Harper's Fate
Page 14
‘Not everything has a price, Luke.’ I refuse to be bought, or be the sort of girl that would allow it.
‘This is a rare quality. The majority of people I come into contact with can be bought.’ He unfolds his legs and places his elbows on the table. His open posture offers me an insight to his honesty.
Maybe I need to be more understanding and not so judgemental. Accepting Luke’s offer will be the first; another would be permitting this man to show me he is virtuous.
‘OK, I’ll do it,’ I say. I know I always wanted to, but not for money. However, I feel that it’s inappropriate for him to buy dresses for me.
A smile spreads across his face at my unexpected answer. This leaves him lost for words – for the first time.
‘Are you free this evening?’
‘You don’t waste much time, Mr S.’ I laugh, releasing the tension in the air. ‘Yeah, I am free – what’s your plan for my evening of dullness? Your words, not mine.’
‘I do remember last night very clearly. I can’t guarantee dullness this evening; not with you on my arm.’ Remorseful Luke has left the building and irreverent Luke has returned with bells ringing.
‘Are you saying I’m trouble? May I remind you that it’s you making trouble in my life.’ I can’t help but chuckle. ‘And, for the record, I do remember last night. I was merry, not drunk.’ I had to mention the elephant in the room.
‘I will not challenge you again. After all, you are an employee, and it’s unethical to mix business with pleasure.’ He sits back to drink his coffee.
‘I agree – it won’t happen again. Just to clarify, that’s not a challenge. If I was to challenge you, Luke, you would know about it.’ How can I be so brazen with half my body on display?
‘Kate, that sounds like fighting talk.’
‘No, I think it was a statement.’ Change the subject – a short black robe and sexual innuendoes are not a good combination. ‘What is the plan for this evening?’
‘I will collect you at seven o’clock. Are you in for the rest of the day?’
‘Good – a lady called Valerie Simmons will be here in a couple of hours.’
‘She is a personal stylist and will provide you with a dress for this evening. The dresses, of course, will ultimately be your choice.’
‘OK.’ My response is subdued.
‘If you want to change your mind, I will understand.’
‘It’s just a lot to take in: personal stylist, evening out with people that are… different.’ Anxiety is already building.
‘I assure you that I will take care of you. Besides, I have a feeling you’ll amuse me.’ He smiles. Cheeky bastard: what exactly does he mean?
‘I amuse you? Oh good, another addition to my CV other than escort. Shall I add comedian?’
‘Why, Kate Harper, this is fun, learning what buttons to push in order to free the tenacious young woman that you are. I think I should leave whilst we are still on speaking terms.’
‘Until tonight… Oh, and Luke, don’t be late. I can be tetchy if kept waiting.’
‘Thank you for the warning – and for agreeing to help.’
‘You’re welcome.’
I stand and move towards the front door, hearing the sound of Luke’s boots on the wooden floor. No doubt he’s enjoying the view.
‘You may want to be careful who sees you in that robe, especially if they have a heart condition.’ He stands directly in front of me – within kissing distance. In the danger zone. ‘Luckily, my heart is in excellent condition.’
‘Goodbye, Luke.’ I usher him out of the door and shut it quickly. Seconds, that’s all it took for my body to fall under his spell.
‘Harry bloody Harper, get your arse down here now.’ My sister is going to feel my wrath.
She slowly glides down the stairs.
‘I heard every word. I was completely eavesdropping. He was talking about the proposal from last night?’ She looks excited.
‘Yes… but I’m angry at you. You know this piece of cloth was not going to withstand that man. Look at me. How does he keep his cool? Christ, I need a cold shower.’
‘You know you want him…’ She sings to me.
‘Oh, that helps, point out the bloody obvious.’
‘Babe, he’s hot… not that I’m looking, because I have my own delicious creature… But holy fucking cow – you’ve hit the jackpot.’
‘He is. Shit, he could have anyone, and I mean anyone.’
‘He could have you, if you let him.’
