she objected, Christine backed him up. It seemed as though they’d planned to block every objection she had, particularly when she thought something was too revealing, too expensive or downright show stealing. Having spent years in jeans and tee shirts she appeared to be acquiring a wardrobe of designer clothes. Almost every item, was the opposite of her everyday personality.

  “I’m not a Barbie doll,” she exploded when it was all getting too much.

  “You know how much I love spoiling you,” Tevis pulled her towards him to give her a gentle kiss.

  ‘I’ll pay you back’, her eyes told him.

  His said, ‘You can try,’ as his lips brushed hers. He didn’t linger and he turned his attention back to his personal shopper. If he had, then she would have been tempted to bite his lip in retribution.

  “Christine has excellent taste,” he smiled at the older woman, who was now watching them gooey-eyed as if she was witnessing a lover’s tiff.

  What is up with these people?

  “She also knows what you need for tonight’s little party and understands I want to show you off.” He squeezed her hand, warning her not to object.

  “Party?” she queried. It didn’t sound good. She wasn’t the partying kind. “I didn’t know there was going to be a party?”

  “It’s a surprise for… our guests.”

  If this was the secret Tevis and Christine had been keeping, did Christine have any idea that one of the guests was Eloise Grace? It seem not. Tevi’s eyes and his tightening grip told her not to reveal anything. If he'd taken the time to let her in on this, it would have been much easier. It seemed he was giving out information on a ‘need to know basis’.

  Did he plan to do this for the whole four days? How good an actress did he expect her to be if she didn’t get any warning?

  “Oh, that’s nice,” she responded lamely. “Where is it to be?”

  “Here. Don’t worry, it’s all organised.”

  Christine unzipped a garment holder, “This is the dress I’ve selected for this evening. Another dress will be delivered tomorrow for the event on Monday.”

  Claire couldn’t speak as Christine held up the silky green dress. She hadn’t been so close to anything as exquisite in more than ten years. Christine was looking at her with concern. Claire knew her eyes were glistening, but she couldn’t stop the emotion. The memory was so strong, she could swear a drift of her mother’s favourite perfume floated in the air.

  Tevis turned to her, aware the atmosphere had changed. Claire gave him a weak smile.

  “Don’t you like it? Christine can get you something else.”

  “No, that’s not it. I love it.” She brushed away a single tear praying she could prevent the gush that threatened. “It reminded me of someone, that’s all,” she said, hoping that would be the end of the subject.

  “Someone special?” He was looking at her quizzically.

  “Yes. Someone special,” she answered, closing down the topic with her next words to Christine. “Are there shoes to match?”

  Neither Tevis nor Christine commented on her sudden interest in accessories.

  Chapter Two


  “Don’t you have anything else to do?” Claire sounded exasperated and her fingers tapped a rhythm on her knee.

  Good, because he was determined to get some sort of emotion out of her after she shut down over the dress. It had been like a mask going on and he intended to remove it. He preferred the smiling, antsy Claire to this ‘cool lady’ act. He smiled to himself. He had the perfect way to help her relax but he didn’t think she’d agree to go to bed with him. Not yet.

  “No,” he responded, knowing it wasn’t what she wanted to hear.

  “I thought you rich types were always working.” Claire narrowed her eyes at him from the sofa opposite.

  He had his feet on the coffee table and his arms draped across the back of the sofa he occupied. He knew she’d expected him to sit next to her by the look she gave him when he took this seat; which was precisely why he’d taken it. He could see every emotion that crossed her face, which happened especially when he did or said the unexpected.

  “No. I’ve taken four days off to spend with you.” He expected a scathing retort from her, but she didn’t give him one.

  “You’re wasting your time. I won’t give in again.” She gave her knee an extra firm tap.

  He grinned. So they were back on the subject of that fuck.

  “I don’t recall you giving in. From the way you handled my cock, I’d call it demanding.”

  Claire’s face turned a deep shade of pink. God, she was cute when she blushed. When did he last see a woman blush? And when did he ever think a woman cute?

  Never. Claire was the first.

  She was also the first to make him put his work on hold. He normally spent Saturday in the study—working, unable to switch off.

  “I’m not talking about it!” she snapped.

  He raised an eyebrow at her, “You brought the subject up.” He tilted his head at her. “What do you want to talk about, if you won’t discuss last night?”

  She straightened her shoulders as if shaking off her embarrassment. “Well, a briefing about tonight’s party would help. Or, are you expecting me to go into it cold, without a clue?”

  Claire was right. He was expecting too much of her. So far she hadn’t slipped but she had to know some of the family history to get through this evening.

  “We could go for a walk and I’ll tell you what you need to know.”

Her face lit up. “I thought I had to stay inside?”

  “No Ellie does. I don’t see a problem with the two of us going out together.” He grinned at the widening smile on her face, “I might even buy you an ice-cream.”


  He’d buy her an ice cream parlour if she continued to smile at him that way.

  “Grab a pair of those huge sunglasses Christine brought you." He studied the tight fitting sexy clothes she was wearing. "And don’t change, jeans and a tee-shirt are perfect.”

  Her smile dipped a little at the realisation they had to keep their faces covered, but she recovered quickly and dashed out of the room.

  He loved the way little things made her eyes light up. He loved a lot about Claire.


  “How many people are you expecting at this party?”

  Claire didn’t look at him as she concentrated on eating the ice cream cone he’d bought her as they’d walked to Hyde Park. Tevis had an incredible urge to lean over and kiss her but he didn’t. Instead, he took a lick of his own ice cream as he thought about how much he should tell her.

  “Around twenty.”

  “That’s not too bad.”

  You have no idea.

  “It’s mostly family. Ellie’s parents, mine, plus a few friends—mainly the guests who’ll be attending the wedding.”

  He glanced at her face, but she didn’t appear too concerned. Good, because although Ellie and Boyd would be the star guests, Claire would attract considerable attention of her own. After all, Claire had appeared from nowhere and she was so different. He didn’t fear they wouldn’t like her. Quite the opposite.

  It was also the first time he’d brought a total stranger into the fold. That alone made her special. Not only in his eyes but also that of his father. If Tevis didn’t steer the conversation carefully, his father would be assessing her like one of his bloodstock fillies.

  “You should know a bit about the family dynamics. They’ll expect me to have told you something about us.” He couldn't have her making a mistake around his father. It wouldn’t be fair.

  “Well, yeah,” Claire responded with joking sarcasm. “Unless you plan to tell them I’m only interested in your body.”


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