‘We had a thing last night… Well, nothing happened, but it might have if someone hadn’t disturbed us.’ Harry shares everything with me, and yet the heat rises on my face.
‘And when were you going to disclose this snippet of information?’ She folds her arms.
‘There wasn’t anything to tell. He thought I was challenging him, which I wasn’t.’
‘It’s clear he likes you. Last night when he joined us at the club, he was making polite conversation but his eyes were on you, and only you. Today I could hear everything, and I think you confuse him – he is used to girls who pander to his needs, and that’s not you. It never will be.’ Harry reaches for my hand.
‘Too bloody right.’
‘You’ve just admitted that his money means nothing to you, which obviously makes a change for him. I think he needs time to understand you.’
I take a deep breath, listening to Harry.
‘Anyway, he told me that it wouldn’t happen again as he doesn’t mix business with pleasure.’
‘Bullshit! He’s playing you at your own game.’
‘Why do I feel so shitty? My life was plodding along until Mr Shit-hot Prince Charming got me wet.’ I laugh at my truthful declaration.
‘Still is, by the look of things.’
‘I can’t believe you just said that. What’s the worst that can happen? A broken heart.’
A knock at the door startles me. Crap, I didn’t realise the time. Shit – I now feel ashamed that I haven’t made any effort with my attire, knowing that my grey oversized joggers and a vest to match, with no bra, is a poor excuse for an outfit. My hair is in my usual Saturday style, a knot on the top of my head, and my face is free from make-up. I open the door to a very elegant lady. Amazingly, she doesn’t run for the hills.
‘Kate Harper, I presume.’ She holds out her hand. ‘I’m Valerie Simmons, personal stylist sent here by Mr Sutton.’ She’s petite and well dressed, in her early forties, with a perfect blonde coiffed bob.
‘Hi – come in.’ She enters with various bags and a trolley case.
I take her into the lounge. Well, at least my house is immaculate; I wish I could say the same about my appearance.
‘Sorry I look such a mess. Luke… I mean, Mr Sutton did say to expect you, but I got carried away cleaning.’ I laugh.
‘You look fine. I’m not here to judge. Besides, your house looks lovely.’ She definitely knows how to break the ice. ‘May I call you Kate?’
‘Yes. Would you like something to drink?’ I try to make up in manners what I lack in appearance.
‘No thank you.’ She continues to rearrange various bags. ‘I would normally bring several dresses, but from the description Mr Sutton gave me, which I have to say is accurate, I had a particular dress in mind, which arrived yesterday.’
I feel stunned. Not by Valerie’s presence, but at Luke’s description of me being spot-on. Feeling uncertain about this visit, Harry places her arm around my waist, reassuring me.
Valerie unzips a large bag, allowing the dress to escape, revealing the most beautiful fabric. It’s pale pink with an intricate black lace overlay.
‘If you could remove your clothes, Kate? Don’t worry about your underwear, I have that covered too.’ She smiles.
Valerie passes me a box containing black silk knickers and a basque bodice bra. They are stunning. I slip them on and instantly feel transformed into a burlesque dancer.
She holds the dress open, allowing me to step in, one foot at a time. I lean on Harry for support, both physically and emotionally. She shimmies the dress up my body, past my newly acquired underwear, until she reaches my breasts, at which point she zips me in wholly. I can hear a gasp from Harry and Valerie. I move to the full-length mirror and catch my reflection for the first time.
The dress is strapless with a sweetheart neckline. It hugs the contours of my body perfectly, accentuating my shape, and fans out with a floor-length fishtail. I wonder how on earth I’m going to breathe and walk.
‘Wow, Kate – bloody wow, you look stunning. The dress is made for you.’ I look at Harry in the mirror and smile. Undeniably, I feel fabulous; and excited.
‘Kate, it’s perfect! Now, shoes and accessories.’
Valerie opens her case and reaches for a box.
‘Oh my God, Kate… They’re Louboutins.’ Harry begins to clap, almost jumping up and down in excitement. We have the same size feet – she’s obviously hoping I’ll share them with her.
‘Holy—’ I stop and remember that Valerie is not familiar with Harper outbursts, so I should try to abstain from inappropriate words. Nonetheless, holy fuck! I have died and gone to shoe heaven.
‘I can see you’ve heard of the designer.’ Valerie chuckles. Louboutin virgins must be a rarity in her business.
‘Yes.’ I look at Harry, completely dumbstruck. ‘I don’t know what to say; I think I need to sit down.’
How bloody ridiculous that something so small can have such a profound effect. After all, they’re only shoes. No; they’re not just shoes, these are shoes that Harry and I have dreamed of, shoes that we look at from afar and have dreamed of owning one day. That day is here.
‘I do have a couple of sizes, but these should fit. Size five.’
Valerie speaks, but I’m lost in the world of shoes and all the dreams that go with them.
‘Yes… Sorry, I’m a five.’ I slip one on, taking one step at a time in full appreciation of the most glorious shoe. A black patent court shoe, no fuss, no frills – the epitome of simplicity.
‘Kate, they’re bloody lovely.’ Harry doesn’t speak, she squeaks, jumping up and down. Although highly embarrassing, I know how she feels.
‘This feels wrong, Harry – it’s too much: the dress, the shoes.’ I shake my head in disbelief. Luke may not have paid me, but right here, right now, I’m wearing far too much money.
‘For Christ’s sake, Kate, you look fab. You told Luke how you feel about his money.’ Harry tries her best to justify the expensive outfit.
‘Kate, may I interrupt? I know you’re attending a charity gala this evening. As you will be a guest of Mr Sutton, unfortunately what you wear will have an impact on him too. As shallow as that sounds, it’s a fact.’ Valerie speaks from experience.
‘I guess… I just feel guilty.’
‘Kate, he asked you. You have not, nor will ever, ask him for money, so get off the moral high ground and get to grips with the situation.’ Harry stands strong.
‘OK. Thanks, Harry. I can’t help the way I feel.’ Maybe she does have a point – am I morally a pain in the arse?
Valerie is back delving in her bag of tricks. I’m not sure I can take any more surprises. What will Mary Poppins produce now?
‘Evening bag, ladies. I thought I would go simple. It is a classic Chanel,’ she says with a smile, almost waiting to break out into laughter; she knows the response she will receive from the two Chanel virgins.
‘Of course, let’s go simple… because Chanel was my first choice too! You have got to be kidding. Is this a joke? Is Luke going to appear? I know I said I wouldn’t take money for these events, but this is just bloody madness.’ I can’t contain myself any longer. ‘Harry, this is crazy.’ I look at my sister for reassurance. Should I continue or just throw the towel in?
‘Yes, it is, sis, but, wow, what a fun ride you’re on. Don’t you dare think about not going. I’ll drag you there myself.’ She reaches up on tiptoe and gives me a kiss, removing any self-doubt.
‘I’m sorry, Valerie – I suspect your usual clientele are a little more refined.’
‘I do understand. Mr Sutton informed me there may be a slight battle.’
‘Oh, did he now?’ Does that mean he understands me? Maybe not, judging by the amount of money he’s spent on me.
‘Accessories, hair and make-up.’ Valerie looks at me, waiting for my input. ‘I can provide a hair stylist and make-up artist if you wish?’
I have to convince this very attractive lady that I am capable of doing my own hair and make-up; however, looking at me when she first arrived I can see how she concluded I might need help.
‘That’s fine, I can do it. As for accessories, I have a small pair of black diamond studs – less is more.’
‘Quite right, Kate. Mr Sutton did also say that you had your own style that he didn’t want me to alter.’ Is she telling me this for a reason? ‘Well, I think my job here is complete. Is there anything else you need?’
‘No, I think you have left me shocked and in a state of turmoil.’ I laugh at my own admission. ‘Are these items on loan? Or…’
Valerie laughs. ‘No, Kate, they are yours to keep – no sale and return.’
‘Oh, I see.’ I feel bloody stupid for asking, once again proving my theory that we move in different worlds. ‘Can I ask you a question?’
‘Yes, of course.’
‘Have you done this before for Mr Sutton? I mean, the dress.’ How do I finish my sentence? What exactly am I asking?
‘No, Kate. I have never styled anyone on Mr Sutton’s behalf, only the man himself.’
I take a long hard look at my reflection. The dress is stunning. Pink and black against golden glistening moisturised skin. My messy French pleat and smoky eyes with nude lipstick complete my look. I feel trepidation at the uncharted territory I will be entering this evening.
Harry taps on my door. ‘Kate.’
I remain silent, transfixed by the mirror, wearing my new stunning dress and a questioning look.
‘You look amazing.’ Harry glides next to me and holds my hand.
‘This dress is so beautiful.’ I shake my head.
‘You make the dress look beautiful. Actually, you look hot. This is going to tip Luke over the edge – you’d better watch he doesn’t challenge you again.’
‘Harry!’ I giggle and squeeze her hand, appreciating her words. ‘It’s business – not a date.’ My eyes meet her reflection.
‘You and I both know that’s bullshit.’ She makes her way to the door. ‘Kate. Please have fun. Let your hair, and barriers, down.’
I can feel anxiety brewing in the pit of my stomach. It’s business, I convince myself; Harry is wrong. But what if she isn’t wrong? I check myself one last time in the hall mirror. The knock on the door makes my pulse accelerate and my heart pound against my ribcage. With a deep breath I open the door. Holy shit, he looks drop-dead handsome and completely fuckable in his black tuxedo… Shit, this is going to be a long night of self-discipline and squirming.
‘Kate. You look stunning. Valerie chose well for you.’ His eyes scan me from top to toe, finishing at my eyes.
‘Thank you. But…the amount of money I’m wearing.’ I look down at my hands. ‘It feels wrong.’
Luke places his hand under my chin and lifts my face, locking our dark eyes together.
‘You look beautiful, and worth every penny. Please don’t allow your issue with the cost to worry you. Your inability to accept help and gifts is becoming relentless.’ He offers me a soft smile. ‘Kate Harper, I would be honoured to escort you anywhere, whatever y
ou were wearing.’
Holy shit, what does that mean? I feel a need to keep the evening moving in the right direction.
‘Shall we go?’
We walk towards the black Bentley, where Max is waiting at the kerb holding the door open.
‘Hi, Max.’
‘Kate,’ he responds with a smile, a new gesture from him.
I slide in and rearrange my dress as Luke enters and sits next to me.
Completely drawn to him, I gaze across. He looks stunning in the glow of the evening sun; this merely enhances his exquisite features. He turns to face me.
‘How do you feel about this evening?’
‘Nervous! What about you? I don’t mean about the event, but bringing me. Surely people are going to be surprised?’ I wonder if he has thought about this today.
He shrugs. ‘I have no interest in other people’s opinions.’
‘So what’s the story for tonight, in order for people not to traumatise you by asking you out. Am I your friend or girlfriend? Do I cook for you?’
‘Traumatise me?’ He laughs loudly.
‘I thought that’s why this evening has come about; you’re fed up with being hit on – continuously.’
‘Yes, that may be so, but traumatise? Not really. I can handle myself. Perhaps we do need to set some boundaries for this evening.’
He stares out of the window, his hands resting on his knees, tapping his index finger against the cloth of his trousers. I hate silence. Has he not learned that of me? I guess not.
‘Luke, are you thinking or—’
He turns to face me. ‘Is silence difficult for you, Kate?’
‘No… But for your information, the only time I’m quiet is when I am asleep. Besides, we’re soon dead and buried, so what’s the point of being silent?’ I couldn’t agree with myself more.
‘So, the only time I am to gain any peace and quiet is when you’re asleep? Interesting.’ He raises his brows, backing me into a verbal corner.